Top 21 Apps Similar to Coffee Cup Readings

قراءة الفنجان بالكاميرا 1.0
قراءة الفنجان بالكاميرا هو أول تطبيقعربيلقراءةفنجان بالعربية، قراءة فنجان تفترض هذه الطريقة معرفةصفاتومستقبل شخصما من خلال النظر مليا والتعرجات الموجودة على فنجانقهوةومعالمه،تفسير احلامكم، ومعرفة ما تخبئه الأبراج وعلم الفلك لكم،وهي إحدى طرقالتنبؤ بالمستقبل الموجودة في الثقافة الشعبية لدىبعضالشعوبكل ما عليكم فعله هو إرسال صورة عن فنجان بواسطة التطبيقوسوفيقومتطبيق بتفسير المستقبل .ميزات التطبيق:- قراءة فنجان بالكاميرا- قراءة خطوط فنجان ومعالمه- تفسير احلامكم- الإطلاع على أبراجكم يومياً وما تخبئه لكم الابراج علىالصعيدالمهنيوالعاطفي والصحي.ملاحظة: هذا التطبيق صنع بهدف الترفيه والتسلية prank .Reading the cupcameraisthe first Arab application to read a cup of Arabic, read acupThismethod assumes knowledge of recipes and the future of apersonbylooking carefully and meandering on a cup of coffeeanditsfeatures, interpretation of dreams, find out what elsethetowersand astronomy to you, which is one way to predict thefutureinpopular culture in some peoples All you have to do is send a picture of a cup by theapplicationandthe application will interpret the future.Application features:- Read a cup camera- Read the cup and features lines- Interpretation of dreams- Looking at their Obrajkm day in store for you and the towersontheprofessional, emotional and health level. Note: This application is making leisure andentertainmentprank.
قراءة الكف بالكاميرا 1.0
Bee First
قراءة الكف هي إحدى طرقالتنبؤبالمستقبلالموجودةفي الثقافة الشعبية لدى بعض الشعوب. تفترضهذهالطريقة معرفةصفاتومستقبل شخص ما من خلال النظر مليا إلىالخطوطوالتعرجاتالموجودة علىكف الإنسانPalmistry is one way to predict the future inpopularcultureamongsome peoples. This method assumes knowledge ofrecipesandthefuture of a person by looking carefully to thelinesandmeanderingon the human palm
Basirly - Coffee Tarot reading 74.0
First app to have your Coffee, Palm, Face and all psychic readings
Kahve Falı - Burç Yorumları, F
Emre KOÇ
Free coffee fortune, horoscope reviews, astrology andfortunetelling is here! Where are you? 😎
Look coffee Falun 1.0
Now looking at the symbols in theprogramtotake care of the fortunes of coffee after drinkingthecoffeecomment yapabilecek.siz everyone's cup of looking atwaystosimulate one thing to do and look at the meaning.
Fal Cafe
Send pictures of coffee, our fortune tellers looking for you free.
Coffee Falun To Look 1.0
After drinking your coffee cup andturnitupside down çevirin.bekle examine the symbols of your cupandmakeyour fortune by looking at the description, seeyourreview.
تفسيرالاحلام متجدد بدون نت2016 1.3
كثيرا ما يسألنا من حولنا عن تفسير حلم ماأوتفسير المنام و لا نجد الاجابة, تفسير حلم الزواج او تفسير حلمالعرسمثلا أو غالبا ما تسألك أختك أو امرأة قريبة منك تريد اجابة عنتفسيرحلم اني حامل او تفسير حلم ولادة بنت هل كنت لتعرف الاجابة?هذا بالضبط سبب انشاء و تصميم تفسير الأحلام للنابلسي و ابنسىرىنيمكنك من تفسير المنام و الأحلام التي تراودك أو التي يسألك عنهاأهلكأصدقائك أو أصحابك,تطبيق لتفسير الاحلام بدون انترنت يمكنكم من تفسير حلمكم بطريقةسهلةحيث تم ترتيب الكلمات حسب ترتيب الحروف الابجدية وبمستنداتشرعيةوتفسيرات علم النفس حيث يمكن البحث في محتويات القاموس بطريقةأبجديةومنظمة وسلسة إعتمادا مسندات شرعية، كما يمكنك حفظ الصفحات أوالتفسيرالذي تريده في المفضلة حتى يمكنك الرجوع إليها مباشرة إضافةإلى أنهيشتغل بدون الحاجة إلى الأنترنتتطبيق تفسير الاحلام - tafsir ahlam,تفسير الأحلام و الرؤى بالقرآنوالسنة النبوية حسب الشريعة.تفاسير الاحلام و الرؤى بالحروف الابجدية العربية المرتبة وفقالقرآنالكريم و السنة النبوية.تفسير الاحلام - tafsir ahlam بالحروف يتم تفسير الاحلام وتفسيرالمنام بناءً على على كتب تفسير الاحلام الشهيرة مثل كتابتفسيرالاحلام لابن سيرين و كتاب تفسير الاحلام للنابلسي حيث تماعتمادتفسير النابلسي و ابن سيرين على اصول و قواعد تفسير الاحلامفيالاسلام من القرآن الكريم و الحديث الشريف و الكتب الاسلاميةللسلفالصالح.ننصح الاخوة بقراءة مقدمة كتاب تفسير ابن سيرين الاطلاع على اصولالحلمو المنام و الرؤيا مع الضوابط و الاصول التي اعتمادها ابن سيرينوالنابلسي في تفسير الاحلام وتفسير المنام و الادلة التي استنبطمنهاابن سيرين و النابلسي تفسير الاحلام و تفسير المنام.