Top 13 Apps Similar to 티공

타임체커 - 시험 시간 관리 (TIME CHECKER) 2.61
★기존 사용자분들께서는 타임체커 앱 "업데이트" 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.★업데이트 미진행 시, 일부 컨텐츠가 정상적으로 보이지 않을 수 있습니다.시험시간 내에 제 실력을 100% 발휘하고 있나요?쉬운 수능 해결책, 문제는 시간입니다.타임체커가 ‘실수하지 않는 실력’을 만들어 드립니다.타임체커(TIME CHECKER)는 편리한 시험 응시와 자동채점, 시험 시간 분석 등을 제공하는새로운 시험 관리 서비스입니다.지금까지는 시험의 ‘결과’만 보았다면 이제는 타임체커(TIME CHECKER)로 시험의 ‘과정’을분석하시기바랍니다.서비스에서 제시하는 문항별 풀이시간과 풀이패턴 측정을 통해 ‘실수하지 않는 실력’을 만들어 드립니다.시험시간 내에 제 실력을 100% 발휘하고 있나요?91%의 학생들이 시험 시간 관리 미흡으로 실수한 경험이 있다고 대답합니다.2015 수능에서 영역을 망라하여 변별력을 가른 것은 무엇일까요?바로 시간입니다. 2015 수능에서 변별력의 중심으로 떠오른 국어와 탐구영역에서좋은 성적을 거둔 학생들은 바로 시간 관리에 성공한 학생들입니다.쉬운 수능 해결책, 문제는 시간입니다.마킹부터 시간 체크까지, 실전 같은 연습을 하는 것은 매우 중요합니다.타임체커(TIME CHECKER)의 실전 시험 훈련을 통해 시험 시간관리 및 운영 능력을 향상시킬 수 있으며선생님의 경우 출제 · 응시 · 채점 · 결과 분석까지! 스마트한 학생 관리 서비스를 제공하여시험의 출제 및 채점, 성적 분석 등 학생 관리에 들이는 시간을 획기적으로 줄이고,선생님의 연구 시간을 확보해 드립니다.[타임체커(TIME CHECKER) 주요기능 소개]1. 빠른응시 : 수능 시험에 맞춘 OMR 제공으로 간단한 과목 선택만으로 바로 응시 가능2. OMR 찾기 : 학습 대상별, 과목별, OMR 제목별, 최신별, 인기별 자신에게 맞는 OMR을 선택하여응시가능3. OMR 응시 : 실전 연습이 가능하도록 타이머, 예비&본마킹, 나중에 풀기 기능 제공3. 성적표 : 응시한 시험을 자동 채점하여 성적, 랭킹, 풀이패턴, 문항별 분석 데이터를 제공하며 오답노트 및 공유기능제공4. OMR 출제 : 출제하고자 하는 시험정보 및 문항별 정보, 문제 정보를 입력하여 원하는 시험의 OMR생성가능----개발자 연락처 :서울시 강남구 봉은사로 434★ bundeulkkeseoexistinguser, please proceed-time checker app "Update."★ You can not see the update progress the US, normallysomecontent.It is to demonstrate my skills 100% in the test of time?Easy SAT solution, the problem is time.The time checker will create a 'do not make mistakes skills.Checkers Time (TIME CHECKER) is easy exam and to provideautomaticscoring, test time analysisThe new test management services.If until now only seen 'results' of the test now, please analyzethe'process' of the test with a time checker (TIME CHECKER).Through questions by solving time and solving measurementpatternpresented in the service will create a 'do not makemistakesskills.It is to demonstrate my skills 100% in the test of time?91% of students answered that you are a real lack ofmanagementexperience in the examination time.What is to cover the area in 2015, the SATgareundiscrimination?Is the time. In 2015, in the Korean SAT and explore the areaemergedas the center of DiscriminationStudents geodun good grades students are very successfultimemanagement.Easy SAT solution, the problem is time.From marking to check the time, but that the practice of exerciseisvery important.Time Checkers to improve test time management and ability tooperatethrough a practice test training (TIME CHECKER) andIn the case of teachers, staring up questions, scoring,resultsanalysis! By providing a smart studentadministrationservicesDramatically reduce the time that the student managementquestionsand scoring, qualitative analysis of the test,We will ensure the research time teachers.[Time Checkers (TIME CHECKER) Introduction Main Features]1. Quick to take: Available immediately with a simple staresubjectsselected for OMR provides tailored to the CollegeScholastic AbilityTest2. OMR Finder: Select the OMR can stare right fortarget-specificlearning, by subject, by title OMR, the latest staron theirTopPeeling providing a timer, to allow hands-on exercises andthepre-marking feature later: 3. OMR stare3. report: to provide automatic scoring to take the testprovidesscores, rankings, grass pattern, questions by analyzingdata andincorrect notes and sharing capabilities4. OMR questions: Exam questions and specific information, canenterthe information problem OMR create the desired testquestionsto
클래스오엠알 CLASSOMR 1.7.4
