Top 7 Apps Similar to PayMe

Pay-Me Bluetooth 2.4.4
Pay-Me — решение для малого и среднего бизнеса,позволяющееприниматьоплату картами Visa и MasterCard Этобеспроводнойтерминал оплаты(ридер), который подключается поBluetooth имобильное приложение дляAndroid. Теперь свозможностьюбесконтактной оплаты. ПреимуществаPay-Me: - Самыйбыстрый способначать принимать карты - Принимаешькарт больше -комиссия меньше -Безопасно - процессинг осуществляетАльфа-Банк -Без абонентскойплаты — нет расходов на содержаниетерминала -Отсутствие лимитовпо оборотам - Без бумаги и картриджа —чекформируется вэлектронном виде - Удобные отчеты и аналитика вЛичномкабинете -Компактный и легкий терминал, который подключаетсяпоBluetooth -Бесплатная доставка по России - Служба поддержки24/7При приемеоплаты картами выручка компании может увеличиться на20%и более!Уже более 10 000 компаний пользуются сервисомPay-Me.Какподключиться? 1. Обратиться в отделение для бизнесаАльфа-Банкав66 городах России, к одному из нашихпартнеровилизарегистрироваться на сайте 2.ПриобреститерминалPay-Me или заказать на сайте 3.Скачатьмобильноеприложение Pay-Me в Google Play
Payme – Expense Claim 1.8
Welcome to PAYME Expense Claim Application.Nowsubmit your expense claim on the go through our mobileapp.Please register to use the App to submit your weekly expenseclaimwhilst you are working on assignments. You can claim for arange ofitems. Just scroll down to select an expense, selectthevalue/units or add distance (mileage). The App willself-calculatethe amount due where appropriate. You can addexpenses as you ‘go’through the week and save them in ‘draft’ orcomplete a claim atthe end of week all at once.
Pay Me Please: FREE 2.0.1
Welcome to Pay Me PleasePay Me Please, sends and manages payment requestsfromyourphone.Are you always out on a job? Do you struggle to find timetosendand manage your payment requests? Hate spending youreveningwritinginvoices?Pay Me Please can help by letting you send paymentrequestsfromyour phone, wherever you are. Not only will it save youtime,itcould improve your cash flow.Download this app and ask for payment, please.Pay Me Please is available in two versions:• Pay Me Please FREE: [This Version] A fullyfunctioningfreeevaluation version limited to 2 customers.• Pay Me Please Full: The full application with theabilitytocreate and manage unlimited customer accounts.Phones and SystemsPay Me Please is designed to work with all SmartphonesusinganAndroid Operating System. We strongly recommend thatyoudownloadthis free evaluation version to test compatibilitywithyour phoneprior to purchasing.To be able to fully utilise Pay Me Please you will needanemailapplication with email address installed on yourphone,togetherwith a data connection.NOTE: Sending emails via your phone could resultindatatariffs/charges from your phone provider.Using Pay Me PleaseHome MenuThis allows you to access all of the key functionsoftheapplication. Select from:* Customers: Allows you to add, find and edit customer details.* Request Payment: Allows you to select a customer andrequestapayment via email.* Payment History: Lists payment requests sent, allowsyoutoresubmit requests, mark as paid and delete.* Settings: Allows you to modify the paymentrequestemailtemplate, set up, change or activate the pin settingsas wellasadding and removing services.Customers MenuAllows you to add a customer, search and editcustomerdetails.Select from:* Add Customer: Enter a new customer's detailsincludingtheirname, email address, the service that they use andtheagreedrate.* Edit Customer: Find a customer using a drop down listandthenedit that customer's details.* Search for Customer: Search and find a customer by nameandthenedit their details.Request PaymentRequest Payment takes you to the heart of the PayMePleasesystem. You can choose the Customer you wish torequestpaymentfrom, edit the default service and charge and addanyadditionalcomments. Clicking on the Request Payment buttonthenenables youto select the email application you wish to sendtherequestthrough. You can review and edit the request inyouremailapplication, before sending like a regularemail.Paymentsrequested are logged in the payment history menu.Payment HistoryPayment History provides you with an easy overview ofthepaymentsthat you have requested. By selecting from Day,Week,Month, Year orAll, the display updates to show you thepaymentsrequested in theselected period.By selecting a payment you are taken to a review screenthatshowsyou a copy of the email that was sent and gives youtheoptions tomark the request as paid, resubmit the request ordeletetherequest.Settings MenuThe settings menu gives you a number of configurationoptionsforthe mobile application. Select from:* Change Pin: Allows you to set up, change or activate yourpintoenhance security.* Add/Delete Service: Allows Services to be deleted and added.* Email Settings: Allows personalisation of theemailtemplateused when sending payment requests.* App Info: Access to Pay Me Please Version Infoandfeedbackform.Further InformationA user guide is available fromourwebsite:
PayMe 2
Tired of not getting paid debts?Time left and do not remember who or how much money theyyoushouldWith PayMe You can keep track of who owes you money and how muchyoushould
Og Money KW
One Global
Og Money is a new era of the mobileFinancialservices, its offering one stop shop for all your billpayments,top-up, charity, utilities, tuition (Schools &Universities) insmart, easy and ubiquitous payment experience. Inaddition, gamingvouchers, gift cards, international mobileoperators recharge formore than 50 countries worldwide.Additionally, Ooredoo Virtual services which enable you toenjoyactivation of new SIM card and buying your suitable planandshipping it to your home address.
