Top 16 Apps Similar to Nexwave

Email Marketing 24/7 PRO 1.6.7n
Email Marketing 24/7 is the firstemailmarketing software for android environment. This app isdesigned tohelp you compose, manage and schedule your emailsendingefficiently.The most impressive features of Email Marketing 24/7 aretheemail composer (WYSIWYG/HTML editor), the multi connectionemailsender, the best email scheduler, a lot of emailtemplates,multiple SMTP servers support and much more...Highlight features:1. The powerful email composer: it is a WYSIWYG like HTMLeditor,helps you compose your business email easily, supportadding image,hyperlink, text style, font...2. A lot of add-in templates: more than 100 email templates (inproversion) already designed as HTML emails, cover a lot ofbusinessdomains... you can reuse them to save your time.3. Contact groups manager: the full contact trackinginformationhelp you keep track of your customer information likename, email,birthday, website, company, address, job ... andnotes.4. Allow to add up to 4 user defined fields.5. Support tags to personalize your email (e.g. #e-mail# ->EmailMarketing 24/7).6. Powerful email sender: you can define as many send connectionsasyou like to save your sending time. Depends on the powerful ofyouSMTP server, you can define up to 8 connections to send youremailconcurrency.7. Multiple SMTP servers support (up to 4).8. Support spintax: helps you create multiple copies of theoriginalemail.9. Email tracking: helps you track your sending status like howmanyemails opened, how many links clicked.10. Support pause/resume/continue sending: you can stopsendinganytime, and continue with the remainder anytime too.11. The useful email scheduler(automatic email sender): if youhavea lot of contact groups and you do not want to send them now,youcan schedule to send them in the future, it is very easy withEmailMarketing 24/7.12. Import contacts, export contacts: fully support importandexport from many sources like yahoo, outlook, gmail... andalsofrom your device contacts. The standard format is basedonMicrosoft email contact format.13. Easy to subscribe/unsubscribe a new contact, just onlyonetap.14. Easy to backup/restore your database.15. Smart email verifier: smart email tester was integrated,helpyou check email existence base on email syntax, email domain,mailexchange server...... and more in our website: http://email-247.appspot.comNo ads + unlimited :)** IMPORTANT NOTES**For email verifier: some mail servers don't allow us to checkemailexistence from a dynamic IP (or a not reputation IP address).Theyalways return bad IP address or something like that. So thatwhythe app shows as N/A (for exist column).Website: http://email-247.appspot.comEmail: [email protected]
GetResponse Enterprise
This App was created with onlyGetResponseEnterprise customers in mind to help their businessneeds.GetResponse Enterprise helps high-volume email marketersenhanceemail campaign performance through optimizeddeliverability,customized installations, and dedicatedconsultancy.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or senddraftsprepared previously on your laptop or desktop. It’savailableanywhere you go, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance andforwarda report by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages -checkstatistics on links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you haveanysuggestions or ideas about the app.About GetResponse EnterpriseThe GetResponse Enterprise advanced feature set allows ustotailor a solution to meet your requirements. We will providethetools your team and your business need to boost youremailmarketing ROI.High-Volume Capabilities - The technological infrastructureisinfinitely scalable to meet your demand. You can sendunlimitedemails per day without interruption or downtime. Serversarereliable, redundant, and secure, to deliver campaigns attopspeed.Unique IP addresses - unique IP addresses to providecompletecontrol of your email reputation and emaildeliverabilityAccount Management - 24x7 priority support withguaranteedresponse times to ensure your success at every step.Youareassigned a dedicated Account Manager, who works withyouproactively to improve efficiency and performance,providingtargeted support, training, and professionalconsultingservices.Customized Technology - GetResponse has the experience youneedfor seamless custom integrations. Your IT team can integrateyouremail marketing with external applications such as shoppingcarts,transactional platforms or CRMs with GetResponse JSON-RPCAPI.Sub-Level Access - Administrator can create up to 100separateuser accounts - each with pre-definable rights for useraccess,tools, sharing, and statistics - to facilitate management ofusersaccording to skill, function, and level of responsibility.Optimized Deliverability - Your company is assigned uniqueIPaddresses to provide complete control of your emailreputation.Deliverability of your campaigns is not an issue,becauseGetResponse handles ISP monitoring, DKIM, feedbackloops,whitelabeling, and link customization.Consulting Services - As you plan and execute each elementofyour email marketing program, our ROI experts are available tohelpyou increase efficiency and deliver maximum conversions.
