Top 2 Apps Similar to American Title Service

Real Estate Master IIIx 10.2.1
Calculated Industries
All the Power and Versatility of the Real EstateMasterIIIxcalculator – on your Android Smartphone. And whileperhapsobvious,if you change from an Android device to an iPhone oriPad,you WILLneed to buy a new license as they are incompatible. •Allthe realestate and finance functionality of the Real EstateMasterIIIxcalculator • No learning curve -- just onepowerful,easy-to-usecalculator app • Full User's Guide built in aswell asability topress and hold a key for specific help The RealEstateMaster IIIxmortgage payment calculator app fromCalculatedIndustries givesReal Estate professionals the power,portabilityand ease-of-use ofthe Real Estate Master IIIx calculatoron yourAndroid Smartphone.Calculate complete finance and mortgagepaymentsolutions withmortgage insurance, amortization, FHA, ARMs,rent vs.buycomparisons and more. Ideal for new agents andprofessionals–anyone who doesn't require buyer qualifying functions• Enterhomeloan scenario and quickly calculate PITI and other"what-ifs"•Compare renting vs. buying finance costs, includingestimatedtaxsavings • Calculate future values and propertyappreciation•Instantly calculate your clients' real estate financeandmortgagepayment questions Details: Built-in solutions: •CompletePITIpayments, including FHA • Amortizations with remainingbalances•Rent vs. Buy finance comparisons and estimated tax savings•FutureValue, property appreciation • Automatic sales priceanddownpayment calculations with LTV • Bi-weekly vs. monthlymortgageloancomparisons • Calculate APR for Truth-In-LendingStatements •ComboLoans and Interest Only Payments • Simplifycomplex ARMs •Built-inDate Math function for closing and expiredates SpecialFunctions:• Amortization screen lets you see allamortization ormortgageloan data at once and e-mail it directlyfrom the appscreen onyour phone • E-mail home loan worksheets toyour clientsfrom yourAndroid Smartphone • Built-in help – justpress and holdthedesired key for full, clear definitions,explanations andexamplesof keystrokes • Triple Zero Key Saves Timeand Keystrokes •EntryEditing Backspace – with a swipe of a finger•User-DefinablePreferences TRADEMARKS: Real Estate Master® isaregisteredtrademark of Calculated Industries, Inc.
Closing Cost Calculator 1.0.7
Closing Cost Calculator is a simple,andinvaluable assistant by selling and buying real estatepropertyacross Florida, USA. It is built for offline work andprovided toyou free of charge.• All the estimations of closing fees are handled easierthanever. You only have to enter Purchase Price, MortgageAmount,Lender Charges, Real Estate Commission, and check eitherSingleFamily Residence or Condominium.• Then the app will do everything for you: divide thecostsbetween the buyer and the seller and make calculations,whichafterwards can be sent to any specific e-mail.• The full calculated output includes Settlement Fee,Owner'sTitle Insurance, Doc Stamp on Deed, Title Search, MunicipalLienSearch, Total Mortgage Fees, Lenders Policy,EnvironmentalEndorsement, Florida Form 9, Doc Stamp on Mortgage,Intangible Taxon Mortgage, Commission, Condo or PUD Estoppel /Transfer Fee,Recording Fee, Digital Documents, Survey, Legal Fee,Wire Fee,Courier Fee, File Storage Fee, and Escrow Fee.• That's it - quick, simple, and fully informative. You mayalsomake adjustments as for dividing the costs between the buyerandthe seller.Closing Cost Calculator by First Title Trust is meantforestimate purposes only, and may not reflect the final cost.Please contact us for any further questions regarding ourproduct- we are always glad and ready to answer them.