Top 35 Apps Similar to My Prayers, Qibla

أوقات الصلاة و الأذان و القبلة 13
قال تعالى : إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنينكتاباموقوتا . صدق الله العظيمتطبيق أوقات الصلاة و الأذان و القبلة بدون أنترنت هو برنامج جديدفيالمتجر يساعد كل مستعملي هواتف الأندرويد على تذكر مواقيت الصلاةفيجميع الدول العربية و مواعيد الأذان والقبلة في جميع دولالمغربالعربي والخليج وذلك بالإعتماد على نظام تحديد المواقع (GPS)الذييتواجد بجهازك أو بهاتفك .ويعطي برنامج أوقات الصلاة و الأذان و القبلة جميع أوقات الصلواتالخمسفي جميع مدن الإمارات والعراق وتونس وقطر والكويت و المغربوالسعودية ومدن عمان والبحرين .. و ذلك بتحديد موقعك مباشرة لكي يظهرلك مواقيتالأذان و الصلاة في مدينتك ، و يعطيك أيضا إتجاه القبلةبدقة عالية .كما يستعمل التطبيق طرق حساب صلاة العصر مختلفة حسبالعديد من البلدانو الدول حول العالم مايعطيه دقة أكثر في تحديدأوقات الصلاة و القبلةوالأذان .من أجل إظهار مواقيت الصلاة و الأذان لا يتطلب برنامجنا أن تكونمرتبطابالأنترنت للحصول على أوقات الصلاة حسب المكان و الزمان.و إن كنت من المهتمين بالصلاة و المحافظة عليها في وقتها فلن تجدأحسنمن هاته الفرصة لأن تطبيقنا في مدته التجريبية الآن و هو مجاني وقديصبح مدفوعا في الأيام المقبلة ..يوفر لك التطبيق مميزات وخصائص كتيرة منها :ـ تغيير صوت الآذان- يعمل بدون أنترنت- سهولة الإستخدام- البحث عن أقرب المساجد و إظهار الإتجاهات إليها- وضع تذكير يومي / أجهزة الإنذار للصلاة- إظهار بعض الأدعية و الأذكارـ تحديد أوقات الصلاة- البحث عن مساجد المدينة أو منطقة معينةـ القرآن الكريم- تحديد تلقائي للموقع عن طريق GPS- التحكم بالإشعارات- أوقات الصلاة في جميع الدول العربية و العالمية- تحديد اتجاه القبلة بصورة صحيحة و دقيقة- إشعارات صلاة الجمعة- متعدد اللغات (عربية ، إنجليزية ، فرنسية ، ألمانية ...)- يقوم التطبيق بعرض أوقات صلاة الفجر، الشروق ، الظهر، العصر،المغرب، العشاءـ يمكنك إختيار المدينة يدوياالبرنامج يدعم الدول التالية :- كل الدول بالنسبة لمواقيت الصلاة والأذان و إتجاه القبلة .- الدول التالية بالنسبة للبحث عن المساجد : المملكة المغربية،المملكة العربية السعودية و الإمارات العربية المتحدة و قطر وعمانودول الخليج ، فرنسا و ألمانيا و إسبانيا و إيطاليا وجميع دولأروباوالسودان ، اندونيسيا، ماليزيا ، الولايات المتحدة ، بلجيكا،المملكةالمتحدة ، الجزائر، مصر، ليبيا ، باكستان ، نيجيريا ، تركيا ،هولاندا... و كل دول العالم .كلمات مفتاحية للبحث عن التطبيق :مواقيت الصلاة والأذانaw9at صلاةSalatukالصلاة أولاأوقات الأذان والصلاةprayer nowhoraires des prieresprayer times qibla athanprieres horaires Marocadhan call to prayer freesalaat first Qatar adan gratuital moadin moazinsalaat First Saudia ArabeAdan Priere Gratuitathan islamic prayer timespriere islamadan prayer time qiblaSalaat Bahrainprayer time UAEsalaat firstMa priereadhan salat Tunisie downlodazan prayer times Arabe gratuitpriere Franceadhan salaat Arabe sans internetmuslim prayer times azanSalatukSalaatAdhan khalij*نتمنى أن يكون تطبيقنا في المستوى و سيتم تحديثه في الأيامالمقبلةبإستمرار إن شاء الله .. كما نرحب بإستفساراتكم و إقتراحاتكملتحسينالتطبيق ، و لتشجيعنا على العطاء و بدل جهد أكثر قموا بتقييمالتطبيقو وضع 5 نجوم ..كما لا تنسوا مساعدتنا في نشر البرنامج ولكم الأجر عند الله تعالى..فالدال على الخير كفاعله ..لا تنسوانا من صالح دعائكمHe says: The prayerbookon the believers at fixed hours, said. Great truth of GodApplication of prayer and software and direction times withouttheInternet is a new program at the store helps all users ofAndroidphones to remember the prayer timings in all the Arabcountries andthe ears and direction in all the Maghreb and the Gulfcountriesdates and relying on positioning system (GPS), whichresides deviceor phone.And it gives the program of prayer times and Mobile anddirectionall times of the five daily prayers in all the cities ofthe UAE,Iraq, Tunisia, Qatar, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and thecitiesof Oman and Bahrain .. and selecting your site directly inorder toshow you the Prayer Mobile and prayer in your city, andgives youalso Qibla direction accurately High . The applicationusesdifferent methods of calculating Asr prayer by many countriesandnations around the world Maaattiyh more accuracy in determiningthedirection and prayer times and Mobile.In order to show prayer timings and our software does not requiretobe connected to the Internet to get the prayer times by spaceandtime.And if you are interested in prayer and maintain them at thetimeyou will not find better than these circumstances theopportunitybecause our application in beta and is now a free andmay be drivenin the coming days ..The application gives you the features and characteristics ofKtarhincluding:Change the sound of the ears- Works without Internet- Ease of use- Find the nearest mosques and show them directions - Develop a daily / alarms reminder to pray- Show some supplications and dhikrDetermine prayer times- Find all the mosques of the city or regionKoran- Automatic identification of the location by GPS- Notification Control- Gallery all the Arab countries and the world- Qibla direction correctly and accurate- Friday prayers notices- Multi-lingual (Arabic, English, French, German ...)- The application displays dawn, sunrise, noon prayer,afternoons,Morocco, DinnerYou can manually choose the cityThe program supports the following countries:- All countries for prayer timings and Qibla directionandsoftware.- The following states for the search for mosques: the KingdomofMorocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Omanandthe Gulf States, France, Germany, Spain and Italy and allAruba,Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia countries, the United States,Belgium,United Kingdom, Algeria , Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Nigeria,Turkey,the Netherlands ... and all the countries of theworld.Keywords for Search Application:Prayer Time and Mobileaw9at prayersSalatukFirst PrayerTimes Mobile and prayerprayer nowhoraires des prieresprayer times qibla athanprieres horaires Marocadhan call to prayer freesalaat first Qatar adan gratuital moadin moazinsalaat First Saudia ArabeAdan Priere Gratuitathan islamic prayer timespriere islamadan prayer time qiblaSalaat Bahrainprayer time UAEsalaat firstMa priereadhan salat Tunisie downlodazan prayer times Arabe gratuitpriere Franceadhan salaat Arabe sans internetmuslim prayer times azanSalatukSalaatAdhan khalij* We wish to have our application in the level and will beupdatedin the coming days constantly, God .. We also welcome yourinquiryand suggestions to improve the application, and to encourageus togive more effort and instead Qmwa evaluate the applicationandintroduction of 5 stars ..Do not forget to also help us in the dissemination of theprogramand you pay when God .. Valdal the good as actors ..Not Tnswana of good prayers
Universal Prayer Times & Qibla 1.5
“Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deedsandestablishprayer and give zakah will have their reward withtheirLord, andthere will be no fear concerning them, nor willtheygrieve.”Al-Quran (2:277) Prayer (Salat, Namaz) is a duty ofeveryMuslim toperform 5 times in a day. And, also to perform theprayeron time.So, to facilitate a Muslim to pray on time, he needaprayer timewith azan reminder before the next prayer timestarts.So, here youhave free android app Universal Prayer times andQiblaDirection.“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to youofthe Bookand establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibitsimmoralityandwrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater.AndAllahknows that which you do.” Al-Quran (29:45) Whiletravelingtodifferent countries and locations, a Muslim also has tofindtheaccurate direction of Qibla (Makkah). Because itscompulsorytopray facing to Qibla (Kaaba). In our Universal Prayertime&Qibla Direction Android App we have given the digitalcompasstoauto locate the direction of Qibla when you choose a cityfromthelist. There are hundreds of thousands cities in morethan250Countries of the world given in the list of this app.Getprayertimings for your local city, along with Qibladirection.TheMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny)said:“Theexample of the five (daily) prayers is like that ofaclear-waterriver flowing in front of your houses in which apersonwasheshimself five times a day – cleansing him fromalldirt.”