Top 12 Apps Similar to BIOGRAFI GUS MIEK
Kumpulan Biografi Ulama 1.0
Kumpulan Biografi Ulamadengankisah-kisahnya....Fitur------------------------------------ Aplikasi ringan dan ukuran kecil di memori- Offline, dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Nantikan updatenyaBiography Ulama setwithstories ....features------------------------------------ Application of light weight and small size in memory- Offline, it can be run without an internet connection- Stay tuned for updates
Dzikrul Ghofilin 1.0
Aplikasi Dzikrul Ghofilin adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasisOFFLINE,yang tetep bisa digunakan tanpa koneksi internet, semogaaplikasiini bermanfaat. Dzikrul Ghofilin adalah rangkaian wiridyangintinya membaca surat Al-Fatihah seratus kali, tawassul bilauliyawash sholihin, Ayatul Kursiy,Asmaul Husna, istighfar,sholawat, dantahlil, yang disusun oleh tiga serangkai: Gus Miek,KH. HamidPasuruan, dan KH. Ahmad Shiddiq Jember. Seluruh wiridyangterangkai dalam Dzikrul Ghofilin, komposisi dan carapengamalannyaberlandaskan dalil-dalil yang resmi dan shohih dariAl-Quran,sunnah dan ajaran-ajaran para masyayikh yang bersambungsanadnyasampai Rosulullah saw. Untuk pengembangan aplikasiDsikrulghofilin, jika ada kirik maupun saran silahkan kirimkanmelaluiemail kami di ; [email protected] Semoga AplikasiDsikrulGhofilin ini bermanfaat. amin.
Dzikrul Ghofilin Lengkap 1.0
Kitab Dzikrul Ghofilin adalahrangkaianwiridyang intinya membaca surat Al-Fatihah seratus kali,tawassulbilauliya wash sholihin, Ayatul Kursiy,AsmaulHusna,istighfar,sholawat, dan tahlil, yang disusun oleh tigaserangkai:Gus Miek,KH. Hamid Pasuruan, dan KH. Ahmad ShiddiqJember. Seluruhwiridyang terangkai dalam Dzikrul Ghofilin,komposisi dancarapengamalannya berlandaskan dalil-dalil yang resmidan shohihdariAl-Quran, sunnah dan ajaran-ajaran para masyayikhyangbersambungsanadnya sampai Rosulullah saw.SEMOGA BERMANFAATBook Dzikrul Ghofilinisacircuit that essentially wird Al-Fatiha read ahundredtimes,tawassul bil wash Sholihin Auliya, Ayatul Kursiy,AsmaulHusna,seek forgiveness, sholawat, and tahlil, compiled bythetriad: GusMiek, KH. Hamid Pasuruan, and KH. Ahmad SiddiqJember.The wholewirid strung in Dzikrul Ghofilin, composition andhow itspracticebased on the arguments and shohih official ofAl-Quran,Sunnah andteachings of the masyayikh which continued untilMuhammadPBUHsanadnya.MAY BE USEFUL
Biografi Ulama dan Sholihin 1.0
Aplikasi Biografi Ulama (Orang Sholeh)danHabaib adalah aplikasi kumpulan biografi ulama dan habaibdunia,baik dari tanah haram, mekkah, madinah, iraq, iran,syiria,malaysia, thailand, dan indonesia. namun paling banyak ulamadariindonesia.Aplikasi ini juga memuat Biografi Sahabat (Kaum MuhajirindanAnshar), Tabiin, Tabi`it Tabi`in, Salafus Sholeh, dan PahlawanBadrdan Pahlawan Uhud, dan sebagainya.Ulama adalah pemuka agama atau pemimpin agama yang bertugasuntukmengayomi, membina dan membimbing umat Islam baikdalammasalah-masalah agama maupum masalah sehari hari yangdiperlukanbaik dari sisi keagamaan maupun sosial kemasyarakatan.Maknasebenarnya dalam bahasa Arab adalah ilmuwan atau peneliti,kemudianarti ulama tersebut berubah ketika diserap kedalamBahasaIndonesia, yang maknanya adalah sebagai orang yang ahli dalamilmuagama Islam.Habib di kalangan Arab-Indonesia adalah gelar bangsawanTimurTengah yang merupakan kerabat Nabi Muhammad (Bani Hasyim)dansecara khusus dinisbatkan terhadap keturunan Nabi MuhammadmelaluiFatimah az-Zahra (yang berputera Husain dan Hasan) dan Alibin AbiThalib. Habib yang datang ke Indonesia mayoritas adalahketurunanHusain bin Ali bin Abi Thalib bin Abdul Muthalib danFatimah bintiNabi Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib.Di lain ada pendapat bahwa pihak Ali bin Abi Thalib jugamemilikiketurunan dari isteri-isteri lainnya, tetapi mereka bukantermasukdzurriyyah atau keturunan Nabi Muhammad, karena bukandilahirkandari Rahim Fatima, yang mana anak kandung NabiMuhammad.Gelar Habib tersebut terutama ditujukan kepada merekayangmemiliki pengetahuan agama Islam yang mumpuni darigolongankeluarga tersebut. Gelar Habib juga berarti