Benchmark Email Free Mobile 1.0.4
The Benchmark Email Mobile Free app givesyouemail marketing on the go, wherever you are, whenever you want,allat the slide of your fingertips - and it's included free withyourBenchmark Email account.FeaturesEmail Blasts - 10 simple templates for quick email blastsDual Access - Email contacts & reports can be viewedfromboth web & AndroidDual Uploads - Contacts added to the web or Appwillautomatically upload in both locationsSend Drafts - Full campaigns created & saved on the webcanbe sent via AndroidSend Pictures - Take a quick pic or grab it from yourlibrary,tap a quick message and send it out to your listsSend Video - Take a video and send it in your email. You needaYouTube account to do this. That's free too.Better Deliverability - All emails are sent through ourhighlyreputable servers, ensuring excellent deliverabilityratesSpanish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and SimplifiedChineseLocalization - Just set your language in the Android'ssettingsscreen and the Benchmark Mobile will function natively inone offive languages.Sign In with Your Existing Benchmark IDIf you're already a Benchmark Email Web customer, just log inandgo. Your normal list or email limits extend to the app.Please note that you can't edit your four column, twentysection,thousand word web-created emails on the app. But you canpreview,send and track them with the app.
AWeber Email Stats on the Go 2020.03.20-1387
Track the performance of your AWeber emailmarketingcampaignsanywhere, anytime. Stay connected to the activityin yourAWeberaccount right on your mobile device. With AWeberStats, yourdatais always within reach. Track the performance of asentbroadcast,review your campaigns messages’ open rates, learnmoreabout yoursubscribers, and see list growth across your accountat aglance.On the Stats Email Dashboard, you can: * Review yourAWeberliststats, including broadcast statistics fortotalsubscribers,unsubscribes, open rate and click rate *Previewrecently sentbroadcast messages within the app * Previewscheduledbroadcastmessages within the app On the SubscribersOverview you’llsee: *Total subscribers and recent subscribe andunsubscribe countsperlist * Broadcast open and click rate persubscriber * Totalopens,clicks, and messages sent per subscriber *List sourceandsubscribe date New Subscriber Push notifications *Send apushnotification when a subscriber joins your list *Includestheability to configure settings so that you are alertedfor theliststhat are most important to you at the frequency thatfits yourworkflow On the Sent Broadcasts view you’ll see: * Open,click,bounce,and complaint rates for each list and sent broadcastmessage*Detailed stats for each recipient of a sent broadcastOntheScheduled Broadcasts view you’ll see: * Your queue ofallbroadcastmessages per list * Scheduled send time for yourbroadcastOn theAutoresponders view you’ll see: * Open rates foreach emailin yourfollow up series * Active and paused Campaigns*Visualization ofthe engagement metrics for each message withineachcampaign *Settings for each campaign Have a question aboutyourstats, oremail marketing? AWeber’s award-winning customersolutionsteam isavailable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to helpyou. TheAWeber appfeatures mobile access to submit a supportticket, orsearch theAWeber Knowledge Base. About AWeber: Founded in1998,AWeberprovides a full suite of email marketing tools used byover100,000small businesses, bloggers and entrepreneurs aroundtheglobe. Ourweb-based tools help businesses grow by staying intouchwithcustomers and prospects through email.
