Top 26 Apps Similar to Seven Seals by Prophet William Marrion Branham

Branham Message Library 0.2
Note: Updates is coming very soonwithArticles& More about William BranhamWe expect you will be delighted with the richness andvarietyofthe resources available within the ‘WilliamBranhamStorehouseCollection Apps’ It is laden with spiritual foodandblessings forthe hungry soul. We invite you to ‘Come and dine!’asyou use thisApps.~Message Library - William Branham Storehouse(Books)The Acts of the ProphetDo You Fear CancerOperation of Church OfficesPersonal Testimony of the Coming of the GiftDivine Healing in the Branham CampaignsAs the Eagle Stirreth Her NestThe Eleventh CommandmentFoot Prints On The Sands Of TimeWilliam Branham, A Man Sent From GodMemorial ServiceI Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly VisionSermons of William M. BranhamA Prophet Visits South AfricaThe Supernatural GospelTwentieth Century Prophet~Articles & More about William BranhamExperience the Love, Faith and Hope that Motivated His LifeWilliam Branham would have desired that you have accesstotheresources contained in this Collection so you canshareandexperience the love, faith and hope that so motivated hislifeanddetermined his success. He knew the mind and characteroftheSpirit of God as few men have ever known and hissimplespiritualwisdom when quickened by the Holy Ghost will beaseeminglyinexhaustible treasure to deepen the relationship ofallChristianswith their Savior.THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU.
William Branham Quotes/Sayings 0.2
Branham Quotes and Sayings…. From A to Z. Examples: "Don'tneverletyour TESTIMONY be negative; let it be positive ALL theTIME"“Now,they say, "Too much religion will make you go crazy."Toomuch ofthe wrong thing will make you go crazy. But the religionofJesusChrist, if you are crazy, it puts you in your rightmind”Why60-0309 Branham Quotes By Topics Love, Money,Friendship,Prayer,Attitude, Blessings, Character, Control, Faith,Healing,Peace,Protection, Relationship, Strength, Successful,Leadership,Trials& Sufferings and more... Branham Quotes A toZSuggestions arealways welcomed through thisemail:[email protected] I love youwith the love of the Lord andmay youcontinue to swim in theatmosphere of God’s love. Thank youand Godbless you. Amen! THISAPPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU!
LWB Mobile
KJV Bible, William Branham Sermons, Healing Videos, Gospel Musicandmore!
The Message of The Hour 0.2
Quick Reference Guide By Ronnie Millevo, Rev. William MBranhamSermons HandBook
Spoken Word Ministry Song Book 1.04
Songs of Worship sung at Spoken Word Ministry
Handbook For Believers (v2) 2
A helpful tool for biblical study, counselling &personalevangelism.
Melchisedec - Our High Priest 0.1
The Judge Himself Became Our Attorney And Advocate, Melchisedec-Our High Priest. There was a King and a Priest in Salem the cityofpeace, which became the city of David. The name of this Kingandpriest was Melchisedec. lt is clearly stated in scripturesthatthis King did not have beginning of days or ending of Life, hehadno Father or Mother and was without descent and was known astheking of righteousness. Angels have a beginning, the world hadabeginning, man had a beginning and all spirits of all levels hadabeginning including principalities and powers in high placesetc.,for they were created by God, but it is said of this Kingandpriest that he had no beginning or ending of days. Who isthisKing? I will answer boldly. There is only one King who hasnobeginning and has no end and He is God Almighty the creator oftheuniverse, Elohim the self-sufficient one. Oh how sweet it istoknow that the God we serve has no beginning and has no endingofdays for He is the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omegaandthat he is the King of Salem: The king of peace. Because he istheking of peace he gives us peace which passeth allunderstanding,the peace which when in you will be like the riversof waters nevergoing dry. There was the need for a priest unto Godin Jerusalembut God did not get any one who was qualified: Sinlessand worthy,so God occupied the position Himself. It is worthnoticing that itwas in the mind of God that Levites should becomepriest unto Godin Israel and as priest they will be entitled totithe. But how canthey take tithe from the other tribes of Israelhaving not paidtithe themselves. They have to be justified fortaking tithe and tobe justified they had to pay tithe .If the titheis paid to man,what justification has he having not paid tithebefore. The onlyone they could pay the tithe to, to be justifiedwas God and Godwas justified for taking tithe because he createdman. Abrahamtherefore paid tithe to God almighty on behalf of Levi.That's whyLevi as a priest of God was justified for taking tithefrom all theother tribes of Israel on behalf of GOD. God was theportion ofLevi and therefore was entitled to that which belongs toGod;Joshua -13:33 and Hebrew 7. In other words, the one Abrahampaidthe tithe to have to be God. Those who are seeking for Godandwaiting for His appearing I dedicate this little book. Godblessyou.
