Top 1 Apps Similar to 全聚網鄭淳甫

海之寶 鄭淳甫 ***
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海之寶鄭淳甫APP是專為海之寶事業夥伴開發而成。*整合所有互動管道、提供多元聯繫功能;可以直撥我的分機、手機,立即寫信與我聯絡,前往我的網站、FB、一鍵加入line好友,甚至是我的購物頁面。*一張會說話的名片,讓我迅速抓住客戶目光。最完整的介紹,創造黃金形象。*各大社群及通訊媒體一鍵分享*結合生動的影音畫面*支援word、excel、PDF、powerpoint等檔案類型*口袋型產品型錄及個人作品集Hasbro Zheng Fu Chunwasdeveloped APP is designed to sea treasure business partners.* Integration of all interactive pipeline, providemultiplecontact function; can dial my extension, mobile phone,immediatelywrote to contact me, go to my website, FB, a key joinline friends,or even my shopping page.* A talking card, so I quickly grabbed the attentionofcustomers. The most complete presentation, create gold image.* Major communities and communications media a key share* Combines vivid video images* Support word, excel, PDF, powerpoint and other file types* Pocket Product Categories and personal portfolio