Top 32 Apps Similar to Autimo - AMIKEO APPS

PictoTEA 1.5
Communication by pictograms for people with ASD, TGD, Autismandrelated
SymboTalk - AAC Talker 2.0.140
Elad Elram
Communication Boards App, Used By Speech Therapists All OverTheWorld!
#Soyvisual 2.3.0
#Soyvisual interactive activities for the development oforallanguage
TalkinPictures 1.6
TalkinPictures • Simple • Responsive • Customisable • Practical•Autism helpful
LetMeTalk: Free AAC Talker 1.4.29
Appnotize UG
A free AAC talker app which supports communication in allareasoflife and therefore providing a voice to everyone.LetMeTalkisdonation financed. LetMeTalk enables you to line upimages inameaningful way to read this row of images as a sentence.To lineupimages is known as AAC (AugmentativeandAlternativeCommunication). Problems to Install? The image database of LetMeTalk containsmorethan9,000 easy to understand images fromARASAAC(, you can add existingimages fromthe device or takenew photos with the build in camera.To useLetMeTalk, no internetconnection or mobile contract isnecessary.Therefore you can useLetMeTalk in almost any situation,likehospitals, nursing home orschools. You can find LetMeTalktutorialsat Suitable for: • autismsymptomsandAsperger syndrome, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) •aphasia•speech apraxia • articulation/phonological disorder•AmyotrophicLateral Sclerosis (ALS) • Motor Neuron Disease (MND)•cerebralpalsy • down syndrome Features: ✔ more than 9,000imagesfromARASAAC included ✔ Used by Speech Language Pathologists(SLP)✔voice support for images and sentences ✔ unlimited creationofnewcategories and adding new images ✔ pre configured forkidswithautism spectrum disorder (ASD) ✔ load / save yourcurrentprofile(vocabulary) ✔ keep several profiles on your devicesandswitchfast between them ✔ share your profile easily withotherdevices ✔load new profiles from our forum directly withinLetMeTalk✔ switchfast between 2 languages and use LetMeTalk astranslator✔supported languages: English, Spanish, French, ItalianandGerman,Chinese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic,Russian,Polish,Bulgarian, Romanian, Galician, Catalan, Basque ✔voice, ifusedlanguage is supported by installed text to speechengineDownloadnow!
CommBoards Lite AAC Assistant 1.19
Shmoontz Apps
Communication assistant for speech impaired or non-verbalchildrenand adults.
Language Therapy for Children 9.4.5
Early intervention language therapy for children with languagedelayand autism
Pictosonidos 0.0.7
Application to improve reading comprehension andvocabularyacquisition
Autism Evaluation Checklist 1.18.0
Test for autistic signs with tracking dynamics. Autisticspectrumdisorder test
PictogramAgenda 3.4
Autism. Visual Schedules with your pictures and 15000+ Pictograms.
Hablalo! 3.4.6
Communicate with everyone around you, without limits!
Visual Reading® Platform 1.8.78
Universal language platform for early education
ABA Cards: Flashcards for Auti 0.4.4
ABA Cards is your own flashcards deck for autism therapyandbehavior analysis
RecoverBrain Language Therapy 9.3.4
Language Comprehension & Cognitive Exercises for Rehabilitation
BLW Meals: How to Start Solids 1.0.141
The ultimate guide to help you wean baby with 500+ recipes,meals& more.
CoughDrop AAC 2022.08.23
CoughDrop is a simple, flexible, modern AAC communicationandsupport tool.