클래스오엠알은 누구나 쉽게 사용가능한 OMR 프로그램입니다.모든 시험에 대응하도록, 주관식/객관식/수학수식 등을 제공합니다.또한, 라이브러리를 구축하여, 쉽게 시험을 제출할 수 있습니다.이 번 버전에서는 시험 및 과제전 학습기능을 추가하였습니다.사용하는 방법 및 메뉴얼 다운로드는에서 확인하세요!사용문의배철웅010-9238-5874Emal five classes arealleasily available OMR program.To correspond to all the tests, and provides short answer /multiplechoice / math formulas, etc.In addition, by building a library, you can easily submit the test.This version adds a number gwajejeon testing andlearningcapabilities.And how to use the manual check!Using ContactBaecheolung010-9238-5874
Exam Reader-Optical Test Grade 3.1.3
OMR software for teachers. Scan & grade tests withcamera.Create your sheets.
스마트 OMR 1.0.2
스마트 OMR이 출시 되었습니다.----개발자 연락처 :[email protected] OMRhasbeenreleased.
OMR Answer Sheet Checker 1.6.9
EduApplet intends to maximize theparticipationof Students, Parents and Teachers in theinstitutional informationmanagement and dissemination system,through the use of latestin-trend technology.EduApplet bridges the information gap between Parents&Institute by providing direct data connectivity to the enduser,thus trimming down, the time consuming and lessyieldingconventional way of communication.EduApplet is a cost effective preposition for the institute,asit minimizes the need of costly bulk SMS and stillmaximizescommunication. Since this is an instant method ofcommunication,based on database connectivity, thus it is free fromcomplainsabout non-receipt or spamming of emails.Many facilities like Attendance, Click Pix, Course Monitoretc.minimizes the backend work load of institute by providingselectiveentry interfaces directly to teachers and students.EduApplet provides a wide platform offering vivid andcosteffective academic exposure to the students in terms ofPracticepapers, Test series and Quiz contests, Discussion Forumetc.Notifications : Stay updated with messages sent by yourInstituteto you or your group. Complete and cost effectivereplacement forBulk SMS & Email services.Opportunities : Stay connected with the world. Don’tmissinformation about various avenues and offers in education,jobs& other sectors which might be a great help tothestudents.E-Learning : Institute upload videos with ease at nocost.Students get restricted access to free or purchasedvideos.Restricted access with no possibility of copying orpasswordsharing.Discussion Forum : Combine the power of Pen & Paper witheaseof sharing of app with Camera. So whether it is an equation,formulaor a diagram to be drawn. Anyone can take part indiscussion.Quiz Pad : Test schedule on your fingertips. Attemptonlinetests, class quiz and join test series on your androiddevice.Score Board : Check your results on your fingertips. ViewyourAnswer Sheet, Graphical Performance Report and TestSolutions.Downloads & Links : Get your Notes, Assignments,PracticePapers, Activity Schedule on your device. Check hundreds ofusefullinks.Feedback : Collect reviews about Institute, Course,Instructor,Campus, Training Programs and any other issues intheorganization.Profile : Validate your details with the institute such asdateof joining, validity, parents name, background, batch,address,mobile number, email address etc.Click Pix : No more getting passport size photos, attachingthemwith your form or getting them scanned. Directly click &updateyou profile photo for your Identity card.Help Centre : Seeking an appointment or got complainonincomplete syllabus? Make easy queries, get quick responses. Keeparecord of all your requests and solutions.Attendance : Complete replacement for manual Attendanceregisterfor Teachers. Students check their attendance reports.Course Monitor : Teachers update the Chapters & Topicstaughtdaily in class. Student & Institute managementstayinformed.Time-table : Teachers & Students carry the updatedWeeklyclass schedule in your pocket.Library : No long queues in the library. Reserve a bookonline.Get notification for availability and reminders forreturn.Accounts : Get instant info about Fee Dues and Receipts,makeonline payments.
