Top 2 Apps Similar to Aplicaciones Móviles

Asynchronous Motors Tools
Probably the most complete implementationofthe Google Play market, it is a app aimed at helping those whoworkand study in the field of electrical windings inductionmotors,pump maintenance, plant engineering.Inside you you will find many wiring diagrams, as well asseveralcalculators for all occasions (such as calculator of datawindingasynchronous motors and calculator section cables/powerfactorcorrection).In a unique application are contained several features:⭐︎ an archive with more than 200 single and three phaseasynchronousmotor patterns with information details, constantlyupdated.⭐︎ new tutorial schemes for connecting external parallel,double,triple, quadruple, etc...⭐︎ utilities 'Archive electric motors' with which to store thedataof the motors you have created or repaired.⭐︎ calculator "Converting unit of measurement - Length -"⭐︎ calculator "Converting unit of measurement - Power -"⭐︎ new! Calculator "Unit of measure conversion - Volumeliquids-"⭐︎ calculator of slot fill factor⭐︎ calculator for the calculation of the capacitor more suitableforconverting a three phase asynchronous motor in single phase,withthe connection diagrams.⭐︎ utility "wiring diagrams cam switches" containing thewiringdiagrams of the most common cam switches⭐︎ "wiring diagrams - terminal motors -" with all majorconnectiondiagrams for the terminal blocks of single and threephaseasynchronous motors.⭐︎ calculator "Detects information three-phaseasynchronousmotors"⭐︎ calculator "Calculate size pulleys and belts"⭐︎ Widget to be placed on the home screen of your device withthecopper wire sections (touch the table to advance thewirelist).If the table does not result formatted correctly, hold thewidgetfor a few seconds and resize it horizontally as until itisperfectly readable.The widgets in the Android system can be used only iftheapplication resides on the internal memory of the device.⭐︎ calculator of capacitors for mono-phase motors⭐︎ calculator of the maximum current drawn by the motor⭐︎ calculator "Conversion asynchronous motors."In addition to the modification of the data rewind according tothevoltage and hertz, you can now change the engine speed and theslotpitch.⭐︎ calculates the coils and coil wire diameter, for rewindingofthree-phase asynchronous motors in a few steps. Now with thenewSimple Mode / Advanced. Possibility of automatic calculation ofthemaximum power available by setting the field "linear density".Findutility in the "computers".⭐︎ in the "calculators" you can find the table sections ofcopperwire⭐︎ convenient calculator parallels both internal andexternal.⭐︎ function calculates electrical cable⭐︎ function computing electrical power factor correction⭐︎ you can calculate the absorption of a single-phasemotor,three-phase and DC, useful installer to calibrate themotorprotection (to perform the calculation enters into 'searchengine'and click on calculator)⭐︎ automatic search radial ball bearings with one or two crowns(themost commonly used in electric motors) having the name, one ormoremeasures of the same.⭐︎ type of search engine based on the IEC and NEMA standardmeasureswith a description of the available power (in kW) andother usefulinformation.⭐︎ and more..You need a direct connection to the internet for thefunctioncircuit diagrams induction motors*** Look out ***If you have installed the demo version of theapplication(Asynchronous tools demo), remember to uninstall it andinstall thefull version (this one)!Before making a negative rating please contact me to resolveanyissues , tips and tricks.You can find interesting application and you want tocollaboratetranslating it in your language?Download compressed filesat andfollowcarefully the guidelines contained in the filereadme.pdfFor you a promotional code to download the app for free!
Localizador Tigo 2.18.3
Localizador Tigo es una plataforma delocalizacióndiseñadaespecialmente para teléfonos celulares. Paraobtenerinformacióningresa al sitio,dondeencontraráscaracterísticas del sistema y videos de laherramienta.ActualmenteLocalizador Tigo está disponible para todaslas líneascorporativasde Tigo Guatemala. Puedes adquirir elserviciocomunicándote con unasesor de Tigo Business al número2428-0099.¡Será un gustoatenderte!Versionesanteriores:-----------------------2.10--------------------------Recuperaciónde token. - Mejora delocalización.----------------------- 2.9------------------------- -Check-inoffline - LogIn Offline -Tiempo para realizar loscheck-in----------------------- 2.7--------------------------Mejora eninterfaz para dispositivos conpantallas grandes(tablets)----------------------- 2.6------------------------- -Nuevo botónpara enviar alertasmanuales al usuario maestro de lacuenta. -Mejora en la cámarapara hacer check-ins en algunosdispositivos(soporte paratablets). -----------------------2.4------------------------- -El botón de ubicar ahora en lapáginaweb es más eficiente - Loscambios de intervalo de rastreolleganmás rápido. - Ahora sepueden adjuntar fotos a loscheck-ins.----------------------- 2.3------------------------- -Nuevomecanismo de reporte automáticopara mejor detección ycorrección deerrores. - Corrección deerrores con caracteres latinos(ñ ytildes). - Mejora en el manejode zonashorarias.----------------------- 2.2--------------------------Ubicaciónfuera de línea: cuando laterminal no cuenta con conexióna internetlas ubicaciones sealmacenan para enviarse cuando sereestablezca laconexión. -Nuevaforma de obtener ubicación poractualización de losGoogle PlayServices -Validación de Google PlayServices instaladosyactualizados -Implementación de seguimiento deerrores desdelaaplicación -----------------------2.1--------------------------Cambio en la forma de calendarizarelrastreo paraagregarestabilidad--------------------------------------------------------Nuevainterfaz-Se agregó la funcionalidad de check-in -Mejoraenrendimiento yefectividad delrastreoperiódico--------------------------------------------------------Mejora enla función "Ubicar ahora" - Mejora en el uso de bateríaymemoria