Top 23 Games Similar to Bowling Directory

Bowling Scorer Free 1.09
Bowling Scorer records your score ofbowlingand It has many powerful tools for bowlers!You can input your score very easily.It has many kind of graphs and analyzer.Let's enjoy Bowling with "Bowling Scorer"Display Monthly/Each event Score(Calendar Type or List Type)Score input (Pin Mode and Numeric Mode)Results views of each per-month/eventGraphs(score, strike / spare rate, count, each pin,all pins)Analyze and display the remaining pinsInput of comment, place, tournament ,ballData backup(Restore is Pay version only)It has limit of event counts.It can not restore from backup DB.Restore database from backup.※ by the backup-restore function, you can move DB when changingyourmobile.Snapshot※ by this function,You can share your score at SNS etc withyourfriends.
Bowling Night 1.0.10
Tom Wickert
Personal bowling stats - log your games and monitor your stats.
My Bowling Scoreboard
Peter Ho
Record bowling score/pin location, show pin statistics, exporttoCSV files
Bowling ScoreKeeper 1.8.8
A small app for tracking your leaguebowlingscores and calculating averages and other statistics. Italsographs your scores and average over time.Report FCs/bugs or send feature requests at
My Bowling Scores 6.2
Keep track of your personal bowling scores, and see a historyofyour games, along with a running average. This is aneasy-to-usebowling score keeper. Watch the progress of youraverage, and shareyour scores through social media. A Summaryscreen shows youraverage, count of games entered, and high and lowscores. Enter asmany games as you want. If you play 4 or 5 games ata time, the appallows this. To enter more than 3 games, save thefirst 3, and thenenter 1, 2, or 3 more games using the same date.It will calculateyour running average based on any number of gamesplayed, and willnot include scores left empty (or 0) in youraverage. Share yourscores by Twitter, Email, Text messages, orGoogle+. You can useany of these that you have installed on yourphone. You can edit ordelete scores by tapping on a row in thetable of scores. Swipeback and forth to move to the Enter Scores,View Scores, andSummary screens. That's really all the app does. Itwill not takemore than a minute to start using this app. Using themenu, you canbackup your scores to the external storage of yourdevice. There isa menu item to restore them as well. This allowsyou to move yourscores to a new device. You can also keep a backupof your scoresin your favorite Spreadsheet on your PC or Mac. Afteryou Exportyour scores, you can connect your device to your computeras aMedia Device. Your scores can be found in thefile:Android/data/com.valenciaprogrammers.mybowlingscores/files/MyBowlingScores.csv(Iknow that looks awkward, but that's where Google asks us toputfiles.) The maximum score you can enter for a bowling game is450.This allows Canadian 5 Pin bowlers to use this App. This appcan beused without connection to the internet. That permissionisrequested for when you choose to email your scores, and foranadvertisement that appears. This app does not collectanyinformation from the users. That's the 'privacy policy' - wedon'tcollect any thing to keep private. Look for our other appcalled"Our Bowling Scores," an app that allows you to keep trackofmultiple bowlers / leagues. Please rate My Bowling Scores, andletus know if you have any suggestions that you wouldlikeimplemented.
Bowling Score Book 1.5.1
This app is an app that manages to register the data ofbowlingscore.
Bowling Scorer 1.12
BowlingScorer can record your bowing score easily and analyzebymany graphs.
Bowling Companion 1.2.0
Keep track of your bowling games in an easyandvisual way.- Enter games frame by frame.- Pin selection.- Automatic split detection.- History of games.- Games statistics.- Leagues.
Good Bowler Stats 2.0.6
Brent Dewald
This app is a bowling score tracker/keeper that tracksbowlingscores to the pin. This app supports multiple bowlers andleagues,and will track up to a 20 game series on a date for aspecificleague and bowler.(Who bowls the same league twice in onenight?)Tracks Ball thrown for each throw, Strike and Spare Ballsand themark thrown and feet position for each ball thrown. Oncescores areentered you have the option to view statistics for: GameScoresbetween dates for a bowler Series Scores on certain dates forabowler Strikes/Spares/Open frame comparisons per game SinglePinSpares and Opens for each pin number. Strike Percentage NumberofStrikes Strike Chances Spare Percentage Number of SparesSpareChances High Game High Series Most Strikes in a Row AverageBallStats: Number of Strikes for a ball Strike Chances for aballStrike Percentage for a ball Number of Spares, Single PinSpares,and Multiple Pin Spares Chances to get Spares, Single PinSpares,and Multiple Pin Spares for a ball Percentage of Spares,Single PinSpares, and Multiple Pin Spares for a ball Known Bugs:None This isa user driven project and I am taking suggestions ofwhat the userswant. Leave a comment here or email me withsuggestions or bugs. Iwant to make this app as good as possible.Updates currently inprogress: Game review feature that will giveyou a look at pastgames ball by ball. Facebook sharing integration.
