Top 15 Apps Similar to AGC Puerto Rico

Firehouse Subs Puerto Rico 1.0.0
¡Descubre el nuevo App de Firehouse Subs Puerto Rico!¡Apagatuhambre! Entra a nuestros App y ten acceso fácil alassiguientesopciones: Cupones Digitales: Ofertas exclusivas atravésdel App.Menú: Información de cada producto. Catering;Obtendráinformaciónsobre nuestro servicio de catering y contactoparaordenar.Restaurantes: Encuentra tu restaurante máscercano:Informacióndetallada de la localización de cada restauranteparaqueplanifiques tu ruta integrada. Nuevas promociones:lanzamientosdenuevos productos. Nosotros: Conocerás nuestrahistoria desdeelcomienzo. Contacto: Formato vía e-mail para podercontactarnosynos comunicaremos con usted.
LLÉGALE 5.0.17
Explore and enjoy the island to your style in Puerto Rico.
Conductor Puerto Rico 4.0
Examen teórico y guía interactiva dedicadaalConductor Aprendiz de Puerto Rico. Este manual ha sidodiseñadopara que de una forma simple, rápida y eficiente, puedaaprendersobre las Practicas y Reglamentos de la Ley de Vehículos yTransitoen Puerto Rico.El examen interactivo sigue los patrones de enseñanza maseficientespara que el usuario aprenda y retenga la informaciónpresentada demanera rápida y eficiente.Theoretical examandinteractive guide dedicated to Apprentice Conductor PuertoRico.This manual is designed for a simple, quick and efficient waytolearn about the practices and regulations of the Law on VehicleandTraffic in Puerto Rico.Interactive examination follows the patterns of teachingmoreefficient for the user to learn and retain theinformationpresented quickly and efficiently.
Univision 40 North Carolina 1.41.1
News of immigration, elections 2020, time, horoscopes, lotterymuchmore.
Univision 21 Fresno 1.41.1
News of immigration, elections 2020, time, horoscopes, lotterymuchmore.
Gustazos 2.1.25
Todo lo que necesitas para las mejores experiencias ahoramásaccesible que an..
Univision Chicago 1.41.1
News of immigration, elections 2020, time, horoscopes, lotterymuchmore.
Atlantida Connect Money Transfers 1.7.8
Send money from the US safely, fast, and easily to yourlovedonesabroad with the Atlantida Connect app. - Choose betweenCashpickupor Credit to a Bank Account reception options - Pay withyourBankaccount, Debit Card, or Credit Card - Login using TouchIDWithAtlantida Connect App you can: - Send moneyinternationally-Review your transaction history - Add/edit yourlistofbeneficiaries - Add/edit your sending methods. Use card scantoaddcredit and debit cards easily. - Send recent transactionsinjustone step with the quick send option - Get a quick quoteofyourtransfer to calculate the service fee and the amountyourrecipientwill receive. - Edit your profile details and viewyourdailysending limit - Check the daily exchange rateAtlantidaConnect appis powered by UniTeller, a subsidiary ofGrupoFinanciero Banorte.Atlantida Connect app is developed andsupportedby CognamTechnologies (
Calamity 10.1.24
Calamity is the app that allows you to report extremeweatherevents,natural events, astronomical phenomena and man-madeevent,and toreceive alerts in real time based on the reports sentbyother usersin your area or in the rest of the world. Alertsareonly received ifthe event is reported by a sufficient numberofusers in the affectedarea. The events that the app manages areasfollows: Weatherphenomena - Extreme heat - Extreme cold -Strongthunderstorm - Heavyrain - Hailstorm - Strong wind -Strongsnowfall - Tornado -Hurricane impact - Waterspout - Seastorm -Sand storm - Rainbow -Lunar halo Natural phenomena -Earthquake -Wildfire - Flooding -River flooding - Lake flooding -Torrentflooding - Landslide -Avalanche - Insect infestation -Tsunami -Vulcanic eruption - Ashemission - Lava emission -LaharAstronomical events - Meteor -Meteor shower - NorthernlightsArtificial events - Sonic Bang -Explosion - Fire - UFO
Cubanet sin Censura - Noticias 2.4
Freedom apps
Keep up with the news from Cuba. Avoid censorship using Psiphon VPN
Univision Arizona 1.41.1
News of immigration, elections 2020, time, horoscopes, lotterymuchmore
CESCO Digital 2.9.6
Access your DTOP record in a easy and convenient way fromyourDigital DMV
BUREA: Cashback, Cupones & Ahorros 2.64.4
Ahorrar en la compra de tus productos favoritos no tiene quesercomplicado recortando cupones o buscando de tienda en tienda.BUREAte da CASHBACK por comprar tus marcas y productos favoritos enlastiendas participantes. Además de recibir CASHBACK alredimirofertas, también ganas al completar encuestas, compartirlaaplicación con tus amigos y participar en sorteos yprogramasexclusivos. Únete a los miles de usuarios que recibenCASHBACKdesde la comodidad de su celular. Descarga la aplicación ycomienzaa BUREAr. Es así de fácil: 1. BUSCA - Las ofertas en laaplicacióny compra los productos con los que podrás ahorrar encualquiertienda participante. 2. REDIME - Tomándole una fotoalrecibo/ticket de compra o participando en concursos,sorteos,encuestas y programas exclusivos. 3. AHORRA - Una vezaprobada turedención, se te acreditará a tu cuenta de BUREA elCASHBACKcorrespondiente. Es fácil, seguro y ¡gratis! Olvídate depasartrabajo y comienza a ahorrar con BUREA. ¡Anímate, que bureandosevive mejor!