يتوفر على كم هائل من التفسيرات أهمها :تفسير حلم العرستفسير حلم الزواجتفسير حلم تساقط الشعرتفسير حلم اني حاملتفسير حلم ولادة بنتتفسير حلم الجن في المنامتفسير حلم الذهاب للحجتفسير حلم فستان ابيضتفسير الاحلام مجاناتفسير حلم قص الشعرتفسير حلم القملتفسير حلم الذهبتفسير حلم الحملتفسير حلم الموتتفسير الاحلام الشاملتفسير ابن سيرينتفسير ابن شاهينتفسير النابParmi les rêves les plus populaires on trouve :Ami Arc en ciel Amour Argent Accident Balance Carrefour ArbreBusDents Desert Eau Ennemis Enfant Mort Rivière Fleurs SerpentGuerreHopital Ile perdue Araignée Jeune homme Maison EléphantIncendieInstruments de musique Loterie Mendiant Maman Chat MariageEmbrasserAccouchement Autoroute Barbe Banque grand-mère BagarreDentsDemoiselle Eau Ennemis Enfant Mer Lettre Fleurs VoyanceSerpentGuerre Hopital Ile perdue Araignée Jeune homme MaisongrenouilleIncendie Instruments de musique Lion Maladie Mangerسهل الاستخدامOften asks us around usonthe interpretation of a dream or the interpretation of a dreamandwe do not find the answer, the interpretation of the dreamofmarriage or, for example, the interpretation of a dream weddingoroften asking your sister or close to a woman you want ananswerfrom the interpretation of a dream I holder or interpretationof adream girl birth Do you know the answer ?This is exactly the reason for the creation and design ofdreaminterpretation Ibn Sirin Nabulsi and you can interpret thedream,and the dreams that Traodk or asks about your family yourfriendsor your friends,Application for interpretation of dreams without the Internetyoucan interpret your dream in an easy way, where was the orderofwords in the order of the alphabet letters and documentslegitimacyand interpretations of psychology where you can searchthe contentsof the dictionary alphabet, orderly and smooth mannerdependingpredicates legitimacy, as you can save pages orinterpretation thatyou want in your favorite You can even refer toit directly as wellas it operates without the need forinternetApply the interpretation of dreams - tafsir ahlam, interpretationofdreams and visions of the Qur'an and Sunnah accordingtoSharia.Interpretations of dreams and visions Arabic alphabet lettersrankedaccording to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.Dreams - tafsir ahlam letters are interpreted dreams and interpretadream based on a written interpretation of the famous dreams likeabook Dreams of Ibn Sirin and book Dreams of Nabulsi withtheadoption of the interpretation Nabulsi and Ibn Sirin on theoriginsand rules of Dreams in Islam from the Koran and the HadithandIslamic books for self interest.Brothers advised to read the introduction to the book TafsirIbnSirin access to the assets of the dream and the dream andvisionwith the controls and assets dependence Ibn Sirin andal-Nabulsi inthe interpretation of dreams and dream interpretationand evidencederived including Ibn Sirin and Nabulsi interpretationof dreamsand dream interpretation.Is available on a huge amount of explanations, including:Interpretation of a dream weddingInterpretation of a dream weddingDream Interpretation hair lossInterpretation of a dream I holderInterpretation of a dream girl birthDream interpretation of gin in a dreamInterpretation of a dream to go for HajjDream Interpretation White DressDreams for freeInterpretation of a dream hair cutDream Interpretation liceDream Interpretation GoldInterpretation of a dream pregnancyDream Interpretation deathComprehensive interpretation of dreamsTafsir Ibn SirinTafsir Ibn ShaheenCanine interpretationParmi les rêves les plus populaires on trouve:Ami Arc en ciel Amour Argent Accident Balance Carrefour ArbreBusDents Desert Eau Ennemis Enfant Mort Rivière Fleurs SerpentGuerreHopital Ile perdue Araignée Jeune homme Maison EléphantIncendieInstruments de musique Loterie Mendiant Maman Chat MariageEmbrasserAccouchement Autoroute Barbe Banque grand-mère BagarreDentsDemoiselle Eau Ennemis Enfant Mer Lettre Fleurs VoyanceSerpentGuerre Hopital Ile perdue Araignée Jeune homme MaisongrenouilleIncendie Instruments de musique Lion Maladie Mangereasy to use