Good Bowler Stats Lite 2.0.4
Brent Dewald
Good Bowler Stats Lite is a bowling score keeper/tracker. Thisapptracks the score ball for ball down to the pin for 1 - 4games.Once you have entered scores you can view differentstatsincluding: Average High Game High Series Number of StrikesStrike %Most Strikes in a row Number of Spares Spare % GraphicalStats arefor: Game scores by game in a line graph Series Scores ina linegraph Number of Strikes, Spares, and Opens for a game barchartSingle pin open/spare comparison by pin number bar chart Youcanaccess the menu for help and to buy the paid version of theapp.This version has advertisements and the paid version does not.Youcan try out this version and then upgrade to the paid versionthathas more features and is ad free. There is a link in the menu.Youcan also use the import/export feature to move your data fromthefree version to the paid versions.(Instructions are in thehelpsection of the menu) Feel free to email me with commentsand/orsuggestions to improve this app.
Bowling Spirit -Record score- 1.32
Record score of bowling. It is a partner of bowling progress.
Bowling Speed 1.0
DO you really want to measure abowler'sdelivery speed.Here is the new app to measure the bowlerspeedaccurately.You can capture the deliverytime as accurately as possible.With this app you can also measure the speed of anymovingobject!-distance field must be in yards only.-speed can available in kilometers per hour(kph) and metersperhour(mph).-share your bowling speed in social profiles likefacebook,g+.A-Bowler is a fun application, that can also be used to dothefollowing:- Detect the "slower ball" of your opposing bowlers- Train bowlers to deliver consistent bowling speeds- Declaring your club's fastest bowler.
Bowling Score Calculator 1.3.2
Very simple and user friendly app tocalculatebowling scores.
5 Pin Bowling Companion 3.2.0
Joseph Roque
Track 5 pin bowling scores frame-by-frame, along with a medleyofstatistics!
Bowling Calculator 1.3
Record your tenpin bowling scores asyoubowl,either shot-by-shot or just the final score. Theapplicationwillthen calculate your average score, your lowest gameandyourhighest game over the last specified number ofrecentgames.
Tenpin Bowling Analyser 1.2.0
This app can be used to collect andanalysedatafrom leagues, tournaments, social games, or eventrainingsessions!Key Features:- Allows creation of leagues / tournaments / data-setsthatorganisesyour data into groups, each of which canbeanalysedindividually.- Both frame-by-frame data entry and total-score dataentryareaccepted. In fact, you can mix these two approachesdependingonwhich is more convenient!- Will provide you with statistics about your spares asyouleavethem!- For all games that are entered frame-by-frame, you cangobackand see exactly what pins you left, and when. Forscore-onlygames,you can view your scores, and some data aboutthem.- Allows you to view all your game scores foranyleague,tournament, or data-set in one place, showing youaveragesandtotals.- You can analyse all your games, or only specificleagues/tournaments / data-sets in one place, showingyouthingsincluding:+ Average, minimum, and maximum score+ Standard deviation, and the range of scores you areexpectedtobowl within+ The percentage of times you get a strike+ The percentage of times you get a 9, 8, 7, ..., 0+ For *every* spare combination: the number of times youhaveleftit, the number of times you have spared it, and yourspareratepercentage+ The pin combinations that you spare the least+ The pin combinations that cost you the most- Partially entered games can be saved and later restored.- And many more features lie within!NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TENPIN BOWLING GAME, THIS ISANALYTICALANDSTATISTICAL SOFTWARE.If you have any feature requests or questions, feelwelcometoemail the developers at [email protected].