(Kanzul`Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18931) The basicpurposeof theUniversal Prayer Times & Qibla Direction app is tomakethehabit of prayers for Muslims all over the world as it isorderedinQuran: “And establish Salah and give Zakah, and bowdown(inworship) along with those who bow down (inworship)”(Al-Quran2:43) Compulsory Prayers: • Fajer (morningPrayer) • Zuhur(NoonPrayer) • Aser (After Noon Prayer) • Maghrib,(Sun Set Prayer)•Isha, (Early Night Prayer) Juristic: Shafii,Hanafi, MalakiandHanbali. Prayer time Methods: • Muslim WorldLeague (MWL) •IslamicSociety of North America, USA. (ISNA) •Egyption GeneralAuthorityof Survey, Egypt. (Egypt) • Umm al-QuraUniversity,Makkah, SaudiArabia. (Makkah) • University of IslamicSciences,Karachi,Pakistan. (karachi) • Institute of Geophysics,UniversityofTehran, Iran (Tehran) Features: • Daily prayer timesfor yourlocalcity. • Qibla (Kaaba) direction with digital compass.• EasyandUser friendly User Interface. • Azan Feature at prayertimestartfor 5 prayers. • Option to mute/un-mute azan soundforspecificprayer time. • Highly customizable settings .DownloadUniversalPrayer Times & Qibla Direction on your androiddeviceor tabletfor free and don’t forget to rate us. Provide uswith yourvaluablefeedback. Your suggestion would be our greatpleasure fortheimprovement of the apps features time to time.Follow usat;
أوقات الأذان والصلاة في المغرب 15
God said: The prayer book on the believersatfixed hours. Great truth of GodApplication times of prayer and prayer in Morocco withouttheInternet is a new program at the store helps all users ofAndroidphones to remember the prayer timings in Morocco andsoftware anddirection in all the countries of the Maghreb dates andrelying onpositioning system (GPS), which resides device orphone.The program gives the times of prayer and prayer in Morocco allfivetimes of prayer in all the cities of Morocco and the citiesofEurope and also by selecting your site directly in order toshowyou the Prayer Mobile and prayer in your city, and also givesyouthe Qibla direction with high accuracy. The applicationusesdifferent methods Asr prayers account by many countries andnationsaround the world Maaattiyh accuracy more in determiningprayer anddirection and Mobile times. And if you're interested inprayer andmaintain them at the time you will not find better thanthesecircumstances the opportunity because our application intheexperimental duration now and it is free and may be driven inthecoming days ..In order to show prayer timings and our software does not requiretobe connected to the Internet to get the prayer times by spaceandtime.The application gives you the features and characteristics ofKtarhincluding:- Qibla direction correctly and accurate- Automatic identification of the location by GPSChange voice Alaman- Find the nearest mosques and showthemdirections- Ease of use- Gallery all the Arab countries and the worldDetermine prayer times- Find all the mosques of the city or region- Develop a daily / alarms reminder to pray- Works without Internet- Show some supplications and dhikrKoran- Notification Control- Friday prayers notices- Multi-lingual (Arabic, English, French, German ...) -Theapplication displays dawn, sunrise, noon prayer,afternoons,Morocco, DinnerYou can manually choose the cityThe program supports the following countries:- All countries for prayer timings and Qibla directionandsoftware.- The following states for the search for mosques: the KingdomofMorocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Omanandthe Gulf States, France, Germany, Spain and Italy and allAruba,Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia countries, the United States,Belgium,United Kingdom, Algeria , Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Nigeria,Turkey,the Netherlands ... and all the countries of theworld.Keywords for Search Application: Prayer Time in MoroccoFirst PrayerPrayer and software in Morocco Timesaw9at prayersSalatukprayer nowhoraires des prieressalaat First marocAdan Priere Gratuitadhan call to prayer freesalaat first maroc adan gratuital moadin moazinprayer time Marocsalaat firstpriere Marocpriere islamadan prayer time qiblaprayer times qibla athanprieres horairesMa priereSalatukSalaatadhan salat maroc rabat mohammedia sans internetmuslim prayer times azanathan islamic prayer timesadan marocadhan salat maroc downlodazan prayer times maroc gratuit* We wish to have our application in the level and will beupdatedin the coming days constantly, God .. We also welcome yourinquiryand suggestions to improve the application, and to encourageus togive, and instead more effort Qmwa evaluate the applicationandintroduction of 5 stars .. and do not forget to help usinspreading the program you pay when God .. Valdal the good asactors..
أوقات الصلاة - Prayer Times 14
قال تعالى : إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنينكتاباموقوتا . صدق الله العظيمتطبيق أوقات الصلاة - Prayer Times بدون أنترنت هو برنامج جديدفيالمتجر يساعد كل مستعملي هواتف الأندرويد على تذكر مواقيت الصلاةفيجميع الدول العربية و مواعيد الأذان والقبلة في جميع المدنالعربيةوذلك بالإعتماد على نظام تحديد المواقع (GPS) الذي يتواجدبجهازك أوبهاتفك .ويعطي برنامج أوقات الصلاة - Prayer Times جميع أوقات الصلوات الخمسفيجميع مدن المغرب والسعودية و مدن الإمارات والعراق وتونس وقطروالكويتوعمان والبحرين .. ذلك بتحديد موقعك مباشرة لكي يظهر لكمواقيت الأذانو الصلاة في مدينتك ، و يعطيك أيضا إتجاه القبلة بدقةعالية . كمايستعمل التطبيق طرق حساب صلاة العصر مختلفة حسب العديد منالبلدان والدول حول العالم مايعطيه دقة أكثر في تحديد أوقات الصلاة والقبلةوالأذان .و إن كنت من المهتمين بالصلاة و المحافظة عليها في وقتها فلن تجدأحسنمن هاته الفرصة لأن تطبيقنا في مدته التجريبية الآن و هو مجاني وقديصبح مدفوعا في الأيام المقبلة ..من أجل إظهار مواقيت الصلاة و الأذان لا يتطلب برنامجنا أن تكونمرتبطابالأنترنت للحصول على أوقات الصلاة حسب المكان و الزمان.يوفر لك التطبيق مميزات وخصائص كتيرة منها :- البحث عن مساجد المدينة أو منطقة معينةـ القرآن الكريم- تحديد تلقائي للموقع عن طريق GPS- التحكم بالإشعارات- أوقات الصلاة في جميع الدول العربية و العالمية- تحديد اتجاه القبلة بصورة صحيحة و دقيقةـ تغيير صوت الآذان- يعمل بدون أنترنت- سهولة الإستخدام- البحث عن أقرب المساجد و إظهار الإتجاهات إليها- وضع تذكير يومي / أجهزة الإنذار للصلاة- إظهار بعض الأدعية و الأذكارـ تحديد أوقات الصلاة- إشعارات صلاة الجمعة- متعدد اللغات (عربية ، إنجليزية ، فرنسية ، ألمانية ...)- يقوم التطبيق بعرض أوقات صلاة الفجر، الشروق ، الظهر، العصر،المغرب، العشاءـ يمكنك إختيار المدينة يدوياالبرنامج يدعم الدول التالية :- كل الدول بالنسبة لمواقيت الصلاة والأذان و إتجاه القبلة .- الدول التالية بالنسبة للبحث عن المساجد : المملكة المغربية،المملكة العربية السعودية و الإمارات العربية المتحدة و قطر وعمانودول الخليج ، فرنسا و ألمانيا و إسبانيا و إيطاليا وجميع دولأروباوالسودان ، اندونيسيا، ماليزيا ، الولايات المتحدة ، بلجيكا،المملكةالمتحدة ، الجزائر، مصر، ليبيا ، باكستان ، نيجيريا ، تركيا ،هولاندا... و كل دول العالم .كلمات مفتاحية للبحث عن التطبيق :مواقيت الصلاة والأذانالصلاة أولاأوقات الأذان والصلاةaw9at صلاةSalatukprayer nowhoraires des prieressalaat First Saudia ArabeAdan Priere Gratuitathan islamic prayer timespriere islamadan prayer time qiblaprayer times qibla athanprieres horaires Marocadhan call to prayer freesalaat first Qatar adan gratuital moadin moazinprayer time UAEsalaat firstMa prierepriere Franceadhan salaat Arabe sans internetmuslim prayer times azanSalatukSalaatAdhan khalijadhan salat Tunisie downlodazan prayer times Arabe gratuitSalaat Bahrain*نتمنى أن يكون تطبيقنا في المستوى و سيتم تحديثه في الأيامالمقبلةبإستمرار إن شاء الله .. كما نرحب بإستفساراتكم و إقتراحاتكملتحسينالتطبيق ، و لتشجيعنا على العطاء و بدل جهد أكثر قموا بتقييمالتطبيقو وضع 5 نجوم ..كما لا تنسوا مساعدتنا في نشر البرنامج ولكم الأجر عند الله تعالى..فالدال على الخير كفاعله ..