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New Zealand cuisine is largely drivenbylocalingredients and seasonal variations. An island nationwithaprimarily agricultural economy, New Zealand yieldsproducefromland and sea. Similar to the cuisine of Australia, thecuisineofNew Zealand is a diverse British-based cuisine,withMediterraneanand Pacific Rim influences as the countrybecomesmorecosmopolitan.Historical influences came from Māori culture.NewAmericancuisine, Southeast Asian, East Asian, and SouthAsianculinarytraditions have become popular since the 1970s.In New Zealand households, dinner is the main meal oftheday,when families gather and share their eveningtogether.Restaurantsand takeaways provide an increasing proportionof thediet.1 Māori cuisine1.1 Food and religion1.2 European influences1.3 Māori cuisine today2 New Zealand European cuisine2.1 British Isles settler food2.2 From Antipodean British fare to Asia-Pacific fusion3 Other cuisines in New Zealand4 Contemporary scene5 New Zealand cuisine in other countries6 Wine and Beer7 Patterns of eating8 New Zealand foods8.1 Developed in New Zealand8.2 Imported cuisines, now significant in New Zealand9 See also10 Notes11 References11.1 Bibliography12 External linksMāori cuisineA hāngi dinner as served to tourists.When the indigenous Māori arrived in New ZealandfromtropicalPolynesia they had a number of food plants,includingkūmara (sweetpotato), taro and tī. The plants grew wellonly in thenorth of theNorth Island. Native New Zealand plants suchasfernroot became amore important part of the diet, alongwithinsects such as thehuhu grub. Problems with horticulture weremadeup for by anabundance of bird and marine life. The largeflightlessmoa weresoon hunted to extinction.[citation needed]Rāhui(resourcerestrictions) included forbidding the hunting ofcertainspecies inparticular places or at certain times of year, sothatthe numberscould regenerate.Preparation of a modern hāngi for tourists at MitaiMaoriVillage,Rotorua.Like other Polynesian people, Māori cooked food inearthovens,known in New Zealand as hāngi, although the word umuisalsoused[citation needed] as in other Pacific languages.Stonesareheated by fire and food packed in leaves are placed ontop.Thepacks are further covered with foliage and cloth, or,wetsacks,then earth. Other cooking methods included roastingand,ingeothermal areas, boiling or steaming using natural hotspringsandpools. Occasionally food would be boiled innon-geothermal areasbyputting hot stones into a bowl with water andthe food; andsomefood was also cooked over the open fire. Somefoods werepreservedusing smoke, air-drying, or layers offat—particularlymuttonbirds.Māori were one of the few people tohave no form ofalcoholicbeverage.Pavlova, one of the icons in Australian andNewZealandcuisine.A hāngi dinner as served to tourists.Preparation of a modern hāngi for tourists at MitaiMaoriVillage,Rotorua.A Māori boil-upThis hamburger at a Botany fast food chain containsslicesofcanned beetroot.Fish and chips, a popular take-away food in New Zealand.