Top 27 Apps Similar to Aral Tankstellen Finder

Cheap Refuel 2.14
Find cheapest fuel prices in Germany, Austria, France, Italy,Spain,Portugal!
Gas Stations and prices Austria & Germany 4.113
This app helps you to find gasoline and petrol stationsinAustriaand their opening hours. You will also receive thepricesfordiesel and gasoline for the five cheapest stations. Thisapphasseveral search options: You can search with the help ofyourGPSlocation, by entering an address or defining aroute.Additionallyyou bookmark your searches. For questions or incase ofproblemsplease feel free to contact us at:[email protected]
Refueling database 1.7.13g
Simple log for fuel, expenses and maintenances for all yourvehicles
Das bietet die ÖAMTC-App:Persönliche Übersicht:Die Funktion „persönliche Übersicht“ bietet aus allenInhaltenInformationen in Ihrer Nähe sowie Favoriten undpersönlicheEinstellungen.Mein ÖAMTC:In Mein ÖAMTC können Sie alle Ihre Produkte,Fahrzeuge,mitgeschützte Familienmitglieder, Newsletter und weitereDatenverwalten.Billig tanken:Alle Tankstellen Österreichs auf einer Karte. Finden Siediebilligsten Tankstellen in Ihrer Umgebung. Zudem finden SiedieStandorte hunderter österreichischer Elektrotankstellen.Nothilfe-Assistent:Sie haben eine Panne? Als ÖAMTC-Mitglied können Sie direkt ausderApp die ÖAMTC-Nothilfe in Anspruch nehmen.LangwierigeTelefongespräche über den Aufenthaltsort haben ein Ende,da die Appauf die GPS-Daten Ihre Smartphones zurückgreift. AufdemStatus-Bildschirm sehen Sie daraufhin, bis wann IhrPannenfahrereintreffen wird.Zusätzlich können Sie nun auch Hilfe anfordern, wenn Sie imAuslandsind und einen Schutzbrief haben. Hier wurde einevollständig neueArt der Konversation eingeführt.Unterstützend finden Sie ebenfalls wichtige Telefonnummern undeinWörterbuch in der App vor.Multimodale RoutingfunktionDie multimodale Routingfunktion bietet neben Routingoptionenallerwichtigen Verkehrsmittel auch umfangreichezusätzlicheInformationsmöglichkeiten wie Abfahrts- undAnkunftszeiten deröffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in Ihrer Nähe.Verkehrsmeldungen:Informationen über Staus, Baustellen und andereVerkehrsmeldungensowie Verkehrsflussdaten und Verkehrskameras inganz Österreichdirekt auf Ihr Handy. Auf der Karte sehen Siesofort, wo Sie gutvorankommen und welche Stellen Sie besser meiden.Bei der Suchehaben Sie die Möglichkeit nur Verkehrsinformationenanzuzeigen,welche sich entlang einer Route befinden.Sie haben einen Stau, Straßenschäden, falsche Beschilderungenoderandere Verkehrsprobleme entdeckt? Wählen Sie einfach denMenüpunktVerkehrsstörung melden und melden Sie das Problem direktanuns.Parken:Mit der Parkgaragen-Funktion erhalten Sie alleverfügbarenInformationen zu mehr als 600 Parkgaragen in ganzÖsterreich wiezum Beispiel Preise, Öffnungszeiten,Stellplatzanzahl,ÖAMTC-Mitgliedervorteil und vieles mehr. DieübersichtlicheDarstellung ermöglicht das Vergleichen derGaragenpreise an ihremZielort und hebt ÖAMTC-Vorteilspartnerfarblich hervor.Vorteilspartner:Geld sparen mit der ÖAMTC-App. Die App bietet Ihnen einenÜberblicküber die rund 1600 Vorteilspartner-Filialen in ganzÖsterreich. Siehaben die Möglichkeit eine Benachrichtigung zuaktivieren. Die Apperinnert Sie, sobald Sie sich in der Nähe diesesVorteilspartnersbefinden.********************WICHTIG:Bei Problemen, oder wenn Sie Verbesserungsvorschlägehaben,schreiben Sie uns bitte eine Email an: [email protected] können auf Rezensionen im App Store leider nicht antwortenundhaben dadurch keine Möglichkeit, mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten,umdas Problem zu lösen.