Don't Falling My Monster 1.1
Cool monsters are waiting for you in the arena. Just don't fall.DoNot Fall
OMR Evaluator 4.9.2
ekodroid labs
OMR Evaluator is designed to evaluateOMRAnswer sheet. Application take picture of Answer sheet andcomparesmarked Answers with User Specified Answer Key, it alsocompilesdetail result report and send it to user on providedEmailaddress.
S-MARK Anywhere 2.4
myID Limited
아카데미 체커(ACADEMY Checker) 1.8.9
Educational utility services that make homework and testscoremanagement easier.
알트클래스(Alt class) 4.9
Alt edu
알트클래스는 시험/과제를 수행하고 OMR을 통한 답안 입력을 통해 실시간 자동 채점과 학생별 오답에 따른 2차,3차재시험 등 학생을 지도하면서 필수적으로 필요했으나 일일이 수기로 작업을 해서 시간이 많이 걸리고 손이 많이 갔던단순반복 업무를 간편하게 자동화하고 이를 효율적으로 활용할 수 있게 도움을 주는 세상의 모든 시험을 지원하는 학습플랫폼입니다. 학원(교습소, 과외 포함)이나 학교 등 교육기관이나 선생님 개인이 시험 출제 및 관리에 대한 지원을기본으로하며 학생들의 효율적인 자기주도 학습을 돕고 학부모들에게는 자녀들의 학습 진행 상황에 대한 확인을 할 수 있는서비스입니다. 사용자들간의 활발한 교류와 분업과 협업을 통해 지속적으로 함께 발전해 나가는 서비스를 지향합니다.진정한에듀테크 통합 플랫폼 알트클래스(Alt class)를 경험해보시기 바랍니다. 1. 알트클래스(Altclass)가지원하는 기능 01) 시중 출판사 교재 기반 간편 테스트 출제 가능 02) 내신대비/모의고사 등 학원에서수행하는 시험지OMR 빠른 등록 가능 03) 베스트셀러 시중 교재 전체 문항의 OMR 라이브러리 기본 제공(구독 신청 후즉시 사용가능) 04) 학생은 APP을 통해 나에게 출제된 테스트를 조회하고 OMR을 통한 빠른 답안 입력 가능 05)이를 통해자동 채점과 실시간 성적 조회 가능 06) 수학/과학 과목의 난제인 수식이 포함된 주관식 정답의 OMR 입력완벽하게해결 07) 수식 포함된 주관식 정답은 수식 그대로 빠른 정답만 입력하여 OMR 입력을 위한 일괄 변환 등록 가능08)오답 문항만 모아서 2차, 3차 반복 테스트 수행 가능(차시별 개별 이력도 조회 가능) 09) 오답 문항 해설 또는해설강의 연결 지원(유튜브, vimeo, NAS 등) 10) 영어 과목의 경우 음원(mp3) 연동 지원으로 어학학습기로활용 가능 11) 시중 출판사 교재 기반 전국 단위의 성적 분석과 통계 서비스 제공 12) 학원과 학생/학부모소통강화(알림장, 앨범) 지원 예정 13) 심플하고 직관적인 출결관리 지원(키패드, H/W연동 지원) 예정14)원장/강사는 WEB 관리자에서 학생/학부모는 APP을 통한 통합 학원관리 지원 2. 원장님과 강사는 홈페이지에서서비스신청해주세요. 홈페이지 : 3. 개발자 연락처 상호 :알트에듀(416-27-90136) 주소 : 서울시 성북구 화랑로11길 26 월곡갑을명가 205호 전화 :02-968-0979/ 010-3260-0893(강성욱) 메일 : [email protected]
새본아카데미 MEPS 시즌1 1.5
아직도 수업시간에 선생님이 직접 채점을 하고 계신가요?새본아카데미의 앱을 이용하면 언제 어디서나 쉽게 평가를 응시하고 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다. 수업시간에부과된평가뿐만아니라 검색을 통해 기존에 만들어진 각종 기출문제도 쉽게 응시할 수 있습니다.응시한 모든 평가이력을 관리하고 틀린문제는 오답노트를 통해 또 한번 잡아주고!새본아카데미 앱은 중/고등 전과정에 필요한 25만개의 개념과 문항을 10개의 난이도와1068/1365개유형의세분화된 단위로 분류하고 각각의 학습 목적(내신, 수능, 모의고사, 특목고, 영재/자사고,경시대회 등)에 따라최적화된맞춤 평가지를 제공합니다.- 기능:1. 평가별 OMR 채점 기능 제공2. 응시 결과에 대한 분석 정보 제공3. 응시 결과 관리 및 오답 노트 제공※ 주의사항해당 앱의 일부 기능은 새본아카데미 재원생에게만 제공됩니다.- 개발자 연락처:02-555-4001 새본아카데미 IT 사업부Twitter andteachersstilldirect the scoring in the class?Saebon With the app, you can easily anytime, anywhereintheAcademy to take the assessment and verify theresults.Variousitems as soon as they become problems, as well astheassessmentmade in the existing levy in the classroom throughasearch caneasily take.Manage all who take the wrong problem history andevaluationforholding again through the incorrect notes!Saebon Academy app classification concepts andquestionsof250,000 needed for medium / high difficulty andLifeCycle1068/1365 of 10 different types of granular units and eachofthelearning objectives (GPA, SAT, practice test, teukmokgo,Gifted/jasago, provides an optimized custom evaluated accordingtowhethercompetition, etc.).- Function:1. Assessment OMR scoring function provided by2. To provide analytical information to stare results3. Manage and provide incorrect results take notes※ NotesSome of the features of the app is only available tosaebonAcademystudent funding.- Developer Contact:02-555-4001 saebon Academy IT business