لا تنسوانا من صالح دعائكم .He says: The prayerbookon the believers at fixed hours, said. Great truth of GodApplication of Prayer - Times Prayer Times without the Internet isanew program at the store helps all users of Android phonestoremember the prayer timings in all the Arab countries andthesoftware and using the dates in all Arab towns and relying ontheGPS system (GPS), which resides device or phone.And it gives the program prayer times - Prayer Times all timesofthe five daily prayers in all the cities of Morocco, SaudiArabiaand the cities of the UAE, Iraq, Tunisia, Qatar, Kuwait, OmanandBahrain .. selecting your site directly in order to show youthePrayer Mobile and prayer in your city, and gives you alsoQibladirection with high accuracy. The application usesdifferentmethods of calculating Asr prayer by many countries andnationsaround the world Maaattiyh more accuracy in determiningthedirection and prayer times and Mobile.And if you are interested in prayer and maintain them at thetimeyou will not find better than these circumstances theopportunitybecause our application in beta and is now a free andmay be drivenin the coming days ..In order to show prayer timings and our software does not requiretobe connected to the Internet to get the prayer times by spaceandtime.The application gives you the features and characteristics ofKtarhincluding:- Find all the mosques of the city or regionKoran- Automatic identification of the location by GPS- Notification Control- Gallery all the Arab countries and the world- Qibla direction correctly and accurateChange the sound of the ears- Works without Internet- Ease of use- Find the nearest mosques and show them directions - Develop a daily / alarms reminder to pray- Show some supplications and dhikrDetermine prayer times- Friday prayers notices- Multi-lingual (Arabic, English, French, German ...)- The application displays dawn, sunrise, noon prayer,afternoons,Morocco, DinnerYou can manually choose the cityThe program supports the following countries:- All countries for prayer timings and Qibla directionandsoftware.- The following states for the search for mosques: the KingdomofMorocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Omanandthe Gulf States, France, Germany, Spain and Italy and allAruba,Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia countries, the United States,Belgium,United Kingdom, Algeria , Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Nigeria,Turkey,the Netherlands ... and all the countries of theworld.Keywords for Search Application:Prayer Time and MobileFirst PrayerTimes Mobile and prayeraw9at prayersSalatukprayer nowhoraires des prieressalaat First Saudia ArabeAdan Priere Gratuitathan islamic prayer timespriere islamadan prayer time qiblaprayer times qibla athanprieres horaires Marocadhan call to prayer freesalaat first Qatar adan gratuital moadin moazinprayer time UAEsalaat firstMa prierepriere Franceadhan salaat Arabe sans internetmuslim prayer times azanSalatukSalaatAdhan khalijadhan salat Tunisie downlodazan prayer times Arabe gratuitSalaat Bahrain* We wish to have our application in the level and will beupdatedin the coming days constantly, God .. We also welcome yourinquiryand suggestions to improve the application, and to encourageus togive more effort and instead Qmwa evaluate the applicationandintroduction of 5 stars ..Do not forget to also help us in the dissemination of theprogramand you pay when God .. Valdal the good as actors ..Not Tnswana of good prayers.
Qibla 2.3
Welcome in the New Version 2.2 of Qiblah
My Prayers 2.7.3
It is an Islamic application with Prayer Times, Qibla,Azkars,Mosques and more.
My Prayer Times 2.3
My Prayer Times is an application that provides muslims all overtheworld with accurate daily prayer times. It provides prayertimes forFajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha with different methodsofcalculation. It also provides the user with Qibla compassthataccurately provides the user with the direction of prayer fromhislocation. It provides prayer times for all locations aroundtheworld based on the device’s location. The user can also changethelocation manually and save his prefered locations. Itcustomizesnotifications for different prayers throughout the day. Acompanionwearable application provides the user with an attractivewatchface. features: ● Shows the times of the five daily prayers ofthecurrent location. ● Different methods of calculation (MuslimWorldLeague, Islamic Society of North America, EgyptianGeneralAuthority of Survey, Umm al­Qura University, Makkah,University ofIslamic Sciences, Karachi) . ● Compass activity thatshows thedirection in which a person should pray. ● User can havethelocation set manually or automatically. ● The date is showninHijri(Lunar) Format. ● Simple clean looking widget thatshowsprayer times of the current day, and a widget that shows thenextprayer of the day. ● Audio and visual notifications for eachprayerof the day. ● Watch Face that shows the next prayer time andhijridate. Icons of the moon and sun are from the Noun project.Designedby Bryn Taylor and Edward Boatman.
Qibla Compass - Ramadan 2022 14.5
Qibla Compass Pro is a All in One Muslim app with IslamicCompass,Islamic prayers time and Hijri Calendar and date converterwithholy Mecca Background. You can use this app at any place intheworld to find qibla direction accurately. Qibla app will helpyouto check Salat timing and find Qibla direction. The Qiblahhasimportance to Muslims salaat and plays a part indifferentoccasions. In the Islam Muslims are buried with the bodyat rightangles to the Qibla and the face turned right towardsQiblahdirection. Qibla in Map: • Qibla Finder anywhere on map. •Showsmecca distance from your place and location address. •Magneticfiled indicator. • Spirit level indicator. Qibla Compass:The Qiblais the direction that Muslim should face when doing praysduringsalat or namaz. It is fixed as the direction of the Kaaba inMecca.• Find Qibla anywhere on the globe are you in. • App can usedeviceprevious last recorded Location to show mecca direction. • Itcanbe use offline. • 15 Qibla Compass Themes. Prayer Times: •Showssalt times for every day Namaz. • Shows Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr,Asr,Sunset, Maghrib and Isha Times • Alarm and Notification settingforevery prayer time. • Daylight saving for each prayer. •MultipleAzan Sounds. • Juristic Methods : Shafii and Hanfi • TimeFormats :12-hour, 24-hour • Ramadan 2022 Fasting Times. • Multiplelanguagesto chose. Islamic Date Converter: • Get Islamic Calendar2022. •Shows Gregorian and Hijri date. • Convert Muslim Calendardate toGregorian date and vise versa. • Hijri Calendar date inArabiclanguage. Ramadan 2022 • Ramadan 2022 Sehri, Iftar and ImsacTimes.• Complete Ramadan Calendar 2022. • Complete Ramzan timesmonthschedule. 6 Kalma of Islam. Al Quran Mp3: - Full Quran Kareemtextwith all 114 Surahs or verses in chronological order. -ArabicQuran Ayat for every Surah and English pronunciation withEach Ayatmeaning. - Complete Online Al Quran Surahs withdownloading optionsfor each Ayat or whole Koran. - Read Quran Karimin differentlanguages like French, German, Indonesian, Malay,Spanish, Turkishand Urdu. Tasbeeh counter : • Keep tapping on +button and it willstart to count, “-” will make count reverse. •Add multiple counterby adding name and count limit. Please, You cangive feedback andwe would love to listen your suggestions byE-mail, Facebook,Twitter or Google+. E-mail: [email protected]: To Set Your Location:In ManyDevice, It will ask to enable GPS to get exact location,Using Appfirst time kindly restart app after Enabling GPS Note: -As PrayerDirection and Prayer times vary from different part of theworld.Make sure first by selecting different Namaz timecalculationmethods in the setting screen. - Find Qibla direction byusingdevice on a flat surface to get accurate result. Make surethere isnot any electromagnetic field and metal objects close todevice.
Qibla Locator : Prayer Time : 2.2
Get Qibla direction, Prayer time and Ramdan alerts instantly.
