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Petroleum Wholesale 1.4
Petroleum Wholesale, L.P. is a privatelyownedmotor fuel distributor which has been in business since1973.Headquartered in The Woodlands, TX with a western divisionofficein Salt Lake City, UT, the company conducts business acrossninestates in the western United States. Petroleum Wholesalehasdeveloped an innovative retail concept, Main Street Market,whichoffers branded motor fuel and retail offerings such asdiscountgroceries, hardware, auto parts, premium cigars, appareland fastfood all under one roof.The company started business as two-station jobbership inArdmore,Oklahoma in 1971. Today Petroleum Wholesale is a fullservicepetroleum company offering retail branded and wholesalegasoline,diesel, and biodiesel. Petroleum Wholesale serviceshundreds ofretail locations throughout nine states and owns morethan 200properties, including a land bank of properties forfuturedevelopment.Petroleum Wholesale has developed an innovative retail concept,MainStreet Market, which offers branded motor fuel and retailofferingssuch as discount groceries, hardware, auto parts, premiumcigars,apparel and fast food all under one roof. This new to theindustryhybrid retail concept includes branding with major oilcompaniessuch as Chevron, Texaco, Shell, ConocoPhillips and Gulf,with QSRfood franchises such as Subway and Steak n Shake and withnationalspecialty retailers such as Ace Hardware, True ValueHardware andCarquest.