قراءة الكف بالكاميرا 1.0
قراءة خطوط الكف بالكاميرا هو أولتطبيقعربيلقراءة الكف بالعربية، قراءة الكف ومعرفة أسرار اليد،قراءةخطوطالوجه ومعالمه، تفسير احلامكم، ومعرفة ما تخبئه الأبراجوعلمالفلكلكم، من خلال النظر مليا إلى الخطوط والتعرجات الموجودة علىكف،وهيإحدى طرق التنبؤ بالمستقبل الموجودة في الثقافة الشعبيةلدىبعضالشعوب.كل ما عليكم فعله هو إرسال صورة عن الكف بواسطة التطبيق وسوفيقومتطبيقبتفسير المستقبل .ميزات التطبيق:- قراءة الكف بالكاميرا- قراءة خطوط الوجه ومعالمه- تفسير احلامكم- الإطلاع على أبراجكم يومياً وما تخبئه لكم الابراج علىالصعيدالمهنيوالعاطفي والصحي.ملاحظة: هذا التطبيق صنع بهدف الترفيه والتسلية prank .Palmistry cameralinesisthe first Arab application of palmistry AF, palmistry andseethehand secrets, read facial lines and features,interpretationofdreams, find out what else the towers and astronomyto you,bylooking carefully to the lines and meandering on the palm,whichisone way to predict the future in popular cultureamongsomepeoples. All you have to do is send a copy to stop by the applicationandtheapplication will interpret the future.Application features:- Palmistry camera- Reading facial lines and features- Interpretation of dreams- Looking at their Obrajkm day in store for you and the towersontheprofessional, emotional and health level. Note: This application is making leisure andentertainmentprank.
Love Fortune Teller (Color) 1.10.0
Love Clairvoyance Color. Game of clairvoyance and love in english.
Kahve Falcım 4.0.2
Savaş Kalkan
* Kahve Falcım bugüne kadar yüzbinlercekişinin milyonlarca falına bakmış en beğenilen ve Mobiluygulamayarışması ödüllü kahve falı uygulamasıdır.- Facebook hesabınız ile giriş yaparak KahveFalcım'ıkişiselleştirebilir ve diğer bütün cihazlardan KendiKişisel KahveFalcım uygulamanıza giriş yapabilirsiniz.- Kahve Falcim ile istediğiniz zaman ve istediğiniz yerdefalbaktırabilmek bir tık uzağınızda.- Telefonunuz ile göndereceğiniz fincan fotoğraflarınızfalcılartarafından size özel olarak yorumlanır ve yorumtelefonunuzagönderilir.- Seçtiğiniz falcı yorumlarınız size dakikalariçindegönderir.- Bu uygulama sayesinde arkadaş ortamlarında veyatopluluklardaartık çok daha eğlenceli vakitgeçirebileceksiniz.- Falcılarımız Binnur abla, Morgana ve Bilge Şahruk sizibekliyor.Heyecan verici yorumlar ile eğlenmeye hazır mısınız?- Uygulama özellikleri;- Fallarınızın yorumlanmasında size ait bilgiler kullanıldığıiçinyorumlar tamamen size özel yorumlardır.- Fallarınızı facebook üzerinden arkadaşlarınızilepaylaşabilirsiniz.- Uygulamamız geçmiş fallarınıza ait fotoğraf veyorumlarısaklamanızı sağlar.- Uygulamamız tamamen eğlence amaçlıdır ve fallartamamenfalcılarımızın hayal ürünüdür.- Kahve Falcım marketteki en hızlı kave falı uygulamasıdır.İyi eğlenceler...* Coffee is myfortuneteller so far hundreds of thousands of people have looked tothefortunes of millions of the most popular and award-winningmobileapplication contest coffee fortune application.- By logging in with your Facebook account, you can personalizetheCoffee Falcım and from all other devices, you can input yourownpersonal coffee fortune teller applications.- When you want to get that looked fortunes wherever you wantwithyour coffee Falci a click away.- Cup to send your photo with your phone are reviewed exclusivelybyyou and sent to your comment warlock phone.- Choose your comments fortuneteller sends you withinminutes.- In these applications thanks to their friends orcommunityenvironment will be able to spend a lot more funnow.- Our psychic Binnur sister, Morgana and wise Şahruk waitingforyou. Are you ready to have fun with exciting comments?- The application features;- Comments using your information for the interpretation ofyourspecific comments you are completely Falun.- You can share with your friends on your Facebook Gong.- Our application allows you to store photos and reviews ofyourpast fortunes.- Our application is purely for entertainment and our fortunesareentirely fictitious fortune teller.- Is the fastest coffee to the coffee fortune tellerfortunepractice my store. Have fun...