Athan and Prayer Time 1.0
Allah said in 103 : al-nisa : "The prayerisobligatory for believers at specific times "Athan and Prayer Times is an application for Muslimsthatindicate the time of prayer which means you will not miss anySalatagain, and shows the Qibla direction using the digitalcompassintegration feature, so no need to ask someone for it.Characteristics:- Hours of prayer: The Salat algorithm has manycalculationmethods for many countries. If you want, you can changethe prayermethod manually in the "Settings" tab.- Nice looking Widget : shows prayer times and how much timeleftfor the next Salat.- Qibla direction : the application indicates Qibladirectionanywhere (based on phone's compass capabilities).- Notifications: you can choose for each prayer itsmode:notification, vibration or sound.- GPS : you can locate yourself by going to Settings (Foranaccurate localization, please ensure that your locationsettingsand your Internet connection or your GPS areenabled).- List of locations: along with GPS location, You have a listoflocations including all muslim countries and you can chooseyourfavourite.- HD backgrounds : different HD background of mosques fromdifferentmuslim countries for each Athan.- Hijri muslim calendar, and ability to correct itmanuallyaccording to Hilal sighting.- Multiple set of languages : English, Arabic, French, Italian
أوقات الصلاة والأذان بالسعودية 16
He says: The prayer book on the believersatfixed hours, said. Great truth of GodApplication of prayer and Mobile Saudi Arabia times withouttheInternet is a new program at the store helps all users ofAndroidphones to remember the prayer timings in all the cities ofSaudiArabia and the software and using the dates in all theArabcountries and by relying on the GPS system (GPS), whichresidesdevice or phone.And it gives the program of prayer and Mobile Times, SaudiArabia,all times of the five daily prayers in all the cities ofSaudiArabia and the cities of the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman andBahrain.. selecting your site directly in order to show you thePrayerMobile and prayer in your city, and gives you also Qibladirectionwith high accuracy. The application uses different methodsofcalculating Asr prayer by many countries and nations aroundtheworld Maaattiyh more accuracy in determining the directionandprayer times and Mobile.In order to show prayer timings and our software does not requiretobe connected to the Internet to get the prayer times by spaceandtime.And if you are interested in prayer and maintain them at thetimeyou will not find better than these circumstances theopportunitybecause our application in beta and is now a free andmay be drivenin the coming days ..The application gives you the features and characteristics ofKtarhincluding:- Gallery all the Arab countries and the world- Qibla direction correctly and accurateChange the sound of the ears- Works without Internet- Find all the mosques of the city or regionKoran- Automatic identification of the location by GPS- Notification Control- Ease of use- Find the nearest mosques and show them directions- Develop a daily / alarms reminder to pray- Show some supplications and dhikrDetermine prayer times- Friday prayers notices- Multi-lingual (Arabic, English, French, German ...)- The application displays dawn, sunrise, noon prayer,afternoons,Morocco, DinnerYou can manually choose the cityThe program supports the following countries:- All countries for prayer timings and Qibla directionandsoftware.- The following states for the search for mosques: the KingdomofMorocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Omanandthe Gulf States, France, Germany, Spain and Italy and allAruba,Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia countries, the United States,Belgium,United Kingdom, Algeria , Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Nigeria,Turkey,the Netherlands ... and all the countries of theworld.Keywords for Search Application:Prayer Time in Saudi ArabiaFirst PrayerTimes Mobile and prayer Arabiaaw9at prayersSalatukprayer nowhoraires des prieressalaat First Saudia ArabeAdan Priere Gratuitathan islamic prayer timespriere islamadan prayer time qiblaprayer times qibla athanprieres horairesadhan call to prayer freesalaat first Saudia Arabe adan gratuital moadin moazinprayer time KSAsalaat firstMa prierepriere Saudia Arabeadhan salaat Saudia Arabe KSA sans internetmuslim prayer times azanSalatukSalaatAdhan Saudiaadhan salat Saudia Arabe downlodazan prayer times Arabe gratuitSalaat khalij* We wish to have our application in the level and will beupdatedin the coming days constantly, God .. We also welcome yourinquiryand suggestions to improve the application, and to encourageus togive more effort and instead Qmwa evaluate the applicationandintroduction of 5 stars ..Do not forget to also help us in the dissemination of theprogramand you pay when God .. Valdal the good as actors ..
Athanotify - prayer times 3.4.23
el cheikh
Islamic prayer times & qibla direction with hijri calendarandislamic reminders
Azān Alarm ( Prayer & Qibla ) 1.8
Adhan Alarm is the most islamic application now, it allow you :-Prayer times with a best design. - 5 notification per day withabest azan to pray. - Qibla position with a sample design andaperfect precision. - Selection of the best Azan in the world byadifferent muazzin.. - you don't need internet connection to useorapplication. - Please choose setting to set you informations.
التقويم العربي الإسلامي 2023 10.2.3
Islamic Arabic Calendar 2023 (Hijri and Gregorian) with timesofprayers, dhikr and qibla.
iPray: Prayer Times, Azan & Qibla. FREE & No Ads 2.7.13
iPray is beautiful, modern, free to download andfullysupportsAndroid Pie, which means it's secure and batteryoptimised.iPrayoffers a beautifully hand-crafted interface withboth PrayerTimesand Qibla compass displayed on the same screen -noswitchingbetween screens and strictly No Ads, No Spam and NoHiddenCosts.iPray gives you accurate timings and azan alerts nomatterwhereyou are in the world and "just works" out of theboxwithzero-configuration required. OFFLINE PRAYER TIMES(أوقاتالصلاة) •No network connection required, prayer timesarecalculated offline• Islamic prayer times for any location roundtheworld • An easyto read display with heads-up information aboutthecurrent prayerin focus (either the currently active prayer orthenext one incase it's starting soon). Prayers included are:Fajr,Sunrise /Salat al Doha, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Qiyam •Colorcodeddisplay to show the progress of the current prayer.Severitybeginswith yellow, orange, red and bright red, indicatingthecurrentprayer is about to depart, so pray if you haven'talreadyprayed.SMART NOTIFICATIONS • Smart status bar notificationthat notonlyshow you what's most important (current prayer'selapsed time,orupcoming prayer's count down), but also smartly getsdemotedduringthe day so it's out of your way and promoted when aprayer is30minutes away. Your lock screen will automatically showyou thenextprayer information if it's within 30 minutes. • Optional15minutesreminders to remind you with a gentle 'knock knock'soundthat theprayer is about to begin. • Easy toggling of alertsfromthe mainscreen. Tap-hold to see more options. MONTHLY TIMETABLE•Simplyrotate your device to view monthly timings; alsoaccessiblefromthe main menu. • Hijri date and prayer timings forall theprayers(including Qiyam) • Scroll down to automatically seetimingsforthe following month. QIBLA COMPASS (القبلة) • A simpletousecompass that's always on. The moment you launch iPray,thecompassis ready, eager to show you the way. • Full screenQiblahlocatormode with more information about the angle anddistance toMecca •An optional Map-compass is included in case yourdevice doesnotsupport a built-in magnetometer (or you want visuallyverifyit)IMMERSIVE ANIMATIONS • No matter what time you launchiPray,you'llalways be greeted with a new scenery. • Eidcelebrations,visibleduring Eid days. ISLAMIC EVENTS • Easilydetermine whentheimportant events of the hijri calendar year are(هجري),includingRamadan, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha WIDGETS •Althoughour Smartnotification alert will serve the purpose of anywidget,iPraycomes bundled with various simplistic widgets to seeprayertimeson the desktop. • Widgets for daily prayer, current ornext aswellas a transparent widget • A widget that displays thefullprayertimes table for the day CONFIGURABLE • iPray lets youchangeeveryaspect of the calculation method used. • Adjustindividualsalattimes with addition / subtraction of minutes in caseyou wishtomatch timings from your local masjid • Automatictimeadjustmentsfor locations at high latitudes (UK, Denmark,Canadaetc) •Algorithm for Fajr and Isha detection can be configuredtobe: OneSeventh, Angle Based, One Seventh Median and times basedonMiddleof the Night. • Switch between Sunrise and Salah-al-Doha•Includesstatus bar updates for all prayers, including Qiyamallayl(Tahajjad prayer) • Various Azans (أذان) and options foreachnamaz• Select custom Adhan (أذان) or any other Audio / MP3 file•Dua(Supplication) after Azan UNIVERSAL • Designed for bothphonesandtablets • Update to work on devices without GooglePlayServicesLook no further, you've found the one and only prayertimesapp formuslims that does it all. Twitter: @iPraySupport
تحديد اتجاه القبلة الصلاة مكه 8.0
تطبيق لجوالات الاندرويد لتحديد اتجاهالقبلةالكعبة لصلاةيقوم التطبيق بتحديد اتجاه مكه وبالتحديد الكعبة قبلة الصلاهالتطبيق سهل الاستخدام وبسيط جدا ويعمل بكل دقه لتحديد مكانالقبلهبالتحديدمكان مكه ومكان القبله بالخريطهبوصلة مكة المكرمةمميزات التطبيق :* تصميم سهل وسلس* يعمل بأقل مستوى من حدمة البيانات او الواي فاي حتى لو كانتصعيفهجدا* يحدد مكان مكه بدقه بعد فتج التطبيق مباشرهاي مشاكل لتطوير التطبيق ارجو مراسلتنا على البريدApplication forAndroidPhones to determine the direction to the Kaaba directionforprayersThe application will select the direction of Mecca and theKaabaspecifically kiss prayerEasy to use and very simple application and works with precisiontolocate precisely kissPlace Mecca and place kiss Map SearchCompass MeccaApplication features:* Easy and smooth design* Runs on less level of Hdmh data or Wi-Fi even if it waspoortoo* LOCATED Mecca carefully Vtj directly after applicationAny problems to the development of the application please sendusan e
Islamic prayer times & qibla 1.2.5
