Top 4 Apps Similar to Munajat Ahlul Bait Pro

Namajer Dua o Surah 1.4.0
Smart Apps BD
We perform salah or salat for thesatisfactionof Allah. After Kalema Salah is the second pillar ofIslam. We haveto know dua to perform salah. In this app we presentimportant duain both Arabic, English and Bengali language.Tags:dua after namaz, namaz surah, bangla dua, fajr namaz, fullnamaz,taraweeh ki dua, bangla islamic book, namaz in english,banglahadith, dua in english, bangla pdf book, bangla hadis, arabicdua,dua after prayer, duaa in arabic, bukhari sharif bangla,hisnulmuslim pdf, dua after salah, islamic dua in english, duabook,taraweeh dua, dua after salat, taraweeh namaz dua, surahsforprayer, hisnul muslim dua, how to perform tahajjud, duafortaraweeh, taraweeh prayer dua, all dua, dua e taraweeh,tahajjudprayer dua, attahiyat dua, atayat dua, tarawih duaAdditional tags:#Allah #Islam #Muslim #kalema #namaz #namaj #salat #salah #dua#doa#translated #English #Arabic #Bengali #Bangla #sura #surah#fatiha#feel #fil #fill #kuraish #kurais #maun #kausar #kawser#kauser#kafiron #nasor #naas #lahab #ikhlas #falak #humajah #homaja#asor#takbir #tahrima #tashahud #durud #sharif #sorif #kunut#jaynamajer#jainamaj #monajat #munajat #monazat #munazat #We#perform #or #for#satisfaction #of #Allah #After #Kalema #Salah #is#second #pillar#Islam #have #to #know #dua #In #this #app #we#present #important#in #both #Arabic #English #Bengali #language#Al #Fatihah #Fil#Quraish #mauna #Kausar #Kafirun #Nasr #Lahab#Falaq #An #Nas#humayaha #Asr #Takbeer #Tashahhud #Sharif #duruda#Doa #offer#Qunut #Jayanamajera #blessings #Prayer
40 Rabbana Dua (Quranic) 1.0
Sonar Bangla
40 Dua from the Holy Quran started by the 'Rabbana' addressingAllahAlmighty.
Hazrat Musa and Harun (A) Life 1.3.1
Smart Apps BD
Mûsâ ibn Amram (Arabic:ٰمُوسَى‎,translit.Mūsa‎; c. 2076 (c. 1392) – c. 1952 BH (c. 1272BCE)),known asMoses in the Hebrew Bible, considered a prophet,messenger,andleader in Islam, is the most frequently mentionedindividual intheQuran. In Islamic tradition instead of introducinga newreligion,Moses is regarded by Muslims as teaching andpracticingthereligion of his predecessors and confirming thescripturesandprophets before him. The Quran states that Moses wassent by Godtothe Pharaoh of Egypt and the Israelites for guidanceandwarning.Moses is mentioned more in the Quran than anyotherindividual, andhis life is narrated and recounted more thanthat ofany otherprophet. According to Islam, all Muslims must havefaithin everyprophet (nabi) and messengers (rasul) which includesMosesand hisbrother Aaron (Harun).Tags:hazrat, musa, nabi, prophet, firon, moses, urdu,moosa,kahani,firaun, ali, salam, alaihis, islam, quran, surah,family,alahi,salaam, feron, stories, miracles, khizar,bani,alaihissalam,haroon, pharaoh, islamic, father, where, born,dead,khidr,magicians, allah, dua, muslim, mosa, age, hajrat,brief,jibraeel,al, mussa, biography, bangla, kalimullah, firoun,hazrt,hazarat,buried, mousa, hazart, alai, hazratmosa, mossaThe Quran states:Also mention in the Book (the story of) Moses: for hewasspeciallychosen, and he was a messenger (and) a prophet.And we called him from the right side of Mount (Sinai), andmadehimdraw near to Us, for mystic (converse).And, out of Our Mercy, We gave him his brother Aaron,(also)aprophet.— Quran, sura 19 (Maryam), ayat 51–53Additional tags:#Mûsâ #ibn #Amram #Arabic: ٰمُوسَى‎ #translit #Mūsa‎ #c.#2076#c.#1392 #c. #1952 #BH #c. #1272 #BCE #known #as #Moses#in#the#Hebrew #Bible #considered #a #prophet #messenger #and#leader#in#Islam #is #the #most #frequently #mentioned #individual#in#the#Quran #In #Islamic #tradition #instead #of #introducing#a#new#religion #Moses #is #regarded #by #Muslims #as#teaching#and#practicing #the #religion #of #his #predecessors#and#confirming#the #scriptures #and #prophets #before #him #The#Quran#states#that #Moses #was #sent #by #God #to #the #Pharaoh#of#Egypt #and#the #Israelites #for #guidance #and #warning #Moses#is#mentioned#more #in #the #Quran #than #any #other #individual#and#his #life#is #narrated #and #recounted #more #than #that #of#any#other#prophet #According #to #Islam #all #Muslims #must#have#faith #in#every #prophet #nabi #and #messengers #rasul#which#includes#Moses #and #his #brother #Aaron #Harun
