Top 6 Apps Similar to Your Numerologist PRO

Numerology 1.5
Vivek Tiwari
Numerology is any belief in divine,mysticalorother special relationship between a number andsomecoincidingevents. It has many systems and traditions andbeliefs.Numerologyand numerological divination by systems such asisopsephywerepopular among early mathematicians, but are nolongerconsideredpart of mathematics and are regarded aspseudomathematicsorpseudoscience by modern scientists.Today, numerology is often associated with theparanormal,alongsideastrology and similar divinatory arts.Despite the long history of numerological ideas,theword"numerology" is not recorded in English before c.1907.The term numerologist is also used derogatorily forthoseperceivedto place excess faith in numerical patterns(anddrawscientifically unsound inferences from them), even ifthosepeopledo not practice traditional numerology. For example, inhis1997book Numerology: Or What PythagorasWrought,mathematicianUnderwood Dudley uses the term todiscusspractitioners of theElliott wave principle of stockmarketanalysis.Support Features-* Expression Number* Heart Desire Number* Love Attitude* Personality
Numerology App 2.1.2
Ashok Prakash
Every Human Being has a Lucky Number withtheirname and for their Birth. The chakras which is shown inthisapplication is inscribed in the old form of Numerologycheckingmethod, which is from the yantras. You can check youraccurateanalysis from this application. Don't miss to check foryour familymembers and lead a happy life.Check for updates as well!!Thank you
Numerus - Numerology 1.2
Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner inwhichthey reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, asanintegral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numericvaluethat provides a related cosmic vibration. Numerus it's an appthatpermits you to find the numbers of your life. The sum ofthenumbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived fromtheletters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.Thesenumbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life,whatmotivates, and where talents may lie.
Free Me Numerology 1.2
Clarity=Power"I would like to change and take actions that wouldimprovethequality of my life. The problem is I'm unclear aboutthechallengesI need to overcome!" This is a typical story ofthetroubled personin competitive world.Use this app to get thorough clarity about the challengesyouneedto overcome in this lifetime to experience Success,Peace,Happiness,Health. Wealth and Wisdom.Once you have the clarity, you will have a choicetotakecorrective actions.Remember, more the clarity more actions you can take.Themoreactions you take, the more results you'll have--makingyousuccessful in life.For more details visit:
My Name Meaning Numerology 1.5.9
Numerology calculator for answer question “what does my name mean?”
Numerology 1.0
The App, NUMEROLOGY, helps you know about how to know your LIFEPATHNUMBER. Just a click away to know about yourself. A click on“LET’SGO”, a wide ranging information about your character isawaiting foryou to respond.