Download Islamic Prayer Times & Qibla for FREE to gettheprecise prayer time and direction for Qibla anywhere you are.Youcan even use this Islamic app without internet. This Muslimprayingapp has intuitive user interface and is very powerful touse. OurIslamic Prayer app has many features that will be usefulfor anyMuslim anywhere in the world such as: Muslim Prayer Times,Azan,Qibla Compass, Islamic Calender, Hijri Date Converter, findMosquenear you, Tasbeeh, Counter, Quran in many languages and DailyDuas.Our Salah app also allows you to edit any relevant infomanually inthe “Setting” section. With HD quality graphic andsimple userinterface, our Islamic app is indispensable for anyMuslim wheneverthey are. ==========================================ISLAMIC PRAYERTIMES & QIBLA BESTFEATURES:========================================== ★ Prayer Times:Getprecise Prayer times for 200.000+ cities in 200+ Countries.Gettimes for: Fajr, Sunrise player, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.OurNetwork and GPS tool helps you to detect yourlocationautomatically or you can find Mecca manually when you areoffline.This powerful Muslim app will also gives informationregarding thenext prayer time. ★ Qiblah Compass: This powerfulIslamic tool willgive you every information regarding direction anddistance toKaaba in Mecca, and even takes into consideration thedifferencebetween magnetic and true north. ★ Find nearest Mosque:Use ourpowerful app to find the nearest Masjeed within 3 – 50 KMradius. ★Read The Holy Quran: Use our Islamic app to read the HolyQuranjust like if you have the real Holy Quran on hand. OurIslamicprayer app also provides a great moshaf quran Color codedTajweedrules, Maki/Madani, repeat functions, bookmarks, tags,search, andexcellent navigational controls. Our Quran feature alsoenablestranslation to other languages. ★ Remembrance, TasbihandSupplication: Islamic Prayer Time & Qibla has the bestandauthentic selection of Dhikr & Azkar from the mushaf andnameof Allah to be recited all times: Morning/Evening,Restroom,Prayer, 40 Rabbanas, Eat/Drink, Dressing, Travelling,Family,Blessings, Protection, Forgiveness, Fasting/Ramadan,Hajj,Funeral/Grave, Rain, and Random. ~* OTHER IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS: *~* Bookmark a particular part in Quran reading to continue fromthesame place later. * Jump to any Ayah of the present Surah.*Activate/ Deactivate Daylight saving time. * Edit the alarmmodeand select Adhan ringtone function. * Edit the prayertimesmanually. * Choose your Madhab / Juristic Method (Hanafi,Shafi,Maliki or Hanbali) It’s a gift app for muslims the especialyin themonth or Ramadan. As we know Ramadan is the month ofblessings,most of the Muslims around the globe fast in this holymonth. Onecan easily see the Azan or Salah times while travellingaround oreven at your own place. Our Islamic app currently supporttheselanguages: Arabic, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese,Italian,German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Turkish, Urdu,Persian,Indonesian, Malay, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali. In our nextupdate,we will bring you the best Ramadan, Hadith, and iQuranfeatures toimprove our Islam app. You can contact us on :[email protected] us on your Facebook
مواقيت الصلاة Prayer Time 1
مواقيت الصلاة Prayer Time : MuslimPrayerswithAudio Offlineمواقيت الصلاة Prayer Time in Engish Free for Kids andAdultswithAudio and Lyrics Available Offline Only for You.This App includes beautiful kids Islamic Prayers andSongswithoutsalat first.You can use this app anywhere, even in school, withoutrequirementofInternet Connection.مواقيت الصلاة Prayer Time of lots of countries can be foundeasilybythis application. The times are taken from RepublicofTurkeyPresidency of Religious Affairs. The app hasthefollowingfeatures:FEATURES:- Six Paryers: Fajr, Sharooq, Zuhr, Asr, Magrib, Isha- Major Juriustics: Hanafi, Shafi, Malaki, Hanbili azan salat- Prayer alarm with captivating Azan audio(adhan)- Time gap settings between prayer and alarm times- Option of 'Adjusting' prayer time for grater flexibility- Day Light Saving option- Qibla direction and Qibla Compass(adhan)Main Features:- Accurate Prayer time calculated based onyourcurrentlocation- Several methods of calculation (for Fajr and Isha).- Various juristic methods (for Asr).- Display the hours with the AM/PM format Or 24format.(adhan)- Display the Hijri Calender with name of the day.- Remaining time for the next prayer is mentioned to helpyoupreparefor the prayer in time and salat first.- Notifications for prayer times on your watch.- Support Arabic and English language for salat first.- More than 10 different colors to customize the screenAdaneasalat.- azan salat- Adane asalat- al azan salat- Al dane asalat
المؤذن : مواقيت الصلاة 3.1
تطبيق مواقيت الصلاة تطبيق إحترافي لتحديد أوقات الصلاة ذلكathanتطبيق سهل الإستعمال وبه العديد من المميزات الحصريةadan توفيرعددلابأس به من أصوات اللآذان لأشهر المؤذنين العرب يتم تحديدمواقيتالصلاة الخاصة بمدينتك أوتوماتيكيا بكل إحترافية عبر اتصالكبالأنترنتأو عبر شبكة المحمول المحلية أو جي بي إ في حال لم يتمكنالتطبيق منتحديد مكانك يمكنك إختيار مدينتك من الدول التي نوفرها فيالتطبيقيمكنك برنامج الآذان من التحكم في طريقة إعلامكم لكل صلاة وذلكبإختيار التنبيه عن طريق الآذان أو الهزاز أو الوضع الصامتathanيتوفرالتطبيق على خاصية مميزة و هي أنه أثناء وضعكم الهاتف علىالطورالصامت فإن التطبيق يتعرف عليه و لايقوم بالاذان في هاته الحالةإلابعد تنشيط الزر الخاص بها salaat first التطبيق يختار تلقائياأفضلطريقة حساب لأوقات الصلاة compass يوفر لك التطبيق مواقيت الصلاةلشهركامل priere يوفر لك التطبيق موسوعة أدعية يومية ومسبحةإلكترونيةHoraires de prières et l'adhan يمكنكم أن تشاركو جميعمواقيت الصلاةاليومية مع أهلكم أو أصدقائكم عبر زر المشاركة salatيقوم التطبيقبحساب الوقت المتبقي لكل صلاة و الوقت الذي مضىعليهاsalaat ميزةجديدة يتوفر عليها التطبيق و هي أنه يظهر لك فجراليوم المواليathanqibla نرجوا منكم دعمنا بإبداء ارائكم و تعليقتاتكمحول التطبيق و لمالا تقييم بخمس نجوم إن أعجبكم التطبيق
Prayer Time & Qibla Direction 4.1
The best qibla direction compass forAndroid.Free prayer now & prayer time appUse this prayer time & qibla direction for your prayers.It’slight, free and beautiful on the go. With the clean UI,neatorganization and set of features, the app can be your solutionforprayer times qibla and athan. Additionally, if you are insearchfor azan prayer times maroc o qibla maroc app, this is thebest appyou can get. The perfect combination of prayer now andqibladirection compass for Android.THE IDEAL PRAYER APPYou don’t have to worry about when to pray or your qibladirectionever again. The app uses unique code to determine theqibladirection. Together with the additional set of features, youcanworry about other things, but your prayer times for qibla andathanwill not be something to worry about ever again.QIBLA MAP WITH BEAUTIFUL COMPASSWe have worked really hard to craft an amazing compass thatwillsurely be of amazing help. No matter your knowledgeaboutsmartphones, this qibla maroc compass will surely be ofextremehelp. It uses a qibla finder indicator and shows the meccadistanceright from your house. This is probably the best directioncompassfor android you will ever use within a map. The map isstunning andagain beautifully designed for easier usage. There aredifferentcompass themes for every taste and it can be used in anofflinemode.NEVER MISS A PRAYERThe app has a great prayer times and calendar feature. Youcaneasily see the prayer time and schedule it within the app.Organizeyour prayers and never forget. With few simple taps you canset theprayer time and it will be always visible within the qiblacalendarfeature. Easily active or deactivate it at any time.VERSITALE PRAYER TIMES OPTIONSNot only it displayers the prayer times qibla and athan, azanprayertimes maroc, you can also select different alarms,notifications,sounds and methods. You can convert to muslimcalendar date toGregorian and set 12 or 24h formats.Prayer Time & Qibla Direction FEATURES:- neat qibla direction compass- qibla map that tells the distance and direction from your hometoMeca- qibla calendar feature to set up reminders- notification for prayer times- multiple prayer time options- simple and easy to useAll in one qibla direction solution.Prayer time app that will be of extreme help.One of the simplest and easiest to use apps.Get it free NOW!* For any issues contact usFin de la discussion
Muslim Bag: Prayer Times Quran 1.6
muslim way
Muslim Bag: Prayer Times Quran• Precise prayer timings that are based on the present locationofthe user and the availability of multiple settings• Azan: Illustrated and audio notices for the summons for prayerandthe user has a number of muezzin voices to pick from• Times of fasting (Iftar and Imsak) for the durationofRamadan• The app offers “Holy Quran” complete with audio narrations inmp3format, phonetics as well as translations•The app offers colored Tajweed for helping you out in makingyourpronunciation at the time of doing a reading of theQuranbetter• It offers "Tasbih" that users can use for countingtheirdhikr• Its dynamic Qibla compass and plot shows you the waytoMecca• It features a comprehensive Muslim Hijri calendar that helpsyouout in estimating holy dates, examples being Eid-Ul-AdhaandEid-Ul-Fitr• Zakat calculator• 99 Allah namesWonderful greeting cards share them through Facebook , twitter,WhatsApp And All other social media channels• Users can translate the app as a whole and its Quran fullytoBahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Deutsch,Français,Español, Nederlands, Italiano, Türkçe, Português, andotherlanguages.How does the app work?Using this app is real easy.It entails several things and all of them are real easyforyou.First you require choosing a location. The app requires knowingyoursite for calculating precise prayer times as well as theQibla’sdirection. You’ve a couple of options for selecting yoursite,
Prayer Qibla Direction Compass 1.1
Qibla direction compass is the mostpopularmuslim Smartphone application that helps Muslim mobileusersthroughout the world in finding the exact direction ofqibla(قبلة‎‎) and also hijri calendar and gives exact islamicprayertimes to make them offer prayers easily. This qibladirectionfinder shows the course of kaaba with the help of itsunique andeasy to understand qibla Compass.Features:With the help of this qibla locator you can:- Find qibla direction to Mecca anywhere anytime-Track kaaba location with Both online (using GPS)-Know the islamic prayer timesComplete muslim hijri calendar to estimate holy dates suchasEid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha-Adjust latitude to AngleBased, Midnight or OneSeventh-Select juristic according School of Thoughts ofShafi/maliki,hanbali or hanafi-Accurate prayer times based on your current location-Animated qibla compass and map to show you the directiontoMeccaFree qibla finder, points you to Kaaba in mecca, whereMuslimsmust turn to before they pray. Application tries to fixyourlocation on the world using one of GPS sensorDownload this incomparable mobile app qibla direction compassinorder to benefit from it for finding the course of qiblaandknowing about salat ( صلاة ) timings.
