Top 15 Apps Similar to Astronomy Daily

Astronomy Quiz 2.48
Quizzes on the solar system and all things cosmological.
Astronomy Dictionary 0.0.8
It contain words with their description related to astronomy.
Planet Tracker 2.0
An app for those who are interested in Astronomy. Would youliketoknow some cool facts about planets in our solar systemandseewhere they are right now? Then Planet tracker is a mustapptohave. It provides you the location of the planets, MoonandSunwith reference to your location. Planet Tracker helpsyoulocatethe position of planetary objects in solar system. Justholdyourdevice and point it towards the sky and the app willpopulatethescreen with the location of the planet you are trying tofind.Thelocation arrows help you navigate to the position theplanetaswell. You can also trace the path of Moon and Sun usingthis appaswell.
Deep Astronomy
Get easy access to all contentfromDeepAstronomy from your tablet or smartphone! Allcontentisautomatically updated, never miss a single video,podcastorHangout!Every Friday, new episodes of Space Fan News! andnewHubbleHangouts every Thursday @3pm EST. Also enjoy This WeekinSpaceTelescopes Podcast every Monday
SkyView® Explore the Universe 3.7.1
SkyView®, an augmented reality space app, brings stargazingtoeveryone!
Introduction To Astronomy App 1.0
This app is a combination ofsets,containingpractice questions, study cards, terms &concepts forselflearning & exam preparation on the topic ofastronomy,spacegeology & Astrophysics.Introduction To Astronomy: Astronomy is one of thefewscienceswhere amateurs can still play an active role, especiallyinthediscovery and observation of transientphenomena.Amateurastronomers have made and contributed tomanyimportantastronomical discoveries.Get free Study notes, exam quizzes, terms &definitionsandexpand your knowledge & scientific expertiseinastronomy.With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime&Everywhere.The learning & understanding process never beensoeasy likewith our 5 study modes embedded in this app.Our Learners get the best, that's why they don't justmeetstandards,They exceed them.Learn & educate your self as much as you can, knowledgeisthereal and best capital & assets that you own.Invest in your Success Now. Your investmentinknowledge,professionalism & expertise is durable & withaHigh valueadded. It's a High return investment.-The Content & design of this application isdevelopedbyTeachers & students to satisfy the exactcandidatesneeds-We keep the application as simple as possible to letthelearnerfocus only on the content-The Flashcards are exam oriented and designed toenhancequickmemorization-The application is designed to let you gaintimeandefficiency-The Flashcards wording enhances easy understanding toensurehigherexam score.In this application you will get over 20 Exam sets.This App energized your creativity, showcases yourtalentsandstrength your self-confidence during the exam&dailywork.You will get better understanding, less preparation time&abetter score in the exam.-This application is downloaded and used bygraduate&undergraduate students, teachers, lecturers,professionals,PhD,researchers, reviewers not only in the US butalso inPhilippines,Canada, India, Australia, Turkey, Russia, UK,GCC,India, SaudiArabia, Nigeria, and all over the world.Main Features:- +3600 exam questions and study notes- 5 study modes- Shareable content- Settings: with flexibility to change font size&backgroundcontrol.Astronomy, a natural science, is the study ofcelestialobjects(such as stars, galaxies, planets, moons,asteroids, cometsandnebulae) and processes (such as supernovaeexplosions, gammaraybursts, and cosmic microwave backgroundradiation), thephysics,chemistry, and evolution of such objects andprocesses, andmoregenerally all phenomena that originate outsidethe atmosphereofEarth. A related but distinct subject, physicalcosmology,isconcerned with studying the Universe as a whole.Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Theearlycivilizationsin recorded history, such as theArmenians,Babylonians, Greeks,Indians, Egyptians, Nubians,Iranians, Chinese,and Maya performedmethodical observations of thenight sky.However, the invention ofthe telescope was requiredbeforeastronomy was able to developinto a modern science.Historically,astronomy has includeddisciplines as diverse asastrometry,celestial navigation,observational astronomy and themaking ofcalendars, butprofessional astronomy is nowadays oftenconsideredto besynonymous with astrophysics, galaxy, cosmos,universe,blackholes, dark energy.During the 20th century, the field of professionalastronomysplitinto observational and theoretical branches.Observationalastronomyis focused on acquiring data fromobservations ofastronomicalobjects, which is then analyzed usingbasic principlesofphysics.Astronomy is one of the few sciences where amateurs canstillplayan active role, especially in the discovery andobservationoftransient phenomena. Amateur astronomers have madeandcontributedto many important astronomical discoveries.