Zoho Campaigns-Email Marketing 2.0.15
Email marketing tool to create, send and track campaigns on the go
Mailpro Email Marketing App 123
Saasco SA
Mailpro™ is an email marketingonlinesoftware.With Mailpro, you can to create professionalnewsletterwithout anyprogramming skills. Free to try!Have a look at Mailpro Mobile's features:The main functions:1.Address BookYour can list your address books, you can also search,modifyanddelete your emails.2.MessageYou can, for example, see your messages to validateacolleague’swork. You can test your messages with our check spamandprogrammailings or cancel mailings in progress.3.MailingsYou’re not in the office but you would like to quicklysendanewsletter? You can do that as well as see the history ofmailsinprogress.4.StatisticsFrom your cellphone you can track your email campaigns andviewtheirdetails in real time. You can see theclicks,openings,geo-localisation or client emails.
Email Marketing Secrets FREE 1.0
Note: This FREE version is ad-supported,butthe content is the same as the PRO paid ad-free version.Highly Controversial Email Marketing Secrets That Allow YouToPersuade More People To Buy Your Products And Services.Have you been looking for a practical way to make yourbusinessstand out (in just a few minutes) so that people come toyou foradvice on what products to buy and where to spend theirmoney ingeneral?Have you been looking for a way to quickly influence peopletobuy your products and the affiliate products you recommendnomatter how many so called competitors you have?Have you been looking for a way to get people tosometimesmindlessly follow your suggestions even if they normallywouldn'tdo what you're asking of them for anybody else?In This App You'll Discover...The one thing you must do up front to immediatelyseparateyourself from the competition and get people to see you assomeoneworth listening to. If you're not doing this, you're losingmoneyevery single day of the week. Period.The big secret to getting people to believe what you say sothatthey will do whatever it is you're asking them to do even iftheyknow they probably shouldn't. This secret shows you how togetpeople to almost mindlessly hand you control oftheirdecisions.How to instantly connect with your readers so the thoughtofdoing business with your competitors in the future becomesacomplete joke. Many of your competitors act likemindlesscommission hungry robots so use that to your advantage.Three rules you must follow if you ever hope to have anychanceto put yourself in class of your own where you never have toworryabout what your competitors are doing. It's all about you andyourbusiness and this is how you make sure other people (with moneytospend) feel the exact same way.How to immediately change the way people think about and reacttoyou. This allows you to catch them off guard (in a good way)andmake them more receptive to what you're asking them to do.Manytimes, the difference between who people thought you were andwhoyou appear to be is enough to get them to followyoursuggestions.You're getting solid information you can start usingtoimmediately impact your business and shield yourselffromcompetition.
Email маркетинг 1.0
Из этой книги Вы узнаете:*Что такое рассылки;*Рациональность использования email-маркетинга для получениядоходовонлайн;*Подписка на рассылку (с подтверждением или без него);*Как нарастить количество подписчиков;*Лучшие советы по email-маркетингу;*И многое другое!Сама книга запаковано в красивое и удобное приложение,санимацией перелистывания.Есть управление закладками и навигация по главам.Два режима - дневной и ночной.Текст удобен для чтения и приятен глазу.Скачайте книгу прямо сейчас и примените секретные методики изнеедля поднятия эффективности вашей email рассылки!P.S. Не забудьте оставить отзыв об этой книге вкомментариях.From this book youwilllearn:* What is the mailing;* Rational use of email-marketing to generate revenue online;* Subscription (with or without confirmation);* How to increase the number of subscribers;* Top tips for email-marketing;* And much more!The book itself is packed into a beautiful anduser-friendlyapplication, with animation turning.There bookmark management and navigation through thechapters.Two modes - day and night.Text easier to read and pleasing to the eye.Download the book right now and apply the secret ofhertechniques for raising the effectiveness of your email list!P.S. Do not forget to leave a review about this book inthecomments.