The Family Altar ~ Daily Manna 0.0.3
Volume1,2&3 Daily Bread Bible & Rev. William MarrionBranhamSermons By T.A.Dodd
Sharing God's Secrets 0.0.3
A Daily Devotional Book titled"SharingGod'sSecrets" was published by Gospel LiteratureService,Mumbai,several years ago, by abridging twelve books writtenbyGod'sservant Bro. Bakht Singh. Since there are severalotherbookswritten by Bro. Bakht Singh, Containing deep spiritualtruths,aneffort has been made to gather material from those booksas wellashis articles published over the years in the HebronMessengerandThe Balance of Truth and put them in a Daily Devotionalbookfrom.By the abundant grace and help of God, we are now abletopublishit for the blessing of God's people. Our prayer is thattheLordmay use this Devotional to speak to the readers and helpthemtoattain unto the measure of the gift of Christ as God hasgiventhemand this contribute to the edification of the Church,which istheBody of Christ.
Message Questions/Answers COD 0.1
"The reason we do this is to find out what's on the people'smind,what they're thinking about. See? And that's what makes agoodstrong church. You've got to have the--the times, just like yougotto comb the cockleburs out like, you know, and everything, getallthe--the things out of the way so that you can move steadily.Sonow that's the reason we have question night once in a while, istofind out" ~William M. Branham 53-0629 "The Bible has the answerforthis day. It's had it for other days. It's got it forever,becauseit is Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. TheBible hasthe answer, because the Bible is the revelation of JesusChrist,being revealed since the foundation of the world" ~64-0122LookingUnto Jesus
Evangelism Bible Quotes/Tools 0.1
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work ofanevangelist, make full proof of thy ministry" ~2 Timothy 4:5Value,what is valuable? Getting a soul saved. For he who wins asoul iswise. The soul you win will be a star in your crown inheaventhrough eternity. And a soul is worth more than ten thousandworlds.But as we have something precious we must know how topresent it aswell, else we do more harm than good. This apps isdesigned withscriptures on topical biblical teachings that canhelp you get quickscriptures to explain to someone on a topicwhilst you arewitnessing, obeying the Lord's command of the greatcommission. Wehope it will be of great help to you.
God Biblical/Christian Names 0.1
Knowing the names of God is one of the most upliftingBibleadventures a Believer can discover. You will learn aboutGod'sLove, character, his nature, and how completely he cares foryou.~The Seven Compound Names of Jehovah ~The Seven RedemptiveNames ofJesus ~Christian names and their meaning -Christian BabyBoy Names-Christian Baby Girl Names "And Jesus was that Rose ofSharon. And,notice, a rose is a beautiful thing, it has perfume init. Butbefore the perfume can come out, the rose has to be crushed,andthen the perfume is squeezed from the rose. Jesus, in His life,wasthe most beautiful life ever lived; but He couldn't remainthatway, 'cause He had to anoint His Church (to approach HisHoliness),so His life was squeezed out. It cost God His Son. Itcost God thegreatest price. It cost Christ His life. He was theRose of Sharon;but to get the perfume out of a rose, you have tocrush it up. Hisbeautiful life was crushed at a young Man ofthirty-three and ahalf years, that we might live." (~Rev. WilliamMarrion Branham)
Charles Spurgeon Quotes 3.02
John Tibell
Easy access to almost 2,000 Quotes by Charles Spurgeon.
