It is a Japanese Indonesia dictionary's most widely used intheworld.
Kamus Jepang Indonesia
Think Digital
Free offline Indonesian - Japanese dictionary and vice versa
Learn Japanese Phrases | Japanese Translator 15.0.0
Easily learn Japanese phrases and words!SpeakJapanese with confidence!Using this app, you can learn Japanese phrases and words fromournative Japanese speaking parrot. The parrot works together withyouto practice your speaking and listening skills, whereverandwhenever you are. Learning Japanese can never be easier!FEATURES- Commonly-used Japanese phrases & words- Search by Japanese or English- Native Japanese pronunciation- Customizable font size- No Internet connection requiredIf you are traveling to Japan (e.g., Tokyo or Osaka), make sureyoubring this app with you!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Email:[email protected]
Kamus Jepang Indonesia 3.5
Unabridged dictionary Indonesian Japan - Japan Indoneisa
Kamus Jepang 4.3 2023-07 J
Bali Media
Best Japanese language dictionary in Android, it can be usedwithoutinternet
Indonesia Japanese dictionary 1.5
Koplax Studio
Indonesia Japanese dictionary is a dictionary to translateJapaneseIndonesian
Jsho - Japanese Dictionary 2.14.9
Richard L
An English-Japanese dictionary that aims to be simple,lightweight,and fast.
Indonesian Japanese Dictionary 3.1
Indonesian Japanese Dictionary is complete dictionary andmostpopular today's
Hiragana Katakana (Indonesia) 3.4
Interactive applications to memorize Japanese hiragana andkatakanaletters
🌼 Japanese Dictionary
Tenjin is a Japanese-English dictionary andaEnglish-Japanese dictionary.It is ad-free and works offline.Tenjin has powerful and unique search capabilities yet it issimpleto use (no need for a Japanese keyboard).Words, Japanese characters (kanji), grammar points andexamplesentences can be displayed with Japanese or latincharacters(kanji, kana or romaji) and with their pronunciation(furigana) ornot.Tenjin is a fully multilingual Japanese dictionary and canprovidemeanings for Japanese in 50 languages : Portuguese,Chinese,German, French, Russian, Korean, Spanish, ...Tenjin is deeply knowledgeable and it tags search resultswithpronunciation, difficulty level (jlpt, kanken, wanikani,Japaneseschool level), stroke order diagrams (kanji), part ofspeech,dialect, field of use...The first time you start Tenjin, it will download some data(around20MB) and prepare your custom language configuration (thisstephappens only once and takes less than a minute).Tenjin only offers a single in-app purchase to unlock alladvancedfeatures on all your android devices, forever.
Spanish English Translator-Tra 7.7.5
Speak a sentence in English & hear the translation in Spanishorother language
Kelas Bahasa Jepang (NHK) 1.5
[WARNING]Aplikasi ini tidak akan mendapat update dan sudahdigantidenganaplikasi yang sama dengan fitur tambahan dengan judulKelasBahasaJepang (NHK) NEW, developer sangat menyarankanandauntukmendownload aplikasi Kelas Bahasa Jepang (NHK) NEW.[WARNING]This app will not get updated and has been replaced bythesameapplication with additional features to the titleofJapaneseLanguage Classes (NHK) NEW, developers stronglyencourageyou todownload the Japanese Language Classes (NHK)NEW.
Kamus Jepang Indonesia 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Jepang Indonesiayangringanlengkap dan bisa digunakan saat tidak ada paketdata.Sebagai anak kekinian sangat penting mengetahui artibahasajepangdan itu pasti karena sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajarididalam aplikasi Kamus Jepang Indonesia ini.share kata-kata bahasa jepang yang anda temukan dalamKamusJepangIndonesia ini ke teman anda untuk membuat merekapenasaranapa artikata-kata itu.aplikasi Kamus Jepang Indonesia ini juga sangat membantubagiandayang sedang belajar bahasa jepang.JapaneseIndonesianDictionary application complete lightweight andcan beused whenthere is no packet data.As a child of the present is very important to know themeaningofthe Japanese language, and it must be because little bylittleyoucan learn in Japan Indonesia's Dictionaryapplication.share the words of the Japanese language you find inthisIndonesianJapanese dictionary to your friends to make themwonderwhat themeaning of those words.Indonesian Japanese Dictionary app is also very helpful forthoseofyou who are learning the Japanese language.
Learning Letters For Japan 1.0
This application is a mentor you in learningtowrite letters or characters that Japanese katakana andhiraganaeasily and quickly. Because it was served with a guide aswell asgood order and correctly in writing letters.Try and practice immediately.
Kamus Inggris (Kamusku) 8.10.0
Kamusku is an offlineEnglish-Indonesiandictionary and vice versa. It contains almostevery popular wordsand additional not-so-popular words in Englishand Indonesia so youwon't have any problem finding words in thisapplication. In casethe word can't be found, you can use onlinetranslation service(Bing Translator) through this application totranslate yourwords.
Learn Korean Phrases | Korean Translator
Easily learn Korean phrases and words!SpeakKorean with confidence!Using this app, you can learn Korean phrases and words fromournative Korean speaking parrot. The parrot works together withyouto practice your speaking and listening skills, whereverandwhenever you are. Learning Korean can never be easier!FEATURES- Commonly-used Korean phrases & words- Search by Korean or English- Native Korean pronunciation- Customizable font size- No Internet connection requiredIf you are traveling to Korea (e.g., Seoul), make sure youbringthis app with you!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Email:[email protected]