e-marketing 1.0
Avec l'application e-marketing, téléchargezlameilleur application de veille du web business sur votresmartphoneet tablette* 4 thématiques :- Live webmarketing- Live mobile- Live social media- Live SEO* Un contenu gratuit de qualité et de quantité :- Les plus grands éditeurs de l'actualité et de l'informationweb: Journal du net, 01Net, Presse-citron et beaucoupd'autre- Plus de 150 sources référencées pour ne rien rater del'actualitéweb.- Des plus connues aux plus approfondis,- Restez connectés en permanence avec une applicationquiauto-rafraichi son contenu pour toujours être à jours survotreveille du web* Un outil communautaire- Proposer vos sources pour rendre le site et l'applicationpluscomplète- Mettez en avant vos propres sites (sous réserve d'acception)* Une navigation optimale- Simple, claire et rapide- 4 catégories pour une navigation simplifiéeL'application e-marketing, c'est une promesse pour vous.Unepromesse de ne jamais rien manquer de l'actualité du web. Simpleetefficace, une appli pour les passionnés et les professionnelsduweb.Withe-marketingapplication, download the best application of eve of webbusinesson your smartphone and tablet* 4 themes:- Live web marketing- Mobile Live- Social Live media- Live SEO* Free content quality and quantity:- The largest publishers of timeliness and the webinformation:Journal du net, 01Net, Presse-citron and manyother- More than 150 sources referenced to not miss the web news.- More known for more detailed,- Stay permanently connected with an application thatself-refreshedits content for always be to days on your eve ofweb* A Community tool- Propose your sources to make the site andfurtherimplementation- Put forward your own sites (subject to acceptance)* Optimal navigation- Simple, clear and fast- 4 categories for a simplified navigationThe e-marketing application, it is a promise for you. Apromiseof never miss nothing the topicality of web. Simple andeffective,an app for enthusiasts and web professionals.
Online Affiliate Marketing 1.03
*Free Affiliate Marketing Coursewiththisdownload*Are you looking to master affiliate marketing but are fedupwithall the so-called 'gurus' peddling the latest andgreatest(andextremely expensive) product on you?Without help you can waste weeks, months, or years workingonsomeaffiliate marketing project that crashes and burns.This app promises to give you the complete step-by-stepguidetosucceeding with affiliate marketing right out of thegate.Download the "Online Affiliate Marketing" app for free andgofrombeginner to owning and operating a successfulonlineaffiliatemarketing business.Fluff-free without any filler, this app has alltheinformationbased on years of trial and error, so you can actonwhat workswhile cutting out what doesn't.Covers:★ Traffic★ Conversion★ Building a reliable asset★ Monetization methods★ List Building★ Email Marketingand much more...Whether you are brand new to affiliate marketing or havebeenatit for a while, this app delivers the goods witheasilyaccessibleinformation that you can use to profit over andover.Here's What To Do Next:Download the "Online Affiliate Marketing" app nowabsolutelyFREEand I wish you an abundance of success in thefuture!
SignUpp Go 1.0
E-mail marketing 2.0 met derevolutionaireMailPlus SignUpp Go app. Met deze app zorgt u snel engemakkelijkvoor bestandsgroei voor uw nieuwsbrief ene-mailmarketingactiviteiten. Download deze e-mail marketingapp,installeer hem op uw smartphone en koppel hem aan uwMailPlusaccount.Door de SignUpp Go app te gebruiken op uw telefoon in voegtunieuwe relaties die u ontmoet gemakkelijk toe aan uwe-mailbestanden vergroot uw bereik van uw e-mailmarketingactiviteiten ennieuwsbrieven. Ieder nieuw contact dat uinschrijft, ontvangtautomatisch een inschrijfbevestiging.Voordelen:- Groei van e-mailadresbestand -> meer omzet!- Standaard gekoppeld met alle MailPlus producten- Offline aanmeldingen later syncen- Simpele installatie en set-up- Volledig configureerbaar- Zowel in het Nederlands als in het EngelsDe SignUpp Go app is een eenvoudig hulpmiddel om e-mailadressenteverzamelen als je onderweg bent. Geschikt voor gebruikvanafAndroid 4,2+.Email Marketing 2.0withrevolutionary MailPlus SignUpp Go app. This app allows youtoquickly and easily file for growth for your newsletter andemailmarketing. Download this email marketing app, install it onyoursmartphone, then connect it to your Mail Plus account.The SignUpp Go app to use on your phone, add new contactsyoumeet easily to your e-mail file and increase your range ofyouremail marketing and newsletters. Every new contact thatyouregister, you automatically receive aregistrationconfirmation.Advantages:- Growth of email file -> more sales!- Standard associated with all Mail Plus products- Offline filings later syncing- Simple installation and set-up- Fully configurable- Both Dutch and EnglishThe SignUpp Go app is a simple tool to collect email addressesasyou go. Suitable for use from Android 4,2+.