********************Hinweis: Die fortwährende Nutzung von GPS im Hintergrund kanndieAkkulaufzeit stark verringern.Rechtliche Hinweise:Für die technische Verfügbarkeit, inhaltliche RichtigkeitundZuverlässigkeit der verschiedenen Services wirdkeinerleiZusicherung oder Garantie abgegeben. Die Services könnenjederzeit,auch ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung der Benutzer,geändert odereingestellt werden. Der ÖAMTC und die OpenResearchGmbH übernehmenkeinerlei Haftung für jegliche Schäden, welcher Artauch immer, dieaus der Benutzung der Services entstehen.Jeder Benutzer kann sich als Sprit-Preismelder anmelden. FürDieselund Super 95 sind keine Preismeldungen möglich, da diese vonderE-Control übermittelt werden.Der ÖAMTC und die OpenResearch GmbH übernehmenkeinerleiVerantwortung für die Richtigkeit der Preismeldungen undbehaltensich das Recht vor, falsche Meldungen zu löschen.Vervielfältigung,Veröffentlichung und Verarbeitung der Daten sindnur mit Zustimmungdes ÖAMTC gestattet.This provides theÖAMTCapp:Personal Overview:The "personal overview" of all content provides information nearandfavorites, and personal settings.My ÖAMTC:In My ÖAMTC display all your products, vehicles,mitgeschütztefamily members, newsletters and other information tomanage.Cheap refuel:All petrol stations in Austria on a map. Find the cheapestgasstations in your area. In addition, you can find the locationsofhundreds of Austrian electric charging stations.Emergency assistant:You have an accident? As ÖAMTC member, you can take directlyfromthe app, the ÖAMTC emergency services. Lengthy phone callsaboutthe whereabouts come to an end, since the app on the GPSdataaccesses your smartphone. On the Status screen you see then,bywhen your margins driver will arrive.In addition, you can request help when you are abroad and havealetter of protection. Here is a completely new kind ofconversationhas been introduced.Supportive are also on important phone numbers and a dictionaryinthe app.Multimodal routing functionThe multimodal routing function offers routing options of allmajortransport also extensive additional information options asarrivaland departure times of public transport in your area.Traffic news:Information about traffic jams, road works and othertrafficinformation and traffic flow data and traffic cameras alloverAustria directly to your phone. On the map you see where youaremaking good progress and which places best avoided. Whensearching,you have the possibility to only traffic information,which arelocated along a route.Is there a traffic jam, road damage, improper signage orothertraffic problems? Simply select the menu item Reporttrafficdisruption and report the problem directly to us.Park:With the parking garages allows you to obtain allavailableinformation on more than 600 parking garages throughoutAustriasuch as prices, opening times, number of parking spaces,ÖAMTCmembers benefit and more. The clear display allows comparingthegarage prices at their destination and raises ÖAMTCAdvantagePartner forth in color.Vorteilspartner:Save money with the ÖAMTC app. The app provides an overview oftheapproximately 1600 Vorteilspartner-branches throughoutAustria.There is a notification to activate. The app will remindyou whenyou are in the vicinity of this advantage Partners.********************IMPORTANT:If you have problems, or if you have suggestions, please send usanemail to: [email protected] can to reviews on the App Store not reply and thus havenoopportunity to get in touch with you to resolve theproblem.********************Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can reducethebattery life greatly.Legal Notice:For the technical availability, accuracy and reliability ofthevarious Services No warranty or guarantee is issued. Theservicesat any time, even without notifying the user, modifiedordiscontinued. The ÖAMTC and the Open Research GmbH assumesnoliability for any damages whatsoever arising from use oftheServices.Each user can log in as fuel-price reporter. For Diesel and Super95no price reports are possible, as these are received bytheE-Control.The ÖAMTC and the Open Research GmbH assumes no responsibilityforthe accuracy of the price reports and reserve the right todeletefalse positives. Reproduction, publication and processing ofdatais permitted only with the consent of the ÖAMTC.
