Top 14 Apps Similar to Barcel USA ACS

RizePoint Mobile-Auditor 10.2.11
RizePoint Mobile Auditor optimizes quality andoperationsaudits.Save time by streamlining the audit process,andeliminateadditional data entry by instantly uploadingauditresults.RizePoint Mobile Auditor seamlessly syncs withRizePoint, aSaaSapplication that securely collects data from MobileAuditorandconsolidates, correlates, and organizesinformationintointelligent, actionable reports and correctiveactionworkflows.This allows the right people, at the right time,toreceive alertsas critical issues arise, identify trends as soonasthey appear,and manage corrective actions through completion.TheRizePointEULA is available here:
Scannr - ID check 1.3.4+b5
Infinum Inc
Scannr - the quickest and most elegant way to scan adriver’slicense.
Immigration Case TrueTime 1.0.87
Stop guessing and stressing. Learn when your immigration casewillbe approved.
PDF417 Barcode Scan Demo App
Microblink is a demo application of 2Dbarcodescanning library (SDK) developed by Microblink team.This demo is intended primarily for developers and thoseinterestedin developing mobile barcode scanning apps, but also itcan beeasily used as any other PDF417 and QR scanning app.Features:* Barcode types: PDF417 (2D Barcode), QR code,Coder39,Code128* Flexibility: easy to integrate API* Working conditions: low and poor light conditions* Camera quality: low quality and low resolutionmobilecameras* Perspective: can shoot at an angle* Speed: 100-900 ms - depends on device and barcode size* Charset: scanning library is ideal for different barcodereaderapps like: boarding pass, personal identifications, paymentslips,driver licences and other.If you like it, check for downloads, source code on GitHub,help,pricing and more information on our website:
EZ TAG Express 2.16.1167851
Takes the hassle out of paying on Houston-area toll roads. Signupnow and go!
NFPA Journal Latinoamericano 32.0
Stay informed of key issues, high-qualitynews,resources and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)codes andstandards information for fire protection and lifesafetyprofessionals with the NFPA Journal Latinoamericano iPhoneand Ipadapplication.An official NFPA publication, each issue contains selectarticlesfrom the award-winning NFPA Journal as well as articleswrittenwith local focus by respected Latin American professionals.Eachissue includes a full slate of regular columns anddepartments,each with its own special focus.Browse and read stories covering major topics in fireprotection,suppression and life safety such as exclusive fireinvestigationreports, fire protection advances, code compliance indifferentoccupancies, and other information of interest toindustryprofessionals.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader indigitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of onlinedigitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
TransConnect 2.0.1
Trucking companies that do business with TransConnect Services(TCS)are always on the move, and we understand the need to manageyourbusiness from anywhere. With the new TCS Mobile App, you willhavemany benefits available at all times on your mobiledevice.TransConnect clients will be able to use the mobile app to:•Receive real-time account updates and view reports to stayinformedof all activity • Search for the lowest fuel pricesnationwide withthe TCS Fuel Finder • Manage your company fuel cardsfrom anywhere• Securely issue industry checks directly from yourTCS account •Contact TransConnect Client Services for unparalleledlevels ofservice and support Are you not a TransConnect client yet?Checkout the Driver’s Corner section of the app by creating afreeaccount today! This will help you learn more about ourprogramwhich includes tools to drive success and profitability,servicesto solve your needs, and support whenever you need it.Continueduse of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecreasebattery life.
SleepGpsClient 9.0.5
Free mobile GPS client application for personal or commercial use
MyCase 4.3.1
MyCase, Inc
The fully redesigned MyCase Mobile App featuressimplifiedworkflows,improved stability, and refined userexperience to helpattorneys onthe move stay productive. Whether inthe office, incourt, orsomewhere in between, the MyCase Mobile Appprovidesattorneys withthe ability to manage their practiceefficiently,take advantage ofevery moment of their day, and keepup-to-datewith critical changesto their caseload. The MyCase appallows youto: - See your day, at aglance: Upcoming events, tasks,and newclient messages are instantlyavailable when you open theapp - Beproductive, wherever you are:Complete tasks, createevents, andsend client messages - Carry allyour files in yourpocket: Accesscase and firm files from anywhere -Create timeentries on-the-goand never miss a billable minute -Stayup-to-date: Files,calendars, and documents stay in sync withallchanges Download thelatest version of the MyCase Mobile Apptoday!