Palmistry 1.1
To spend fun moments ofgreatapplications.Applications work test reveals yourcharacteraccording to thelines of your hand.Our hands, palms of our lines, our fingers and nailscharacter,arethe tips of our goals and destiny. Once you learnthesemessages,you can use all your strength to richer and morefulloflife.We will look at all the various prospects and that there isinourhands full. Palmistry help you understand your destiny liesintheactual importance.
Fal Vakti - Kahve Falı 2.7.5
For your coffee, interpreted by fortune tellers are 100% real!
Türk Kahvesi Falı 1.0.4
funda boyraz
Come on let's select coffee
فال گیر (فال حافظ،فال تاروت، ف 30.0
Acoustic version of his fortune, fortune telling, tarot,divinationprophets, coffee, Divination month of birth
قصص البنات قبل الزواج 1.0
قصص الامهات العازبات : هل تبحث عنقصصبناتواقعية مأخوذة من الواقع تروي مواقف حب مؤثرة ورومانسيةقصص...بعد مجهود كبير قمنا بتجميع أروع القصص الواقعية الخاصة بالبناتتطبيق يتميز بطريقة سلسة و بسيطة في القراءة ,و يحتوي علىمجموعةمنالقصص الواقعية التي قلما تجدها في زمننا الحاضر.هده القصص التي تم تجميعها حول الأمهات العازبات . هي فقط للعبرةلاأقلو لا أكتر . لكي يتخد منها كل شخص العبرة و درسا كتيرا .هدا التطبيق تتخلله قصص أخرى لن تصدقوها أبدا . و لكي لاأقومبحرقالمفاجئة و القصص سأترككم تجتشفون التطبيق بأنفسكم نظراللقصصالتييتوفر عليها و على أسرار البنات التي يتوفر عليها . و قصصلنتصدقوهاأبدا و لم تتخيلوها أبدا . لدلك فما عليك سوى تحميلقصصالأمهاتالعازبات و اكتشف بنفسك قصص البنات التي عانت كتيرا. ستجدأخيالقارئأكتر من 40 قصة حقيقية في هدا التطبيق ة هي قصص تستحقالقراءة .التطبيق يحتوي على :اروع قصص الحب في التاريخاروع قصص الحب فيس بوكاروع قصص الحب الحزينةاروع قصص الحب الواقعيةاروع قصص الحب والغرامينقسم تطبيق قصص حب إلى مجموعة من الفئات:قصص حب حزينةقصص حب مؤثرةقصص حب حقيقيةقصص حب رومانسيةوالمزيد....9isas 7ob , qisas hob , les histoires d'amour , love storiesجمال الروحالبنت الثريةقصة حب سعوديةإني احبك في اللهلكى تكسب قلب زوجهاالكوب الساخنضحيت بأكبر شى أملكه من أجلكاجمل قصة حب بين زوجيناروع من الخيالقصه حب حزينة تبكي كل من يقراهاقصــه حــب حــزينه جـدا...انتهــت بـ.......قصة اثنين قاوموا وجاهدوا وضحوا في سبيل حبهمقصه حب مؤثرة تبكى الصخرالحب الصادق مؤثرة جداخطبة فتاة احلامهقصة حب مؤثرة حقيقيةالتكبيق سهل جدا يكفي فقط أن تقوم1.تحميل تطبيق قصص الأمهات العازبات على هاتفك2.اختيار القصة التي تريد قراءتها3. اضغط على تلك القصة المراد قراءتها بدون تردد4. امكانيات حفظ أي قصة أعجبتك5. امكانية مشاركة البرنامج مع الأصدقاء عبر الفايسبوكو تويتروكافةوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى6. لا تنسو تقيم البرنامج و وصع أي مشاكل صادفتكم عند التحميل+ 5 نجوم ..مرحبا بتعليقاتكم و تشجيعاتكم كيفماكانتStories ofsinglemothers:Are you looking for stories of girls and realistictakenfrom thefact Troy positions poignant love stories andromantic...After considerable effort, we have compiled thefinestreal-lifestories for girlsThe application is characterized by a smooth and simple waytoread,and contains a collection of real-life stories thatrarelyfound inour present time.This topic stories that have been assembled on single mothers.Itisnot only a lesson for less and do not Aktar. ToAtkhaddthemeveryone a lesson and a lesson so much.Hedda application punctuated other stories will neverTsedkoha.Andso I do not burn the sudden and stories I'll leaveyouTjchwonapplication for yourselves because of the stories thatisavailablefor them and the secrets of the girls that isavailablefor them.And stories will never Tsedkoha and neverTtejeloha. Tokneadsimply loaded single mothers stories and discoverfor yourselfthegirls' stories that have suffered so much. You willfind,dearreader, Aktar of 40 true story in Hedda application ofthestoriesare worth reading.The application contains:The greatest love stories in historyFacebook finest love storiesThe greatest love stories of sadThe greatest love stories of realismThe grandest love and love storiesApplication of love stories is divided into aseriesofcategories:Sad stories of lovePoignant stories of loveTrue love storiesRomantic love storiesAnd more ....9isas 7ob, qisas hob, les histoires d'amour, love