Top 16 Apps Similar to Aristotle Books

Aristotle Quotes 1.5
Aristotle was one of the greatestGreekPhilosopher and important founding figures in Westernphilosophy.Our application features a complete set of all hisfamous quotesand sayings on wide range of topics such as morality,aesthetics,science, politics etc. The collection of Aristotle’squotes cangive you a crystal clear picture of his intellectual,ideology andviews on life and society.This app has some of the best features such as:• 100% Free and Offline• Save your favorite quotes as an image or set is aswallpaper• Listen to quotes via text to speech functionality• Quote of the day• Short Biography• Quotes by categories• Top 20 Quotes• Social media sharing features
Philosophie & Sagesse du Monde 3.2
philosophy and its various currents through hundreds of citations
The Complete Plato 4.1
The complete works of greatest philosopher
Aristote Ethique à Nicomaque 1 1.0
Lecture audio
Éthique à Nicomaque (tome 1) d'Aristoteestunlivre audio de philosophie proposé par Lecture-audio.frVersion intégrale tome 1 - Durée : 04h32 - Lecteur : Sualtam* À PROPOS DE L'APPLICATION *Chaque application de lecture audio propose un unique livreaudiodephilosophie ce qui permet de simplifier la navigation etévitelagestion pour l'utilisateur d'une bibliothèquesonorecomplexe.Voici les fonctionnalités plébiscitées par nos utilisateurs :- reprise de la lecture où vous vous trouviez lors deladernièreécoute ;- accès et navigation via une liste des chapitres ;- ajout de signets en cours de lecture ;- lecture/pause (tapoter deux fois l'écran) et passage àlapistesuivante/précédente (balayer l'écran) ;- avancer ou reculer de 10 secondes ;- partager vos lectures sur vos réseaux sociaux (Google+,Twitter,Facebook)* À PROPOS DE L’ŒUVRE *Dans cet ouvrage Aristote s’attaque à la questiondubonheur,question combien centrale et complexe qui n’a, à cejour,pastrouvé d’issue définitive.Nos sociétés modernes placent le bonheur dans unequêteindividuelle,chacun à la recherche de sa véritépropre,s’efforçant d’accéder àune plénitude de l’être. Dans cecontexte,les autres sont conçus aupire comme des obstacles, aumieux commenégligeables.Au contraire, dans l’Éthique à Nicomaque, Aristote la placeauseinmême de la collectivité. C’est dans mon rapport aux autres,àmessemblables que ce joue cette recherche. C’est en tantquecitoyenfaisant partie d’une communauté que je peux trouverlechemin dubonheur. Pour lui, seuls les bêtes ou les Dieuxpeuventêtreautosuffisants. Il nous conduit donc à repenser la quêtedubonheurau sein d’un tissu relationnel.Comme à son habitude, cela passe d’abord et avant toutparuneanalyse minutieuse. Ici, les vices et des vertus del’humanitésontdisséqués. Aristote les questionne longuement pourencomprendre lanature, l’origine, les effets. Ilarriveprogressivement à unemorale du jute milieu, estimant quechaquevertu est associée àdeux vices opposés, l’un dans l’excès,l’autredans le manque.Ainsi, par exemple, le courage se situe dansunejuste mesure entred’un côté la témérité et de l’autrelalâcheté.Au terme de son analyse il déploie un véritable plaidoyerenfaveurde l’amitié, allant jusqu’à affirmer que sans l’amitié lavienevaut pas d’être vécue.NicomacheanEthics(volume1) Aristotle is a philosophy audiobookproposedbyLecture-audio.frfull version Volume 1 - Duration: 4:32 - Drive: Sualtam* ABOUT THE APPLICATION *Each audio player application offers a unique philosophyofaudiobook which simplifies navigation and prevents theusermanagementfor a complex sound library.Here are the features acclaimed by our users:- Resume play where you were at the last listening;- Access and navigation through a list of chapters;- Adding playing bookmarks;- Play / Pause (double-tap the screen) and move to thenext/previous track (swipe);- Forward or rewind 10 seconds;- Share your readings on your social networks(Google+,Twitter,Facebook)* ABOUT WORK *In this book Aristotle tackles the question of happiness,howcentraland complex issue that has, to date, foundnodefinitiveoutcome.Our modern societies place happiness in an individualquest,eachseeking his own truth, striving to reach a fullness ofbeing.Inthis context, others are designed for the worst asobstaclesatbest negligible.In contrast, in the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle placewithinthecommunity. It's in my report to others, my fellow thatplaysthisresearch. This is as a citizen belonging to a communitythat Icanfind the way to happiness. For him, only the gods orbeasts canbeself-sufficient. It leads us to rethink the pursuit ofhappinessina relational fabric.As usual, this first and foremost by careful analysis.Here,thevirtues and vices of mankind are dissected.Aristotlequestionedthem at length to understand the nature, origin,effects.Hegradually comes to a moral jute middle, believing thateachvirtueis associated with two opposite vices, one in excess,theother inthe gap. For example, courage is in a right balancebetweenon oneside the temerity and the other cowardice.After his analysis he displays a genuine plea for friendship,uptosay that without friendship life is not worth living.
Philosophy Quotes, Philosophos 3.0
Roman Mbwasi
Philosophy quotes from the Worlds greatest Philosophers.
Library Unplugged 5.1
We have unplugged the library withoure-library offering – Indiannica Library Unplugged. Itprovidesaccess to high quality reference materials to assistcurricularlearning. We bring the library within the classroom, andat home,making it available 24x7 on any device, in the formofe-books.
Encyclopedia 1.2
Encyclo has been created by us, with the intention ofprovidingacomplete collection of meanings and definitions. Yoursearchtermuses more than 2000 English wordlists including Wikipediaandotheronline resources. We offer you the first 250 lettersofeachdefinition. If you require more detail or furtherexplanationyoumay click through to the original source of thewordlist.
Oxford Philosophy Dictionary 11.1.544
The most comprehensive dictionary of philosophy in English.
Fundamental Philosophy, Vol. 1 4.3
Read "Fundamental Philosophy, Vol. 1 (of 2)" by JaimeLucianoBalmes! Once you install this app, you can read it by1-clickwithout connecting network. You can also check your "ReadingScore"from the menu.
Philosophy & Metaphysics 3.0
Philosophy through tens of quotes and poems
Philosophical schools 82.3.03
Directory of philosophical schools
Philosophers 82.3.03
Directory of the philosophers
German Philosophers Quotes Galileo
Quotes of great German philosophers
Philosophical terms 80.91.30
Directory of philosophical terms
Politics by Aristotle audio 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Politics, by Aristotle.Itisone of the most influential texts in political philosophy.Init,Aristotle explores the role that the politicalcommunityshouldplay in developing the virtue of its citizens. Oneof hiscentralideas is that “Man is a political animal,” meaningthatpeople canonly become virtuous by active participation inthepoliticalcommunity.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browserandallowsyou to listen to the audiobook recording of Politicswithouthavingto download the file to your device. Includes abilitytocontrolvolume, pause, rewind and forward.