Athan Salat : Prayer Times 3.2
Izemtech Inc
P.S : First enable the location service to get the prayertimesotherwise the app can't locate your city to recieve the exactathanadan This is a Professional Prayers Times App give you theexactprayer time with athan of the most beautiful adan soundsitscontain alot of advantages adan,than app can easily detectyourposition via wifi or gps or local gsm and give you exactprayertimes with adan * app contain alot of beatifull athan soundsofmost known chyoukh like maher al muaiqly * You can choose anoptionof salaat notification there is 3 optionvibration,adan,silence *You can activate athan even if the phone ison silence mode bychecking the option in setting * we give you nextday salat FajrPrayer * You can choose manually your Country ifthere is aprobleme in localisation your position * we have a greatliberaryof daily hadith with mosabiha * Prayer Alerts: - Get Prayertimingsfor thousands of cities worldwide - Hear the Athan at everyprayertime - View the remaining time for each prayer and see theprayertimings for the entire day we hope that this salaat app helpsyouto keep your relation with allah also we hope that adan willworksvery will
Find Qibla Direction 🕋 1.2
Application Qiblah (Qibla Direction)isanapplication that allows you to determine the directionofdirectionabout you, whether you are in your city or you changethecity orthe state, this application helps to determine thedirectionofdirection wherever analyzed and traveled. The application is also available to determine thetimesofprayer and times of the advantage of holidays, religiousandIslamicparties. Application features:- Easy to determine your location using GPS- Qibla direction depending on your geographic- prayer time- Times of religious holidays- History Gregorian and Islamic HistoryTag words: Qiblah AlasaddaralzkiQibla DirectionSalat firstSalaat FirstSalaat First LiteQiblah - the latest versionQiblaCompassQibla CompassFind Qibla ProKnow the direction of Qibla programs
مواقيت الصلاة و الآذان 1.3
مواقيت الصلاة تطبيق يتيح لك إمكانيةمعرفةأوقاتالصلات في أي مكان بالعالم. كل ما عليك هو تحديد مكانكوالتطبيقسيتكلف بإعطائك مواقيت الصلات الدقيقة لذلك المكان ،معإمكانية الأذانعند وقت الصلات أو التوصل بإشعار لدخولوقتالصلات.مواعيد الاذانموعد صلاة العصرمواقيت الصلاةاوقات الامساكتقويم الصلاةصلاة العصرأوقات الصلاةمواقيت الافطارمواعيد الصلاهوقت الصلاةموعد صلاة العشاءموعد صلاة الظهراوقات الصلاة بالمغربوقت صلاة الظهراوقات اصلاهمواقيت الصلاة الاسكندريةمواعيد الصلاةموعد صلاة الفجرالقبلةموعد اذان العصرتوقيت الصلاةوقت صلاة العصرميعاد صلاة الفجرتوقيت صلاة العصراوقات الصلاة اليومأوقات الأذانتوقيت الصلاة بالرباطمواعيد الصلاة بالقاهرةمواعيد الاذان اليومتوقيت الصلاة بالمغرباوقات الصلاة بالرباطمواقيت الصلاة فى الاسكندريةوقت الاذاناوقات الاذانمواقيت الاذانمواقيت الصلاة بالرباطوقت صلاة الفجراوقات صلاهمواقيت الصلاة بالمغربصلاة الظهرتوقيت الاذانمواقيت الصلاة بالقاهرةموعد الاذانأوقات الصلاة بالمغربالصلاةمواقيت الأذانsalaatsalaat firstaw9at salatsalat marocقبلة الصلاةاذان العصرتوقيت صلاة الفجرمواقيت الصلاة اليومPrayerTimeapplicationthat allows you to see the links times anywhere intheworld. Allyou need is to determine your location andtheapplication willcost timings give you the precise links tothatplace, with thepossibility of software links at one timeorreaching anotification to the time for the links.Ears datesDate Asr prayerPrayer TimingsTimes of constipationPrayer CalendarAsr prayerprayer timePrayer BreakfastPrayer datesprayer timeDinner date prayersThe date of the noon prayerTimes of prayer in MoroccoThe time of the noon prayerTimes you prayingPrayer Time AlexandriaPrayer datesDate of dawn prayersthe kissThe date of the ears of the timesThe timing of PrayerAsr prayer timeDeadline dawn prayersThe timing of Asr prayerPrayer Times todayTimes MobileThe timing of prayer in RabatPrayer dates in CairoEars today datesThe timing of prayer in MoroccoTimes of prayer in RabatPrayer Time in AlexandriaTime to prayerTimes earsTimings earsPrayer Time in RabatThe time of dawn prayersTimes of prayersPrayer Time in MoroccoSalat AduherTiming earsPrayer timings in CairoDeadline earsMorocco Prayer TimesPrayerTimings Mobilesalaatsalaat firstaw9at salatsalat marocKiss PrayerEars of ageThe timing of the dawn prayerPrayer Time Today
My Prayers 1.0
Hindu is one of the oldest religion intheworldso is its spiritual content. Over a period of time,thissacredliterature got added and improved by various saintsandspiritualgurus that to be used by common people in their walkoflife.This application is an initiative for those common peoplewhousessome of the best and most used chants, mantras,aarti,challisa intheir daily spiritual practice in most commonlanguagesHindi andSanskrit.We love to know what you think about this application.Withyourhelp and feedback, we continue to make improvement toourcontent.If you think particular content should be part of theapp,pleasesend us your choice. We greatly appreciate the time youtaketogive us this critical feedback.Please drop a mail to: [email protected]
Prayer Times Azan reminder 1.2
Prayer times is calculated based onyourcurrentlocation with multiple settings available(angles)unanimously by allislamic doctrines (Shia, Sunni Islam,accordingto the IslamicUniversity, the Islamic University in NorthAmerica,Umm Al QuraUniversity Islamic Makkah, the EgyptianGeneralAuthority ofSurvey)with optoin that allow you to chose with• Azan: visual and audio notifications for the calls forprayerwithmany muezzin voices to choose from• Fasting times (Iftar Maghreb time and Imsak ) during Ramadanmonth• The Holy Quran (Al Qur'an) with audio recitationstranslatedto5 languages , phonetics and translations• "Tasbih" to count your dhikr• Mosques finder locations to find nearest mosques around you• Animated Qibla compass and map to show you pray qibladirectionofMecca• Complete Muslim Hijri calendar and date converter tochangefromand to Hijiri calendar• 99 names of Allah with right phonetics and translations• Hesn al Muslim Duaa and prayer a collection ofduasandsupplications)• App and Quran fully translated to: Bahasa Indonesia,BahasaMelayu,Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano,Nederlands,Português,Türkçe, العربية, اردو, русский, 简体中文, 日本語,ภาษาไทย
Bang - بانگ 9.6
NI Best MZ
كاتەكانی بانگ بو هەولێر، دهۆک، سلێمانی، هەڵەبجە،کەرکوک و هەموو شاروشارۆچکەکان
اذان و اوقات الصلاة 1.3.18
برنامج الاذان و مواقيت الصلاة هوبرنامججديديساعد مستعملي هواتف الاندرويد على تذكر مواعيد و مواقيتالصلاةوذلكبالاعتماد على نظام تحديد المواقع (GPS) الذي يتواجد بجهازكاوبهاتفك.يعطي برنامج اوقات الصلاة و الأذان في العالم.. جميعاوقاتالصلواتالخمس في بلدان العالم و مدن العالم ايضا و ذلك بتحديدموقعكمباشرةلكي يظهر لك تواقيت الصلاة في مدينك و بلدتك . كما يستعملطرقحسابصلاة العصر مختلفة حسب العديد من البلدان و الدول حولالعالممايعطيهدقة اكثر في تحديد اوقات الصلاة و القبلة .