Spanish easy *
natsamar APP
New to Android! No ads and high resolution images. TOP10Educational iPad/iPhone apps in Spain, Mexico, Argentina andothercountries ¡¡ EXPERT OPINIONS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ".. Hasall theingredients needed to make it educational, as well as fun.Providesthat the child can play alone, without an adult with you tomakethe game fun or effective feature that is not very common inthistype of applications. It is undoubtedly one of the mostrecommendedapps in this category that are on the market. " "Theillustrationsare very attractive visually and the audio is veryexciting thanksto the use of children's voices." Read Full Reviewat:★ ★★ ★ ★ AppsMama "If your children are beginning to learn lettersandto read this is your application ..." "We would have found itveryuseful and an application with a very reasonable price for allthatit offers. Highly recommended. " Read Full Reviewat: Learn to read is an educational game forIpad.Allows, with spectacular results, learn letters andimprovereading, learning regardless of the state in which you are.It ischild's play, made for children, where they can easilynavigatethrough intuitive menus and striking high-definitionimages. Thefirst level is aimed at children who do not know thelyrics. Afterhearing a distinctive sound, the child must solve thepuzzle, whilelearning the letters of the alphabet by playing andhaving fun.After solving it, appears a pretty picture that shows ifyou gothit while trying to guess the sound. The second level isforchildren who already know the lyrics. It is the best complementforhow they form syllables and words and allows them toquicklyimprove their ability to read. These form the words thatcorrespondto the sound heard. You have to place them in the correctorderfrom left to right. If not, or if the letter is placed inaninappropriate place, sounds an error message and the letterisplaced below the rightful place really. If the letter ispositionedcorrectly know the name of the letter. Give your childtheopportunity to learn a multitude of sounds and scenes ofanimals,atmospheric elements, transport, etc..
Grapefruit - Journal + Mood Tracker
Manage your mental health. Journal, track data points and findbadpatterns.
BruxApp 2.6.4 Advanced
BruxApp - world’s first phone app for Bruxism
Emotion Code 1.20
Release your trapped emotions by using the Emotion Code.
IQ Aprender a Leer con Juegos 0.1.55
The application to learn to read with more fun games.Preschoollevel.
Siente - Mindfulness y psicolo 4.2.6
7 Free mindfulness sessions and guided meditation to improveyourwellbeing
Essential Emotions 4.0
On-the-go reference guide to emotions and essential oils
The Wonder Weeks: Sleep 1.0.3
Domus Technica
The Wonder Weeks: Sleep 3-in-1 App – no subscription – • STATEOFTHEART MONITOR: Watch your baby securely over 3G/4G or WiFi,liveHDvideo • WHITE NOISE & SLEEP SOUNDS & MUSIC: proventohelpyour baby fall asleep • ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BABYSLEEP:fromdeveloping sleep patterns to sleep tips ============== •Easyset-up,user friendly and personalized playlist • The WonderWeeks:thetrusted resource app of millions of parents aroundtheglobe.============= With this app, you’ll always have ababymonitor athand. Simply create one baby monitor with unlimitedrangebypairing two devices (smartphone, tablet and / or iPodtouch)withthe same operating system. The monitor will seamlesslyadapt tobeused over a secure 3G/4G connection when Wifi connectionis lost.•Receive an alarm when your baby cries • Listen to theaudiostream• Watch the live video footage • Soothe your babyinstantlyThechoice is yours! This app is consistently reliable,even whenit’srunning in the background. Soothe your baby by usingthemicrophonefeature to talk to your baby remotely. Let your babyknowyou'rethere. White noise and certain types of music areprovenmethods tohelp your baby fall asleep. We’ve selected andenteredthe bestones for you. Remotely play sounds from parentstation tobabystation to help your baby sleep. Also, create aunique playlistbyadding audio to your favourites. Don’t want yourchild towake?Audio files can be played on a continuous loop. Theaudio canalsobe muted via both the parent and baby station.Discovereverythingthere is to know about sleep: • Sleep problemstodifferent formsof sleeping • The sleep hormone • Rapid eyemovementand sleepphases • Sleep disturbance and sleep regressionperiods •Tips forsleeping from other parents • Fun and importantfacts Getinspiredand study everything you need to know about sleepin one offourlanguages: English, German, Portuguese (Brazil) andDutch.Pleasenote: This app includes bedtime stories as bonus whichareintendedfor older siblings. Not for baby’s in leaps 1 to10.Privacypolicy: Weeks? Like usonFacebook: Follow usonTwitter: Discover usonInstagram: Disclaimer:thisApp isdeveloped with the greatest care. Neither the developernortheauthor shall nevertheless be liable for any damagesarisingfromany inaccuracies or omissions in this app.