Finhabits: Invest. Learn. Plan. 1.16
Join a community dedicated to mastering financialhabits.WithFinhabits you can invest for your future, improveyourmoneyhabits, and make budgeting easier. Get the app and signupinEnglish or Spanish! We offer three different investmentaccountssothat you can prepare for emergencies, work towardsyourretirement,and reach your mid- to long-term goals.Becauseeverything isautomated, it’s easier to stick to your plan.•••INVEST LIKE A PRO••• Start with as little as $20 a week inadiversified investmentportfolio. Our fractional sharestechnologylets you buy low-costindex ETFs from BlackRock, Vanguard,andGoldman Sachs. No stockpicking here! Our portfolios are designedbya financial expertwith over 15 years of experience. •••LEARNHABITS FOR SUCCESS •••We know that many families don’t oftentalkabout building goodmoney habits. That’s why our appincludeshelpful account updatesas well as video and articlecollectionswith tips from experts.Plus, join one of our funJourneys and startdeveloping new moneyskills and habits in justfive minutes a day!••• KEEP TABS ON YOURCASH ••• Tracking yourfinancial health hasbecome more importantthan ever. Now you canenroll in MoneyInsights**, a tool thatsends you transaction alertswhen it detectsunusual activity inyour bank accounts linked toFinhabits. Stay inthe know and keeptrack of your cash flow! ••• NOHIDDEN FEES •••Each account is $2a month** per $5,000 of balance.For example, ifthe balance inyour account is $10,000, your feewould be $4 amonth. Yoursubscription includes unlimited deposits,withdrawals,trading,rebalancing, and dividend reinvestments. It’sthat simple!Get intouch with us at 1-800-492-1175 [email protected].—————————————* To receive Money Insights you mustactivate thefeature in theFinhabits mobile app and have a bankaccount linkedwith Finhabitsusing Instant Bank Connection (that is,using yourbank’s login andpassword). ** Other custodialfees/expenses mayapply and will bereflected in the pricing of theETFs you investin. These fees arenot part of the monthly cost.There’s nothingmore important to usthan keeping your money andpersonalinformation safe. WithFinhabits, you can count onbank-levelsecurity. And rest assured,your money is held in accountsinsuredup to $500,000 by SIPC.Finhabits, Inc. is a digitalfinancialservices company. Advisoryservices are offered throughFinhabitsAdvisors, LLC., anSEC-registered digital investmentadvisor.Registration does notimply a certain level of skill ortraining.Securities are offeredthrough Apex Clearing Corporation, amemberof FINRA/SIPC.Investments are not FDIC insured and may losevalue.Investinginvolves risk and investments may lose value,includingthe loss ofprincipal. Please consider your objectives andFinhabitsfeesbefore investing. Past performance does notguaranteefutureresults. All images are for illustrative purposesonly andshowhypothetical accounts, balance, growth, and do notrepresentanactual or typical client experience. Forimportantlegaldisclosures regarding Finhabits, pleasecarefullyreview © 2020 FinhabitsInc. Allrightsreserved
Univision 65 Philadelphia 1.41.1
Immigration news, elections 2020, weather, horoscopes, lotterymuchmore.