OMR Test Checker 1.6.9
EduApplet intends to maximize theparticipationof Students, Parents and Teachers in theinstitutional informationmanagement and dissemination system,through the use of latestin-trend technology.EduApplet bridges the information gap between Parents&Institute by providing direct data connectivity to the enduser,thus trimming down, the time consuming and lessyieldingconventional way of communication.EduApplet is a cost effective preposition for the institute,asit minimizes the need of costly bulk SMS and stillmaximizescommunication. Since this is an instant method ofcommunication,based on database connectivity, thus it is free fromcomplainsabout non-receipt or spamming of emails.Many facilities like Attendance, Click Pix, Course Monitoretc.minimizes the backend work load of institute by providingselectiveentry interfaces directly to teachers and students.EduApplet provides a wide platform offering vivid andcosteffective academic exposure to the students in terms ofPracticepapers, Test series and Quiz contests, Discussion Forumetc.Notifications : Stay updated with messages sent by yourInstituteto you or your group. Complete and cost effectivereplacement forBulk SMS & Email services.Opportunities : Stay connected with the world. Don’tmissinformation about various avenues and offers in education,jobs& other sectors which might be a great help tothestudents.E-Learning : Institute upload videos with ease at nocost.Students get restricted access to free or purchasedvideos.Restricted access with no possibility of copying orpasswordsharing.Discussion Forum : Combine the power of Pen & Paper witheaseof sharing of app with Camera. So whether it is an equation,formulaor a diagram to be drawn. Anyone can take part indiscussion.Quiz Pad : Test schedule on your fingertips. Attemptonlinetests, class quiz and join test series on your androiddevice.Score Board : Check your results on your fingertips. ViewyourAnswer Sheet, Graphical Performance Report and TestSolutions.Downloads & Links : Get your Notes, Assignments,PracticePapers, Activity Schedule on your device. Check hundreds ofusefullinks.Feedback : Collect reviews about Institute, Course,Instructor,Campus, Training Programs and any other issues intheorganization.Profile : Validate your details with the institute such asdateof joining, validity, parents name, background, batch,address,mobile number, email address etc.Click Pix : No more getting passport size photos, attachingthemwith your form or getting them scanned. Directly click &updateyou profile photo for your Identity card.Help Centre : Seeking an appointment or got complainonincomplete syllabus? Make easy queries, get quick responses. Keeparecord of all your requests and solutions.Attendance : Complete replacement for manual Attendanceregisterfor Teachers. Students check their attendance reports.Course Monitor : Teachers update the Chapters & Topicstaughtdaily in class. Student & Institute managementstayinformed.Time-table : Teachers & Students carry the updatedWeeklyclass schedule in your pocket.Library : No long queues in the library. Reserve a bookonline.Get notification for availability and reminders forreturn.Accounts : Get instant info about Fee Dues and Receipts,makeonline payments.
