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Holy Bible New Testament (cn) 1.0.1
The Bible (from Greek τὰ βιβλία tabiblia"thebooks") is the collections of the primary religioustextsofJudaism and Christianity. There is no single Bible,astheindividual books (Biblical canon), their contents andtheirordervary between denominations. Mainstream Judaism dividestheTanakhinto 24 books, while a minority stream of Judaism,theSamaritans,accepts only five. The 24 texts of the Hebrew Biblearedividedinto 39 books in Christian Old Testaments, andcompleteChristianBibles range from the 66 books of the Protestantcanon tothe 81books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.The Jewish Bible, or Tanakh, is divided into three parts:(1)thefive books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law") comprisetheoriginsof the Israelite nation, its laws and its covenant withtheGod ofIsrael; (2) the Nevi'im ("prophets") containing thehistoricaccountof ancient Israel and Judah plus works of prophecy;and (3)theKetuvim ("writings"), poetic and philosophical works suchasthePsalms and the Book of Job.The Christian Bible is divided into two parts. The firstiscalledthe Old Testament, containing the (minimum) 39 booksofHebrewScripture, and the second portion is called theNewTestament,containing a set of 27 books. The first four booksofthe NewTestament form the Canonical gospels which recount thelifeof Christand are central to the Christian faith. ChristianBiblesinclude thebooks of the Hebrew Bible, but arranged in adifferentorder: JewishScripture ends with the people of Israelrestored toJerusalem andthe temple and the Christian arrangementends withthe book of theprophet Malachi. The oldest survivingChristianBibles are Greekmanuscripts from the 4th century; theoldestcomplete Jewish Bible isa Greek translation, also dating tothe4th century. The oldestcomplete manuscripts of the HebrewBible(the Masoretic text) datefrom the Middle Ages.During the three centuries following theestablishmentofChristianity in the 1st century, Church FatherscompiledGospelaccounts and letters of apostles into a ChristianBiblewhichbecame known as the New Testament. The Old andNewTestamentstogether are commonly referred to as "The Holy Bible"(τὰβιβλία τὰἅγια). The canonical composition of the Old Testamentisunderdispute between Christian groups: Protestants hold onlythebooksof the Hebrew Bible to be canonical; Roman CatholicsandEasternOrthodox additionally consider the deuterocanonicalbooks, agroupof Jewish books, to be canonical. The New Testamentiscomposed ofthe Gospels ("good news"), the Acts of the Apostles,theEpistles(letters), and the Book of Revelation.
Eventos de los últimos días 1.0
Eventos de los últimos díasexplicaloseventos finales de esta tierra justo antes de laaparición deJesúsen las nubes, en su 2da venida, según lo prometió.Recopilación realizada por los fideicomisarios delaCorporaciónElena G. de White de los eventos finales de lahistoriade latierra descritos por Elena White en diferentes obrassuyas. Enlapresentación de los distintos acontecimientos dehaintentadoseguir una organización lógica. Sin embargo, nosepretendehaberlos consignado todos en estrictoordencronológico.Nos fortalece y anima a enfrentar con fe la crisis finaldelatierra.1-No se turbe vuestro corazón; creéis en Dios, creedtambiénenmí. 2-En la casa de mi Padre muchas moradas hay; si asínofuera,yo os lo hubiera dicho; voy, pues, a preparar lugarparavosotros.3-Y si me fuere y os preparare lugar, vendré otra vez,yos tomaréa mí mismo, para que donde yo estoy, vosotrostambiénestéis. Juan14:1-3No lo dude y descague Eventos de los últimos días,unlibroestupendo para llever consigo siempre.** Si te gusta la aplicación, valórala, por favor, nosayudaamejorar. Gracias** Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades deproteccióndedatos comunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en: ofrecentdaysexplains the final events of this earth just beforetheappearanceof Jesus in the clouds, in his 2nd Coming,aspromised.Compilation by the trustees of the Corporation EllenWhiteofthe final events in the history of the land describedbyEllenWhite in several of his works. In presenting thevariousevents hehas tried to follow a logical organization.However, it isnotintended if any recorded all in strictchronologicalorder.It strengthens and encourages faith face the finalcrisisofthe earth.1-Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God,believealsoin me. 2- In my Father's house are many mansions; if itwerenot, Iwould have told you; I go to prepare a place for you.3-Andif I goand prepare a place, I will come again, and receiveyouunto myself,that where I am, there you may be also. John14:1-3Do not hesitate and descague Events of recent days ,agreatplace to book endorsed with him always.** If you like the app, value it, please help usimprove.Thankyou** To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat: