Top 5 Apps Similar to Halal Malaysia

Halal Apps by HDC allow user to search nearby halal foodpremisesand restaurant
Halal food guide 1.7.0
Afrim Azizi
" Forbidden to you (for food) are:deadmeat,blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath beeninvokedthename of other than Allah. that which hath beenkilledbystrangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall,orbybeing gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten byawildanimal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in dueform);thatwhich is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) alsoisthedivision (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that isimpiety.Thisday have those who reject faith given up all hope ofyourreligion:yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have Iperfectedyourreligion for you, completed My favour upon you, andhave chosenforyou Islam as your religion. But if any is forced byhunger, withnoinclination to transgression, Allah is indeedOft-forgiving,MostMerciful." [Al-Maeda 5:3]Full Emuglators (e-codes) explanation about their content,anditsstatus according to Islam regulativesHalal(Allowed),Haram(Prohibited) or Depends respectively.
Searchalal 1.0.2
1. Search for HalalCertifiedRestaurantscertified by JAKIM in Malaysia2. Search for Halal Certified Hotels by JAKIM in Malaysia3. List of Certified Halal International body by JAKIM
Halal or Haraam E-codes 1.0
FREE - Numbered and Sectioned - Downloadandlookup if the secret "E-codes / E-numbers" on the back offoodpackaging is a Halal or Haraam ingredient. Quick and easytouse!Please share this app with brothers and sisters aroundtheworld.
Halal Barcode Scanner UPSI 1.0
This is application is use to detectthestatusof a product especially food whether it is halal or notbyscanningthe barcode only.