Top 12 Apps Similar to Signs Before Day of Judgement

al-Bidayah wan Nihayah Indo 1.0
al-Bidayah wan Nihayah Versi TerjemahanBahasaIndonesia, Karya Ibnu Katsir berisi kisah nyata Khulafa'urRasyidin(Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khottob, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin AbiThalibRadhiallahu anhum).Fitur:~ Daftar Isi~ Bookmark Halaman~ Search Kata/KalimatBuku fenomenal yang memang perlu dibaca oleh kaum musliminyangmengungkapkan kepada kita masa-masa keemasan Islam dankaumMuslimin. Semua peristiwa direkam secara apik oleh al-HafizhIbnuKatsir dalam bukunya ini.Beliau menyusunnya berdasarkan kronologis waktu danperistiwa.Salah satu kelebihan kitab beliau ini daripada buku-bukusejarahlainnya adalah referensi dan sumber-sumber sejarah yangmenjadipatokan beliau. Beliau bersandar kepada referensi terpercayadansumber-sumber sejarah yang berasal dari riwayat-riwayat yangshahihdan bisa dipertanggung jawabkan.Beliau selalu bersandar kepada al-Qur'an danriwayat-riwayathadits yang marfu' ataupun mauquf, baik haditstersebut shahihataupun hasan.Referensi beliau (Ibnu Katsir) dalam penulisan kitabkolosalal-Bidayah wan Nihayah ini adalah sebagai berikut :- Al-Qur'anul karim dan kitab-kitab tafsir bil ma’tsur(tafsirdengan atsarmaupun hadits), kemudian asbabun nuzul (sebab turun ayat).- Sunnah-sunnah yang diriwayatkan dari Nabi saw baikyangterdapat dalamkitab-kitab Shahih (yang memuat hadits shahih saja, pent.),kitabSunan, Musnad,maupun Jami'.- Atsar yang dinukil dari perkataan sahabat dan paratabi'in.- Kitab-kitab yang terdahulu seperti: Taurat dan Injil,namunbeliau akanmemilih-milih dari kitab tersebut sebagaimanayangbeliau sebutkan lebih dari sekali, "Berita-berita yang bolehkitariwayatkan sebagaimana sabda Nabi 'Silahkan menyampaikanriwayatdari Bani Israil tidaklah mengapa, namun siapa saja yangberdustaatas namaku maka hendaklah mangambil tempat di neraka'- Di antara referensi beliau dalam penulisan sirah:Kitab-kitabMaghazi nya Dalail an-Nubuwwah, khususnya kitab MaghaziIbnu Ishaq,dan Musa bin Uqbah, ataupun kitab Dalail an-Nubuwwahkarya AbuNu'aim, ataupun Dalilun Nabi karya al-Baihaqi. Disebabkanbegituluasnya bacaan dan hafalan beliau terhadap sunnah nabi,sehinggaseolah-olah beliau benar-benar mengusai semua yang terdapatdalamkitab-kitab Shahih, Sunan, Musnad, Mushannaf, dankitab-kitabtafsir bil ma'tsur yang berkaitan dengan tema-tema yangterdapatdalam sirah nabi.Adapun referensi beliau dalam menulis kejadian-kejadianpentingdan wafatnya para tokoh adalah kitab-kitab yang telahdisebutkantadi, khu-susnya penukilan dari kitab Tarikh ar-Rusul walMulukkarya Ibnu Jarir ath-Thabari (wafat 310 H), TarikhMadinahad-Dimasyqi karya Ibnu Asakir (wafat 571 H), kitabal-Muntazhamkarya Ibn al-Jauzi (wafat 597), kitab al-Kami lfiat-Tarikh karyaIbn al-Atsir (wafat 630 H).Kami berharap, semoga kehadiran buku ini dapat menambahwawasansejarah para pembaca sekalian. Khususnya bagi yang inginmengetahuisecara lebih akurat peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa-masakeemasan wanNihayahTranslation Version Indonesian, Ibn Kathir's work containstruestories Khulafa'ur caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar bin Khottob, Uthman,Aliibn Abi Taalib anhum).Features:~ Table of Contents~ Bookmark page~ Search word / sentencePhenomenal book that does need to be read by the Muslimswhoreveal to us the golden age of Islam and the Muslims. Alleventsare recorded in a slick by al-Haafiz Ibn Kathir in hisbook.He arranged chronologically by time and events. One oftheadvantages of the book he is than other history books isareference and historical resources that become his benchmark.Herelied on a reliable reference and historical resources thatcomefrom the narrations are authentic and can be justified.He has always relied on the Qur'an and the hadithnarrationsmarfu 'or mauquf, whether the hadith is saheeh orhasan.Reference he (Ibn Kathir) in the writing of the book ofcolossalal-Bidayah Nihayah wan is as follows:- Al-Qur'anul karim and books of tafsir bil ma'tsur(commentaryby atsaror hadith), then asbab al-nuzul (because down paragraph).