Top 10 Apps Similar to Mensajes Cristianos Hermosos

Hermosos Mensajes Cristianos 11.0.0
Posts inspired by God to achieve great benefits and blessings
Temas Bíblicos para Predicar 1.0
Temas Biblicos para Predicaresunautilidad en la que encontrarás todo tipo de recursosbíblicosquete ayudarán a estudiar más en profundidad la Biblia oapredicarcon el ejemplo en cualquier momento o lugar.En esta aplicación se divide en temasbíblicos,sermones,bosquejos y Biblia escrita.Temas bíblicos está dividido en una serie deartículosquevan desde el aborto hasta la vida nueva, pasando portemastanvariados como el alcohol, la amistad, la depresión, eldivorcio,lahomosexualidad, la lujuria, obediencia, paciencia,soledadotentación. En cada uno de ellos podrás leer unversículodedeterminados puntos de los libros sagrados delcristianismo.Conellos podrás entender qué visión tiene elcristianismo acercadelos puntos más esenciales en la vida del serhumano.En Temas Bíblicos para Predicar encontrarásunagrancantidad de predicas para estudiar y consultarcuandoquieras.Además, la aplicación incluye sermones y bosquejos paraquelosconsultes cuando te sea necesario.Todos pasamos situaciones difíciles en nuestra vida yunaexperienciacon el Señor nos ayudará a superar los malosmomentos yvolver atener alegría y fuerza. Estos temas bíblicos teayudarán atener fe ymantenerte fuerte.Siempre que necesites tener tu alma en paz podrás echar manodelabiblia incluida en esta aplicación, así como lossermonesybosquejos.No dejes pasar la oportunidad de acercarte anuestroSeñor,descarga temas biblicos para predicar, teencantará!!** Si te gusta la aplicación, valórala, por favor, nosayudaamejorar. Gracias** Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades deproteccióndedatos comunicamos:En este sítio se usanidentificadoresdedispositivo para personalizar el contenido y losanuncios, conelfin de ofrecer anuncios de medios y para analizareltráfico.Además compartimos esos identificadores y otrainformacióndeldispositivo con partners de medios sociales depublicidadyanálisis web. Más detalles en: is a utility in which you will find all kindsofbiblicalresources to help you study more deeply the Bible ortolead byexample at any time or place.In this application it is divided intobiblicalthemes,sermons, sketches and written Bible.Biblical Themes is divided into a number of itemsrangingfromabortion to the new life, through such varied topicsasalcohol,friendship, depression, divorce, homosexuality,lust,obedience,patience, loneliness or temptation. In each of themyoucan read averse from certain points of the sacred booksofChristianity. Withthem you will understand what visionisChristianity about the mostessential points in the life ofhumanbeings.Biblical Topics to Preach you will find a lot ofpreachingtostudy and consult anytime.In addition, the application includes sermons andsketchessothat you consult when necessary.All had difficult situations in our life and experience withtheLordwill help us overcome the bad times and regain joyandstrength.These biblical themes will help you to have faithandstaystrong.Whenever you need to have your soul in peace you candrawonthe Bible included in this application, as well assermonsandsketches.Do not miss the opportunity to get closer to ourLord,downloadbiblical themes to preach , you'll love it !!** If you like the app, value it, please help usimprove.Thankyou** To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritieswe communicate: this site device identifiersare usedto personalizecontent and ads, in order to provide mediaads andto analyzetraffic. We also share those identifiers andotherdeviceinformation with partners social media advertisingandwebanalytics. More details at:
Biblioteca Libros Cristianos 2 2.4
Christian Books in Spanish Free - PDF and ePUB to download and read
Biblia KADOSH 4.1.2
Bible translation based Kadosh exists for E-Sword
Diccionario Teológico 1.1
Diccionario Teológico es unaherramientamuy útil para todas aquellas personas que estudianTeología, laBiblia o simplemente quieren resolver alguna duda deconceptosrelativos a esta doctrina. En ella encontrarás todo loque necesitaspara entender cualquier frase o idea sin problemas.Esta herramienta cuenta con varias funciones, pero la principalymás importante es su diccionario. Si accedes a estaopciónencontrarás una casilla por cada letra del alfabeto. Paralocalizarla palabra que buscas selecciona su capital y encontrarásuna listacompleta, ordenada por orden alfabético, de todas laspalabrasteológicas que puedes consultar. Así, encontrarásrápidamente loque necesitas con un solo clic.Cada una de las palabras almacenadas enDiccionarioTeológico incluye la definición completa para queconozcas aldetalle el significado de cada palabra y no te pierdasninguna delas posibles acepciones e interpretaciones en susdiferentesámbitos. Con esta completo diccionario podrás aprenderuna grancantidad de términos antes desconocidos para ti. Porúltimo, estaaplicación cuenta con dos accesos directos muyinteresantes que tepueden ayudar a seguir estudiando; el primero auna Bibliacompleta, y el segundo a una audio Biblia.La teología es la ciencia que trata de Dios y desusatributos y perfecciones, así como, el conocimiento que tieneelser humano de Dios. La palabra teología es de origen griego“θεος”o “theos” que significa “Dios” y “λογος” o “logos” queexpresa“estudio” o “razonamiento”, en consecuencia, significa elestudiode Dios y de los hechos relacionados con Dios.En Diccionario Teológico encontrarás una gran cantidaddedefiniciones sobre esta ciencia explicadas con gran exactitudyclaredad.Con un menú sencillo e intuitivo, navega fácilmente en buscadeaquellas palabras que te interesen.Si estás interesado en la teología, con estemagníficodiccionario aprenderás términos que antes desconocias.*** Si te gusta la app, valórala, nos ayuda a mejorar, gracias.