Top 16 Apps Similar to Home Vegetable Gardening Guide

Vegetable Gardern Ideas 1.0
You may have been pondering how toplanavegetable garden, if you want fresh vegetables this year.Youdonot have to restrict yourself to the customarystraightorderlyrows. There are other options available. You canunleashyourcreativity and construct a container or raised bedgarden.Youcould even make a more formal flower type bed and fillitwithplant life which produces vegetables as an alternativetoflowers.Sublime SimplicityTidy rows are the first step in thelong-establishedconventionalvegetable garden. A specific vegetableis dedicated toeach row. Anorth to south orientation, whenpossible, is usuallyrecommended.To easily reach the rows you shouldtill the soil andmake it level.This makes it easier to reach theweeds in the rowsand tend to theplants other needs. For largervegetable gardensyou may wish to addwalkways so that you do notstep on plantstending to the garden.Remember to plant your rowsacross a slopeto keep the seeds frombeing washed away. It also aidsthe rootgrowth.Spice it upWhen you begin planning the layout of your garden, youmayperhapsthink about making use of a raised bed as a substitutetothe tidyrows of conventional gardens. The raised bed systemusesblocks forplanting. In addition to the unique look thissystemtakes up lessspace. Another benefit this type of garden isthat itis off of thelocal dirt. Tending to the needs of yourgarden ismuch easier. Yourknees and back will thank you also. Allyou needare some old bricks,a few cinder blocks, or maybe leftovertimbers to build up yourraised bed vegetable garden.Flair is GoodKitchen gardens have a bit more eye appeal. If you areagardenerthat likes a bit of flair you might consider this typeofgarden.Kitchen gardens usually mix vegetables and herbs intoasmallerspace as close as practical to the kitchen. Mostkitchengardens setthe plants into geometric patterns between thestonesor bricks thatform the paths. This makes the kitchengardensprettier than moretraditional gardens. Some kitchen gardensevenhave well trimmedsurrounding them. Picture some bright redhuedlettuce mixed withcurly parsley set against a backdrop oflatticecovered with peasand beans. Add a few marigolds, which keepbugsat bay, and you havea wonderfully whimsical garden thatretainsits true function.Still More OptionsBe a little flexible and you will find an assortmentofoptionsavailable to layout your garden. The beauty is intheflexibility.Consider your lifestyle, the space you have, andtheamount of timeyou will invest in your garden. A four squaregarden(one that isrectangular with a central focal point, like astatue)or anasymmetrical garden (one that has no defined rules) maybeotheroptions for you to consider.
My Potager Garden 1.16
The app that ease the planification of your garden and thegrowingof vegetable
Vegetable Gardening Guide 1.2
For the experienced gardener and novicealike,this gardening guide contains everything you need to growyour owndelicious and nutritious vegetables. And, unlike othervegetablegardening guides, where you have to plow through chapterafterchapter to find the information you need, this guidedisplayssimple, step-by-step instructions, numerous illustrations,bulletedlists, hyperlinked information, and even a glossary ofterms."The Vegetable Gardening Guide" contains everything youneed:from a list of tools ... all the way to instructions forcanningand preserving your vegetables. It includes growingseasoninformation for the U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Australiaand NewZealand. It even contains nutritional information foreachvegetable, and mouth-watering recipes such as, friedgreentomatoes, zucchini bread and watermelon smoothies. So, whetheryouhave a backyard, access to a community garden, or only asmallbalcony to call your own, this is the only vegetablegardeningguide you'll ever need.*** Featured in the New York Times "Home & Garden"section***Reviews:"I love this app! It's a very handy tool to have on my phonewhenI visit my gardening store. Some great recipes are included aswell.Very much worth the price"B. WilliamsSouthern USA
The Vegetable Growers Handbook 1.0.0
