Top 12 Apps Similar to 178购物商城

momo摩天商城 2.35
The new shopping mall Ferris momo action, exciting promotionseveryday, so you where they go shopping, goodies miss ~ !!
機車兄弟-行動商城 2.12.5
【機車兄弟-行動商城】我們提供多種多樣的機車精品24H 購物不打烊,透過行動裝置,隨時選購好方便門市促銷推撥通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳加入會員超方便,手機號碼、Facebook帳號都可以輕鬆加入會員如果對產品或安裝有任何問題,請E-Mail或撥打客服電話。客服信箱 [email protected]客服專線 04-2277-1796服務時間 週一至週五 9:00-18:00[Locomotive brothers-Action Mall]We offer a variety of locomotive boutique24H shopping is not closing, your mobile device, at anytimeconvenient to buy goodRetail sales pushed aside notice, will not miss thegoodiesactivitiesMobile payments quickly and safely - use SSL128 bits toencryptcredit card highest level of security Express CheckoutJoin Now super convenient, phone number, Facebook account youcaneasily add membersIf you have any questions about the product or installation,pleaseE-Mail or call customer service calls.Customer Service [email protected] Service Hotline 04-2277-1796Service hours Monday to Friday 9: 00-18: 00
888行動商城 2.16.0
『888行動商城』APP 提供您最佳手機購物環境手機配件資訊詳細,樣式齊全不時推出優惠好康,下載APP不錯過※加入會員超快速※臉書帳號、手機號碼都可輕鬆加入會員※輕鬆瀏覽快樂購※頁面清晰,支援多種瀏覽模式,順暢的購物流程※快速購物安心買※使用SSL 128bits最高安全等級加密信用卡結帳,快速有保障主要販賣商品有手機電池、座充、旅充、傳輸線、皮套、耳機、記憶卡、讀卡機...等三大保證:1.保證不販賣來源不明的仿冒商品,請買家安心購物2.商品或購買程序有任何問題,本商店一定給予完整快速的服務3.商品都會給予有效保固期(消耗性商品除外),讓買家購物有保障"888 Action mall"APPoffer you the best mobile shopping environmentFor more information phone accessories, style, completeFrom time to time the introduction of preferential goodies,downloadAPP missJoin Now ※ ※ ultra-fast face book account, phone numbercaneasily add membersHappy shopping ※ ※ easy to navigate pages clear, supportmultiplebrowsing mode, smooth shopping process※ ※ buy fast shopping ease highest level of security usingSSL128bits encrypted credit card payment, fast and secureThe main trafficking of goods are mobile phone batteries,charger,travel charger, transmission cable, leather case, headset,memorycards, card reader ... etcThree guarantees:1. To ensure that no counterfeit goods trafficking ofunknownorigin, buyers secure shopping2. goods or purchase program have any questions, the store mustgivecomplete and fast service3. The goods will be given limited warranty period(exceptexpendable commodities), so that buyers shoppingguaranteed
家樂福商城 1.0.2
Herxun, Inc.
「家樂福商城CarrefourMall」上線啦!全省家樂福購物中心皆享好康,數百家品牌優惠等你來搶購,快下載APP享受全新購物體驗!◆首次註冊送好禮◆現在加入家樂福商城會員,即可至指定家樂福購物中心兌換多種精美贈品!台北市:內湖店、桂林店、重慶店新北市:重新店、蘆洲店、淡新店、新店店、樹林店桃園市:經國店、中原店、內壢店、中壢店苗栗市:苗栗店台中市:文心店、青海店嘉義縣:嘉義店彰化縣:彰化店雲林縣:斗六店台南市:安平店、仁德店高雄市:鼎山店、成功店、鳳山店、楠梓店◆地圖導航◆找不到家樂福購物中心嗎?不知道該怎麼去嗎?家樂福商城APP貼心服務,協助您到最近的活動場域◆品牌優惠券◆全省家樂福購物中心,數萬種商品全部一手掌握!輕輕一滑,所有優惠盡在您手中,清楚的票券列表讓您選擇想要的商品◆樂搖票券◆每次檔期活動,都會送出超值好禮!搖一搖,贈品票券掉進您手裡,即刻兌換!◆禮物收藏◆有喜歡的票券嗎?贈品獎券想改天兌換嗎?沒問題!像藏寶箱一樣的禮物蒐藏區,可以存放所有待用的優惠票券,讓您可以下次使用◆個人資料◆方便的Facebook /Google+/手機號碼登錄註冊,讓您輕鬆註冊,隨時接收第一手的優惠好康,不錯過任何最新優惠!現在註冊還送好禮,您還在等甚麼?快快下載家樂福商城APP!