enerQuick - smarte Tanken App 2.0.0 (2022012402)
Always refuel cheap at the right time with enerQuick.
CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Find all stations of CNG, LNG, LPG and Electrics.
ON Tanken Benzinpreise | BETA 1.0
Noch besser, noch schneller, nochaktueller!Das ist das Ziel des komplett ü , das am gestrigen 1. März pünktlich um09.00 Uhronline ging. Aus dem regionalen Portal mit den Preisen vonbisherknapp 200 Tankstellen in Osthessen/Unterfranken/Südthüringen,istein bundesweites Angebot mit rund 14.000 Tankstellen inDeutschlandgeworden. Und das Ganze auch noch KOSTENLOS. Rund6.200registrierte User nutzten bisher regelmäßig,jedochnur regional. Damit ist jetzt Schluss! Ob in Fulda,Gießen,Frankfurt, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg oder Berlin haben Sie die aktuellen Tankstellenpreisen fürdieStandard-Sorten Super E 5 / Super E 10 und Diesel im Überblick.DieAktualität im Minuten-Takt ist jetzt Standard, dennunserRechenzentrum liefert alle 5 Minuten stets einen Abgleichdergültigen Preise an den Zapfsäulen.Even better, faster,moreup to date! That is the goal of a completely reworked, the time at 09.00 clock went online yesterday,March1st. From the regional portal with the prices of previouslynearly200 gas stations in Hesse / Lower Franconia / SouthThuringia, hasbecome a nationwide listing of approximately 14,000petrol stationsin Germany. And all of that for FREE. 6,200registered been used regularly, but onlyregionally. That is overnow! Whether in Fulda, Gießen, Frankfurt,Stuttgart, Munich,Hamburg or Berlin - with you havethe current pumpprices for the standard varieties Super E 5/10Super E and dieselat a glance. The timeliness in minute intervalsis now standard, asour data center provides every 5 minutes alwayscomparing thecurrent prices at the pumps.
TomTom GO Navigation 3.2.12
Get Offline Navigation, Online Experience with TomTomGONavigation:Downloadable GPS Sat Nav offline maps, preciselivetraffic, andspeed camera alerts*, both updated inreal-time.Download now usingthe 30-DAY FREE TRIAL offer to get thebestdriving experience. 😎KEEP YOUR MAPS UPDATED WHILE SAVINGYOURMOBILE DATA • Maps À LaCarte: Save your mobile data withofflinemaps available in 150countries, always ad-free. You decidewhichmap to download, basedon what you need. • Weekly Map Updates:Helpyou steer clear ofblocked roads and drive within speedlimits,even when you areoffline. • Moving Lane Guidance: Endtheguesswork - know what laneis yours and what exit totake.Proprietary maps coming from 20+years of experience, provideyouhigh-quality turn-by-turn guidanceon your ways. STAYCONNECTEDWITH REAL-TIME UPDATES: • TomTomTraffic: Avoid traffic anddangerzones in real-time withintelligent route • Speed CameraWarnings*:Helping you drive saferand hassle-free with speed alertsandwarnings for fixed and mobilespeed cameras. • Online Search:Yourgo-to destinations, as well aspopular attractions andessentialPOIs, are stored on the app. Onceconnected, you cansearchdestinations from the catalogue of TomTom.• Share ETA: Shareyourestimated time of arrival with coworkers,friends, and familyviathe messaging platform of your choice. DRIVESAFELY AND BE AWAREOFSPEED CAMERAS: • Points of Interest: Searchand finddestinations,scenic areas, and attractions on the way andwhen youarrive atyour destination. • Alternative Routes: See waysaroundtrafficcongestion backed by precise distance and timecalculations •Driveto Photo: Remember the name of that place?! Ifyou geotaggedthephotos you took there, the app will take youthere! • DrivetoContacts: Get easier route planning to the peopleyou know,withthe contacts stored on your phone. • Ad-Free: Avoidannoyingadsfor the most efficient journey without interruption. •NEW! :Nowworks with Android Auto After the free trial, you canselect oneofthe following auto-renewing subscription plans: $1.99- 1month$8.99 - 6 months $12.99 - 12 months Cancel or changeyourplananytime. Drive with TomTom Go Navigation, thestate-of-the-artGPSSat Nav around! 💯 If you have questions,feedback, or inputonsomething we may have missed, please follow us& share on:+Facebook @ TomTom + Twitter @ TomTom + Instagram@TomTomDriversDisclaimers: · The use of this app is governed bytheTerms andConditions at ·Additionallaws,regulations, and local restrictions may apply. Youuse thisapp atyour own risk. * The Speed Camera Services must onlybe usedinaccordance with laws and regulations of the country whereyouaredriving. This functionality is specifically prohibitedinsomejurisdictions. It is your responsibility to comply withsuchlawsbefore activating the services. You can enable anddisableSpeedCamera warnings on TomTom GO Navigation.**Offerlimited to one free trial period per user. At the end ofthetrial,your subscription will be charged unless you cancel itatleast 24hours in advance.