*** En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: a very useful for all those people who study theologytool, theBible or just want to solve any doubt concepts of thisdoctrine.Here you will find everything you need to understand anyphrase oridea without problems.This tool has several functions, but the main andmostimportant is its dictionary. If you access this option willfind abox for each letter of the alphabet. To locate the word youarelooking selects its capital and find a complete list sortedinalphabetical order, of all theological words you can consult.Soyou'll quickly find what you need with one click.Each of the words stored in Theological Dictionaryincludesthe full definition for you to know in detail the meaningof eachword and do not miss any of the possible meaningsandinterpretations in different areas. With thiscomprehensivedictionary you can learn a lot of previously unknownto you terms.Finally, this application has two very interestingshortcuts thatcan help you keep studying; the first complete Bible,and thesecond to an audio Bible.The theology is the science that deals with God andhisattributes and perfections, and the knowledge that the man ofGod.The word theology is of Greek origin "θεος" or "Theos"meaning"God" and "λογος" or "logos" that expresses "study" or"reasoning"therefore means the study of God and the facts relatedWithGod.In Theological Dictionary you will find a lot ofdefinitionsof this science explained with great accuracy andclaredad.With a simple and intuitive menu easily navigate in searchofthose words that interest you.If you are interested in theology, with thismagnificentdictionary you learn terms were unaware before.*** If you like the app, value it, it helps usimprove,thanks.*** This site device identifiers are used topersonalizecontent and ads, in order to provide media ads and toanalyzetraffic. We also share those identifiers and otherdeviceinformation with partners social media advertising andwebanalytics. More details at:
Cómo Orar 2 262
Learn how to pray to God for free. Discover how to talk to Godandbe His friend.
JW Questions 3.0.1
JW Questions
All Scripture is inspired by God andisprofitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, fortrainingin righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete,equippedfor every good work.Some cults try to distort the word of God to fit theirbeliefs.This must be pointed out. One of these cults is theJehovah'sWitnesses.Jehovah's Witnesses have a love for Jehovah, but do not knowhowmuch He loves them. They have a love for Jesus, but do not knowhowgreat He is. They are misinformed on the gospel ofJesusChrist.The gospel found in God's word is simple. God is the Creatorofall things. God is holy and mankind is sinful. God's holinessandjustice demands that a penalty be paid for sin. God came toearthin the form of a man to die and pay the penalty for sinners.By Hisgrace, those who place their faith in Him have been forgivenoftheir sins.The Jehovah's Witnesses gospel differs from this gospel. AsPaultold the churches of Galatia, "I am amazed that you are soquicklyturning away from Him who called you by the grace of Christand areturning to a different gospel - not that there is anothergospel,but there are some who are troubling you and wanting tochange thegood news about the Messiah. But even if we or an angelfrom heavenshould preach to you a gospel other than what we havepreached toyou, a curse be on him! As we have said before, I nowsay again: Ifanyone preaces to you a gospel contrary to what youreceived, acurse be on him!".We must use the Word of God to correct this false gospelandshare the true gospel to the Jehovah's Witnesses with love! Wehavea mission field of unbelievers knocking on our doors to talk tousabout Jesus. It doesn't get much easier than that!The Jehovah's Witnesses have spent great amounts of timestudyingthe Watchtower teachings and have been taught how torespond to mostall questions they are presented. Our job is topresent the truthand place seeds of doubt in their mind while theHoly Spirit doesthe rest.
Los Dones Espirituales 1.4
v3.0.2 - In this book you will find daily readings ofspiritualedification.
Biblical themes to Preach 25.0.0
To preach Biblical themes. It isessentialthatour life experience a continual communion in God. Butthereare suchcritical moments that only a new and actualexperiencewith the Lordlift us up and strengthen. Once we know theLordJesus Christ is ourhope that their presence comes upon ourwholefamily, and the Lord'swill is to do. His presencetransformseverything, everythingchanges, and it is this that makesthedifference. Biblical themesis divided into a number ofitemsranging from abortion to the newlife, through such variedtopicsas alcohol, friendship, depression,divorce, homosexuality,lust,obedience, patience, loneliness ortemptation . In each of themyoucan read a verse from certainpoints of the sacred booksofChristianity. With them you willunderstand what visionisChristianity about the most essentialpoints in the life ofhumanbeings. It includes sermons and sketchesso that you consultwhennecessary.All had difficult situations in our life and experience withtheLordwill help us overcome the bad times and regain joyandstrength.Among the biblical themes offered by the apptheyare:- Breath- Praise- For moments Afan- Help- Blessing- Confidence- Consuelo- Defending- Address- Hope- Faithfulness of God- Strength- Gozo- The word of God- Release- Marriage- Courtship- Christian Youth- Mercy- Christian Women- Men of Valor- Pictures for Kids- Sentence- Peace- Sorry- Presence of God- Prosperity- God's Love- Jesus- Protection- Times of Need- Refugio- Restoration- Worship- Salvation in Christ- Images for Evangelizing- Health- Victoria- Abundant Life- Eternal life- The Great Commission- Start the day blessed- Rest in blessing- Images for Christmas- Images for New Year- Images for Easter- Images For Birthday- Jesus Phrases- Characteristics of God ...and much more!!!Bible Versions added:- Queen valera- Bíblia Bear- Jerusalem Bible- Bíblia Católica- New American BibleWithin the "More Free Bible Apps" section you canfindhelperapplications such as:Biblical themes to preach, Theological Dictionary,DictionaryHebrew,Biblical Geography and History .. and thensome.To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat:
Mensagens Evangélicas
Carefully selected evangelical phrases to bring you closer to God