Top 46 Apps Similar to Torah-Box

Torah-Box Music 2.1.2
Torah-Box Music is the first 100% Kosher Jewish music platform ...
Tikun Korim - תיקון קוראים bemidbar.naso
Yam Ohana
Tikun Korim is an application for learning the Torah reading
OU Torah 3.5.2
The OU Torah app provides instant access to the world of Torah.
Mishnayot Kehati 1.8.9
Mishnayot Kehati and Bartenura
Rambam Plus - Mishneh Torah 2.6.0
Rambam Plus - All Mishneh Torah in the palm of your hand for free!
OU Kosher 3.8.1
A guide to kosher products that are certified by the OU, andmuchmore.
Torah Codes 1.3 64bit
Searching the Tora for hidden messages.
Mishnah Study 3.3.5
The Mishna Sdura & Mishnayot in Hebrew & EnglishwithBartenura
Learn Hebrew Basics 1.89
Free Application for Easy Learning of Hebrew language
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum 3.2
Hebrew Apps
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum with Rashi and Onkelos.
Sefaria 6.0.4
A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Igros Kodesh by Mafteiach 1.0.0
Igros Kodesh App: A revolutionary platform providing easysimpleandconvenient access to the Lubavitcher Rebbe'scorrespondenceandresponses, searchable by topic. The topicsincluded intheseletters include many realms of discussion, andnumerousdisciplinesof human pursuit. Its purview encompassingphilosophy(be itTalmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical orother),scientificmatters, global events, counsel in privateissues,schooling, andsocial/communal proceedings.
Hebrew | 68.05.231-learnheb
Start speaking a new language... today!
Mafteiach 1.0.0
Interactive Mafteiach - Learning the Rebbe's Sichos has neverbeeneasier
Steinsaltz Daily Study 2.1.0
Access and enhance your daily Torah-study experience withtheSteinsaltz app
IRIS Mobile
Olan AT&S Ltd.
The famous Big Hebrew-RussianandRussian-Hebrew dictionary by Dr. Baruch Podolsky is nowavailablefor Android. Providing Hebrew-Russian andRussian-Hebrewtranslation of over 60,000 words, currently proved tobe the mostcomplete, wide-ranging and modern Hebrew dictionary forRussianspeakers.Features:* Nikud in Hebrew words.* Accent emphasis in Hebrew and Russian words (if no emphasis-accent is on last vowel).* Russian transcription for Hebrew words.* Russian search.* Hebrew search.* Transcription search (using Russian letters + "h" forrepresentingHebrew sounds).* Search history (last 40 entries).* Favorite words collection (100 entries).* Automatic language detection and translation modeselection.* Partial word match when selecting "Done" from keyboard.* Previous/next translation preview.* Font size change (pinch-to-zoom and menu selector) ontranslationscreen.* Reaction on Search button long press.* Multiple word copying options.* Sharing translation screens.* Several options, including disabling, for animatingscreenchanges.
Méditations Bibliques 2.6.1
Ideal for a good study and understanding of the biblical
La Bonne Semence (perpétuelle) 1.0
Calendar "The Good Seed": daily biblical meditations.
365 j. pour ranimer la flamme 2.4
365 daily biblical meditations / Daily Bible reading plan.
Tehillim by Abraham’s Legacy 1.3.2
Incorporate a Meaningful Minute into your Daily TehillimתהיליםPrayers Anytime!
Siddur Klilat Yofi Ashkenaz 2.4
Spectacular design with original prayer pages, times of dayandprayer direction
Tehilim en Français - תהילים 4.0.0
Téléchargez gratuitement notre application Tehilim survotreSmartphone, Vous pourrez profiter en automatique du calculduTehilim quotidien ou alors parcourir le Tehilim par chapitre.Grâceà cette application, Le Tehilim étant source de bonheurquotidiense trouvera toujours dans votre poche pour vous protégeret vous
Tout Pour Qu'Il Règne 2.0
Daily Biblical Thoughts "All That He Reigns" by Oswald Chambers.
Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew-English 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses
Tehilim 1.0.1
Псалмы царя Давида и Сегулот.  Рады представитьсамоепопулярноеприложение Теилим и Сегулот! Универсальноеприложениедля планшетов исмартфонов ,принесет Вам огромноедуховное иморальноенаслаждение.  Где бы Вы не находились, уВас всегдабудетвозможность прочесть Псалмы царя Давида а такжеСегулот навсе случаижизни. Программа не требует подключениекинтернету.  Для того,чтобы сделать чтение Псалмовболеедоступным и удобнымрусскоязычным евреям была созданаэтапрограмма странслитерацией Псалмов и переводом ее нарусскийязык, чтопоможет людям, не владеющим ивритом не толькопонятьсмысл Псалмов,но и произносить их на языке оригинала. Евреиповсему миручитают Псалмы царя Давида ежедневно, так, чтобызанеделю илимесяц прочесть всю книгу. И по этому внастройкахпрограммы естьвозможность разбивки чтения по Вашемужеланию. Чтоб не забытьсяВы можете выставить ежедневныенапоминание. Вы всегда смежитевидеть время наступления иокончания сближающегошаббата, для этого всписке городов выберитеВаш город либо Вашеустройство автоматическийопределит с помощьюGPS.  Напротяжении многолетней еврейскойистории книга Теилимсопровождалаеврея на протяжение всей егожизни. К ней онобращался вмоменты горя и радости, зная, что всегдасможет найти вдревнихсловах Псалмов поддержку, утешение и ответы наволнующиееговопросы. Мы понимаем, что в подобного рода программахне можетнебыть ошибок и мелкого технического брака. Обовсехзамеченныхнеточностях и опечатках просим сообщить нам,чтобыисправлениявошли в новые версии приложения. С вопросамиипожеланиями всегдаможете обратится по адресу [email protected]
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Louis Segond French Bible FREE 2.1.0
This is the classic French equivalent of the EnglishKingJamesVersion. The Louis Segond Bible or LSG Bible was publishedin1910by Alliance Biblique Universelle. Louis Segond (October 3,1810–June 18, 1885), was a Swiss theologian who translatedtheBibleinto French from the original texts in Hebrew and Greek.Hewasborn in Plainpalais, near Geneva. After studyingtheologyinGeneva, Strasbourg and Bonn, he was pastor of theGenevaNationalChurch in Chêne-Bougeries, then from 1872, ProfessorofOldTestament in Geneva. The translation of theOldTestament,commissioned by the Vénérable Compagnie des PasteursdeGenève, waspublished in two volumes in 1871 (Meusel has 1874asthepublication date), followed by the New Testament, translatedasaprivate venture, in 1880. The text was then reviewedbyexperts.The result is the 1910 revision that is nowfreelyavailable onInternet. This app consists of all 66 books inthePremierTestament and Le Nouveau Testament as follows:GenèseExodeLévitique Nombres Deutéronome Josué Juges Ruth 1 Samuel2Samuel 1Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras NéhémieEstherJobPsaumes Proverbes Ecclésiaste Cantique des CantiquesÉsaïeJérémieLamentations Ézéchiel Daniel Osée Joël Amos AbdiasJonasMichéeNahum Habacuc Sophonie Aggée Zacharie Malachie MatthieuMarcLucJean Actes Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 CorinthiensGalatesÉphésiensPhilippiens Colossiens 1 Thessaloniciens 2Thessaloniciens1Timothée 2 Timothée Tite Philémon Hébreux Jacques 1Pierre 2Pierre1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Apocalypse Get closer toJesus andGodwith this Bible app. Download this free Bible apptodayandexperience a richer fuller Bible study wherever you go.
Biblical Hebrew Readers 1.1
Illustrated stories in Biblical Hebrew with audio forreadingfluency.
Chayenu 5.3.2
A daily dose of Chitas, Rambam & over a dozen others,deliveredto your device
RubikCalc Ultra Calculator 2.2.5
Programmable calculator like no other !
OnYourWay Yesod 32.0
OnYourWay Yesod App, Tora Mishna Gmara Siddur
Bible avec Strong (LSG 1910) 1.7
Lets read the Bible & Strong definitions instantly - free noads
Tikun Korim - תקון קוראים
Bar Mitzvah Torah Laining Training App
Daily Jewish Prayers 2.3.1
The ONLY Transliterated, Translated and Hebrew Jewish Prayersapp!!!
My Tanach (Hebrew Bible)
AA Rosenbaum
Fully-pointed Hebrew Tanach, resizable text, bookmarks, socialmediasharing
French Louis Segond Bible 2.4.0
Offline Holy Bible Louis Segond (LSG) version for free in French
Jewish Complete Bible Jewish bible Complete free 9.0
The complete Jewish Bible available for reading and listening
Hebrew Bible Reader 2.0
A digital Reader's Edition of the Hebrew Bible
Les Trésors de la Foi — Pensée 1.0.1
Daily Bible Meditations by Charles Spurgeon.
Spanish Verb Trainer 1.0.39
Pawel Petruch
Train and revise Spanish verb conjugations. Learn in a smart way.
Hebrew Bible Offline 3.1.0
The Hebrew Bible with offline TORAH, PROPHETS and WRITINGS
Hebrew Bible Reader
Hebrew Bible Reader, teaches pronunciation & meaning ofeveryword in the bible.
YATADBRON:Holy Quran Searcher
Light-Weight Quran Searcher
Selichot Elul 1.1
Selichot Seder for Elul, Minhag Lubavitch
Emmaus Bible Courses 1.10.8
The Bible Course App - Discover the Christian faith andencounterChrist