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend triporheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you canbesure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform yourSmartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system thatincludesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – evenwhen nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps,etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Support of 18 languages- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on yourSmartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory spaceand cannavigate even when no internet connection isavailable.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothefirst-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusingthe keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationevenmore quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that youcanconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoyingjamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts ofdangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without enteringtheaddress directly – locally, Community-based or usingAugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have anoverviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and roadsigns.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclearoron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane everytime.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if youareexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up tothreesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinationsenroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destinationonfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want toincludepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations,3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3)(formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AL, AN, AT, BA, BE,BG, BY,CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IM, IS,IT, LI,LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, ME, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RK, RO, SE,SI, SM,RS, SK, TR, UK, VA- NAVIGON FreshMaps(2): For a one-off payment, you get thelatestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for twoyears! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing thelatestchanges to the road network and any amount of new pointsofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicleisimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, werecommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additionalUSBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone duringyourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Availableinspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 3.4GB of freememory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to thehighdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startupashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to registeryourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at alltimes,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. trafficreportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation systemitself,including address search, speed display, driving laneassistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchasetheapp 3.8.1 turns your smartphone into the perfect speed cameraalertsystem!
Sygic Car Connected Navigation 18.6.2
Display your navigation onto your car's screen via MirrorLinkorSYNC®3
DirectLease Tankservice 3.0.6
App It Up
Cheap fuel, but also information on car wash, fresh rolls, etc.
Tanken in Österreich 1.3
Cheaper fuel in your area.
