Top 20 Apps Similar to نور

Ministry of Education 4.1.3
This is the official application oftheMinistry of Education in Saudi ArabiaThe application provides many services that targetdifferentsegments of the beneficiaries , and these servicesare: 1 . Ministry's News2 . Ministry's Events3 . Circulars4 . Academic Calendar5 . Polls6 . Search for Schools7 . Information about the ministry ( the emergence of Education,the Ministry's strategy , Education Statistics ,Ministry'sphonebook, Educational Regions addresses , relatedlinks)8 . Student Information System (NOOR) Services for those whoareregistered in Noor ( students , parents , teachers )         A .Students:class schedule , notes, attendance , assignments         B . Parents:Follow-up of children         C . Teachers:class schedule , attendance   If there are comments or questions please contact us throughtheportal of the Ministry of Education rights are reserved for the Ministry of Education -SaudiArabia
موقع نور وهداية 1.0
Hidayat Nur application - the application of Islamic IslamicLibrarycomprehensive and integrated.
الحروف الانجليزية بدون انترنت 1.0
android app
تعلم الحروف الانجليزية ليس بالامر الصعب بل بإمكانك تحقق هدفكوالوصولالى مستوى جيد جيدا في وقت وجيز فقط تابر على تكرار نفسالكلماتوالحروف والسماع لها وتعلم نطقها بالطريقة الصحيحة اذا ماكانت الطريقةالمتبعة في التعليم صحيحة , وطبعاً الامر يحتاج منالمتعلم الى بذلمجهود بسيط لكي يتعلم الجمل والعبارات الاصلية والتييستخدمها الناسالمحليون فيما بينهم ولهذا قمنا باعداد هذا البرنامجللناس الراغبينبتعلم الانجليزية والذين لديهم رغبة حقيقية وخبرة ولوبسيطة باللغةالانجليزية .البرنامج سيكون اضافة الى خبرتك في الانجليزية حيث اننا استخدمنااللغةالانجليزية المستخدمة من قبل الناس في الشارع او في العمل.ملاحظة : البرنامج لمستوى سهل اي انه للمبتدئين وسيساعدكم بشكل كبيرفيتعلم الانجليزية اما اذا كنتهدف البرنامج هو نعلمك الانجليزية التي يستخدمها الناس المحليونفيمختلف الامور الحياتية حيث سيكون لديك قدرة كبيرة على فهممايقولهالناس المحليون في ما بينهم من خلال 50 محادثة مختلفة تحمل فيطياتهامعلومات كثيرة .مميزات البرنامجالبرنامج مدعوم بالصوت والصورة ينصحه به بشكل كبيرللاطفالالصغارالبرنامج خفيف ولا ياخذ من ذاكرة الهاتفكيف تستخدم البرنامجاستمع الى الكلمات والحروف وطيقة نطقها وطريقة كتابتها وحاول انتفهمالمعنى وبعملية التكرار ستترسخ في عقلكاجري اختبارات لك مع احد الاصدقاء او افراد العائلة حيث سيقومبطرحالاسئلة عليك وانت تحاول الاجابة انطلاقا من ما تعلمته .احضر قاموس وترجم الكلمات المهمة والتي لا تعرفها ودونها فيدفترملاحظاتك .تعلم كيف تسأل كيف تجيب وحاول ان تكون انت بدل الشخص المخاطب بمعنىكونالشخص الثاني في المحادثة وجاوب على اسئلة الشخص المتكلمالوقت المقدر للدراسة .نتائج استخدام البرنامج .اولا سوف تكون لديك قدرة كبيرة على الاستماع والفهم واستوعابمعانيالكلمات وطريقة نطقها ايضا وهذا الشي مهم جدا جدا.ثانيا سوف يصبح لديك مخزون للائأس به من الكلمات التى تعلمتهامنالبرنامج .ثالثا عند الانتهاء من البرنامج اوكد لك ان سوف تنتقل لمرحلة متقدمةفيالانجليزيةفي الاخير نتمنى لكم التوفيق والنجاح في حياتكم ولا تنسونا من دعائكم.LearningEnglish characters is not difficult, but you can achieveyour goaland get to a good level well in a short time only Taber torepeatthe same words and letters and hear her and learn topronounce theright way if the method used in the correct education,and ofcourse it needs of the learner to make a simple effort tolearnsthe original sentences and phrases that local people useamongthemselves and to this we have to prepare this program forpeoplewho want to learn English and who have a real desire toexperience,even simple English.The program will be in addition to your experience in Englishwherewe are, we used the English language used by people in thestreetor at work.Note: the program to the level of meaning it is easy forbeginnersand will help greatly in learning English but if youThe program's goal is to let you know that the English used bylocalpeople in various life things where you will have a greatability tounderstand what it says local people between themthrough 50different conversation carries a lot ofinformation.The program featuresThe program is supported video and audio advises him bydramaticallyfor young childrenThe program does not take light from the phone memoryHow to use the programListen to the words and letters and Tikh pronounce and write thewayand tried to understand the meaning and process ofrepetitionSttrsch in your mindTests conducted with you with a friend or family member wherewillask you questions and you're trying to answer based on whatyou'velearned.Bring a dictionary and translated important words that do notknowand without it in your notebook.Learn how to ask how to answer and try to be the person youareinstead of the offeree sense of the fact that the second personinthe conversation and questions Answer a person speakerEstimated study time.The results of the use of the program.First would be to have a great ability to listen, understandandAstoaab meanings of words and how to pronounce and also thisthingvery, very important.Second, you will have to become a stock Aúos him of the words thatIlearned from the program.Third, upon completion of the program assure you that will moveanadvanced stage in EnglishAt last we wish you luck and success in your life do not forgettheallegations.