A comprehensive gardeners guide togrowingover50 vegetables. Ideal for enthusiastic amateurgardeners,andexperienced professionals alike. Covering theessentialsofplanting, spacing, plant care, harvesting,storing,differentvarieties and potential problems with eachvariety, thisinvaluableapp will soon have your table full ofdelicious homegrownvegetables!Klaus Laitenberger - the author of this app - has written3bookson growing vegetables - here's what other people have hadtosayabout his work:"Klaus Laitenberger has already written a generalbookonvegetable gardening and started a seed company. Now he'sproducedanew book called "Vegetables for the PolytunnelandGreenhouse".What makes it unusual, if not unique, is thatit'sfirmly based onhands-on experience gained in one of themoredifficult parts ofthe country for growing things.The approach is strictly organic, although most oftheinformationis also relevant to gardeners who are not aspurist.It'sself-published but excellently laid out andbeautifullyillustrated.He writes in a clear and orderly way inEnglish thatis fluent butoccasionally has a turn of phrase thatreminds youthat it's not hisfirst language. And, although it'saimed atbeginners I learnt a lotfrom it, and I'm hardly a beginneratthisstage." - Dick Warner - Irish Examiner'I was brought up short when I came across an inspiringnewbookthis week 'Vegetables of the Polytunnel and Greenhouse'byKlausLaitenberger. Formerly the Head Gardener at the OrganicCentreatRossinver, Co. Leitrim he has been growingvegetablesorganicallyfor 20 years in the UK and Ireland. He laysout asuccessionalgrowing programme,month-by-month,vegetable-by-vegetable whichwill almost double theproductivity ofthe plot and really keep youin vegetables all yearround.' CarolineFoley - The Guardian
Backyard Vegetable Garden 1.2
So you are ready to start abackyardgarden?It's an exciting prospect; fresh, organic vegetablesto feedyourfamily from your own backyard! A backyard garden can bea greatwayto grow your own healthy vegetables and save money intheprocess.Having a successful and bountiful backyard gardendoesrequire someplanning before you get started. Where will youputyour garden?Raised beds or no? What are the soil requirements?Howaboutkeeping out local wildlife and insects? How should you setupyourbackyard garden? These are a few questions that wewillanswertoday.Location, Location, Location!First, plan a location in your yard that gets fullsunlightformost of the day. Be aware of any shade trees or bushesin youryardand avoid planting your garden in these areas. Take alook atwherethe sunniest spots are in your backyard. Generally, thesouthandwest facing areas will get the most sun. Also beawareofstructures like walls and fences, that can help shelteryourgardenfrom wind and also capture some warmth from the sun.Also,take alook at the hills and slopes, and avoid placing yourgardenin alow area that might be cooler and pool moisture. Ifyouareplanning to plant tender vegetable crops early inthespringseason, consider making a cold frame in your garden toaddshelterand warmth until the warmer weather comes along. Acoldframe islike a mini-greenhouse in your garden and it will allowyoutoplant seedlings earlier in cooler climates.Drainage and IrrigationIt's also very important to be sure your backyardvegetablegardenhas good drainage and irrigation. The soil in theareashould bespongy and spring back somewhat when you squeeze it.Itshould not bein a low-lying area, or an area in your yardthatpuddles when itrains. Try using raised beds to help allow forgooddrainage andirrigation when you are watering yourvegetablegarden. Also planyour garden in a location that is easyfor you towater.Soil QualityTake a look at the quality of the soil in the area thatyouplanto have your vegetable garden. The type of soil that isbestforgrowing a garden is rich, dark, loomy soil that feelsalittlespongy when you squeeze it. It should have a sweetearthysmell. Isyour soil more sandy, clay like, or pale in color?Neverfear, youcan improve the quality of your soil in many ways.One isto buysome loom or topsoil from a local garden center. If youarelookingfor a low cost option, try looking around locallyreasonablepricesfor topsoil. You can also add organic matter likerottedleaves,manure or other organic matter to your soil. Also,don'tforgetworms! Worms are a gardener's friend. They ingestorganicmatterand process it and add it back to your soil, all thetimeaeratingyour soil in their travels.Plan Before you Plant!Now you need to decide what vegetables you want to growinyourgarden. Start by deciding what vegetables you and yourfamilyenjoythe most. If no one likes zucchini, don't plant it oryou'llend upwith buckets of zucchini that you have no use for.Think ofsomefavorite vegetables and then fully research them. Dothey growwellin your climate? Do they need a lot of sun? How longdoes ittakefor them to produce vegetables. If this is your firstgarden,it'sa great idea to start with some vegetables thatproduceresultsquickly, so that you can start to reap the rewardsrightaway. Goodchoices for a fast harvest are lettuce, potatoes,springonions andbeans. Also try to choose hardy, basic varietiesthat aretried andtrue.Don't Forget FencingCritters love fresh grown vegetables from your garden. Beawareifthere are bunnies, deer, or other animals in the area thattheywillsee your garden as an easy meal! Plan a fence aroundyourgardenkeeping in mind the type of animals in your area. Dosomeresearchand talk to your neighbors about potential local pestsinorder toplan your garden fencing.