DB Navigator 24.5.0
Deutsche Bahn
Tickets, real-time information, coach sequence and much more
Tankscanner - günstiger Tanken 1.0.1
mobiVative UG
** Diese App ist anders alsalleverfügbarenTank-Apps - probiere es aus - kostenlos undohneAnmeldung**Die schnellste und einfachste Art die günstigsteTankstellezufinden. Der Tankscanner scannt in Echtzeit dieUmgebungundermittelt die günstigste Tankstelle in DeinerUmgebung.ImGegensatz zu anderen Apps, aktualisiert sich derTankscannerauchwährend man sich bewegt, sodass man (Der Beifahrer!)auchwährendder Fahrt schnell die günstigste Tankstelle findet.## Günstiger Tanken: Echtzeitpreise vonderMarkttransparenzstelleder Bundesregierung von über14.000Tankstellen.## Finde zusätzlich zur günstigsten Tankstelle,diewirtschaftlichsinnvollste Tankstelle. Mit Hilfe diverserParameterwieFahrtstrecke, Benzinverbrauch, Wertverlust etc.ermittelt dieApp,bei welcher Tankstelle Du wirklich dasgrößteEinsparpotentialhast.## Navigation direkt zur Tankstelle## Öffnungszeiten der Tankstellen werden täglichaktualisiert## GPS Ortung für die schnelle UmkreissucheIm Gegensatz zu Apps wie ADAC Spritpreise,mehr-tankenoderclever-tanken werden Tankstellen miteinemScaneffektangezeigt.Wenn du nach diesen Begriffen suchst bist du hier richtig:- Tankstellen App kostenlos- Tankstellenpreise- Tanken- billig Tanken- günstig Tanken- günstiger Tanken- tanken billig App- tankenapp- Spritpreis- Diesel- Benzin- Benzinpreis- Benzinpreis App** This app isunlikeanyavailable tank Apps - try it out - for freeandwithoutregistration **The fastest and easiest way to find the cheapest gasstation.Thetank scanner scans in real time the environment anddeterminesthecheapest gas station in your area. Unlike other apps,thetankscanner also updates while moving, so you can quicklyfind(Thepassenger!) While driving is the cheapest gas station.## Travel refueling: real-time prices ofmarkettransparencyagency of the federal government of more than14,000servicestations.## Find the cheapest gas station in addition,theeconomicallymost sensible petrol station. With the help ofvariousparameterssuch as distance traveled, fuelconsumption,depreciation, etc.determines the app, at which gasstation youreally have thegreatest potential for savings.## Navigation directly to the gas station## Opening times of the gas stations are updated daily## GPS tracking for rapid BrowseUnlike apps like ADAC fuel prices, more-rechargeorrefuelclever-stations are displayed with a scan effect.If you are you here right by these terms're looking for:- Gas stations app free- Gas Prices- Refuelling- Cheap refueling- Low refueling- Cheaper refueling- Refuel cheap app- Tankenapp- Fuel price- Diesel- Petrol- Petrol price- Fuel price App Tanken 1.2
Mit dieser App kannst du die Spritpreisevondeutschen Tankstellen abrufen. Super E5, Super E10 undDieselwerden unterstü ist ein vom Bundeskartellamt bzw.derMarkttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe zugelassener AnbietervonVerbraucher-Informationsdiensten. Daten werden jede fünfMinutenaktualisiert, um aktuelle Preise anzeigen zu können.With this app you cangetthe fuel prices of German gas stations. Super E5, Super E10anddiesel are is a by the Federal Cartel Office orthetransparency of the market place approved for fuels providerofconsumer information services. Data are updated every fiveminutesto view current rates.
Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps
Sygic GPS Navigation with 3D offline maps is compatible withAndroidAuto.
WEBFLEET Mobile 2.10.0
Control your fleet operation when away from your desk withWEBFLEETMobile.