panggilankesayangandari cucu kepada kakeknya dari golongan keluargatersebut.Diperkirakan di Indonesia terdapat sebanyak 1,2 juta orangyangmasih hidup yang berhak menyandang sebutan ini.. KeberadaanHabibdi Yaman tersebut merupakan pindahan dari Irak untukmenyelamatkanketurunannya dari faham Syiah. Berdasarkan catatanorganisasi yangmelakukan pencatatan silsilah para habib ini,Ar-Rabithah,[1] adasekitar 20 juta orang di seluruh dunia yangdapat menyandang gelarini (disebut Sayyid) dari 114 marga. Hanyaketurunan laki-laki sajayang berhak menyandang gelar habib.Diantaranya :Habib Umar bin Hafidz, Habib Ali Al-Jufri, Habib Umar bin Hud,KyaiSahal, Guru Zaini, Habib Utsman Mufthi Betawi, SyaikhHisyam,Syaikh Nadzhim, Habib Munzir, Habib Luthfi bin Yahya,SyaikhNawawi, Imam Nawawi, Ilmuan Muslim, IBnu Sina, IbnuRusyd,Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Farabi, Fakhruddin Ar-Razi, Al-Kindi,IbnuBatutahBiographyApplicationUlema (People Sholeh) and Habaib is a collection ofbiographies ofscholars and applications habaib the world, both onland unclean,Mecca, Medina, iraq, iran, Syria, Malaysia, Thailand,andIndonesia. but most scholars from Indonesia.The application also includes biographies Companion (TheEmigrantsand the Helpers), Successors, Tabi`it Tabi`in, SalafSholeh, andHeroes of Badr and Uhud Heroes, and so on.Ulama are religious leaders or religious leaders that servedtoprotect, nurture and guide the Muslims both in matters ofreligionmaupum daily problems that required both from the religiousandsocial. True meaning in Arabic is a scientist or a researcher,thenthe meaning of the cleric changed when absorbed intotheIndonesian, whose meaning is as a person skilled in the artofIslam.Habib among Arab-Indonesia was knighted Middle East which isarelative of the Prophet Mohammed (Bani Hashim) andspecificallyattributed to the descendants of the Prophet MuhammadthroughFatima az-Zahra (which berputera Husain and Hasan) and Aliibn AbiTalib. Habib who came to Indonesia the majority are thedescendantsof Husayn bin Ali bin Abdul Muttalib and Fatimah bintProphetMohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib.On the other there is the opinion that the party of Ali binAbiTalib also had a descendant of the other wives, but they arenotincluded dzurriyyah or descendants of the Prophet Muhammad,becauseit is not born from the womb of Fatima, which is the childof theProphet Muhammad.Habib degree is mainly addressed to those who have knowledgeofIslam who qualified from the family class. Habib title alsomeanscalls to the favorite of his grandfather granddaughter ofthefamily group. It is estimated that in Indonesia there are1.2million people who are still alive are entitled to bearthisdesignation .. Habib existence in Yemen is a transfer from Iraqtosave the offspring of Shia ideology. Based on the recordoforganizations that keep records of Habib's genealogy,Ar-Rabithah,[1] there are approximately 20 million people aroundthe world whocan bear this title (called Sayyid) from 114 genera.Only maledescendants are entitled to Habib.Among them:Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Habib Ali Al-Jufri, Habib Umar bin Hud,KyaiSahal, Professor Zaini Othman Habib Mufthi Betawi, ShaykhHisham,Sheikh Nadzhim, Habib Munzir, Habib Lutfi bin Yahya, Nawawi,ImamNawawi, Muslim scientists, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd,Al-Khwarizmi,Al-Farabi, Fakhr Ar-Razi, Al-Kindi, Ibn Battuta
Biografi Para Ulama Lengkap 1.0
Didalam aplikasi ini terdapatinformasimengenaiBiografi Para Ulama Lengkap. Biografi ini sangantlengkapdengankisahnya yang perlu kita ketahui.Semoga dengan aplikasi ini kita semua dapat berbagiilmudansemoga bermanfaat. Jadi install terus aplikasinya yah.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let meknowifyour original content want to remove from our applicationIn thisapplicationthereis information on Complete Biography of Scholars.Thisbiographysangant complete with a story that we need to know.Hopefully with this application we can all shareknowledgeandhopefully useful. So continue to install theapplicationwell.Disclaimer:All of the content in this application is not our trademark.Weonlyget the content from the search engines and websites.Pleaselet meknow if your original content want to removefromourapplication