Electrical Power Systems 7
Complete free handbook of Electrical power systems withdiagramsandgraphs. App covers notes on Electrical Power Systems.The bestappin Engineering Education also brings the blog whereyoucancontribute your work and get the research,industry,universityNews on the subject. You can very easily passand succeedin yourexams or interview, the app provides quickrevision andreferenceto the topics like a detailed flash card.Electrical powersystemapp has lots of topic to read and each topicis completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentationsfor easy understanding. You can setreminderaccording to yourstudy time and you also can take aptitudetest.There is a separatesection for students where they can writeblogson any studyrelated topic. 1. Power semiconductor Devices inpowersystem 2.Diodes in Power system 3. Thyristor in Powersystem4.Light-triggered thyristor (LTT) in Power system5.Desiredcharacteristics of fully-controlled power semiconductorsinpowersystem 6. Gate-turn-off thyristor in powersystem7.Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor inpowersystem8. Insulated-gate bipolar transistor in powersystem9.MOS-controlled thyristor in power system10.Semiconductorswitching-power performance in Power system11.characteristics ofsemiconductors used in power system 12.Coolingsystems ofsemiconductor in power system 13. Protectionofsemiconductors -snubber circuits 14. Current trends inpowersemiconductortechnology 15. Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR)16.Fundamentalvoltage/current characteristic of TCR 17. HarmonicsofTCR 18. Thethyristor-controlled transformer (TCT) 19. The TCRwithshuntcapacitors 20. Introduction to thyristor-switchedcapacitor(TSC)21. Ideal transient-free switching 22. GeneralSwitchingtransients23. Switching a discharged capacitor 24.Voltage-sourceconverters(VSCs) and derived controllers 25.Single-phasehalf-bridge VSC 26.Single-phase full-bridge VSC 27.Conventionalthree-phase six-stepVSC 28. Single-phasehalf-bridgeneutral-point-clamped (NPC) VSC29. Single-phasefull-bridge NPC VSC30. Other multilevel convertertopologies 31.Pulse-width modulated(PWM) VSCs 32. UninterruptedPower Supplies(UPSs) 33. Introductionto HVDC transmission This isthe best leaningapp for electrical andelectronics engineeringstudents .All topicsare not listed becauseof characterlimitations set by the PlayStore.
Google Classroom
Google Inc.
Classroom is a free service forschools,non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Classroommakes it easy for learners and instructors toconnect—inside andoutside of schools. Classroom saves time andpaper, and makes iteasy to create classes, distribute assignments,communicate, andstay organized.There are many benefits to using Classroom:• Easy to set up – Teachers can add students directly or shareacode with their class to join. It takes just minutes tosetup.• Saves time – The simple, paperless assignment workflowallowsteachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, allin oneplace.• Improves organization – Students can see all of theirassignmentson an assignments page, and all class materials (e.g.,documents,photos, and videos) are automatically filed into foldersin GoogleDrive.• Enhances communication – Classroom allows teachers tosendannouncements and start class discussions instantly. Studentscanshare resources with each other or provide answers to questionsonthe stream.• Affordable and secure – Like the rest of G Suite forEducationservices, Classroom contains no ads, never uses yourcontent orstudent data for advertising purposes, and is free.Permissions Notice:Camera: Needed to allow the user to take photos or videos andpostthem to Classroom.Storage: Needed to allow the user to attach photos, videos,andlocal files to Classroom. It's also needed to enableofflinesupport.Accounts: Needed to allow the user to choose which account to useinClassroom.