storiesThe beauty of the soulRich girlSaudi Love StoryI love you in GodIn order to win the heart of her husbandHot cupI own the largest Shi sacrificed for youThe most beautiful love story between a coupleThe grandest of imaginationStory sad cry when anyone readsVery sad love story ended ... b .......Two story resisted and struggled and sacrificed for the sakeoftheirloveLove story poignant cry rockA sincere love very impressiveSermon girl of his dreamsPoignant love story trueThe application's very easy to do just enough1.thamil application of single mothers stories on your phone2.achtaar story you want to read3. Click on the story to be read without hesitation4. Remember the possibilities of any story Like5. The ability to share the program with friendsviaAlvaaspockoTwitter and all other social media6. Do not Tansu evaluate the program and Oassa you comeacrossanyproblems when loading+5 Star ..mreha your comments and Chjaatkm Kifmakant
Ücretsiz Tarot Falı
From each of our precious fortune teller waiting for you. Youjusthave a look at tarot.
Fal Evi - Sesli Kahve Falı 1.8.3
100% real fortune tellers waiting for you to look at thecoffeefortune!
Kila: Snow White 1.0.5
"Kila: Snow White" is a free storybookfromKila.Kila is a FREE book app for kids on iOS that offersfunandinteractive activities to stimulate the love of reading.Kilahelpskids to enjoy reading and learning with a plentifulamountofinteractive fables, fairy tales, songs and games. Kilaisdesignedfor children not only playing alone, but playing withtheirparentstoo.We hope you enjoy this book. If there are anyproblemspleasecontact us at [email protected]!Website: http://www.kilafun.comBlog: http://blog.kilafun.comFacebook: detail:Snow WhiteOnce upon a time, there was a princess who had skin aswhiteassnow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.Shewasnamed Snow White.The Queen, who was Snow White’s stepmother, had a magicmirrorandshe used to ask it, “Who is fairest of us all?” Itwouldanswer, “Youare fairest of them all.”Snow White was growing prettier and prettier, far more sothanthequeen herself. When she realised that Snow White wasfairerthan her,she was shocked and hated her from thatmomentonwards.Finally, she said to a huntsman, "Take the child outintothewoods, put her to death and bring me her heart for atoken."The huntsman had pity on Snow White and let her go. Thenhekilleda young, wild boar and took its heart to the Queen asatoken.The poor child began to run through the forest. Thewildbeastswent after her but they did her no harm.She came to a little house and went inside to rest.Everythinginthere was very small, but as clean and tidy aspossible.There was a little table with seven little plates,andsevendrinking-cups. Snow White ate from each plate a littlemeat,anddrank out of each cup a little a drop of wine.After that, she felt so tired that she lay down on theseventhbedwhich was the right size for her, and fell asleep.The masters of the house were seven dwarfs. When theycamehome,they saw beautiful Snow White lying there asleep. Theywere sofullof joy to see her and let her sleep on.When Snow White awoke and saw them, she was veryfrightened,butwhen they seemed quite friendly, she told them herstory.Thedwarfs allowed her to stay with them, and she kept theirhouseingood order.In the morning, the dwarfs went to the mountain to digforgold.In the evening they came home and their soup had to bereadyforthem.One day the magic mirror told the Queen that Snow Whitewasstillalive. The Queen was very angry and knew that thehuntsmanmust havedeceived her.She went to her secret chamber and made a poisonousapple.Thenshe made herself like a peasant woman and went to wherethesevendwarfs lived.She knocked at the door, showed the apple, and asked SnowWhitetotake a bite. The apple was cunningly made so that she tookabitefrom the poisoned half. Then she fell to thegroundwithoutbreathing.The dwarfs made a coffin of clear glass for Snow White,andweptand lamented for three whole days. However, she still lookedasifshe was alive.