Buku Pengantar Tasawwuf 1.0
Mysticism ( Sufism ) or Sufism ( Arabic :تصوف,) is the science of knowing how to purify the soul,menjernihanmorality , build dhahir and inner as well astomemporoleh eternalhappiness . Sufism was originally anasceticmovement (away fromworldly things ) in Islam , and initsdevelopment gave birth tothe tradition of Islamic mysticism.Tarekat ( various streams inSufi ) is often associated withtheShia , the Sunni , the otherbranches of Islam , or a combinationofseveral traditions [citation needed ] . Sufi thought emerged intheMiddle East in the8th century , now this tradition has spreadtoall parts of theworld . Sufism is a concept in Islam , whichisdefined by expertsas part of the inner , mystical dimensionofIslam ; others arguethat Sufism is the perennial philosophythatexisted before thearrival of religion , expression that growswithIslam.has been present here for a simple ebook handle theMuslimcollegestudent in the know, learn , explore the scienceoftasawwuf . Thisebook is easy to use , can be used referenceinlectures, discussions, or task half or end of the semester.congratulations to learn andhopefully this ebook tasawwufhelpful. aminnnnn
Biography of Salahuddin Ayyubi 1.2
Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (1137/1138 – March 1193),betterknownin the Western world as Saladin, was the first Sultan ofEgyptandSyria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. A MuslimofKurdishorigin, Saladin led the Muslim opposition to theEuropeanCrusadersin the Levant. At the height of his power, hissultanateincludedEgypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, Yemen and otherparts ofNorthAfrica. Originally sent to Fatimid Egypt by his ZengidlordNurad-Din in 1163, Saladin climbed the ranks of theFatimidgovernmentby virtue of his military successes againstCrusaderassaults onits territory and his personal closeness to thecaliphal-Adid.When Saladin's uncle Shirkuh died in 1169,al-AdidappointedSaladin vizier, a rare nomination of a Sunni Muslimtosuch animportant position in the Shia Muslim-led caliphate.Duringhisterm as vizier Saladin began to underminetheFatimidestablishment, and following al-Adid's death in 1171 hetookoverthe government and realigned the country's allegiancewiththeBaghdad-based Abbasid Caliphate. In the following years,heledforays against the Crusaders in Palestine, orderedthesuccessfulconquest of Yemen and staved off pro-Fatimidrebellionsin UpperEgypt. Not long after the death of Nur ad-Din in1174,Saladinpersonally led the conquest of Syria, peacefullyenteringDamascusat the request of its governor. By mid-1175,Saladin hadconqueredHama and Homs, inviting the animosity of hisformer Zengidlords,who had been the official rulers of Syria. Soonafter, hedefeatedthe Zengid army in battle and was thereafterproclaimed the"Sultanof Egypt and Syria" by the Abbasid caliphal-Mustadi. Hemadefurther conquests in northern Syria and Jazira,escapingtwoattempts on his life by the Assassins, before returningto Egyptin1177 to address issues there. By 1182, Saladincompletedtheconquest of Syria after capturing Aleppo, butultimately failedtotake over the Zengid stronghold of Mosul. UnderSaladin'spersonalleadership, the Ayyubid army defeated theCrusaders at thedecisiveBattle of Hattin in 1187, leading the wayto theMuslims're-capture of Palestine from the Crusaders whohadconquered it 88years earlier. Though the Crusader KingdomofJerusalem wouldcontinue to exist for an extended period, itsdefeatat Hattinmarked a turning point in its conflict with theMuslimpowers ofthe region. In 1193 he died in Damascus, havinggiven muchof hiswealth to his subjects. He is buried in a mausoleumadjacentto theUmayyad Mosque. Saladin has become a prominent figureinMuslim,Arab, Turkish and Kurdish culture. App Feature : -Have7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,RussiaandTurkish