مميزات برنامج أوقات الصلاة والأذان في المغرب :تحديد اتجاه القبلةتحديد اوقات الصلاةحساب صلاة العصر على حسب جميع البلدان و الدول العربيةالقرآن الكريمالتحكم بالاشعاراتاشعارات صلاة الجمعةتغيير صوت الآذانتطبيق مواقيت الصلاة هو تطبيق بسيط للتذكير باوقاتالصلاةويتميزبالعديد من المميزات نذكرها اسفله ولا تنسوا يا مسلمينانالصلاة كانتعلى المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا ويجب الحفاظ علىاوقاتهامميزات التطبيق :• عرض أوقات الصلاة في كل الدول معتمدا نظام تحديد الموقع سواءعنطريقالانترنت او بدونه يقوم التطبيق بعرض أوقات الصلاواتالخمسالفجر،الشروق، الظهر، العصر، المغرب، العشاء• خمس طرق لحساب اوقات الصلاة حسب النظام المعتمد في بلدكوسيتمدكرالنظام المتبع في كل بلدان العالم اسفله• يمكنك اختيار المدينة يدويا في حالة فشل التطبيق في ايجادمدينتكوذلكمن خلال نافدة البحث التي ستظهر عندما يفشل التطبيقفيتحديدمدينتك• يدعم مواقيت الصلاة حاليا معضم دول العالم والمرجو مراسلتناادالمتتكمن من ايجاد مدينتك ضمن التطبيق• التنبيه لاوقات الصلاة سواء باختيار اذان كامل او فقطبختياراشعارينبهك بوقت الصلاة• دعم التوقيت الصيفي والتوقيت الشتوي• التحكم في الوضع الصامت الذي يظهر بعد الاذان حتى لا يزعجكاحدعند كل موعد صلاة سيقوم الجهاز بالآذانAdhan vous alertes aux temps de prière islamiques et vousindiqueladirection du qibla sur une boussoleElle permet aussi de calculer la date de l'Hégire.L'algroithme de Adhan utilise les méthodes de calculdeprièresadoptés dans les différents pays musulmansVous pouvez choisir la methode de calcule qui convient àvotrerégiondans le paramétrage.Adhan vous indique la direction de la Qibla qui correspondàvotreposition localisé par GPS.Pour une bonne localisation, vous devez vous assurezquevosparamètres de localisation et votre connexion internet ouvotreGPSsont bien activés !des prière en utilisant la technologie du GPS ,L'applicationdonneles horaires selon les méthodes de calcul duMinistère desHabouset des Affaires Islamiques marocain en plusdesautresorganisations connus à travers le monde.Afficher les horaires de l'adan de la journée.- Localisation automatique à l'aide de GPS avec une miseàjourautomatique.- la possibilité de mettre l'Adan en silence avec un longcliquesurle bouton Volume.- La possibilité d'activer l'affichage des horaires de prièressurlabar des notifications.- La possibilité activer le rappel pour lesAdkar(sabah,massaa,...)- sélectionner le moadine préféré, avec unepossibilitédetélécharger d'autres adan et lesappliquerdansl'application.- Détection des mosquées voisines les plus proches de chezvous.enindiquant les chemin les plus cours pour lesatteindre.- Passer en mode silence automatique après l'athan (cetteoptionestréglable).- Afficher la date Hijri avec la possibilité de la juster.- Transforme votre téléphone en lampe avec plusieursoptions:flash,flash clignotant, police clignotant...- Indique la direction de Qibla selon la ville sélectionnéeetavecGPS.- la direction de la Qibla sur Google Map.- Offre divers sons d'athan:- Fournit plus de 100 DikrMobile and Prayer Timeisanew program that helps users of Android phones to rememberdatesandtimes of prayer and relying on the GPS system (GPS),whichresidesdevice or phone.Gives the times of prayer and the software program in theworld..all times of the five daily prayers in the countries oftheworldand the world's cities and also by selecting yoursitedirectly inorder to show you prayer times in Medink and yourtown.It is alsoused different methods of calculating the Asr prayerbymanycountries and nations around the world Maaattiyh moreaccuracyindetermining the times of prayer and direction.Program features prayer and software in Morocco Times:Qibla directionDetermine the times of prayerAsr prayers account by all countries and the Arab countriesThe Holy QuranNotices ControlNotices Friday prayersChange the sound of the earsApplication Prayer Time is a simple application as areminderoftimes that prayer is characterized by many advantages,donotforget to remind them underneath O Muslims that prayer bookonthebelievers at fixed hours and must maintain their timesApplication features:• View Gallery all countries based positioning system,whetherviathe Internet or without the application will offerprayersfivetimes dawn, sunrise, noon, Asr, Maghrib, Dinner• Five ways to calculate prayer times, according tothesystemadopted in the country and will be decker system usedinallcountries of the world underneath• You can manually choose the city in the case ofapplicationfailedto find your city through it enforceable researchthat willappearwhen the application fails to identify yourcity• Supports Prayer Time Currently Medm countries in theworldandplease send us Lada Taatkmen not find your citywithintheapplication• alarm prayer times, whether to choose full ears orjustBakhtiarnotice alerts in advance of Prayer• Support for daylight saving time and winter time• Control in silent mode that appears after ears so as nottobotheryou oneWhen each appointment prayers device ears willAdhan vous alertes aux temps de prière islamiques et vousindiqueladirection du qibla sur une boussoleElle permet aussi de calculer la date de l'Hégire.L'algroithme de Adhan utilise les méthodes de calculdeprièresadoptés dans les différents pays musulmansVous pouvez choisir la methode de calcule qui convient àvotrerégiondans le paramétrage.Adhan vous indique la direction de la Qibla qui correspondàvotreposition localisé par GPS.Pour une bonne localisation, vous devez vous assurezquevosparamètres de localisation et votre connexion internet ouvotreGPSsont bien activés!des prière en utilisant la technologie du GPS,L'applicationdonneles horaires selon les méthodes de calcul duMinistère desHabouset des Affaires Islamiques marocain en plusdesautresorganisations connus à travers le monde.Afficher les horaires de l'adan de la journée.- Localisation automatique à l'aide de GPS avec une miseàjourautomatique.- La possibilité de mettre l'Adan en silence avec un longcliquesurle bouton Volume.- La possibilité d'activer l'affichage des horaires de prièressurlabar des notifications.- La possibilité activer le rappel pour les Adkar(sabah,massaa,...)- Sélectionner le moadine préféré, avec unepossibilitédetélécharger d'autres adan et lesappliquerdansl'application.- Détection des mosquées voisines les plus proches de chezvous.enindiquant les chemin les plus cours pour lesatteindre.- Passer en mode silence automatique après l'athan (cetteoptionestréglable).- Afficher la date Hijri avec la possibilité de la juster.- Transforme votre téléphone en lampe avec plusieursoptions:flash,flash clignotant, police clignotant ...- Indique la direction de Qibla selon la ville sélectionnéeetavecGPS.- La direction de la Qibla sur Google Map.- Offre divers sons d'athan:- Fournit plus de 100 Dikr
Al-Moazin (Prayer Times)
Al-Moazin prayer times application, is amusthave companion for all Muslims. With Al-Moazin, you will notmissSalat again even if you traveled to a totally newcountry.GPS integration feature will help you get accurate prayertimeswherever you are on earth!You don't need to ask anyone for Qibla direction anymore.withdigital compass integration feature, Al-Moazin will show youtheexact direction accurately.Application is equipped with a Hijri Calendar to be able todisplayand check dates in Hijri or convert Hijri to Gregorian datesandvise versa.Follow Me feature will initiate an automatic location updatewhenyou travel or change location.Multiple set of notifications related to Prayer times toplanwhatever actions you need related to Prayer times beforeorafter.Features list:* Islamic prayer times with different calculation methods:- Umm al-Qura, Makkah- Egyptian General Survey Authority- University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi- Islamic Society of North America- Muslim World League* Hijri calendar, and ability to correct it manually accordingtoHilal sighting.* Qiblah direction based on phone's compass capabilities* Follow me, update prayer time automatically while travelingusingwireless mobile capabilities.* Fajr wakup notification, additional to the defaultnotificationsset before and after Prayers.* Follow phone ringer mode which make Azan notifications areplayedas audio, visual or vibration* Visual warning for the time left before the next Prayer comesin,using simple widget.