GPS Navigation
FREE GPS navigation & offline mapsFREE map updatesFREE trip planning & POI searchGPS Navigation is a free offline gps navigation based onPremiumMaps, with multiple map updates per year. Free versionincludes 7days Premium with voice guided navigation. After 7 daysuse offlinemaps and trip planning for free or upgrade to unlimitedvoiceguided Premium navigation.Free features:~ car & pedestrian navigation~ speed limit warnings~ 3D mapsPremium:~ multi language voice guided navigation~ lane guidance~ HUD~ travelbook~ support~ speed camera warnings~ navigate to photoAvailable maps:AfricaAlgeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi,Cameroon,Capeverde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros,DemocraticRepublic of Congo, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea,Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea,Guinea-Bissau,Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi,Mali,Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique,Namibia,Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Saint Helena, SaotomeandPrincipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, SouthAfrica,South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania,Togo,Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, ZimbabweAsiaAfghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, BritishIndianOcean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Burma, Cambodia, China,EastTimor, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia,Nepal, NorthKorea, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines,Singapore, SouthKorea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand,Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan, VietnamEuropeAlbania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia andHerzegovina,Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia, FaroeIslands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar,Greece, Guernsey,Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, The FormerYugoslav Republic of,Malta, Moldova, Republic of, Monaco,Montenegro, Netherlands,Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, RussianFederation, San Marino,Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, Turkey,Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican, KosovoMiddle EastBahrain, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Syria,United Arab Emirates, YemenNorth AmericaAnguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, AmericanSaoma,Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Canada, CaymanIslands,Costarica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, ElSalvador,Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica,Mexico,Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts andNevis,Saint Luca, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent,Trinidad andTobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Virgin IslandsUnited StatesAlabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,Colorado,Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida,Georgia,Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, NewHampshire,New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, NorthDakota,Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, RhodeIsland,South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,Vermont,Virgin Islands (U.S.), Virginia, Washington, WestVirginia,Wisconsin, WyomingOceaniaAustralia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati,MarshallIslands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand,Niue,Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands,Tokelau,Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Cocos islands,ChristmasislandsSouth AmericaArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,FalklandIslands, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique,Paraguay,Peru, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Suriname,Uruguay,Venezuela
MapFactor Navigator 7.3.51
GPS Navigation - offline maps from OSM & TomTom. AndroidAuto,Live Traffic.
iGO Navigation
Join millions of travelers around the world and take thejourneysthat matter.
Magic Earth Pro Navigation
General Magic
MAPS– Professional TomTom maps– 3D maps– Satellite maps– Wikipedia– Weather– Add points-of-interestNAVIGATION– Car Navigation- Lane Guidance- Multiple Stops- Road Signs- Speed Cameras- Speed WarningsHD TRAFFIC– Alternative routes– Avoid traffic– Updated every minuteOFFLINE MAPS– No mobile internet costs– Navigate without internet– Country maps– Regional mapsNOTES:* Upgrading from ROUTE 66 Navigate is entirely free andyourexisting licenses in ROUTE 66 Navigate will automatically workinMagic Earth Pro.* Navigation, Speed cameras and HD Traffic are premiumservicesavailable as in-app purchases.* Some features not available in all countries.* Some features require internet connection.
Navmii GPS World (Navfree) 3.7.22
Navmii is a free navigation and traffic appfordrivers.Navmii combines FREE voice-guided navigation, livetrafficinformation, local search, points of interest and driverscores.Offline maps stored locally, for use without aninternetconnection. Over 24 million drivers use Navmii and our mapsareavailable for more than 150 countries.• Real voice-guided navigation• Real-time traffic and road information• Works with GPS only – internet not needed• Offline and Online Address search• Driver Scoring• Local Place search (powered by TripAdvisor, FoursquareandWhat3Words)• Fast routing• Automatic rerouting• Search using Postcode/ City/ Street/ Points of interest• Heads-Up Display (HUD) – upgrade• Community map reporting• HD accurate maps• + Much, much moreWe have thousands of 5-STAR REVIEWS:- why buy a satnav when navmii does it all- unbeatable value and functionality- love, love this app!Navmii features on-board OpenStreetMap (OSM) maps, which arestoredon your device and therefore you don’t need no dataconnection(unless of course you use the connected services). UseNavmiiabroad to avoid high roaming costs!We're always eager to hear about your experience of usingNavmii.You can contact us anytime by email, on Twitter or Facebookusingthe details below:- Twitter: @NavmiiSupport- Email: [email protected] Facebook: continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
CamSam - Speed Camera Alerts 3.7.6
CamSam - The speed and red light camera warning system!
DKV Mobility 9.1.2
DKV Mobility - Mobile station finder for DKV acceptance points.