Abdurrahman “Addakhil”,demikiannamalengkapnya. Secara leksikal, “Addakhil” berarti“SangPenakluk”,sebuah nama yang diambil Wahid Hasyim, orang tuanya,dariseorangperintis Dinasti Umayyah yang telah menancapkantonggakkejayaanIslam di Spanyol. Belakangan kata “Addakhil” tidakcukupdikenaldan diganti nama “Wahid”, Abdurrahman Wahid, dankemudianlebihdikenal dengan panggilan Gus Dur. “Gus” adalahpanggilankehormatankhas pesantren kepada seorang anak kiai yangberati“abang” atau“mas”.Gus Dur adalah putra pertama dari enam bersaudarayangdilahirkandi Denanyar Jombang Jawa Timur pada tanggal 4Agustus1940. Secaragenetik Gus Dur adalah keturunan “darahbiru”.Ayahnya, K.H. WahidHasyim adalah putra K.H. HasyimAsy’ari,pendiri jam’iyah NahdlatulUlama (NU)-organisasi massaIslamterbesar di Indonesia-dan pendiriPesantren Tebu IrengJombang.Ibundanya, Ny. Hj. Sholehah adalahputri pendiri PesantrenDenanyarJombang, K.H. Bisri Syamsuri. Kakekdari pihak ibunya inijugamerupakan tokoh NU, yang menjadi Rais‘Aam PBNU setelah K.H.AbdulWahab Hasbullah. Dengan demikian, GusDur merupakan cucu dariduaulama NU sekaligus, dan dua tokoh bangsaIndonesia.Penerbit Thulis Media memberikan kesempatan bagipenulisbuku,peneliti,dosen,guru, mahasiswa dsb bisa menerbitkanebookbersamakami.Hubungi Editor ThulisMedia ;* Doni Dermawan : 08563669229Facebook :"Addakhil",asits full name. Lexical, "Addakhil" means "theConqueror", anametaken Wahid Hasyim, his parents, a pioneer of theUmayyads whohasplanted a milestone triumph of Islam in Spain. Latertheword"Addakhil" is not well known and renamed"Wahid",AbdurrahmanWahid, and later became known as Gus Dur. "Gus"is adistinctivehonor boarding call to a child kiai means "brother"or"mas".Gus Dur is the son of the first of six children borninDenanyarJombang East Java on August 4, 1940. Genetically Gus Durisadescendant of "blue blood". His father, K.H. Wahid Hasyimistheson K.H. Hasyim Ashari, Jam'iyah founder of NahdlatulUlama(NU),an organization that Indonesia's largest Islamicmass-andthefounder of Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang. His mother,Mrs.Hj.Sholehah is the daughter of the founder ofPesantrenDenanyarJombang, K.H. Bisri Syamsuri. His maternalgrandfather wasalso aleader of NU, which became Rais' Aam NU afterK.H. AbdulWahabHasbullah. Thus, Gus Dur is the grandson of two NUclerics atatime, and two of the nation of Indonesia.Publisher Thulis Media provides an opportunityforauthors,researchers, professors, teachers, students etc canpublishanebook with us.Contact Editor ThulisMedia;* Generous Doni: 08563669229Facebook:
Buku Biografi Imam Hanafi 1.1
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplkasi berbasis OFFLINE yang dapatandaakses tanpa adanya koneksi internet, berikut beberapaisikandungannya ; - Sejarah Singkat Imam Hanafi -PerkembangannyaIImam Hanafi - Penilaian para ulama terhadap AbuHanifah - Beberapapenilaian negatif yang ditujukan kepada AbuHanifah - Beberapanasehat Imam Abu Hanifah - WafatnyaImam HanafiSemoga aplikasi Bukubiografi IImam Hanafi ini bermanfaat. jika adasaran, silahkankirimkan ke email kami di ;[email protected]
Kitab Dzikrul Ghofilin 1.0
Banyak informasi yang bertebaransaatinisehingga kita harus dapat mencerna dan mengambilyangbermanfaat.Didalam aplikasi ini memberikan pengetahuantentangKitab Bacaan& Amalan Dzikrul Ghofilin Lengkap.Kami meyakini banyak kekurangan didalam aplikasi ini,tapikamiberusaha untuk dapat memberikan yang terbaik. Kamibutuhdukungananda agar aplikasi Kitab Dzikrul Ghofilinsemakinberkembang danmemberikan manfaat bagi kita semua.Info: Apa yang ada didalam aplikasi ini, kamimerangkumnyadanmengambil datanya dari internet sehingga kami bukanpemilikaslikonten tersebut.Much oftheinformationthat is scattered now so we should be able to digestandtakeuseful. In this application provides knowledge abouttheBookReading & Practices Dzikrul Complete Ghofilin.We believe many deficiencies in this application, butwe'retryingto provide the best. We need your support for the apptobook DzikrulGhofilin growing and benefit us all.Info: What's inside this application, we summarize itandretrieveits data from the internet so that we are not theoriginalowner ofthat content.