- Sunnah-Sunnah narrated from the Prophet both containedinbooks Sahih (authentic hadith that contains it, Ed.), booksofSunan, Musnad,and Jami '.- Atsar quoted from the words of his friend and the tabi'in.- The books that earlier such as: the Torah and the Gospel,buthe akanmemilih promiscuous of the book, as he mentioned morethanonce, "The news that we may narrated as the Prophet 'Pleaseconveythe history of the Children of Israel is not why, but anyonewholie in my name then let mangambil place in hell '- Among his references in the writing sirah: The books ofhisMaghazi Dalail an-Nubuwwah, especially the book of MaghaziIbnIshaq and Musa bin Uqbah, or book an-Nubuwwah Dalail of AbuNu'aim,or Dalilun Prophet of al-Bayhaqi. Due to the breadth of hisreadingand memorization of the sunnah of the prophet, so as if hereallymastered all contained in the books of Saheeh Sunan,Musnad,musannaf, and books of tafsir bil ma'tsur related tothemescontained in sirah prophet.The reference him in writing, important events and the deathofthe characters in the books mentioned earlier, Khu-ly penukilanofthe book Tarikh al-Mulk wal works Rusul Muhammad ibnJariral-Tabari (d 310 AH), Date Medina ad- Dimasyqi Ibn Asakir(died 571AH), the book of al-Muntazham Ibn al-Jauzi (died 597), thebook ofal-We LFI at-Tarikh Ibn al-Athir (died 630 H).We hope that the presence of this book can add insight tothehistory of the reader as well. Especially for those who wanttoknow more accurately the events that occur in the golden ageofIslam.
البداية والنهاية 3.4
The beginning and the end is a huge historic encyclopedicwork,written by Ibn Kathir
ألف حكمة و حكمة 2.5
A wisdom and the wisdom of the rule and statements gathered agroupof scientists and figures
نهاية الحكمة 1.0
السيد محمد حسين الطباطبائيMr. MohammadHosseinTabatabai
Islamic World:Quran,Qibla 1.0.0
Saim Rafique
Islam is a religion founded and based on faith in one supremeGod,Allah.Every follower of Islam believes in this central doctrine andinProphet Muhammad being the last messenger of God.Islamic World encompasses necessary features that may act asapocket guide to Muslim Ummah.The aspiration of Islamic World is to facilitate MuslimsandNon-Muslims to get Familiar with The Holy Quran,basic principlesofIslam,50 signs of day of judgement and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)and four righteous Caliph. Qibla Locator for Major CitiesandMosque Finder valid for the United Kingdom yet,In Shaa Allah inthenext updates you will find more about the content ,MosqueFinderand Qibla locator cities.Salient Features:1)Pillars of Islam2)The Holy Quran Audio with translation:More than 20translationsavailable free for download and more than 16 recitersall free ofcost.3)History of Islam4)Mosques in the United Kingdom5)Qibla Locator***50 signs of the day of judgement***OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE: order to make sure this Application would be available tobeyou free full version,I would like to thank AlmightyAllah,myparents(May ALLAH bless them with long health and Emaan)Ameen,Muhammad Ali and Mr.Acklark Hussain (May Allah Reward him andhisfamily for his Kindness and support) Ameen.