Silozi SDA Hymnal and Bible 2.0
Silozi Hymnal and Bible of the SDA Church (Sifela ni BibeleyaSilozi)
Believers/Branham Poems/Poetry 0.1
Gospel Inspiration Poems William M Branham,ShepherdFokoloni,SisRoberta,Jacinta
Study Bible
Your personalized Bible for reading andstudy.The AcroBible, Study Bible is a native, offlineapplicationdesigned for a fast interactive experience that makes iteasy tosearch and navigate the Bible. It is loaded with featuresincludingfast keyword or phrase search, verse tagging withkeywords, dailyreading plans, copy functionality, highlightfunctionality,note-taking, and more.Bible Study Resources* King James Version Bible (preloaded)* Bible-in-a-year reading plan (preloaded)* Free translations: ASV, WEB, YLT, Darby, RVA, LSG, Thai KJV,AA(optional downloads)* Free commentaries: Matthew Henry's ConciseCommentary,Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary, Scofield Notes(optionaldownloads)* Free devotionals: Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, Daily Lightonthe Daily Path (optional downloads)* Free study tools: Easton's Bible Dictionary, KJV withStrong'snumbers, Greek NT, Thompson Topics, Treasury of ScriptureKnowledge(optional downloads)* Paid translations: NAS, ESV (in-app purchases)
Catholic Doctrine - Audio 2.0.8
Tobas Signs
The first section of this app reveals the treasureinCatholicDoctrine as against her heresies. The biblesectioncomprise thewhole 73-book canon recognised by the catholicchurch,includingthe deuterocanonical books. This app makes readingthebiblepleasurable, by its simultaneous, read-highlightcapability.Thebible or scripture is source of great knowledge ofGod andconstantreading builds in us love for God and improvedfaith.Bookmarkingmakes referencing special verses and chapterseasy.Latin languagewhich is adapted as the universal language oftheCatholic is beenpromoted in this app, to enable both the clergyandlaity to learnto speak the Latin mass order and common prayers.Arepetitive useof this apps Latin commons section is suretoguarantee fluency.Daily mass readings can also be viewedwithprojected reference toyesterday’s and tomorrow’s readings.Thereadings as translated inPauline’s Daily Missal. The firstsectionof this app were itderives its name covers the pertinentissuesabout the catholicchurch of which Catholics need tounderstand andso can treasuretheir faith. If it is a sin to bearfalse testimonyagainst oneindividual, how can we characterize thecrime of thosewhocalumniate three hundred millions of human beings,byattributingto them doctrines and practices which they repudiateandabhor. Ido not wonder that the Church is hated by those wholearnwhat sheis from her enemies. This is my only motive. I feel inthedepth ofmy heart that, in possessing Catholic faith, I holdatreasurecompared with which all things earthly are butdross.Instead ofwishing to bury this treasure in my breast, I longtoshare it withyou, especially as I lose no part of myspiritualriches bycommunicating them to others.
Prayer Quotes/Sayings 0.2
The “Prayer Quotes and Sayings Apps” delivers powerfulthoughts(Quotes) from Our Lord Jesus Christ, William Branham, JohnWesley,Martin Luther, Apostle Paul and many others to come as theapps isbeen updated. The purpose of this Application is to makesure thatyou are constantly reminded of your prayer life. Pleasefind belowsome inspiring quotes from these High ProfilePersonalities ~OurLord Jesus Christ “And all things, whatsoever yeshall ask inprayer, believing, ye shall receive” ~William Branham“Lay asideeverything. Just get as close to God as you can. Walkwith Him,talk with Him. Let everything else be secondary but yourprayerlife. Stay right with Him all the time” ~John Wesley “Goddoesnothing except in answer to Prayer” -Martin Luther “To beaChristian without prayer is no more possible than to bealivewithout breathing” ~Billy Graham “To get nations back ontheirfeet, we must first get down on our knees” ~Charles Spurgeon“Youcan be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in allthingswhich glorify God” ~John Bunyan “Prayer will make a man ceasefromsin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer” ~CharlesFinney“Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians thanprayingtogether. Never do they love one another so well as whentheywitness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer”~RichardBaxter “Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching;hepreacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray forthem”~Apostle Paul “Continue in prayer, and watch in the samewiththanksgiving” ~Prayer Quotes from The Bible With Prayer IndexandTopics Prayer Quotes On Love Prayer Quotes On BlessingsPrayerQuotes On Favor Prayer Quotes On Strength Prayer GeneralBibleQuotes Prayer Quotes On Healing Prayer Quotes On PeacePrayerQuotes On Protection Prayer Quotes On Relationship PrayerQuotes OnComfort Quotes from Country Leader and Founding FathersAbrahamLincoln George Washington John Adams John Evans Atta MillsSamuelAdams George H. W. Bush George W. Bush Andrew JacksonHerbertHoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry S. Truman DwightD.Eisenhower Benjamin Franklin Ronald Wilson Reagan Downloadpowerfulinspiring prayer quotes, to help us pray for our lovedones,families, friends, ourselves and the world at large in ourbusyschedules as The Day of Redemption is near. “Pray withoutceasing”(1st Thessalonians 5:17) You can choose either Quotes VieworAuthors View Quotes View give you all the quotes in theAppsAuthors view allows you to select the quotes using the names oftheauthors. Suggestions are always welcomed through thisemail:[email protected] I love you with the love of the Lord andmay youcontinue to swim in the atmosphere of God’s love. Thank youand Godbless you. Amen! THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU
Confession Guide ✝ 1.1
This application is based on the popular booklet Short GuideforConfession.
