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KASKUS Jual Beli, aplikasi mobileinidiperuntukkan bagi para penikmat Jual Beli di KASKUS.Tersedia untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan bagi para Seller danBuyeryang kesehariannya lebih sering bermain di KASKUS Jual Beli.Denganaplikasi ini, aktivitas ekplorasi di KASKUS Jual bakalanterasalebih cepat dan ringan.Berikut adalah keseruan yang bisa diakses di Aplikasi KASKUSJualBeli :* Melihat daftar produk yang dijual oleh Seller* Membuat lapak jualan di KASKUS Jual Beli* Tampilan detil produk yang lebih nyaman* Edit lapak jualan* Cari lapak berdasarkan kategori dan kolom search* Private message* Share lapak ke media sosial* Melihat jumlah dan mencairkan dana Saldo Brankas* Notifikasi dari Transaksi Penjualan dan Pembelian* Atur alamat dan pengiriman yang berguna untuk transaksi* Metode pembayaran yang mudah dan beragam.
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GrabKios: Agen Pulsa, PPOB, Transfer Uang 129-RELEASE.20210504-1100
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Shoop! Social E-Commerce
FirZil Tech
Shoop v.4.9 is Finally HERE!Shop, Share, Sell.Shoop! is a mobile marketplace that deliversfun,personalizedbrowsing and shopping experience in yourmobilephone.FEATURES FOR SHOPPERS:You don't need to browse e-commerce in Indonesia one byoneusingyour mobile phone browsers. Shoop! helps you save yourtimeandbandwidth (and money!) by delivering beautifulproductsfromIndonesia from well known marketplaces/e-commerce andalsopopularbrands and merchant all in one place.1. Makes it easy to browse from a lot ofe-commercefromIndonesia2. Follow your favorite brands/merchant, to get notifiedforanypromotion or discounts!3. Discover new items loved by your friends, don't miss outonnewtrends4. Easily sort, filter, or find great lookingproductsfromtrusted e-commerce5. Chat with the seller to learn more (and evenhaggle)beforemaking a purchase6. Love your favorite items and showcase your beautifulwishlistto your friends (or buy it when there's a promotion)7. Shoop!'s engine will learn about you and over timewillonlyshow you items you might like or buy (or ones thathaveHUGEdiscount :p).8. WATCH OUT for promoted items! make sure to love and shareittoyour friends to earn points that can be used as discount ortobuyyour favorite items9. Shoop! is designed heavily for social users that lovetobrowsearound cool and beautiful items while in traffic orwaitingsomeone(or when your boss is not around :p)FEATURES FOR SELLERS:Upload your product to multiple marketplace/onlinestoreplatform!Shoop! is an e-commerce assistant app designed tohelpyou sellonline easier.1. Start selling online very easily from your mobilephone,yousimply DO NOT NEED a computer2. Take picture with camera or use from gallery, crop ittoyourneed, then sell it. That's it!3. If you sell in facebook, instagram, or BBM, thenShoop!isdefinitely for you.4. Chat with buyers to easily build their confidenceandincreasesales5. Get quick notifications in your pocket when someonebuyyouritems to quickly follow it up before buyers loseinterest.6. Gather your follower, and build your brand/e-commerceIf you sell online, or an e-commerce seller, or doe-commerceininstagram, e-commerce in facebook, or e-commerce intwitter,thenShoop! will definitely help you out a lot.===================IMPORTANT====================Since Shoop! v.4.0 has pivoted to becomefullfledgedmarketplace.For those that is looking for the previous version,pleasecheck AGAIN==============Please make sure to UNCHECK "Don't keep activities" markonDeveloperOptions in your Setting Menu, or the app willnotwork Jual Beli Online 1.1.4 is the online trading centerthatcontinues to grow. We present as container trading and post adsforFREE. The site is open to anyone. Ordinary citizens who wanttosell used goods can through this site. For both businesses,SMEsand entrepreneurs can also advertise for also as a place to find new and used goods suchasproduct quality cheap mobile phones, computers, fashion, usedcars,motorcycles, homes and property, householdappliances,miscellaneous services and also job. For sellers, postfree ads isone of the services provided by Your adwill be seenby hundreds of thousands of people every day.Transaction, whether sale or purchase is notcharged. Even whenyou sell the goods we still do not charge fees,all supplied freeof charge. Join now together with other memberswho are alreadyregistered. How to Use Facility banjubel.comTo use the advertising / sales of your products, you can use itifyou are already registered as our member. For that, you doadvanceregistration (Free) and subsequently in the area, you clickon"Edit my ads" located on the left sidebar.If you do not advertise, then you can do so by + new ad, filloutthe form that you are completely in accordance with the commandandthen click on Adverts. So right then your ad will be shown onourweb.  How to Buy products in banjubel.comIt should be emphasized again that, we will not be responsibleforall transactions that take place between you and the seller/advertiser on our web. Because transactions occur directlybetweenyou and the seller. We will not engage in a transaction thatyoudid.To that end, more vigilant and prudent in order / buy productsinour web, because absolute is the seller of the product input,whichsold it to you. And if then you find a seller who cheat,thenreport it to us by calling the contact or by marking the adsasspam. You simply open the ad, and in the right corner, click onthemark and select spam. Caution against any fraud.
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Shopper Crux
" THE WORLD SAW ONLINE SHOPPING. WE SAWANOPPORTUNITY FOR ALL LOCAL BUSINESS PLAYERS TO BRING THEM ONLINE"ShopperCrux is a passion online e-commerce platform withatechnology soul which will provide an opportunity for everySeller/ Service Provider to Advertise / Market / Promote theirbusiness /Service digitally. We help by creating virtual onlinestore forevery individual business player and bring them online foronlineshopping.We are powered by a trans-formative business model,proprietarytechnology, and some of the smartest people on earth,we're tryingto position ourselves to challenge old & new onlineshoppingsystems and rewrite new rules to help all small, medium andlargescale business players to be online & sell all theiroffers topeople stay nearby them.By giving people a remarkable access to all the offers intheshops nearby, we’re changing the meaning of ownership —andrevolutionizing retail in the process.Our Moto is to bring every shop online and provide them withanopportunity to digitally & dynamically advertise theirBusiness/ Offers / Services by themselves and shop onlineWE’RE NOT DISRUPTING AN EXISTING MARKET. WE’RE CREATING ANEWONE.While many life necessities have evolved into the 21stcentury(Clothing, Groceries, Electronics, Clothing, music, movies,carrides, hotel rooms etc) & the most of them beenpurchasedonline, but our neighborhood stores has been left behind.Byrethinking it, we’re championing a new model and reinventingretailto be smarter and more in line with how we actually live ourlives.We exist because we believe a beautiful product exists aroundyouand should be experienced before owning it.TECHNOLOGY DOESN’T START REVOLUTIONS. PEOPLE DO.
Dogs Cats Pet Store-DogsMart 6.2
Dogs Cats Pet Store is the worlds 1st app which deals with saleofpets online
ClasificadosOnline 16.0
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