قصص الانبياء لبن كثير 3.1.0
Stories of the Prophets in the Qur'an more milk
Bedtime Story - Judgement 1.1
Have you ever tried reading an APP andyourchildren just wanted to play with the buttons? Have you everwantedto read a book that allows your children to interact withthecharacters? Are you fed up with random cuddly stories that aresosoft it makes marshmallows jealous?LITTLE APP OF BIG QUESTIONS--------------------------------------------Imagine a world of possibilities… back when you were young!Aworld that had no bounds, a world of colour, new sounds andsmells,a world of excitement and imagination.A world that allowed you to construct questionswithoutpretense.. a world that would allow us to ask questionsabout newpossibilities…These books have been designed with the following concept inmind- “In life if we ask better questions we get betterresults”.This incredible 14 page story allows you to read to yourchildwhile the child interacts with the elements of each page.“USE THE POWER OF QUESTIONS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE” -TonyRobbinsABOUT THE STORY> An old man and young boy are travelling together with acamelto the markets and are stopped several times on their journeybypassersby questioning their judgement on who sits on the camelandwho walks. Rather than using their own judgement they react totheopinions of others which causes some inconveniences onthejourney.POWERFUL QUESTIONS>How can I take this experience and use it to contributetoothers?>What is preventing me from achieving this goal?>What am I most proud about in my life now?IDEAL FOR> Kids between 2 and 6 years> Preschool> Parents who want to read to their kids, and kids who wanttoplay with the APP> Parents that understand the importance of'PersonalDevelopment'INTERACTIVE KIDS FLIP BOOK>Drag and Drop the characters and elements of the story>Simple navigation allowing the child to control the book>Music, Sounds and AnimationWHAT WILL MY CHILDREN LEARN>You will find the game inviting and distraction-free.Yourchildren build and practice cognitive skills, shaperecognition,visual spatial skills.REMARKABLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT>If you have any new book ideas please email [email protected]> questions create a quality life! Asking thoughtfulquestionsis more important than having quick answers.These amazing childrens books are focused around funeducationalstories that both the parent and the kids can relateto.‘We are human’… if you can provide feedback once youhavedownloaded this APP as to how your kid was able to interact andhowyou found the story, that would be really helpful!All the
Judgment and the likes Arabic 1.8
Judgment and the likes Arabic
بداية الحكمة 1.0
بداية الحكمةThe beginningofwisdom
اقوال وحكم بدون انترنت 4.0
Application contains many sayings like judgment and acrosstheInternet without photographer
Legal Eagle Software 5.1
**********Please note that this app is free only forLegalEagle(Desktop) Users*********The Legal Eagle (android) is the only application whichallowsoffline searching of Indian Law database. The application hasahuge database of judgments of Supreme Court and all high courtsofIndia.All judgments have equivalent citations of more than100journals in India including all major journals of Centerandstates.It has all the features of Legal Eagle Windows version (withoutanycompromise with speed).Features includes1.Search by subject, Citation search, Act & section,Nominalsearch, search by Judges and advocates names2.Daily updation of database through internet.3.Very user friendly search interface (singledesktopsearching)4.Very fast speed to display results.(speed may vary from devicetodevice)5.Bookmark (save) any judgement6.Copy and take any portion of judgement to Office Pro or anyotherdocument editor7.E-mail any portion of entire judgement to an email address8.Indication of over-ruled,relied,distinguished etc cases.9.Magic SearchContact us at following numbers011-43043309,43098283,22383848,8527733337Many other unique and distinct features.....!!!