Tellwe Kahve falı Tarot 7.1.3
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Kahve Falı Sesli 3.0
Tasseografi olarak da bilinen bardakokumasıeski talihsiz bir. sanattır Çaydan yapılan çay yapraklarıveyakahve tabanlarında ,yapılan desenleri yorumlamak benliği,anlamanıneğlenceli ve sağlıklı bir yoludur.Kaave eşsiz yaklaşımıyla ,bardak okumalarında size yardımcıolurKupanın iç tarafındaki. fotoğrafları çekip, ad doğum tarihiveilişki durumu gibi, kişisel bilgilerinizle birlikte,göndermenizyeterlidir. Bardaktaki ,sembollere ve verdiğinizayrıntılaradayanarak.Gloria ve arkadaşları bardağını okuyacak ve servetinizi,doğrudanakıllı telefonunuza gönderecekler. Pasta gibi kolay!Falınızı Niyetinize Göre Gönderin Ona Göre Yorumlansın-Fal Gönderirken ,Derya Abla. Bilgilerinizi Hep Hatırlasın-1 Tuşla Üye Olun- Kahve İçemiyorsanız, Sorun Yok Sizin İçin Size Özel,HazırFincanlarımızdan !Birisi İle Fal Baktırın.-Bütün Fal Sonuçlarınız ,Bildirim Olarak .TelefonunuzaGelsin.-Derya Abla'nın ,Sesiyle Falınızı ,Dinleyin-Arkadaş Ekleyin,Arkadaş Ortamı. yapın,Dertlerinizi Özel .Olarak yada Herkesle Paylaşınsosyal medyada veya herhangi bir ;yerde paylaşabilirsiniz Bununiçinpaylaş, butonuna basmanız yeterli ,olacaktır.İzinler:Kimlik izni: Fal yorumunu ,cihazınıza gönderebilmek içine-postaadresiniz, ile sisteme kayıt edilirken yalnızca ,uygulamanınilkaçılışında kullanılır.Kamera ve Dosya izni: Çektiğiniz, kahve fotoğraflarınıcihazınızakaydetmek ,için kullanılırTasseograf also knownasthe old reading glasses unfortunate. Tea is made from tea leavesorcoffee art base in, to interpret the patterns of self, it is afunand healthy way to tell.With Kaave unique approach helps you with reading glasses ontheinner side of the cup. Pull the photo, name and date ofbirth,relationship status, along with your personal information,simplysend. In the glass, based on the symbols and details thatyougive.Gloria and friends will read your cup and fortune, they will senditdirectly to your smartphone. Easy as pie!Submit your horoscope by your intentions are interpretedbyhimSending: Falun, Derya sister. Remember always getyourinformation-1 Keys Register- If you do not ICE Coffee, No Problem For Your Customized Readyourcup! Someone with the casting of horoscopes.-All Falun your results, you come to the notification,as.Telefonu.-Dery A sister, your Scopes with Sound, ListenAdd -A friend, friend Media. structure, worry aboutyourprivate.As with everyone or ShareOr any social media, where you can share share for this,simplypress the button, it will be.Permissions:Identity permission: Falun comment, send your device toyoure-mail address, to record only when the system is used in thefirstopening of the application.Camera and file permission: you have taken, to save photostoyour device coffee is used for