ChiZ:3C配件商城 2.20.0
想購買手機配件(Case保護殼、手機貼膜等),快下載ChiZ官方APP!多種手機配件產品,盡在ChiZ APP!*產品特色*※24小時行動購物,無論身在何處,都能即時下單※ 不定期推出各項優惠活動,3C產品、手機資訊分享※ 直覺優化的操作介面、輕輕一滑即可瀏覽各式商品※ 特色商品輕鬆購物:多種手機配件、Case保護殼、手機貼膜等※ 商品出貨、可取貨時發送提醒※ APP自動推播,優惠資訊不錯過※ 安全第一:最高等級加密的信用卡付款功能※ 多元付款:超商取貨付款、信用卡刷卡宅配到府※ 使用『臉書帳號』或『手機號碼』輕鬆加入會員,迅速購買喜歡的商品※ 獨家線上優惠券,歡樂享折扣
STUDIO A 行動商城 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
STUDIO A 官方行動商城,嚴選上千種週邊商品與最新智能應用產品,打造最貼近您的時尚、智能、生活體驗館!
Ecstasy store 行動購物商城 2.11.0
【行動購物】最新流行趨勢,隨時隨地輕鬆下載ECSTASY購物商城,24小時購物不打烊【最新訊息】一年四季享受站在流行的前端,掌握最新流行時尚資訊【便利購物】最便利的購物流程,讓您走到哪Shopping到哪ECSTASY就是要傳達“無限歡樂”,要讓每位粉絲在每一天都有著無限的歡樂。同時也設計出不同性格的人物來代表著品牌精神,把無限的歡樂與對設計的熱情注入到每件服裝,進而延伸到生活週遭及用品,讓我們一起感受這股無限歡樂所帶來的喜悅吧!.....................................................想要知道更多資訊,歡迎到FACEBOOK粉絲團ECSTASY TAIWAN ( 象鼻人粉絲俱樂部 )官方網站更多的創新好康,等你來發覺!
Life Go商城 2.12.0
(1)您的社區購物站,一站滿足您的生活Shopping需求!(2)不定時限量團購優惠,提供超低價、破盤價,讓您不必貨比三家!(3)嚴選您所需要的生活好物,安心購買,品質保證!(1) Yourcommunityshopping station, a station Shopping meet the needs ofyourlife!(2) Limited from time to time buy discount offersultra-low-cost,broken plate price, so you do not shop around!(3) carefully selected life you need a good thing, to buy peaceofmind, quality assurance!
九九克拉商城 5.1.4
產品特色:1.商品具備詳細規格說明2.提供推薦商品介紹影片3.專業客服讓您隨時諮詢4.開賣期間商品免運費!九九克拉商城讓您隨時隨地想買就買!Product Features:1. Product with detailed specifications2. Provide recommended product introduction video3. Professional customer service keeps you consult4. During the goods on sale with free shipping!Ninety-nine kt mall allows you to want only buy anywhere!