Qibla AR 1.5
Qiblah-AR an application that guide Muslims to thedirectiontowardsthe Kaaba using Augmented Reality technology so youseeKaaba as ifit is in front of you, The app also containsmanyfeatures and hasfull English interface. Plus It Is Free
أوقات الصلاة والآذان بدون نت 1
تطبيق اوقات الصلاة : منبه أوقات الصلاة والأذان والقبلة هو تطبيقجديديساعد مستعملي هواتف الأندرويد على تذكر مواعيد و مواقيتالصلاةوالآذان وذلك بالإعتماد على نظام تحديد المواقع الذي يتواجدبجهازك.تطبيق المؤذن : منبه أوقات الصلاة والأذان والقبلة و أوقاتالصلواتالخمس في جميع مدن العالم و ذلك بتحديد موقعك لكي يظهر لكتواقيتالصلاة في مدينتك. كما يستعمل طرق حساب صلاة مختلفة حسب العديدمنالدول حول العالم مايعطيه دقة أكثر في تحديد أوقات الصلاة والقبلة.المؤذن الإلكتروني : مواقيت الصلاة تطبيق الاذان عبارة عنبرنامجللتذكير بأوقات الصلاة في كل وقت وحين لمساعدتك أخي المسلم علىأداءصلاتك في وقتها ويضهر لك اوقات ازان الصلاة وهو تطبيق مجانييصممواقيت الصلاه، الآذان وأوقات الصلاة أو الآذان ومواقيتالصلاةوالقبلة تم تحيينه حتى يفي بالغرض منه الا وهو التنبيه بوصواأوقاتالصلاة بدون نت مع تحديد اتجاه القبلة مرفوق بالآذانوالمؤذنالالكتروني الجديد 2020 او المؤدن العصري الحديث. أوقاتالصلاةوالأذان برنامج مهم لأداء صلاتك أولا سهل التحميل والتثبيت علىمساحةصغيرة على الجوال وهو يشتغل بدون انترنت تطبيق أوقات الصلاةوالأذانيعطي أوقات الصلاة وتطبيق الأذان والقبلة وجميع أوقات الصلواتالخمسفي جميع الدول الإسلامية. تطبيق مواقيت الصلاة بدون انترنت 2020مجانييضم مواقيت الصلاة وينبهك ل صلاتك لان الصلاة هي عماد الدين وصلاتيحياتي ويقوم التطبيق بالآذان في صلاة الفجر، صلاة الظهر، صلاةالعصر،صلاة المغرب، صلاة العشاء. يحرص تطبيق الآذان ومواقيت الصلاةلتنبيهكعند كل صلاة ويقوم برفع الآذان على هاتفك لتقوم بصلاتك فيوقتها.أوقات الصلاة فلسطين,prayer in islam - الصلاة فيالإسلام,اوقاتالصلاة في الخليج,salat prayer time ,sudanprayer times,usa prayertimes - أوقات الصلاة الولايات المتحدة, prayer times إلاصلاتي :مواقيت الصلاة و الأذان وإتجاه القبلة يدعم جميع الهواتف ويؤذنالمؤذنالالكتروني عند كل صلاة حيث يدعم اوقات الصلاة في فرنسا ومواقيتالصلاة في امريكا والآذان في اسبانيا و الازان في تركيا وصلاتيفيالسعودية وصلاتك في الامارات وتوقيت الآذان في كل الدولالعربية‎خصائص و مميزات التطبيق : - تنبيهات لأوقات الصلوات، معإمكانيةاختيار صوت الأذان لكل صلاة على حدة - تذكير قبل موعد الأذان،معإمكانية اختيار موعد التذكير لكل صلاة على حدة - إمكانيةالتحويلللوضع الصامت بعد الأذان تلقائيا - تحديد الموقع عن طريق الجيبي إس،أو يدوياً عن طريق البحث في قائمة بأكثر من 40000 مدينة، أو عنطريقالأنترنت - تحديث الموقع تلقائيا في الخلفية، للحصول علىمواقيتمضبوطة بدون الحاجة لتحديثه يدويا - أحاديث نبوية مأخوذة منصحيحالبخاري - بوصلة لتحديد إتجاه القبلة - مواقيت شهرية - إمكانيةتعديلأوقات الصلوات يدوياً - متعدد اللغات: عربية، انجليزية وفرنسية.AdanMaroc Adhan Salat Maroc est une application spécialementconçuepour indiquer les horaires de prières (awkat salat Adan maroc)pour la plupart des villes du Maroc, comme adan salat maroc,-Indiquer les horaires des prières Maroc (aw9at salat adanMaroc)avec précision. - Faire une alerte avant chaque adan salat.-Sélection et téléchargement l'adan de votre moaadin préféré.-Désactivez le son d'adan en faisant un long clic sur leboutonVolume. - Une boussole est intégrée pour vous montrer ladirectionda la Qibla awkat salat . - Affichage des horaires desprièressalat (adan) sur la barre des notifications. -Possibilitéd'ajuster manuellement les horaires de l'athan.Fonctionnalité del'application salaat et adan et Salat first etSalatuk: • Alertepour chaque prière avec la possibilité de choisirle son de l'Adhanpar prière et salat et adan et adhan. • Rappelavant chaque prièreavec la possibilité de choisir le temps de adansalat et salatuk. •Permet d'activer le passage automatique en modesilencieux, et despécifier la durée de passage pour chaque prièreet salat. • Uneboussole pour afficher la direction de la Qibla adanmaroc etMuslim Pro. • Ahadith pris de Sahih Al Boukhari • Tabled'horairesSalat adan mensuels et horaires de salat et prières adanau Maroc •couran et salat maroc Salat adan-adan salat et adan salatMaroc etSalatuk et Prayer Times • Adan salat et Salaat adan etSalat timeet prayer et Aw9at adhan toujour disponible • Possibilitéd'ajusterles temps de priéres et salat adan manuellement
Prayer Times For London 1.0
Rayd Mobile
Prayer, or Salah, is one of thefiveessentialpillars of Islam. Taking time out to pray, five timesaday, helpsus remember Allah and our purpose in life – toworshipHim. When weturn towards Mecca, we are united with all theMuslimsaround theworld who face the same direction, and when weraise ourhands tobegin Salah, we put aside the stresses and worriesof lifetoremember our Lord.
Egypt Prayer times -v2016 1.3
salaat first
Egypt Prayer Times 2016 is yet otherPrayertimes reminder with cool features: Adhan, Qibla direction,Hijricalendar and moon phases.displays prayers for current day and displays correspondinghijridate, Allow you to choose the date you want.
أوقات الصلاة - Salaat First 3
RedNiz Apps
Salaat First 2016 app indicates you thePrayertiming, the Mosques near you and the Qibla direction whereveryouare!The Salatuk is your life algorithm supports a largePrayercalculation methods adopted by many Muslim countries.Depending onyour location, the application choose the appropriatecalculationmethod, Fiqhi school and Adhan.However, if you want, you can also change the prayer methodmanuallyin the "Settings" tab.For an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPSareenabled!- Hours of prayers: The Salaat algorithm supports a largePrayercalculation methods adopted by many Muslim countries.However, ifyou want, you can also change the prayer method manuallyin the"Settings" tab.- The notifications: of time of prayer it can be threedifferentforms: notification, vibration or sound. We can combine asyoulike.( Athan )Salaati My life is a Islamic prayer time and Qibladirection,Islamic hijri calendar application,Athaannotify allowsyou to knowIslamic daily prayer times and Qibla direction, inaddition to atable prayer times monthly and weekly.Salaat First offers other useful Islamic tools as well suchasMosque finder that enables you to find your nearest MosquesandIslamic centers, a calendar to track Islamic events, andQiblafinder to help you find accurate Qibla direction from anywhereonthe globe.Salaat First one of the best muezzins in the Arab andIslamicCountries, your city location and calculation methodfixingautomatically.Known as the best mobile app for Athan and prayer times, ourappis used by millions of muslims around the world. Athan bringyouthe most accurate prayer times and many other features suchas,Quran, Qibla ..with Athan app You don't need to ask anyone for Qibladirectionanymore. with digital compass integration feature, muslimprayerwill show you the exact direction accurately.Prayer First is a application to calculate Salat time basedfromyour location, and also to see where the Qibla directionusingsensor your device.Athan times shows Muslims prayer times for majority countriesofthe world, Salaati is my life it will always know yourexactlocation, so you can be guaranteed accurate prayer times.You’ll bealso shown Qibla, which is useful when you’re out andabout, ThisSaalat app valid to Middle East, North Africa andothers.My Prayer is my life comes to all Muslims with big newfeaturesthat is needed all the day to all Muslims around the world,alsothe app comes with a beautiful design and the simplicitywhenusing.Features:- Prayer times for hundred of cities world wide along withtimelyreminders wherever you are- Integrated Qibla directions for hundred of cities worldwide- Hear the Athan at every prayer time- beautiful & simple design- wherever you are you can read the Holy Quran- and more & more ...Prayer is My life is the best app prayer times, our app isusedby Thousands of muslims around the world. Athan bring you themostaccurate prayer times and many other features such as,Quran,Islamic design, Compass to locate the Qiblah etc.