The SDA Church Manual - Last e 2.3.6
This is the Seventh Day Adventist Church Manual madeaccessibleeverywhere
Alistair Begg Sermons 8.01
Sermons by Alistair Begg. Categorized into 23 topics. AddYourNotes.
Patriarchs and Prophets 1.0
The story in detail of what was told and what was not toldaboutthepatriarchs and prophets of the Bible. Patriarchs andProphetsis oneof the only tools available anywhere that can revealwithaccuracyand authority just how and why this great war beganandwho isbehind it. In Patriarchs and Prophets you will find : -TheCreation- The Temptation and Fall - The Plan of Redemption -Cainand AbelTested - After the Flood - The Literal Week - The TowerofBabel -The Call of Abraham - Destruction of Sodom - TheMarriageof Isaac -Jacob and Esau - Jacob’s Flight and Exile - TheNight ofWrestling -The Return to Canaan - Joseph in Egypt - Moses -ThePlagues ofEgypt ............... Ellen White (November 26, 1827–July 16,1915) was a prolific author, writing more than 40 booksand5000periodical articles during her lifetime. Today there areoveronehundred 50,000 manuscript pages of her writings. She wasone ofthefounders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, believedbymanyreaders to have the spiritual gift of prophecy describedintheBible. White was considered a somewhat controversial figurebyhiscritics, with much of the controversy centered on hisreportsofvisionary experiences and the use of other sources inhiswritings.She experienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall Balmerhasdescribed Whiteas "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin the history ofAmerican religion." Walter Martin describedit as"one of the mostfascinating and controversial characterseverappeared on thehorizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovided thebasis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowedherwritings of greatimportance to the believers of thisdenomination.Ellen G. Whitepromoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationand spread ofAdventism in different parts of theworld. We respectthe copyright,A work goes into the public domainwhen thepatrimonial rights haveexpired. This usually happens afteradeadline has passed since thedeath of the author (postmortemauctoris). The minimum term,worldwide, is 50 years andisestablished in the Berne Convention.Many countries haveextendedthis period widely. For example, inEuropean law, it is 70yearssince the death of the author. Oncethat time has passed, suchworkcan then be used in free form,respecting moral rights. Remembertocheck out the More Apps sectionand you'll be amazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
Koinonia - Messages & more 2.0.1
Audio Messages, Bible, Christian Books & More.
The God Minute 2.0.47
Fr. Ron Hoye
The God Minute is a 10 minute daily Christian prayer podcast.
Commanding Your Morning 1.0.4
Media MyAPP
In this ebook, we shall address a spiritual phenomenonthatwillusher you into a realm that is unprecedented in everysense.Godwill open your eyes to certain deep truths, whichwillcompletelytransform your life and make you exceptional.Thistopicis souncommon that many people spend their entirelifetimewithoutknowing anything about it. Yet, such knowledgedetermines alot ofthings.The truth, however, is that what we areconsidering inthischapter cannot be found on the surface of thescriptures. Theyarelike hidden treasures tucked away in somechests. Hence, weshallexamine some of the deepest scriptures everfound in the wordofGod.These deep Scriptures can make a greatdifferencebetweenliving or dying, enjoying victory or sufferingdefeat,living underabject poverty or enjoying stupendous wealth. Infact,what you aregoing to discover in this book will determine alot ofthings inyour life in the days, weeks, months and yearsahead. Youwilldiscover the secrets of doing exploits for God andreigning intherealm of the supernatural.By the time you learn howto pray inlinewith what you will discover, every area of your lifewillmoveforward by fire.
RCZ Hymns - Nziyo Dzekereke 1.2.0
Reformed Church in Zimbabwe Hymn Book ( Nziyo Dzekereke )