Rules Of the Road 1.3
This R.O.R. Mobile application has beendevisedto assist Educators, Navigators and Students appearingforexaminations as a ready reference, self-help tool andoperationalinstruction manual for the safe and operationalworthiness of theseafaring community in the world.It includes Day & Night Signals displayed by vessels as wellasthe Buoyage systems and Alphabetical numeral flags andtheirmeanings.Following features have been incorporated:1) Sound signals as heard out at sea.2) Flashing lights displayed as required by the Collisionavoidancerules.3) Buoyage system with flashing lights4) Light Characteristics as displayed by various light houses,buoysetc.5) Self test. At the end of each self test a candidate will getascore to assess his/her progress.6) General Principles of IALA buoyage system7) Flag etiquetteYou can even send us an email with suggestions, criticismetcdirectly from the application home page provided your handsetisconfigured to send emails. Just CLICK on the web address and amailbox opens. Type your message and SEND. We will promptlyevaluateyour input and make the appropriate updates. Thank you inadvancefor your feedback.BHANDARKAR PUBLICATIONS,
Toca Lab: Elements 2.2.2-play
Toca Boca
Welcome to Toca Lab: Elements! Discover elements byexperimentingwith lab tools
قصص الانبياء كاملة بدون انترنت 4.1.0
Stories of the Prophets without the Net is a program and a bookthatincludes the stories of the prophets written in full withouttheInternet
تحدث الانجليزية بطلاقة 1.0
Speak English fluently with our free app
قواعد اللغة الانجليزية 2.1
Learn English fluently with our free app
Speak English Easily 1.5
برنامج تكلم هو برنامج متخصص في تعليماللغهالإنجليزيهعن طريق قراءة الجمل باللغه الإنجليزيه مع الترجمة الىالعربيهوالاستماع اليها بنفس الوقت. البرنامج لايحتاج الى انترنت.يحتوي البرنامج على 11 تصنيفمحادثة عامةترحيبدعواتمجاملاتأعتذارطلبمشاعروقتتهانيالطقسأخرىوكل تصنيف يحتوي على مجموعة من الجمل المهمة.البرنامج فري ولا تحرموني من الدعاء
Pocket Programming - Android 1.0.2
Pocket Programming is a study app that aimstoestablish basic knowledge for those who find "programming isfun"by watching tutorial movies or reading beginner's books.Your knowledge that you lean from tutorial will improve toyourpractical programming skill.◇◆Application to Encourage Inherent Skills Created OnlyforBeginners◆◇- Able to learn Android app development with Java together- 10 questions a day, 4 weeks program- Study with a light heart by 3 choices type quiz of Questions&Answers. You don't have to type any code.- Analyze the fields that you are poor at byoriginalalgorithm- Support on overcoming methods of the fields you are notgoodat- Able to review anytime and many times◇◆Solve the Biggest Problem for Beginners Thinking 'I Don'tKnowWhat I Should Do after This?' ◇◆Pocket Programming is the application specializing to AndroidandJava, and it was created by researching everything abouthowprogramming beginners can go to the next stage frombeginnersmoothly.“As I finished tutorials, I want to make something by myself,butwhat should I do from…?”“I did as I learned, but some errors occurred, and I couldnotunderstand the reason, so I deleted all the codes andredo…”“I study programming with looking at some books, but I become fedupwith it because there are many difficult words. It is not easyforbeginners at all.”Have you ever experienced such things? Exactly now, you mayfeelsuch things.However, it's all right now.Programming is not difficult if you learn it well incorrectway.The application to learn programming essence efficiently inrightway for programmers.That is Pocket Programming.■You can learn Java with this study set that focusing onfocusingon Android app developmentYou have to know Java for Android app development, but it wouldbetough to learn both Android and Java at the same time. Thisstudyset focuses on what you really need to know. One set is donein 2weeks. You can find your level of Android and Java and makesteadyprogress.[Android]- Preparation of Android- Basic Android- Activity- Fragment- Basic Activity- How to use Activity- Basic Fragment- How to use Fragment- Click Event- Layouts- Resources- Widgets- Database- Errors[Java]- Preparetion of Java- Basic Java- Variables- Primitive type and Reference type- String, int- Arrays- Arrays, List, Map- Basic Conditionals- Loop- Methods- Defining Class- How to use Classes- Errors- Challenge■Able to study in slight free timeIt is an old thought that the suite of studying programmingisPC.With relaxing on the sofa, in the train, break time atschool.Let's study programming by smartphone!