Australian Gardening Companion 1.1.0
A month by month guide tomaintainingAustraliagardens.Includes general jobs to keep your garden looking its best,howtocare for flowers and shrubs, fruit and vegetables, lawn aswellaswhat vegetables and flowers to sow. All set out monthbymonth.Also features both Australian and traditional birthflowersforeach month and some popular sayings about eachseason.
Home Composting 2.0
HOME COMPOSTING is an easy to follow guide to making compost -theorganic way.
Skippy's Garden Calendar 1.5
Kathy Martin
This easy-to-use app creates apersonalizedseed planting calendar based on frost dates in yourgarden. Itoriginated on Skippy’s Vegetable Garden blog and has beentestedand used world-wide by over 50,000 agricultural students andhomegardeners. Skippy’s Vegetable Garden is an award winningblog:awarded Best Garden Blog by Horticultural Magazine andcurrentlythe # 1 “Vegetable Gardening Blog” on Google search.If you plant seeds, this app will help you. It can be hard togetplanting time from a seed packet. You have to count backwardsusingthe days to maturity number and your frost dates to figureout thecalendar date. With several seed packets, this getsconfusing.Skippy's App solves this.Skippy's App is designed for gardeners all over the world. Itiseffective anywhere with four seasons, a cool winter, and anaveragefirst and last frost date. Through research and our ownexperience,we've collected data for the optimum planting times forover 50vegetables. The app does the work of creating a a yearroundplanting calendar, including spring, fall, and winterplanting. Itlists sowing, transplanting, and succession plantingdates.The app is easy-to-use and practical. It’s add-free. Noin-apppurchases. No silly distracting graphics. And it’sactivelysupported by gardeners with regular updates. If you have aquestionor suggestion, you can visit and emailus.How does it work? Select the season and the crops you wanttogrow. Add your garden’s frost date. The app will create acalendarfor your chosen crops. You can view your planting tasks bythe weekor scroll through the entire season. Once set up, the appopens todisplay the current week with your current planting tasks.Ifplanting season hasn't started yet, it will show your firsttaskcoming up.Give it a try. We're sure that Skippy's App will simplifyyourseed sowing.Features- Personalized calendar based on your garden climate- Select the crops you want to grow from over 50 vegetables- You can choose Spring, Fall, or Winter planting seasons oracombination- View calendar by the week or the entire season- Optional reminders- Easy-to-use and practical- Ad-free, No in-app purchases, No flashydistractinggraphics- Written, built, and supported by gardeners- And, it’s FUN to use!
Gardenate 6.0.1
Keep your vegetable garden growing with details for 90+favoriteplants
DIY Gardening Tips 15.0
Great gallery app with lots of gardening tips and ideas howtocreate perfect...
Home Gardening Guide 2.0
A garden is never finished it is acreationthat evolves from season-to-season and year-to-year.Experiencedgardeners are well aware of this reality and have evencome toenjoy the ephemeral nature of their landscapes.If a plant outgrows its previous home, or performs lessthanadequately, they enjoy selecting its replacement.When the seasons change, they enjoy seeing different plantstakecenter stage and when drought or other climatic conditionsstrike,they enjoy meeting the challenge.This app is filled with ideas and inspiration for this typeofgardener. You’ll find solutions for shady areas, containergardentips, meadow garden inspiration and much more.Just download then install this free app on your androidbasedsmartphone and follow these tips to make your garden luxuryandawesome.Here is the sneak-peak you will receive inside the app:A decent start for the plants regularly leads to healthyplants.You need to make everything right so that your plants willgrowright from the very begin generally all that you havecontributedwill go down the channel on the grounds that your planthas notgrown the right way. It's much the same as gardeningrosesheedlessly. You spent on the seeds and fertilizer. Yet youwere notsufficiently religious in growing it well. When it comestoblooming time, you discover that it does not bloom any flowersatall.Home gardening tips…Grab It Now!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that provides youinformationabout home gardening.
