Top 17 Apps Similar to Thermometer

Modern thermometer 4.0
Modern thermometer is a very professional tool for measuringactualtemperature. Our app uses built-in sensors and availabletechniquesto calculate ambient temperature. You can check how manydegrees itis in your room. It allows you to display temp in CelsiusorFahrenheit. It's easy to use and very accurate. To get thebestresults leave your phone for a few minutes without using it.Thenyou will get the most accurate temperature of your room.
Thermometer 1.6.2
Now temperature is in your touch!
Electronic thermometer 992.0
Precise thermometer for every Android phone!
Thermometer - Indoor & Outdoor 3.2
Classic room Celsius / Fahrenheit indoor & outdoorvirtualthermometer
Smart Thermometer 3.0.6
Color Tiger
Smart Thermometer is a simple app to use the temperaturesensorsinyour phone to show the temperature near your phone.Withabeautiful design and great precision, this will be yourdefaultwayof checking temperature instantly! Please make sure yourphonehasa temperature sensor, otherwise this app can onlyshowyoutemperatures from web services like any other weather appUseofinternet connection is optional, and internet + gpsareonlyrequired for devices not having an integratedtemperaturesensor.This app offers an upgrade package which addschartswithhistorical data of your phone's readings plusbetterwidgets.Designed with Full HD in mind, so it's a perfectmatch fortheGalaxy S4 and all other phones, but will work on anyotherdeviceas well, provided GPS and an internet connectionisavailablePermissions breakdown: INTERNET - required foruploadingdata, andgetting stats in return GPS - optional forassociatingthetemperatures with a location, and required forgettingtemperaturedata on devices which don't have a temperaturesensor
Galaxy Sensors 1.10.1-GooglePlay
Temperature, Humidity and even more, a complete weather stationinyour pocket!
The app uses weather sensors.temperature available in celsius or fahrenheitavailable sensors- ambient and battery temperature- atmospheric pressure- environmental humidity
Thermomether 1.0.10
Thermometer shows ambient (indoor) and outside temperaturewithweather report.
Precise thermometer 1.0
You can check ambient temperature using your phone!
Real Thermometer 1.5.2
BoomBoom Apps
Thermometer app for measuring temperature in house and on street
Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite 2023.01.07
Record, display, and export data from your smartphone'sinternalsensors.
Thermometer 5.0.27
Thermometer checks battery, device, ambient and outsidetemperature+ weather.
Fiv Asim
AndroSensor is the absoluteall-in-onediagnostic tool that lets you know virtually everythingabout yourdevice's status.** If you get error -24 on update, please uninstall and reinstalltofix it **AndroSensor supports all the sensors an android device can haveandit will tell you which of them are not supported byyourhardware.View in a single screen the data from all device's sensors inrealtime. Graphical and text output available for each sensor(graphsare not available for proximity, location and batteryinfo).- location, location provider, accuracy, altitude, speed andGPSNMEA data.- Google maps to show the above info. Tapping on your locationshowsyour address, postal code and location accuracy (ifavailable)- accelerometer readings, (incl. linear acceleration andgravitysensors)- gyroscope readings,- light sensor value,- ambient magnetic field values,- device orientation- proximity sensor readings- pressure sensor (barometer)- relative humidity sensor- temperature readings- battery status, voltage, temperature and health- sound level meter (decibel)- If your device supports it, next to the sensor's name, youwillsee how much power the sensor consumes per hour in mA.AndroSensor also allows you to record everything from yoursensorsinto a CSV file.To start recording sensor data, just swipe your finger to therightto reveal AndroSensor QuickBar and tap the record button(seescreenshots)--- Features ---Press MENU to toggle settings, determine which sensors you wishtomonitor, see device info, system log file or the list ofsensorsthat are unavailable for your device.Swipe right to open the AndroSensor Quickbar and take asnapshot,start recording sensor data, or just toggle font size anddecimalpoints.- Device info gathers as much as it can and prints it out inasimple and easy-to-read view. Mobile signal strength, wifiinfo,CPU architecture, available and total RAM, internal andexternalmemory, display metrics, OpenGLES version and kernelversion are asmall part of the information displayed. Clicking on aline copiesit's content to clipboard. A multitouch test isalsoavailable.- Record sensor data to CSV file and automatic send viaemail.- Graphs: You may choose how you want values to be displayed,viareal-time charts or the good-old text layout. You mayswitchbetween graph and text output for each sensor by tapping onthesensor image on the left side. Sensors that have availablegraphsare distinct by the icon in the top left of the sensorspecificsection. Graphs are not available for Location andProximity.- System log viewer and SMS commands available via addons- Apps2SD, tablets, and Lollipop supported.- 19 Languages supported: English, Greek, Italian, Russian,Spanish,French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese,Dutch,Swedish, Turkish, Korean, Czech, Polish, Vietnamese,Ukrainian--- Important Notes ---** All permissions required by the app are explained inapp'swebsite along with a detailed changelog. Also visit thewebsite foran explanation about the sensors and a fewmoreclarifications.* NO KIND OF DATA is collected.* No spam, only banner ads inside the app (by AdMob).Pleasepurchase the Donate Key to remove ads.* Automatic email sending is in beta. File size limit is 9MBzipped. If the sending fails for any reason, it will beretriednext time AndroSensor is used. All emails are send fromaddress"[email protected]", so make sure that it doesn't goin yourspam folder.* Please be encouraged to email me at [email protected] if youwishto report a bug, suggest an improvement, request a translationtobe added or if you just have a question about the app.*** Thank you! ***
Termómetro Ambiental 4.0
Esta aplicación muestra(enaquellosdispositivos que poseen sensores de temperatura yhumedad,como serel Samsung Galaxy S4, Casio Gz1, etc.), con un altogradodeprecisión y exactitud, la temperatura ambiental ylahumedadambiental (Es decir del ambiente donde te encontrás);ytambién lapresión atmosférica ambiental -Barómetro-(Sensordisponible encasi todos los Dispositivos).Thisapplicationdisplays(in those devices that have temperature sensorsandhumidity, suchas the Samsung Galaxy S4, Casio GZ1, etc.) withahigh degree ofprecision and accuracy, ambient temperatureandhumidity (ie theenvironment where you find yourself); andambientatmosphericpressure -Barómetro- (Sensor available inalmostalldevices).
Ambient Temperature - Galaxy 1.8
Lightweight app for displaying the ambient temperature
Good thermometer 51.0
If you want to check actual and accurate temperature - downloadthemost advanced thermometer for Android! It's easy to use andfasttool for checking how hot it is in your place. It usesphonesensors to calculate ambient temperature. It shows temp intwoscales: celsius and fahrenheit. Good thermometer is very easytouse: 1. Open the app 2. Check current temperature in a verypreciseway
Celsius Fahrenheit thermometer 20191028
The simple free thermometer application that measures theambienttemperature of the current location measured by GPS anddisplays itin degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. The conversionformula betweenCelsius and Fahrenheit. Because it is outdoortemperature ratherthan indoor temperature, it is a reference foroutfit clothes. Someareas are excluded.