■Really easy explanation without difficult words"The instance of the object..""As it is object-oriented, it is possible to inherit and domix-in,and use open class…"Such wastefully difficult words make you lose theprogrammingessence. As we are dedicated to write explanations inreally easywords in Pocket Programming, you can understandclearly.Of course, we explain necessary words easily and concretely.■Overwhelming price destructionThough there are really many programming books andprogrammingschools in the world, any of them are from some thousandyen tosome ten thousand yen. But, originally programming doesn'tcost somuch money.Our Pocket Programming is only $2.99. The price is one tenthofbooks and one hundredth of schools, and we designed theapplicationfor you to encourage your programming skills by theprice.Now, let's take a step that you have never experienced byPocketProgramming!* You can get latest information hereOfficial Twitter Page
Adnan The Quran Teacher 9.1.4
Tag Media
Full Quran is available
Hello English: Learn English 1158
Culture Alley
"Learn spoken English and Grammar fromHindi,Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, Malay, BangladeshiBengali,Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi,Gujarati, Oriya,Assamese, Malayalam, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkishand Nepali. Afree English learning course used by over 24 Millionlearners forspoken English, grammar, and vocabulary building.Hello English by CultureAlley is the number 1 rankedfreeEducational App, and the best free App to learn English.Featured as "GOOGLE'S BEST OF 2016 APPS" and "MOST INNOVATIVE APPOF2016" By IAMAI.Features:★ 475 Interactive Lessons: 100% free interactive lessonswithconversational English, grammar topics, vocabulary and more.Alllessons work offline as well.★ Interactive Games: On reading, translation, spellings,grammar,vocabulary. With immediate results and grammar tips.★ Have discussions with teachers: Ask questions on grammarandtranslations to teachers.★ Practice using daily news: Learn with latest news,articles,audio-video clips, and e-books.★ Conversation practice game: Hold daily-use conversationsbyspeaking into the App - improve your spoken English skills.★ 10,000 words Dictionary: Learn new words, and heartheirpronunciation.★ Know Your Rank: Know your global and city rank.Download the free App right away to help with your dreamjobinterview, or with an exam, or to impress your friends!ImproveEnglish speaking, writing, reading and comprehension, andlisteningskills. Speak English with confidence!"
C Programs 2.3
C Programs on your android phone!!!This app contains C Programs for students of school, collegesetc.This app provides you to refer, study, learn, understandanddevelop logic required for programming. Helpful for preparationfortests/exams, interviews and wherever required..Features::- User can request for a lab program- User can share their program(s) or better program(s).- Share program via WhatsApp, G+, hike, Kik, SMS, Copy etcwhicheverapplicable- Save program to your device- Light/Dark theme for better readingPlease provide reviews/rates.Mail us at [email protected] foranysuggestions/feedback.
Spanish English Translator
Nglish by Britannica – A freeSpanish-Englishdictionary, translator and English learning app.Learn English thefun way, on your own time and on the go!Nglish is a free Spanish-English dictionary translation andEnglishlanguage learning app from Encyclopedia Britannica andMerriamWebster. This interactive app features acomprehensiveSpanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary,complete with wordand sentence translation, grammar and commonerrors quizzes, imageand spelling games and vocabularyflashcards.The app also includes a personal My Zone area with customizablewordlist quizzes and more. English dictionary look-up resultsalsoinclude synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, tipsandaudio pronunciations by native speakers.Also, you'll earn while you learn! Collect coins and use themforvaluable upgrades.How Nglish can help you learn English vocabulary:√ Just type a word, phrase or sentence in Spanish or English andgetits English or Spanish translation – no need to choosealanguage!√ Easily grab text from other apps and “share” to Nglish foraninstant translation.√ Translate any term by voice dictionary search.√ Expand your vocabulary with quizzes and flashcards. Trackyourprogress through different levels and learn over 1,000 wordsandterms.√ Practice your English vocabulary through image and spellinggames.Identify the image and spell it correctly. Use hints if youneedassistance.√ Improve your English skills with quick quizzes in differenttopicssuch as Grammar, Common Errors and Jargon quizzes√ Take personalized quizzes with words you choose topractice.√ Save your words and access them from any device online.