Top 7 Apps Similar to William Shakespeare Books

Novels of William Shakespeare 33.1
The Novels of William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Complete Works 4.1
Complete works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Quotes 1.6
The Application contains a hearttouchingcollection of William Shakespeare Quotes categorized invarioussubjects. Be motivated, or motivate others byreading/sharing mostpopular quotes of William Shakespeare. A greatway to live a truedaily life of achievements and pleasure with'Quote of the Day'functionality.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare 8.0
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost by John Milton 2.0
Mike Manley
Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blankversebythe 17th-century English poet John Milton (1608-1674).Itwasoriginally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total ofovertenthousand individual lines of verse. A second editionfollowedin1674, changed into twelve books. It is considered bycritics tobeMilton's "major work"The poem concerns the Biblical story of the Fall ofMan:thetemptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satanandtheirexpulsion from the Garden of Eden;This edition is based on the twelve books of the1860Collieredition with 50 plates by Gustave Doré and anintroductiontoParadise Lost by Robert Vaughan, D.D. and includesanabridgedbiography of Gustave Doré,Robert Vaughan, D.D"-"The general impression concerning Shakespeare is that hewasaman little influenced by the love of fame; and littleinterestedinthe struggle relating to civil and religious libertywhichwasbecoming daily stronger in his time and was soon to bringonacivil war. In these respects Milton was another man.Hisreverencefor humanity in its higher forms, made him desire tohavea placein its memory, and in its great heart in the time tocome.In thissense he was ambitious, and made no secret of beingso;while inregard to freedom generally, such was his estimate ofitstendencyto develop and ennoble manhood, that to secureitsinfluence to hiscountry, he may be said to have placed hismasterpassion his loveof poetry in abeyance for half a lifetime,andduring thatinterval, not only to have brought himself toblindnessin itscause, but to have exposed himself to the utmosthazard.His convictions, as a Christian and a patriot,wereenlightened,serious, and deeply seated. Men of his order mustliveto greatmoral and religions ends. Shakespeare, in his vocation,wasalwaysa man of comparative purity, more so in his later years;buthecould make vice furnish amusement as Milton nevercould.Theforbidden, whether in the shape of levity or malignity,isalwayspresented by our epic poet in its true colours, andneverfails ofits reward. It is something to be able to say ofthegreatest ofour bards, that he was one of the best of men.Thefruits of hisgenius, accordingly, may well find their homo inthepuresthouseholds.What the genius of Milton was the intelligence of hiscountryhasat length fairly recognised. In his day the Bible wasregardedas atreasure which had been lost and found. Not morethanthreegenerations had passed since it had been rescued fromthemostguarded secrecy, and made to be a home possession withourpeople.Great was the value attached to it: simple, earnest,andunshakenwas the faith reposed in it. "
William Shakespeare Quotes 1.2.0
This application contains hundreds ofthefamous english writer William Shakespare. You can search quotesbykeyword, see random quotes or the full list of quotes.
শেকসপিয়র রচনা সমগ্র 1.0
শেকসপিয়র রচনা সমগ্র, যা থাকছেঃ১। শেকসপিয়রের জীবনী, সাহিত্য তালিকা ও বানী সমগ্র২। শেকসপিয়রের রচনা সমগ্রনোটঃ ইন্টারনেট কানেকশন দরকার নেই।Shakespeare wrote awhole,which includes:1. Shakespeare's biography, literature lists andconfirmingtheII. Shakespeare wrote the entireNote: You do not need an Internet connection.