Home Vegetable Gardening Guide 2.0
Mass Apps
Vegetables grown at homearehealthiestvegetables. You can easily get some space and timetogrow somefresh and healthy vegetables at home.So, do you want to grow vegetables in your home garden?Are you looking for some gardening tips to grow vegetables?Would you like to learn some vegetable gardeningtipsfreehere?Well, here is the app that will help you on it. Youwillbeprovided with best gardening tips to grow some freshvegetablesathome.Download the app, follow the tips as instructed and getsomegreatvegetables grown in your home garden.Here is the sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidetheapp:The key to super productive home vegetable gardening istakingthetime now to plan strategies that will work for yourgarden.Here arefew effective home vegetable gardening tips fromgardenerswho havelearned to make the most of their gardenspace.Try out now!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout home vegetable gardening tips.
Container Gardening 1.4
There are several kinds of containersavailablein the market today such as terracotta and plastic pots,wood andclay pots, fancy teacups and containers equippedwithautomatic-watering irrigation system. With such varietyandflexibility in designs, container gardening has startedachievingpopularity today to an unimaginable extend. Such gardeningis seenon porches, sides of the front-doors, balconies as well ason therooftops. One thing for all plant lovers and gardeners tokeep inmind is that potting material should always be loose andshouldallow drainage of excessive water from the containers. Therootsshould have space to breathe to prevent them from rotting.Various types of plants such as decorative flowersespeciallyroses, herbs, cacti, vegetables and small-size trees aresuitablefor the container gardening. The major advantages ofgrowing plantsin a container are:• Reduction in the risk of diseases borne from the soil• Elimination of any sort of weed problems virtually• Mobilizing of plants help them to control soil moisture,sunlightas well as the temperatureObviously, a container in the first place is required forcontainergardening, but here's when you question everyone; whichkind ofcontainer would be suitable for your plant? This completelydependson the plant you have chosen for gardening. For example, ifit isbeans then it would be a window box of 5 gal and if it wouldbecucumber then you would need any pot of 1 gal. After youhavechosen the right container for your plant; it's time for aplantingmedium. Equal parts of sand, loamy garden soil and peatmoss is theright planting medium for pot gardening.Plantation and spacing is also another significant stepwhileplanting seeds in the ready soil. Next is the most importantstepwithout which your plants can die - watering. Some vegetablesmayneed watering daily while some may need them twice or thriceaweek. This completely depends on the size of the containerandweather conditions. There are many different kinds offormulatedfertilizers also available in the market that enhancecontainergardening; but again if you are looking for an organicgardeningyou shouldn't be using them.So what are you waiting?Your garden can survive only if youtakeappropriate care of your plants. Huge online resources andbooksare available on garden farming techniques and tips. Gardeningkitsare also available for those who are interested incontainergardening; and you may need to discover them in ourapplication,because our app is give you perfect ideas of containergardeningaround the world!
The Gardener 8.0.5
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 7/30 days when you download the app!
Gardening Magazines 1.0
Gardening Magazines. Read, Copy and Shareyourfavorite news and articles. Simple, fast and intuitivefeed/rssreader for Android.
Gardening Ideas 3.2
***FREE to download***Welcome to the Gardening Ideas app, which brings you aselectionof some of the most impressive, practical and usefulfeatures andideas for your garden. However large or small yourplot, andwhatever your budget, you will find inspiration here. Youwill alsofind a selection of inspiring gardens from across the UKto visityourself for ideas or simply for a day out.Gardening Ideas is brought to you by the experienced team atTheEnglish Garden magazine. We appreciate how important it is toaddthe right plants and features to your plot, and having aquickflick finder such as this will prove invaluable.You can share your thoughts and aspirations with familyandfriends before you make that final purchase, and you won’tevenneed to leave the comfort of your own home to explore alltheoptions.We hope our app will help you to achieve the garden youhavealways dreamed of.