X Games Bowling 1.1
XgameBowling is scoring for TenpinBowling,butnot as you know it.XGamesBowling is different, the lanes, the balls and thepinsarethe same and you bowl the same..butevery ball counts and best part,you never have to wait forthenextcouple of frames to know who is winning and by how much. Ifyouarea competitive person, XGB will keep you interestedineverymatch.XGB consists of Sets in a Match, XGames in each Set, andPointsinan XGame.A typical Singles Match might consist of, best of 3 sets .Ineachset, the first player to win 2 games, will win the set.Thefirstplayer to win 3 points takes that game.How do you win a point?A pair of lanes is needed and order of play goes like this.Player A bowls a first ball, then Player B his first. BacktoPlayerA for his second ball, then Player B his second. (thiswayyou knowexactly how you are going against your opposition,ballforball).The winner of the frame is awarded one point, where aStrikebeatsany spare, a spare beats an open frame. If both bowl aspare,thehighest first ball pinfall wins. If both open theframe,highesttotal takes the point. Say both bowl a strike orexactlythe samespare (eg 9spare v 9spare), then the point isreplayedtill one gainsadvantage, that's when the point isawarded.With XGB, every shot you make is important, bowl a strikeandyoucan not lose the point. Even if you dont strike, itsimportanttobowl the highest first ball count as you can and thenfollow itwitha spare to give yourself best possible chance towinpoints.Strikes and spares do not carry over into the next pointthough,evenif you have several strikes going, next ball you bowlisequally asimportant to you and your opposition to win thatnextpoint.Teams.A match is the same format, Sets, XGames and XFrames. Eachmemberofthe team bowls a frame against his opposite number to winapointfor the team. Usually the number of points needed to winaXGame isset to match the number of bowlers in each team, but asinSingles,every shot is important.There are some interesting rules which can be applied toteamlineupwhich can introduce team tactics into our sport. Couldgetveryinteresting.There are certain times in the match when a team maychangetheirlineup. This could become a strategic move to gainadvantageto winmore of the frames. Only one team may change at thestart ofeachSet, the opposition has their chance to change at thestart ofthefollowing set.Matches have adjustable number of Sets/XGames/XFramestocreatesuitable time constraints.
My Lane Play
Step up your bowling game! Take your bowling preparation to thenextlevel.
Strike Out Stats
Written by an Avid Bowler, this Bowlingappwill track stats that will help improve your game!Keep track of your bowling stats by adding games frame byframe,roll by roll! Enter Bowling Pins you left per shot to seewhatspares you leave, how often you leave them, and how often youpickthem up!League Play! Organize your bowling games into the leagues youplayin so you can see how you are performing in each league!Tournament Games! Default tournament modes are singles, doubles,orteam. But you can add any other type of tournament that yourollin. Tournaments allow you to enter different types of games forthesame day of a tournament.Enter game specific details so you can track stats by BowlingBall,Bowling League, Bowling Alley, Oil Pattern, etc!-If you don't feel like adding bowling games pin by pin, you canaddonly game score.-Backup / Restore bowler information! On the first page ofStrikeout Stats tap Menu -> Import/Export Database.-Import scores from trial. NOTE: Must export the database fromthedemo version first. After exporting from the demo, you canthenimport that database into the full version.-Edit Tenth Frame - Once your game is over you can edit any framebytapping the frame number above that frame.
Frames for Android 4.00
Frames is a very easy to use scoring and statistics programforbowlers.
Bowling Score Calculator PRO 1.0.1
A very simple, user friendly and ad-free apptocalculate bowling scores of you and your friends and teammates.With Bowling Score Calculator PRO you can:- Keep track of a maximum of 8 scores at a time- Play several rounds, while the app calculates the total scoresandaverages of all players- See the round, total and average scores of all players aftereachround- Share these scores via Social Media
PBA XtraFrame
PBA's Xtraframe is the exclusive online bowling channelfortheProfessional Bowlers Association. It consists oflivestreamingcoverage of National, and some PBA50 and regionalevents.It alsoincludes product demonstrations, interviews andspecialXtraFrameproductions. PBA,XtraFrame,Xtra,Frame,Bowling,Professional,Bowlers,Association,Live,Tournaments
Bowling NBF 2.1.3
All your scores in the pocket!