Нетология: курсы для карьеры 1.1.1
Улучшите свои навыки в маркетинге,менеджментеи бизнесе. В приложении более 100 записанных курсов отспециалистовв своей области. Обучаясь на курсах Нетологии Выузнайте, какпостроить карьеру, развить бизнес или запуститьстартап, повыситьсобственную эффективность и своихсотрудников.Вас ждут:• занятия по 10–15 минут;• задания для самопроверки и закрепления навыков;• возможность оставлять заметки прямо внутри курса;• получение сертификата по окончанию курса;«Нетология: курсы для карьеры» помогут Вам1. Повысить собственную эффективность работы2. Добиться новых высот в карьере3. Освоиться с построением бизнеса или стартапа4. Улучшить свои навыки в маркетинге5. Улучшить навыки коммуникации и переговоров6. Познакомиться с новыми профессиямиПочему «Нетология: курсы для карьеры»?• Курсы составлены и проведены ведущими специалистами ипрактикамиРунета• 118 курсов уже сейчас в приложении и каждый месяцонидобавляются• После каждого занятия тест поможет закрепить тему иукрепитьполученные навыки• Получение сертификата по прохождению курса потверждаетусвоениематериалаСледующие направления подробно рассмотрены в «Нетология: курсыдлякарьеры»:• маркетинг, SMM, PR• менеджмент, бизнес, стартап,• личная эффективность, карьера.В итоге, Вы можете отсортировать материал по следующимтемам:интернет-маркетинг, E-commerce, управлениевеб-проектами,интерфейсы, социальные сети, веб-дизайн,стартапы,контент-маркетинг, email-маркетинг, SEO, продажи,HR,веб-аналитика, финансы, мобильные приложения,менеджмент,веб-разработка, PR, копирайтинг и право.Хотите построить карьеру, улучшить свои навыки в маркетингеилизапустить стартап? Присоединяйтесь! Занимайтесь в удобное времясноутбука, планшета или смартфона. Первые 2 занятия каждогокурсадоступны бесплатно. Пишите свои впечатления и пожелания поадресу:[email protected], имыобязательно их учтем!Наши группы:• Вконтакте:• Facebook: your skillsinmarketing, management and business. The application of morethan100 recorded programs from experts in their field. LearningcoursesNetologii you learn how to build a career, to develop abusiness orrun a startup, to improve their own efficiency andtheiremployees.You are waiting for:• sessions of 10-15 minutes;• tasks for self and fixing skills;• the ability to post notes directly within the course;• a certificate of completion of the course;«Netologiya: courses for a career" will help you1. Increase the efficiency of its own2. To achieve new heights in your career3. comfortable with building a business or a startup4. Improve your skills in marketing5. Improve communication and negotiation skills6. Meet occupationsWhy "Netologiya: courses for career»?• Courses are composed and conducted by leading expertsandpractitioners Runet• 118 courses are already in the application, and each monththeyare added• After each session the test will help to consolidateandstrengthen the theme of acquired skills• Obtain a certificate for the course confirms the assimilationofthe materialThe following areas in detail in "Netologiya: courses foracareer":• Marketing, SMM, PR• management, business startup,• personal effectiveness, career.As a result, you can sort the material on the followingtopics:Internet Marketing, E-commerce, web project management,interfaces,social networking, web design, startups, contentmarketing,email-marketing, SEO, sales, HR, Web -analitika, finance,mobileapplication management, web development, PR, copywritingandright.Do you want to build a career, improve their skills in marketingorstart a startup? Join! Go in for a convenient time with thelaptop,tablet or smartphone. The first two lessons of each courseareavailable for free. Write your impressions and suggestions atthefollowing address: [email protected], and wewilltake them into account!Our group:• Vkontakte:• Facebook:
Marketing Arsenal 4.2.5
 Application for visitingMarketingArsenal's website. Get the latest info about SearchEngineOptimization, Email Marketing, Social Networking, andmore!