綠好物 : 綠色生活風格用品、雜貨、禮品 2.12.5
綠好物行動商城 一指打造你的綠色小幸福!行動購物|天然/有機/環保風格生活新趨勢。推播訊息|掌握最新優惠訊息,好康活動不錯過!輕鬆購物|使用Facebook帳號或手機號碼,一指就能輕鬆購物!快速結帳|付款快速安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳。綠好物,一個專注推廣綠色有機生活的購物平台,在這裡你買到的,不只是令你放心的嚴選好物,還是一份支持綠色消費的小小心意。因為始終相信,當我們決定用更好的方式對待地球,其實就是善待自己。因此,慎重於每一項商品的挑惕,堅持選擇對人與環境友善(eco-friendly)的商品,揭露完整透明的商品成份與資訊,是綠好物對所有粉絲們的承諾。歡迎一起走進綠好物,一起認識與選擇好商品,開始屬於你與家人的綠色生活風格與主張!綠好物|綠色風格生活專賣Buy Green‧Live Beautiful讓我們回到生活裡基本的需要,選擇對人與環境友善的商品,讓環保不再只是道德的正確,而是充滿自在與風格的綠活態度,以及學會品味好商品的生活美學!-----更多訊息請上綠好物官方網站官方臉書 means goodthingsaction mall a little green to create your happiness!Action Shopping | natural / organic / environmentallyfriendlylife style new trend.Push messages | abreast of the latest special offers, savingsonactivities not miss!Easy Shopping | Use your Facebook account or phone number, afingercan easily shop!Express Checkout | Payment fast and secure - the highest levelofsecurity using SSL128 bits encrypted credit cardExpressCheckout.Green is good thing, a focus on the promotion of greenorganiclife shopping platform, where you buy, not just your mind atease acarefully selected objects, or a small token of support forgreenconsumption.Because always believed that when we decided to use abetterapproach to the Earth, in fact, treat yourself. Therefore,carefulvigilance at every commodity pick, stick with people andtheenvironment-friendly (eco-friendly) goods, a full andtransparentdisclosure of product ingredients and information, iscommitted togreen a good thing for all fans.Welcome went into the green a good thing, a good understandingofthe product together with the choice to start is the greenlifestyle and ideas you and your family!Green good thing | Green Life Style MonopolyBuy Green ‧ Live BeautifulLet us return to the basic needs of life,Select the right people and the environment-friendly goods,To the green is no longer just a moral right,But full of ease and style of green living attitude,Society and living aesthetic taste good product!-----For more information please visit the official website of theGreenGood thing Facebook
LIYO理優:快時尚流行女裝 2.77.0
Internet popular women's brand: [LIYO Liyou] To provide youwithfirst-hand fashion information. Download now and startenjoyinginstant shopping fun.
Onicoco Korean Fashion Store 1.1.0
Onicoco is a perfect OnlineShoppingDestinationfor all fashion lover to shop the amazinglatesthighstreets productsFrom Korea. We hope that everyone whoshoppinghere can found yourlove fashion pieces which fits you wellandalso found you own uniquefashion style. ONICOCO believe thatagood taste of fashion willenhance your personality and helpingyouin building your confidence.Currently, Onicoco app provides all theselectedoutstandingfashion pieces imported from Korea. We mightalsosearching thefashion pieces from others countries around theworldfor you inthe coming future.Shopping is a lifestyle, Onicoco is your shopping lifecompaniontofind your every love pieces. Download it for FREEtoday!Our Mobile Shopping APP is super easy to use, highlypolishedandspecial designed to fit well for all mobile devices inorder toletyou enjoy a relax, pleasant andinspirationalshoppingexperience.Features:• Mobile Optimized Design.• Latest Fashion on Your Fingertips.• Never Miss Any Super Sale & Promotion.• Enjoy Super Easy Check Out.• Joyful and Relaxed Shopping User Interface.By downloading the app you are agreeing to our termsofserviceand privacy policy which can found at :-Privacy policy: the Onicoco App:The app of Onicoco is created with Zinitt APP Open Shopecommerceappplatform. Zinitt strive to provide the major brands,S&Mandonline shop an own native APP on both iOS andAndroidsystem,complete yet simple manage Web App for PC, Laptopsand alsoMobiledevices at one time with a lower & economic costand inshortertime. One time set up, all platform devices have itall,coolisn’t?See More Information: www.appopenshop.comBesides, an APP Manager is special designed forZinittmerchantswhich act as mobile backend system to make you easy,youcan nowmanage your shop anytime, anywhere right fromyourmobiledevices.APP Manager Download Link:, a sincere “THANK YOU” for everyone who hasenjoyONICOCOFashion Shopping Store!Already fan of Onicoco?Like us on Facebook or following us on Twitter orofficialwebsitefor the latest update! (Coming Soon)Website: (Coming Soon)Bags,Shoes,Shopping,Malaysia,Singapore,Shop,Boutique,Korean,Clothing,Dress,Woman,Sales,Buy,Man