OMR-OCR-ICR Tool 1.6.9
EduApplet intends to maximize theparticipationof Students, Parents and Teachers in theinstitutional informationmanagement and dissemination system,through the use of latestin-trend technology.EduApplet bridges the information gap between Parents&Institute by providing direct data connectivity to the enduser,thus trimming down, the time consuming and lessyieldingconventional way of communication.EduApplet is a cost effective preposition for the institute,asit minimizes the need of costly bulk SMS and stillmaximizescommunication. Since this is an instant method ofcommunication,based on database connectivity, thus it is free fromcomplainsabout non-receipt or spamming of emails.Many facilities like Attendance, Click Pix, Course Monitoretc.minimizes the backend work load of institute by providingselectiveentry interfaces directly to teachers and students.EduApplet provides a wide platform offering vivid andcosteffective academic exposure to the students in terms ofPracticepapers, Test series and Quiz contests, Discussion Forumetc.Notifications : Stay updated with messages sent by yourInstituteto you or your group. Complete and cost effectivereplacement forBulk SMS & Email services.Opportunities : Stay connected with the world. Don’tmissinformation about various avenues and offers in education,jobs& other sectors which might be a great help tothestudents.E-Learning : Institute upload videos with ease at nocost.Students get restricted access to free or purchasedvideos.Restricted access with no possibility of copying orpasswordsharing.Discussion Forum : Combine the power of Pen & Paper witheaseof sharing of app with Camera. So whether it is an equation,formulaor a diagram to be drawn. Anyone can take part indiscussion.Quiz Pad : Test schedule on your fingertips. Attemptonlinetests, class quiz and join test series on your androiddevice.Score Board : Check your results on your fingertips. ViewyourAnswer Sheet, Graphical Performance Report and TestSolutions.Downloads & Links : Get your Notes, Assignments,PracticePapers, Activity Schedule on your device. Check hundreds ofusefullinks.Feedback : Collect reviews about Institute, Course,Instructor,Campus, Training Programs and any other issues intheorganization.Profile : Validate your details with the institute such asdateof joining, validity, parents name, background, batch,address,mobile number, email address etc.Click Pix : No more getting passport size photos, attachingthemwith your form or getting them scanned. Directly click &updateyou profile photo for your Identity card.Help Centre : Seeking an appointment or got complainonincomplete syllabus? Make easy queries, get quick responses. Keeparecord of all your requests and solutions.Attendance : Complete replacement for manual Attendanceregisterfor Teachers. Students check their attendance reports.Course Monitor : Teachers update the Chapters & Topicstaughtdaily in class. Student & Institute managementstayinformed.Time-table : Teachers & Students carry the updatedWeeklyclass schedule in your pocket.Library : No long queues in the library. Reserve a bookonline.Get notification for availability and reminders forreturn.Accounts : Get instant info about Fee Dues and Receipts,makeonline payments.