Crazy Domains 1.2.5
Crazy Domains is a world leader inDomainNames, Email & Web Hosting and Online Marketing Servicesandhas now launched a brand new App to enable you to access ourgreatdeals on the go.Key Features include:· Search for and register domain names, all at Crazy Domains’worldrenowned pricing.· Utilise any of Crazy Domains’ promo codes to get an evenbetterdeal.· Purchase any of Crazy Domains’ great domain add-ons suchasPrivate Registration, Directory Listing and DNS Services.· Check domain availability anywhere, anytime allowing you toensureyour brand is protected across all domain names. Don't letyourcompetition steal or ride your brand!The App will be receiving continued upgradesandwill soon include:· Notifications and Renewals.· Access to the rest of Crazy Domains’ products andservices,including Web Hosting, Web Builder, SearchBooster, SSLCertificatesand Fax to Email to name just a few.· Full Account Manager features.Crazy Domains remain committed to offering innovativecuttingedge products and services using the very besttechnologyavailable, coupled with the great pricing and support wefeeleveryone deserves.If you notice any issues or have any queries regarding theCrazyDomains App or any of our products and services, pleasedon’thesitate to contact us via [email protected].
Xpress Mailing 1.0
Email marketing accesible, olvídate depagarmiles de pesos por enviar tus campañas. Con Xpress Mailingenvía10,000 emails por menos de 14 USD.Crea, administra, guarda tus plantillas y envía tuscampañasdesde tu dispositivo, en cualquier lugar y sincomplicaciones. Tododesde 1 sola aplicación.¡Regístrate GRATIS!Accede a tu cuenta de Xpress Mailing desde tudispositivoAndroid.*Nuestra app usa la personalización de Facebook, por loquepodría abrir una ventana del navegador para que inicies sesiónenFacebook, nosotros no almacenamos dicha información nilaconservamos. Sólo usamos esos datos para darte la bienvenidamásamigablemente.Emailmarketingaccessible, forget about paying thousands of dollars forsubmittingyour campaigns. With Xpress Mailing send 10,000 emailsfor lessthan 14 USD.Create, manage, save your template and send your campaignsfromyour device, anywhere and uncomplicated. Everything from onesingleapplication.Sign up FREE!Access your account Xpress Mailing from your Android device.* Our app uses the customization of Facebook, which could openabrowser window that you log in to Facebook, we do not storethisinformation or retain it. We only use such data to welcomemoreamicably.
Flox 1.2.30
Create your own website or online and manage it directly from your mobile phone!- Free trial at Test website is created immediately.Key features:- Create your web page or e-commerce store at Update and adjust texts, news and products on yourmobilephone.- Text editing using visual WYSIWYG editor.- Create new blog articles - manage your blog viamobilephone!- Basic SEO functions - edit meta tags in articlesandproducts.- New orders from e-commerce store right to your mobilephone.- Review invoices. Change invoice status. Ability to create,deleteand send an invoice via email.- Filter invoices and orders by status and date.- Cloud hosting. Cloud automatically adjusts the performancebyadding extra servers if needed.You also get web-based administration with additionalfeaturesalong with your test site:- is a simple but advanced website builder andonlinestore builder.- You can easily insert a gallery, blog, maps, web poll, e-shoporcontact form.- Add an unlimited number of sub-pages.- Easy-to-adjust design of a web page.- Advanced SEO features.- Web linked to Analytics.- Widgets for embedding social networks and maps.- Newsletter and email marketing.- Manage and edit orders and invoices.- Support for price comparison sites.- Payment systems.- Sophisticated system of sales and discounts.- Gift Vouchers.- Additional CMS and CRM features.We would love to hear your feedback. Please send usyoursuggestions to our e-mail.