Top 3 Apps Similar to Purchase

Purchase Reminder 1.0
J W Labs
Use Shopping List to remind youtopurchaseconsumable items. Create your own categories and additemsto eachcategory. You can add images to both categories anditems.When anitem needs to be purchased, just click on the item andsetit topurchase. After the item is purchase, tap on the itemtoremoveit.
Purchase Logger 1.2
Kenneth Lau
Purchase Logger is used to recordeverypurchaseyou perform from day to day to your Android phone.After apurchase,you key in the simple detail of what youpurchased, andpurchaselogger will automatically prepare reports.Four type ofreports areavailable, the all records report shows allthepurchase. The dailyreport groups purchase by day. Theweeklyreport group the purchaseby week. The monthly report groupsthereport by month. With purchaselogger, you will know whereyourmoney spends.
Shoppingmate Purchase Free 0400103
Shoppingmate Android is anuniqueshoppingmanagementapplication that runs on Android Mobile phones wheretherecanbewith an Android 1.60 or a newer version. It hastwoshoppinglistmanagement modes: Tradition and Purchase. TraditionModeenablesyouto use fixed lists while Purchase Mode generateslistsbypurchasedate. The advantage of the Purchase mode is to enableyoutorememberwhat and when you have purchased and then you willabletogeneratenew purchase lists from them for futurepurchase.AlsoShoppingmateAndroid has been built in with a smart costcalculator.Whereveryouenter the purchase quality and price against theitem,thesmartcalculator will sum up the total of the cost andproducesummariesaswell.