Top 20 Apps Similar to Kabir Amritvani

Kabirvani - Kabir Ke Dohe 1.6
Kabir Vani with Dohe In two line couplets with meaning.
Hindi Dohe - हिंदी दोहे HD1.8
Read Kabir das, Rahim, Surdas, Tulsidas ke dohe and Shloka inhindiwith meaning
Kabir Ke Dohe 7.0
Kabīr (also Kabīra) was a mystic poet and saint of India,whosewritings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. ThenameKabir comes from Arabic al-Kabīr which means "The Great" – the37thname of God in Islam.Kabir's legacy is today carried forward by the Kabir panth("Pathof Kabir"), a religious community that recognises him as itsfounderand is one of the Sant Mat sects. Its members, known asKabirpanthis, are estimated to be around 9.6 million.Our app is dedicated to all the Kabir Panth around the world.Ourapp contains all the Dohas (poems) of Shri Kabirjiproperlyindexed.
Shree Ram Sharnam, Gohana 2.5
An App for followers of Shri Ram Sharnam and Swami SatyanandjiMaharaj
Dohe and Shloka दोहे और श्लोक 5.0
Ajay Khatri
Large collection of Hindi Dohe and Slokas with meaning (GUImaterialdesign)
Bhakti Bodh (Hindi) 1.0
Satlok Ashram
Speech of Kabir Sahib and Garib Das ji collated by Satguru RampalJiMaharaj.
Suno: Hindi Audiobooks 2.0
Download and listen to hindi audio books, including worksofPremchand.
Kabir Wani 8.0.0
Vijay Prince
It has the best dohas with short but meaningful
Gyan Ganga Book (English) 1.1
Satlok Ashram
True Knowledge about Supreme God Kabir Sahib from Vedas,Gita,Purans, Bible etc
Yatharth Geeta - Srimad Bhagav 2.2.0
Science of Religion for Mankind - By Swami Shri AdgadanandJiMaharaj
Kalam Hazrat Baba Bulleh Shah 4.0
Is book main Baba Bulleh Shah R.A ke halat-o-waqiyaat aurapkishayari hai....
Faizane Ahmed Kabir Rafai Urdu 1.0
Faizane Ahmed Kabir Rafai UrduYe Inki Sirat Ki Kitab hai