payleven: mobile card payments
Accept payments, the way you wantWithin the payleven app, you can accept Chip & PINandContactless payments, including Apple Pay. Simply download theapp,register your business online and order your card reader tostartaccepting payments.Accept the most common credit and debit card for a fee from 2.75%down to 1.50% per transaction (depending on your monthlycardpayment volume). There is no minimum revenue requirement,nocontractual lock-in, just easy payments at the highest EMV&PCI security standards.How does it work?Its simple: download the app, register your business onlineandorder your card reader. It will be sent by post immediately,sothat you can quickly start accepting payments.Amazing extras to help you run your business:▶ Receive the best service in the payments industry with ouron-handcustomer support▶ Explore great sales statistics and get a comprehensivetransactionoverview▶ Create a product library and add as many variants as you wantforfast access▶ Allow your employees to take card payments by creatingpersonnelaccounts▶ Print or email customisable receipts to your customers*****System requirements:The payleven app supports most Android devices operating onGoogleAndroid 4.0.3 and higher. We continue to work towardssupportingadditional Android devices.The following devices might have problems with pairing theChip& PIN terminal when running on Android 4.0.3:• Galaxy Pocket (S5300)• Galaxy Y (S5360)• Galaxy Ace models like Ace Advance (S6800) or AceGT(S5830i)If pairing within the payleven app does not work, please trypairingin the Android device bluetooth settings. If this does notwork,please update your version of Android.------------------------------------------------------------------CONTACT:For more information please visit our website in contactwith us via email or phone.▶ [email protected]▶ +44 (0) 20 7112 8211Find us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and YOUTUBE as well:▶▶▶ more information please visit our website in contactwith us via email or phone.▶ [email protected]▶ +353 (0) 15360858Find us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and YOUTUBE as well:▶▶▶
Paytm Mall Store Manager 2.8.3
Note: If you are a shopkeeper/merchant and want to acceptPaytmatyour shop, please download the mainPaytmApp Manager App for Sellers: Selling on Paytm Mall istheeasiestway of starting a business online. Paytm Mall StoreManagerlet's youbecome a seller in just few handy steps withflexibilityof managingyour product listings from any corner of thecountryon-the-go.Seamlessly create your listings, sell yourproducts andbe notifiedabout new orders, returns raised, customerfeedback andmuch moreanytime & anywhere. Elevate to the nextlevel ofselling with ourApp that is effortlessly designed toenhance userexperience. What WeOffer? Sign-up: Not a seller yet?Give a kickto your businessthrough Paytm Mall Store Manager.Seamlesslysign-up using “CreateYour Store Now” option. With thishassle-freesign-up, you can startselling on Paytm Mall. Dashboard:Our SellerServices keeps youupdated of your orders and returnsevery second.You can have a quicksight of all existing & newordersprocessing, returns, productrating, payment details & soon: •View a speedy snapshot of yourbusiness on Paytm Mall StoreManager• View orders summary &orders status, analyze trends ofsalesand orders • View paymentsnapshot • View store/catalogsummary andtop selling products • Viewyour overall rating &customerreviews Order Management:Beep-beep! Get immediate alertson neworders & returns, easyoverview of all orders and muchmore onPaytm Mall Store Manager •Receive notifications for neworders andcancelled orders • Managecomplete order process, processyourorders in a single step using“Create Shipment/MarkShipped”option, manifest slip & packingslip sent to yourregisteredemail id automatically • Search for aspecific order byOrder,Item, Fulfillment, SKU, Manifest or ShipperID or the AWBnumberCatalog: Easily update your inventory, product’sprices&quantities, etc. to ensure that you never go out ofstock. •Viewexpected payout of a particular product • Manage thevisibilityofyour products listed on Paytm Mall • Update stock andpriceinreal-time • Search specific product by productname/ID,merchantSKU ID, item or order ID Payments: Paytm Mall StoreManageroffersa rapid payment detail of every transaction and sendsalertsof newpayment in real time. Easily view date-wise&order-wisepayment and search for payment for a particularorder id& itemid. Profile: Quickly view your Paytm Mall accountdetailson theapp Payout Calculator: Want to sell something new? Notsurehowmuch you will get after selling an item? Now,calculateapproximatepayout amount using payout calculator on PaytmMallShopkeeper App.