Top 3 Apps Similar to APPENERGY

Algebra Bug Hunter 1.0.5
The Algebra secrets search has begun.JoinEmma, ​​Zack and Lim on an adventure through space in searchofprecious gems from the Bug planets. Catch all the bugs youcanfind, avoid their traps and complete an extensive collectionofalien bugs.But it will not be easy, as Professor Unknow lurks about,tryingto foil your mission.Do you accept the challenge? In this exciting race againsttime,you will become a mathematical expert without even realizingit.Once you finish the game, no equation will stand in your waywithyour swift and natural mastery of algebra.In this educational game, you will find:- Five planets to explore, where you will learn algebraprogressiveand easily.- 100 levels which will provide a fun challenge for any childoradult eager to learn.- Simple game mechanics, that allow you to logically andnaturallyunderstand algebra concepts such as: the equal sign,oppositenumbers, inverse numbers, simplifying equations and solvingfor"x".- 25 bugs to collect and five spaceships that will rewardyourprogress.Available in a variety of languages ​​and suitable forallages.Bug Hunter brings gaming to education. Inspiring motivationinstudents and raising their interest in mathematics andalgebra.
Isis Europa 1.0
“ISIS EUROPA”, un’app che consenteaglistudenti e ai docenti dell’Istituto di essere sempre connessieaggiornati sulle novità della Scuola, del Polo Qualità di Napoliedel MIUR. Sarà possibile scaricare circolari, bandi,connettersicon RCS, Argo, Noipa, Europa Digital school, pillole diconoscenza,la Web TV e la web radio dell’Istituto; si potrannoleggere lenovità e le iniziative del Polo Qualità ed essereconnessi col sitodell’Istruzione. Uno strumento utile, pratico,dinamico, persentirsi sempre di più parte del mondo dellascuola!"ISIS EUROPE", an appthatallows students and teachers of the Institute to stayconnected andupdated on the news of the school, the Polo Qualityof Naples andthe Ministry of Education. You can downloadcirculars,announcements, connect with RCS, Argo, Noipa, EuropeDigital school,knowledge pills, Web TV and Web Radio Institute;you can read thenews and initiatives of the Pole and be connectedwith the siteQuality of Education. A useful, practical, dynamic,to feel more andmore part of the schools!
Attraverso Isis Europa Digital Schoolglialunni e i docenti avranno sempre a portata di mano i libriditesto, i compiti, i materiali utili per rimanere connessi conilgruppo classe. Dopo aver inserito le credenziali personali sipotràaccedere alla Dashboard d'Istituto.La Dashboard include l'accesso a:- libri digitali book in progress- Il blog- Google drive- l'archivio- Prove espertee tanto altro.Un ambiente di apprendimento innovativo e di tutti.Isis EuropethroughDigital School pupils and teachers will always have athandtextbooks, homework, useful materials to stay connected withtheclass. After entering personal credentials you will have accesstothe Dashboard of the Institute.The Dashboard includes access to:- Digital books book in progress- The blog- Google Drive- The archive- Testing expertand much more.A learning environment innovative and all.