Sevenminds 1.8.8
Mobile data capture solution to enhance decision-makingandworkforce management
SmartPanics 21.01.08
SmartPanics permite transmitir eventos de alarma a sistemasdemonitoreo electrónico de una manera simple y eficiente.SmartPanicspuede ayudarlo rápidamente a solucionar su problemainformándole asu empresa de servicios de seguridad sobre laemergencia que ustedtiene. Deberá solicitar a su empresa losparámetros deconfiguración y activación de la aplicación. Tenga encuenta que lamisma podría cobrarle por esta funcionalidad. Laaplicación disponede 3 botones para envío de alarmas: • SOS/PANICO• FUEGO •ASISTENCIA También le permitirá asociar números, de sulista decontactos, para que sean notificados al mismo tiempo que suempresade servicios de seguridad. Se podrá indicar la formadenotificación de la alarma a sus contactos (llamada telefónicaoSMS) según lo desee. SmartPanics le será útil cuando: •Seencuentra en riesgo su seguridad (robo, intrusos en suhogar,secuestro, etc.). • Se encuentra en un lugar donde nopuedesolicitar ayuda. • Ha sufrido un accidente y no hay nadiecercapara auxiliarlo. • Está en una situación de emergencia dondeserequiere asistencia inmediata • Atraviese una zona obarriopeligroso en camino a su hogar SmartPanics le permite enviarunmensaje de emergencia que contendrá su posición satelital (siestaestá disponible) para que lo puedan hallar fácilmente.SmartPanicsdispone también de un botón de "SOS Demorado" quepermiteprevenirse enviando anticipadamente una alerta conposibilidad decancelarse en un lapso de tiempo, pudiendo advertirlecon un avisosonoro un minuto antes del envío de la alarma efectiva.Para suseguridad, la aplicación podrá ocultarse luego de enviadounaalarma de SOS. Para evitar falsos disparos de alarma, ustedpodrábloquear la aplicación con usuario y contraseña. SmartPanicscuidade su familia y de su negocio. Conozca en todo momento laposiciónde sus seres queridos y de sus empleados, mediante unaavanzadafunción de seguimiento. Verifique si algún dispositivo desuentorno ha disparado alguna alerta recientemente. Creegeo-cercasalrededor de su domicilio, comercio, la escuela de sushijos o deuna zona peligrosa. La aplicación podrá generar alertas,si algúnfamiliar o empleado ingresa o sale de las áreas definidas.CompartaSmartPanics con sus familiares y amigos. La función desugerencia,permite que su estación de monitoreo, reciba los datosde losnuevos interesados para contactarlos inmediatamente.ATENCION: *Utilice esta aplicación solamente si está en unasituación deemergencia real. (Dispone de un botón de testeo paraprobar sufuncionamiento). * Dependiendo de su ubicación lainformaciónsatelital puede tardar en obtenerse o no lograrse. Detodos modos,la alarma enviada llegara a destino. * Las nuevascaracterísticasde esta versión requieren nuevos servicios de suproveedor deservicios de seguridad. Por favor contactes con el paraconocerlas* El uso continuo del funcionamiento del GPS en el fondopuededisminuir dramáticamente la vida de la batería. SmartPanicsoperaúnicamente conectada a un servidor de una empresa prestadoradeservicios de seguridad electrónica por monitoreo. SmartPanicsloacompañara todo el tiempo, siéntase seguro. Disponibleactualmenteen idioma Inglés, Español, Italiano y Portugués. Otroslenguajesestarán disponibles próximamente.
VIN Check Report for Used Cars
VIN & License Plate Lookup w/ Specs, Value, Recalls,Stolen,Engine + Decoder
Campus Labs® Event Check-in 2.1.1
Campus Labs
Campus event hosts can easily and securely check studentsintoevents
Skimmer Pro 9.0
skimmer tech
Skimmer is the best Pool Service App on the planet,witheverythingyou need to run your pool service business, all inoneapp. Now,you can finally ditch that old paper-based system andrunyourbusiness with Pool Service Software that rocks!Learnmore: Watchdemovideo: CUSTOMERS Trackallyourcustomers, each with the ability to have multiplelocationsandbodies of water. Always have up-to-datecontactinformation,wherever you go. ROUTES Everything you needtocustomize andoptimize routes, along with tracking all yourservicestop data.Easily move stops to a different day or from onetech toanother.SERVICE EMAILS Email your customers beautifulservicereportsautomatically when you finish each route stop.Includephotos alongwith chemical readings and dosages. SHOPPINGLIST Needa part? Putit on the built-in shopping list and track itthroughevery stagefrom purchasing to installing and finallyinvoicing thecustomer.INVOICING REPORT You’ve done the work, nowget paid forit. Skimmermakes it easy to see all the work you'vedone for eachcustomer forany period of time, making billing a snap.SERVICEHISTORY Easilysee a pool’s entire service history. Colorcodingshows when apool’s chemistry was out of range. Quickly findwhenparts wereinstalled. CLOUD SYNC Skimmer automatically syncs tothecloud, soall your data is safe and every tech has themostup-to-dateinformation. Optimize Your Route See your route on amap,alongwith distance and time to complete. Drag and drop routestopstocreate the perfect route and save for future use. KnowWhereYourTechs Are With just a glance you know where each and everytechis,when they started, and when they should finish for the day.Withasimple tap, you can see their entire day’s route andservicestopdetails, so you can manage and grow your businesswithmoreinformation than ever before. Track Readings andDosagesThinknothing could be as fast as writing values down?Thinkagain!Skimmer is the fastest way to enter all your ReadingsandDosages.Period. Customer Info at Your Fingertips With Skimmer,youalwayshave the most up-to-date customer information with you.Andso doall of your techs. Never Forget a Part Again Ever forgettobuy apart? Or install it? Or even bill for it? Yeah, we'veallbeenthere. That's why Skimmer tracks a part from the momentit'sneededuntil the time it's billed for. So nothing evergetsforgotten.Work Offline Skimmer works the same whether you haveaninternetconnection or not. You shouldn't have to think aboutit,and nowyou don't. Plus, it automatically syncs to the Cloud,soyour datais always safe. Get the Skimmer pool service app today!