Munajat-e-Maqbool مناجات مقبول 2.0
A beautiful collection of Munajaat andDurood-o-Salaam“QurubatInd-Allah wa Salawat-ur-Rasool” (قربات عنداللہ وصلواتالرسول) aselection of prayers (duas), is one of thevarioustreatises ofHakeem-ul-Ummah Hazrat Maulana Muhammad AshrafAliThanvi (رحمہاللہ), which he has chosen out from Hisn-e-Haseen(حصنحصین) andother compilations. Though the persian treatise“ZariatulWusoolIla Janab-e-Rasool Durood Shareef" (ﺫﺭﯾﻌۃ ﺍﻟﻮﺻﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﯽﺟﻨﺎﺏﺍﻟﺮﺳﻮﻝﺻﻠﯽ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ) of Allama Makhdoom MuhammadHashimSindhiThathvi (رحمہ اللہ) is a compilation based on the wordsofDuroodsquoted from the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), theSahaaba(رضی اللہعنہم) , and the Ta’baeen (رحمہم اللہ). thisurdutranslation hasbeen done by Shaheed-e-Islam Hazrat MoulanaMuhammadYousufLudhyanvi (رحمہ اللہ) while immersing himself in trueloveanddevotion, and has been arranged in a section-wise formatsimilartothat of Munajat-e-Maqbool. Now, bothMunajat-i-MaqbolandZiyarat-ul-Wusool have been published togetherin order to makeiteasy for the readers to complete its reading in aweek'stime.Since long our friends, accomplices, and esteemedreaders hadbeenrequesting for the online availability ofthecompilation.Therefore, with the blessings of Allah, theonlineedition ofMunajat-e-Maqbool and this compilation of DuroodShareefhas beenprepared in a very beautiful and modern layout. Inthisedition,the facility of jumping to a particular page fromthecontents pageitself has been made possible. Also, one cangothrough thetranslation of Durood Shareef by clicking ontheirrespectivenumbers, and clicking on the translation numberwilldisplay thetext of the particular Durood Shareef on the screen.Ourfriendsand esteemed readers had since long beenearnestlyrequesting fordigital availability of this collection,which hasnow beenprepared in a beautiful and latest fashion app. Inthisapp: ***One can easily browse to any page right from thecontentspageitself. *** Further, the translation of aparticular"DuroodSharif" can be viewed by clicking its number, andviceversa. ***The order of Manzil has been kept into consideration.***Any pagecan be jumped to right from the contents page andviceversa. ***The translation of Durood Shareef can be view byclickingon itsnumber. *** Also, clicking on the translationnumberingwilldisplay the Text of Durood Shareef. *** The "DuroodoSalam"application can be shared among friends using theSharingOption.To earn Allah’s blessings, nearness and pleasure,andtheintercession of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), it isrequiredtomake "Durood Sharif" daily practice. We bow ingratitudebeforeAllah for granting us the ability of makingthiscollectionwidespread through the platform of shaheedeislam.comMayAllah makethis platform a means of disseminating the knowledgeofour elders,Ameen. I am highly indebted to all those who havebeeninstrumentalin the completion of this task, particularly myfatherMaulanaMuhammd Saeed Ludhyanvi, uncle Sahibzada MaulanaMuhammdTayyibLudhyanvi (rector Darul Uloom Yousfiyah), and Dr.Sheikh WaliKhanAl-Muzaffar, whose comprehensive supervisionalwaysremainedavailable. May Allah bless their life and knowledge,andengulfthem with His safety. I am also greatly thankful toAmjadRahimChaudhary, Allaama Yasir Arafat, and Hafiz MuhammadTalhaTahir fortheir valuable suggestions in preparing thisbookof"Munajat-e-Maqbool and Durood o Salam" and its AndroidApp.Also,my special thanks go to Umair Idrees, Shahood Ahmad,AbdurRahmanand all those who have rendered their help in one way ortheother.May all bless all of us with His pleasure. AmeenMuhammadIlyasLudhyanvi Founder and Administrator Shaheed-e-IslamWeb Portal