We are an App that promotes mental, physical andspiritualwell-being.
GeriatriApp 1.8.0
GeriatriApp es una aplicación diseñada para facilitar almédicoyotros profesionales de la salud la toma de decisionesenelpaciente geriátrico, a través de la valoracióngeriátricaintegral.Posee múltiples escalas para valorar diferentesdominiostales comosocial, físico, emocional, funcional,cognitivo,farmacológico,nutricional, medico y de comorbilidades.Esto permitecrear unperfil de riesgo en el paciente mayor y conello la tomadedecisiones acorde a los problemas y necesidades decadaindividuo.GeriatriApp es una aplicación que nace desde el grupodeGeriatríade la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Ortografía Española 1.1
La ortografía en español es para que los niños aprendan aescribirya escribir. Tiene más de 1000 ortografías paraaprenderconimágenes. También indica la ortografía incorrecta consonido silosniños ingresan errores ortográficos. Nuestro tecladoenlaaplicación no solo mejora la velocidad de escritura,sinoquetambién reproduce sonidos cuando se presiona una tecla.Losniñostambién aprenderán a pronunciar palabras, ya quehemosincluido elmotor de texto a voz. Caracteristicas 1. Seincluyentreinta y seiscategorías de ortografía. 2. Aprender laortografíade losalfabetos. 3. Aprender la ortografía de losanimales. 4.Aprenderla ortografía de las frutas. 5. Aprender laortografía delasverduras. 6. Aprender la ortografía de las partesdel cuerpo.7.Aprender la ortografía de las palabras a la vista. 8.Aprenderlaortografía de los números. 9. Aprender la ortografía delasflores.10. Aprender la ortografía de las aves 11. Se incluyen100palabrasa la vista. 12. Aprender la ortografía del transporte.13.Aprenderla ortografía de los meses. 14. Jornadas deaprendizajedeortografía. 15. Aprendizaje de la ortografía deformas.16.Aprender la ortografía de los colores. 17. Aprenderlaortografíade los animales domésticos. 18. Aprender la ortografíadepalabrasde tres letras. 19. Aprender la ortografía de laspalabrasdecuatro letras. 20. Aprender la ortografía de palabrasdecincoletras. 21. Aprender la ortografía de las palabras deseisletras.22. Aprender la ortografía del médico y del hospital.23.Aprenderla ortografía de la cocina. 24. Aprendiendo planetasyortografíaespacial. 25. Aprendizaje de la ortografía de laspartesde lacomputadora. 26. Aprender la ortografía de los elementosdeOffice.27. Aprender la ortografía de los elementos de la saladeestar.28. Aprender la ortografía de los elementos de baño.29.Aprenderla ortografía de los elementos escolares. 30.Aprenderlaortografía de las profesiones. 31. Aprender la ortografíadelasactividades en interiores. 32. Aprender la ortografíadelasactividades al aire libre. 33. Aprender la ortografíadelosanimales acuáticos. 34. Aprender la ortografía delosalimentos.35. Aprender la ortografía de los países. 36.Aprendizajedeortografía de palabras mixtas con cuatro categorías.38. Lasdocecategorías de ortografía son gratuitas. 39. Todaslascategoríastienen imágenes de alta calidad. 40. El botón SpeakIthablará laortografía. 41. El botón Ayúdame mostrará laortografíaen caso deque los niños no sepan. 42. Botón de borrar yborradorparaeliminar uno o todos los caracteres escritos.43.Configuraciónpara habilitar o deshabilitar el sonido de lasteclasy el texto avoz. 44. Botones Siguiente y Anterior si deseaomitirlaortografía.
Pride Counseling - LGBTQ+ 2.36
Counseling and therapy tailored to the LGBTQ community
Correlate - Health Diary and L 1.20
Health symptoms tracker: stop feeling sick and develop healthhabits
Baby App, Baby tracker 1.3.0
Baby App is an ideal application for the control of themainactivities of baby.
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.
Respirar Mindfulness
Learn to meditate, step by step.