Top 6 Apps Similar to The Social Media Partner

Web Design & Social Media 2.1
Grafdom is one of the leading digital media agencies in theMiddleEast with expertise in Web Design, Social Media & MobileApps.The agency designs dynamic websites, manages social medianetworks,develops mobile apps and provides robust hosting solutionsfor someof the most recognized brands in the region. Grafdom hasbeeninstrumental in the successful execution of campaigns forcompaniesof all sizes in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah andKuwait.
Social Media Marketing 101 2.0
ATTENTION: More traffic and leads? "Discover The Essentials YouNeedTo Know About Social Media Marketing So You Can Build YourFollowingAnd Generate More Sales" Increase Your Traffic And SalesUsingSocial Media! If you've tried ways to get more leads andsales andrunning out of ideas, listen up... If you're not usingsocial mediain your business yet, you're going to kick yourself.Nowadays socialmedia is not an option, it's a neccesity. How greatwould it beknowing that you have a large following who's loyal toyour brandand business? Post an update on your social mediaplatforms andinstantly you'll be able to get results. Why SocialMedia? Thereasons are simple: Everyone is on social mediaplatforms. How muchof the pie do you want? A growing audience.More and more people aregetting on social media each day. Accessedeverywhere, anywhere.Most people have smart phones and check theirnews feed dozens oftimes a day. How would you like to get in frontof them? Build trustand engagement easier. Nowadays people rate,like and comment andothers will base a business based on whatothers say. It's socialproof. Easier and faster to connect withyour audience. All you needto do is post an update and you'llstart getting user feedback,traffic, sales and more engagement.With those benefits, whywouldn't you want to utilize social media?How Do You Get StartedWith Social Media? Getting started begins byimproving yourknowledge on the subject. It can take months, evenyears to learnsuch a skill. Social media marketing can beconfusing if you don'tknow where to even start.. That's the honesttruth. But don't letany of that stop you because I've written aguide to help you getstarted. Let me present to you... SocialMedia Marketing 101: TheEssentials You Need To Know About SocialMedia Marketing Here's whatyou'll discover in this guide: How toget started with social media.A social media marketing plan youcan use for your business. How tobuild brand awareness usingsocial media. How to get more engagementfrom your followers. Howto get more fans to your Facebook pageExamples of companies usingsocial media successfully in theirbusiness and how you can modelthem. 10 ways to boost your websitetraffic using social media. Thefuture of social media? Where issocial media heading and why youshould hop on social mediaplatforms today. ...and much, much more!
Social Media Week 1.9
Social Media Week: Official Mobile App.Connectwith other SMW fans and attendees, explore the eventSchedule andSpeakers, and access exclusive content. Get the apptoday to enhanceyour #SMW15 experience.Features include:CONNECT & NETWORKGroup conversations are great for sharing ideas,planningmeet-ups, and discussing events or news from theconference.Individual one-to-one conversations can be used forprivatediscussions with other SMW attendees.BOOKMARK EVENTS & SPEAKERSTrack the Events and Speakers that matter most to you.Organizeyour SMW experience by saving important Speaker bios,Eventdetails, and more for easy reference at any point.EXCLUSIVE CONTENTStay up to speed on what is happening at all SMW citiesacrossthe globe. Follow content and real-time conversations acrosskeysocial media channels.TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR SMW ACCOUNTSign in via your SMW account. Browse the Schedule fortheKeynotes, Panels, Workshops, Masterclasses, and Parties thataremost appealing to you.Social Media Week is a worldwide event exploring thesocial,cultural and economic impact of social media. Our mission istohelp people and organizations connect throughcollaboration,learning and the sharing of ideas andinformation.
Biz Social Media Camp 2.0
Aplicatia Biz Social Media Camp itipermitesaafli toate informatiile despre eveniment si te va tine lacurentcudesfasurarea acestuia.
ObidiSocial :: Social Media 1.0
Join and learn from a growing communityofexperts. Get the latest tips, tricks, tutorials, trendsandstrategies in Social Media and Internet Marketing right hereforFREE.Connect with other Internet Business Owners as we show you howtomake the best impression across Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn,Instagram, Google Plus and other platforms that arerelevant toyour business.Whether you're a connoisseur or a newbie, we'll fix yourightup.
Social Media Manager Guide 2.3
Attention: Sitting home all day glued tothelaptop screen, constantly tweeting and refreshing yourFacebookpage?Who Else Wants To Discover The Elusively Simple Method To CashInExtra Cash From Your ‘Idle Time’ On Facebook, Twitter&LinkedIn!Since August 2010, A New Opportunity Emerged And BecomingA‘Manager’ Of This Kind Has Never Been So Easy AndRewardinglyProfitable You Have To See It To Believe It!Dear Respected Marketer,One must not underestimate the growing trend of socialnetworksthese days. Your boss has LinkedIn, your childhood crushrespondsto your tweets on Twitter; even your mum’s checking yourpicturesthrough Facebook!The social media has become a global platform forcommunicationand acquiring information regardless of geographicaldifferences.It is now an essential tool for advertising andmarketing purposes,a way to increase both local and globaldemand.Back then, it took phone calls and letters (and evencarrierpigeons) to keep in touch with contacts. With the evergrowingpopularity of the social media, the world seems to haveshrunk to asmaller size as relationships are bridged throughthisplatform.Did You Know?Statistics show that 11% of the entire population of the globeison the Internet, and 40% of these Internet users are onFacebook.Since August 2010, Facebook has acquired more than 900millionusers, making it the current largest and most commonly usedSocialNetworking site. That’s an astounding number of 500 millionand morePOTENTIAL customers, just waiting to be tapped into!Rising organizations and firms, especially offline companies,arebeginning to realize the importance of the social media,asadvertising online has the capacity to make or break productsales.Reports have shown that companies are spending mass amount oftimeto acquire knowledge for expanding their product through thesocialmedia.What better way than to hire a professional Social MediaManager(which could be YOU!) to monitor the activities on thesocialmedia?A Social Media Manager is the newest job vacancy in theInternetworld, and it is quickly becoming the hottest job requiredby everyorganization to stay in the market and sustain acompetitiveposition.Taking on this occupation requires one to keep track ofcurrentcool trends, identify potential target markets, andinitiateregular follow-ups with clients regarding customerservice.The role of the Social Media Manager has a good understandingofthe choice of other users, and can also predict the success oftheproduct launched, in addition to launching campaigns tofurtherpromote the buy-ability of the product.“Is It Possible For A Young Person Like Me – With NoPreviousWorking Experience – To Be A Qualified Social MediaManager?”The answer is… YES!!! Most definitely!! With these quickandsimple tips available in this package, your dream to earn BIGisattainable through purchasing this product!See You on the Inside! To Your success:)