Top 6 Apps Similar to PowerHouse Solar

Solar Mobile
Solar A/S
With the new Solar Mobile App you are justonetouch away from Solar. Solar Mobile enables you to:• Scan barcodes. One click of the camera and the product is addedtoyour cart• Access the webshop- buy or view products- quick access to order history and favourite products• Get easy technical support on-the-go by direct emailorphone• Locate the nearest Solar drive-in and getdrivinginstructionsSolar Mobile is linked to our E-Shop, giving you direct accesstoyour account from your Smartphone. With Solar Mobile you arejustone touch away from Solar – Download now
Solar Site Design
Solar Site Design is your path to joiningthesolar industry. It is a collaborative, cloud-basedcontentmanagement platform that offers a complete solution forsalesprofessionals looking to join the solar industry. Theprocesspowering Solar Site Design was built to streamline andreduce thesoft costs of acquiring solar new projects, including:customeracquisition, finance, interconnection paperwork, andutility andmunicipality permitting paperwork, design/build ofprojects.We connect sales professionals to leading solar manufacturersanddevelopers to accelerate the growth of renewable energyprojects.We are your source for profiting from originatingresidential,commercial, industrial and municipal solar energyprojects in yourlocal community.With Solar Site Design, the sales professional captureskeyinformation while performing a walk-through of the projectsite.Once the data, photos and images of the property are captured,thesolar professional clicks “Submit for Project Drawing”, andthedata is synced directly to our team who routes your project toyourcontracted fulfillment partner. You fulfillmentpartner/developerwill provide a complete proposal for the projectincludingfinancing. When the project converts to a sale you areawarded acommission from the developer for originating theproject.Sales professionals who download and use Solar Site Design toassistin growing their solar sales business will be a part ofbuilding amore sustainable world, and will be poised to acceleratethedevelopment of solar energy throughout the World.Connect with us:Solar Site Design on LinkedIn: Site Design onTwitter: Site Design on Google+:’s New in this Version:We’ve rebuilt the app from the ground up, and — simply put —itworks much faster and better. Updated user interface with improved functionalityA new Quick Referral option for abbreviated projectdatasubmissionsSignature field in the Quick Referral form for customertosignA new Site Survey functionality that walks you through thedatacollection process step-by-step
Solar Synergy
Solar Synergy are experts intherenewableenergy industry and can help whether you have acommercialordomestic property.From solar PV installations to efficientunderfloorheatingsystems, we have an array of services that arebound to helpyourenergy bills!Download our app to:- Get in touch with our experts instantly- Browse our renewable energy services- Share your experiences with others- Request and receive help, advice and quotations
Omnik Solar 2.6.1
The user friendly Omnik Solar MonitoringPortalis now available for Android. With your smartphone,you canmonitoryour solar station wherever you are. easily than ever. ithas a richbut clear content which can provide you the informationabout poweroutput, generated energy and yield of the system.allthings here arein the form of clearly and readable list orgraphics. So enjoyyourself.
NL SOLAR ENERGY SectorApp 1.0.2
Bent u een Nederlandse organisatie en actiefinde zonne-energiesector? Zorg ervoor dat anderen u weten tevinden!Maak uw organisatie zichtbaar, laat zien wie u bent en watu tebieden heeft.Nederland heeft een uitstekende kennis- en technologiepositieophet gebied van zonne-energie. Daarnaast neemt het gebruikvanzonne-energiesystemen in ons land de laatste jaren sterk toe.Meersamenwerking en innovatie zijn cruciaal om de ontwikkelingentoepassing van zonne-energiesystemen in Nederland verderteversnellen en de toegevoegde waarde voor de Nederlandse economiezogroot mogelijk te maken.Deze app is bedoeld om samenwerking in deNederlandsezonne-energiesector te stimuleren door een overzicht tegeven vande partijen die werkzaam zijn in deze sector. In de appkunt uzoeken op trefwoord, locatie op de kaart of positie indewaardeketen. Omdat de app geen winstoogmerk heeft, kunt uuworganisatie gratis registreren. U dient er zelf voor te zorgendatuw gegevens te allen tijde up to date zijn.Deze app is een initiatief van het TKI Solar Energy endeRijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. Door uw organisatieteregistreren in de app kunnen zij u ook informeren over, voorurelevante, activiteiten, subsidies en handelsmissies.Are you aDutchorganization and active in the solar energy industry? Ensurethatothers can find you! Make your organization visible, show whoyouare and what you have to offer.Netherlands has an excellent knowledge and technology positioninthe field of solar energy. In addition, the use of solar energyinour country in recent years strongly. More collaborationandinnovation are crucial to the development and application ofsolarenergy in the Netherlands to further accelerate and make.Addedvalue for the Dutch economy as large as possibleThis app is designed to encourage by giving the partiesworkingin this sector. Outline cooperation in the Dutch solarindustry Theapp allows you to search by keyword, location on themap orposition in the value chain. Because the app is non-profit,you canregister your company for free. You are responsible forensuringthat your data is always up to date.This app is an initiative of the TKI Solar Energy andtheNational Entrepreneurial Netherlands. By registeringyourorganization in the app, they can inform you about relevantforyou, activities, subsidies and trade missions.
AHA Solar 11.2.13
AHA! Solar, a platform to design and manage solar PV projects