√ Sync your personal wordlist and progress at with the Nglishwebsite at√ Use advanced tools to prepare for essential tests such asESL,EFL, TOEFL, and TOEIC.√ Share translation and quiz scores with your friends.√ Choose your user interface (Spanish / English)√ NEW! Upgrade to remove ads and increase your personalwordlist.Additional features• Word of the Day: Our editors carefully select and send you anewword or expression every day.• Autocomplete in English and in Spanish: When you start typing,theapp will automatically suggest relevant words or phrases inEnglishand Spanish.• Spell Check: Automatic spelling corrections for any wordsyoumisspell.• Reverse Translation: Tap any English word within thesearchresults to get its Spanish translation.• Built-In Review Cycle: Automatically saves your quiz errorsanddictionary look-up history to your personal word lists forfurtherpractice.• Full Text Translation: Translate full or partial sentencesfromEnglish to Spanish and from Spanish to English.• Collect Coins: Earn virtual coins throughout the Englishlearningprocess and use them for upgradesThe app was developed in collaboration withMerriam-Webster,America’s leading language authority.Nglish won the MediaPost Communications 2015 Appy Award intheReferencecategory value your opinion. Please send us your feedback by usingthe"Contact Us" option in the app.Visit us online at
AutoMath Photo Calculator 2.97
AutoMath will give you the answer of any math questionbysimplytaking a photo of it. Automath is a great way tocheckyourhomework, study and learn math. Automath evenprovidesmobiletutoring from a live tutor to help you understand anymathsubject.****Handwritten questions are currently not supportedbutthey willbe soon***** AutoMath Photo Calculator Features: -QuickandAccurate Answers + Steps - Step by step solutions foreasylearning- No internet required - Smart Calculator with GraphingandTables- Can solve simple to advanced math questions -250+MathematicalFunctions AutoMath Photo Calculator Currentlysupports:Addition,Subtraction, Multiplication, Fractions,Division,Inequalities,Powers, Polynomials, Linear Equations, SquareRoots,Trigonometry,Algebra, Simplification, and Basic AlgorithmsAutoMathSmart TextCalculator supports: (photo math calculator notyetavailable formost of the below) Any other math problems suchascalculus,equation systems, complex math, graphing, table ofvalues,and moreAutoMath now includes a Pocket Math Tutor - 24/7Answers&Steps to all your math problems (including mathwordproblems).Your first question is free. Please Note: Your veryfirstphotowill copy data files which will take longer then normal.Aftertheinitial photo it will be a lot quicker. ExampleVideo: GraphingExample: Quick ModeExample: Decide thefutureofAutoMath byBetaTesting:
إذاعة التوحيد 1.103
تطبيق إذاعة التوحيد عبارة عن تطبيقاتمتداخلةببعض ومنها ثلاثة أمور مهمة وهي ١- تفسير القرآن الكريم بعدةلغاتصوتية وكتابية. ٢- إذاعة مباشرة للدروس للمساهمة بنشر العقيدةوالفقهوالتوحيد. ٣- إضافة جميع كتب الأحاديث الصحيحة. ترجمة إذاعةالقرآنالكريم الصوتية مصدرها مجمع الملك فهد للطباعة جزاهم الله خيرالجزاء، ولا تحرمونا من نصائحكم والله ولي التوفيق١- إمكانية البحث والإستماع إلى القرآن الكريم٢- إمكانية تحميل السور والإستماع لها لاحقاً دون الحاجةإلىالإنترنت٣- إذاعة تفسير مباشرة للقرآن الكريم اكثر من لغة٤- إمكانية الإستماع الى الندوات والمحاضرات التي سنحضرها بشكلمباشروسنقوم بإعلامكم عن موعد المحاضرات عن طريق التنبيهات عبرالبرنامجالبرنامج مصمم بشكل متقن ذو واجهة عصرية سهلة الوصولستجدون الكثير من المميزات والإضافات العملية والحصرية فيالتحديثاتالقادمة باذن الله.Radioapplicationuniformity is some overlapping applications, includingthe threeimportant things, a 1-interpretation of the Koran inseverallanguages ​​audio and written. 2 direct broadcast lessonstocontribute to spread their religion and jurisprudenceanduniformity. 3 Add all the books of conversationscorrect.Translation of Holy Quran Radio audio source King FahdComplex forthe Printing may God give them the best reward, norThrmona of youradvice and God Crown success1 The ability to search and listen to the Holy Quran2 the possibility to download the fence and listen to themlaterwithout having to Internet3 Radio directly interpret the Koran more than one language4 the possibility of listening to seminars and lectures thatwebring directly and we will inform you about the date of lecturesbythe program alertsThe program is designed very nicely with a modern interfaceandeasy-to-accessYou will find a lot of features and additions in the processandexclusive updates coming, God willing.
Ayat - Al Quran 2.10.1
Comprehensive Quran App (Electronic Mosshaf) with unique features.
أكثر الجمل الفرنسية شيوعاً
French language education using sentences with the translatorandpronunciation