Vortex Planetarium - Astronomy
Have you ever looked up at the night skyandgazed in wonder at it's beauty? How about in the comfort ofyourown home!? Well now you can with Vortex Planetarium, one ofthemost feature complete planetariums on the Android Market.Combining simplicity and beauty with unrivalled features andpower,let Vortex provide you with a stunning view of the nightsky.FeaturesAugmented Reality (with camera support)Hold your device to the sky and see an accurate representationofthe stars and planets. If your device has a rear facingcamera,experience true augmented reality with our sky map overlayedontothe real world! A unique experience not found in any otherAndroidplanetarium.LocationView the sky from any location - Use GPS, Network Provider orourpowerful search feature to show you the night sky at yourcurrentlocation, or even the other side of the world.Time sliderUsing our inovative time slider, you can see how the skies lookedatany point in time, with fine control over the abilty to rewind,orfast-forward time. Select an object and watch it's motion asitrises and falls.Huge object databaseWith over 20,000 objects to discover, you wont run out of thingstosearch for! Included are* All major and minor planets in our Solar System includingallmajor moons.* 88 constellations* 110 Messier objects* 109 Caldwell objects* Full Revised NGC-IC catalog (Over 14,000 objects)* More than 9000 stars* Meteor showersCombined with our powerful search, you will never be far awayfromany one of these objects!Facts and figuresTo compliment the staggering number of objects available, wehavemade available concise facts and information about the majorityofthem, with detailed ephemeris and figures for all. You willlearnsomething new with each and every object in the sky!EventsDiscover, at the touch of a button, upcoming celestial eventssuchas eclipses, conjunctions, moon phases, season changes andmuchmore. With the ability to add these events to your devicecalendaryou'll never miss these sometimes once in a lifetimeeventsagain!What's up?With just one button press, see what objects of interest are inthenight sky right now!Highly configurableWith a bewildering number of configuration options, packaged inasimple to understand design, you can tailor Vortex to yourexactneeds. Maybe the constellation art is too bright, noproblem,adjust it's transparency, need to adjust the number ofstars yousee to match the real night sky? No problem! We havepretty muchevery option covered, and if we don't, let us know whyweshould!Beauty, speed & simplicityOur aim is to make sure Vortex Planetarium is easy to use,extremelypowerful and look stunning.Vortex Planetarium has been optimised to run as fast and assmoothlyas possible, no jerky movements when you zoom in onJupiter. We havenot ported Vortex from iPhone, it's purely anAndroid product. Thismeans we can focus on optimising for theplatform exclusively. Thisphilosophy guarantees fast and regularupdates.And much more to comeWe are always improving Vortex, and you will never have to"upgrade"or make additional purchases for these featuresandimprovements.
Live Star Chart (Planetarium) 1.0.7
A clear and detailed star chart with a wealth ofadditionalfunctionality
Messier Catalog - Astronomical 0.0.3
The Messier Catalog is a list of110astronomical objects compiled by French astronomer CharlesMessierand originally published between 1774 and 1781. Its formaltitle is"Catalog of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars r, seen among thefixedstars on the horizon of Paris."This application allows you to check the features, locationandvisibility of each of the objects in the catalog. It alsocontainsreal images, a search engine to make it easier and fasterto thelocation of objects and night mode so you can use it onyourobservations. No need to be connected to the internet to usetheapplication.The application can be moved to SD card.*** Note: The Spanish version is availablein***For questions or suggestions you can [email protected]. Please, if there are problems withthetranslations in the text write me!.
Distant Suns (max) 1.2.4
When half the day is night.
APOD - Astronomy Daily 4.0.0
This app is dedicated to all Astronomy Lovers around the world.
Star Walk Kids ⭐️ Become a Space Explorer ⭐️
Vito Technology
Can such a complex discipline as astronomy be simple andexcitingforkids? Star Walk Kids ⭐️ Become a Space Explorer ⭐️ wascreatedforparents to explain the basics of astronomy to theircuriouskids inan interesting and accessible form. Kids will learna lotof newfacts, meet planets, comets, constellations and muchmore.Is therelife on Mars? Why is the sun hot? Why is Ursa Majorcalledso? Learnastronomy with Star Walk Kids and get theanswers!Explore space,constellations and planetary system withyourchildren anytime andanywhere. ✶✶✶Star Walk Kids ⭐️ Become aSpaceExplorer ⭐️ is fullytranslated into English, does not containAdsand In-app purchases✶✶✶Encyclopedia of the solar system forkids -main features: ⭐️ StarWalk Kids as well as its adult version-famous application StarWalk, can be used as a telescope tofindand see the planets andconstellations for real, observingtheircorrect positions. ⭐️ Allkids love cartoons! There is aspacecinema in the astronomy app witha collection of fascinatingandinformative cartoons about space.Explore the wonders oftheuniverse with videos about Polaris, UrsaMajor, the HubbleSpaceTelescope and a black hole. ⭐️ Using the timemachine,children cannot only view the objects of the sky in realtime, butalso turnback time! Our app lets your children explore thestarsandconstellations in different periods. ⭐️ Kids will beabletoexplore space, find different celestial bodies followingaspecialpointer and learn a lot of new just by tapping thescreen.Forexample, listen to the interesting facts. ⭐️ With thisamazingapplittle space lovers will learn planets, see theHubbleSpaceTelescope, find out interesting facts, learn how todeterminethecardinal directions with the Polar Star and muchmore.⭐️Encyclopedia of the solar system for kids allows them totakeaquiz to check the knowledge acquired during playingwiththiseducational game. It is very short and inspiring and showshowmuchthe child learned. Explore space with fun! Make acolorfulandunique journey through the outer space withthisawesomeencyclopedia of the solar system. Show your kidshowfascinating itis to explore the stars and constellations withspaceencyclopedia!The perfect app for introducing kids toastronomy!
COSMIC WATCH: Time and Space 2.70
Experience the sky, planet earth and the solar system likeneverbefore
Star Chart Infinite 4.2.2
The premium version of the world famous star gazing andastronomyapp.
Backyard Astronomy Guy 1.0
I'm an amateurastronomer/astrophotographerlocated in Pennsylvania, USA. Exploreastronomy pictures from meand other people, plus space news!