Top 18 Apps Similar to Parla italiano

Speak Italian : Learn Italian 1.1.10
Speak Italian fluently from many languages with Audios, ImagesandGames.
Learn Italian | Translator 16.0.0
Easily learn Italian phrases and words! Speak Italianwithconfidence!
Learn Italian. Speak Italian 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn Italian with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the Italian language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core Italian words,formsentences, learn to speak Italian phrases and take partinconversations. Fun Italian lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Italian language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Italian language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofItalian grammar lessons and at the end of a fullsemester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence orsay“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learnalanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Italian phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Italian pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Italian words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Italian clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningItalian. Mondly teaches you Italian vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Italian. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreItalianvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakItalianclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Italian verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Italian is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Italian lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Learn Italian Words Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Italian travel phrases,slang,business language...
Curso de Italiano Gratis 1.0
Aprende a hablar el italiano con este curso gratis paso a paso.Unhermoso idioma para incorporar del que no te vas aarrepentir.Lecciones fáciles y gratis. Aprender Italiano de unaforma rápida.Learntospeak Italian with this free step by step course. Abeautifullanguage to incorporate the that you will not regret it.Lessonseasy and free. Learn Italian quickly.
Busuu: Learn Italian
Speak, study & learn Italian - vocabulary, grammar,funexercises & more
Learn Italian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
iTalk Italian 1.0.1
Do you want to speak Italian language with a beautifulnativeaccent?▶ Use "iTalk Italian" and native speakers will guideyoustep bystep. ▶ Listen, record yourself, compare and learn,havefun! ▶ It'seasy and quick – and at the end you will havethecourage go out andtalk to people – this is what we promiseyou!You will find in thisapp: ▶ the most useful day to day phrasessoYOU will be prepared forconversations ▶ professionalvoices;excellent clarity ▶ quiz tests ▶innovative interface with“Fluid”technology Learning a foreignlanguage is an incrediblyexperienceand a serious confidencebooster. Use this app to achieveabeautiful accent and more!
Learn Italian Basic Lessons 3.0.1
Learn Italian with our basic lessons. Classes to learnvocabulary& expressions!
Italian Verbs 14051
Browse and search the conjugations of the most common Italian verbs
Learn Italian
So, you want to learn Italian in no time?Youneed MosaLingua! Innovative and effective, our applicationhashelped more than 600,000 people all over the world learn Italianinonly 10 minutes per day - with actual results!Popular on app stores, MosaLingua also comes highly recommendedbythe media and many specialized blogs:--- selected among the 5 best languages apps ------ It really works ------ MosaLingua isn't just a success, it's a revolution ---Learn more about MosaLingua by watching the demonstration videoon free to try our smartphone application for free: you'll seeforyourself how well it works!It's a powerful and effective tool - ideal for people who wanttospeak Italian in no time, without taking long, boringlanguagecourses.It's useful in any situation: our method can help you whileyoutravel, in the workplace, and in everyday life with ourcoursesthat suit your language needs.THE BENEFITS OF MOSALINGUA:1) Useful, practical contentDon't waste your time with notions and courses that won't helpyou.Instead, learn the 20% that you'll use 80% of the time.2) An innovative method based on scientific researchOur international team is made up of expert polyglots who'veusedthe most modern and proven learning, memorization andconsolidationtechniques (SRS, active recall, metacognition,etc.).3) Coaching throughout the learning processTo succeed, you can count on our review sessions thatconsolidatewhat you've learned, our mini lessons, and our advicefor betterunderstanding Italian vocabulary.4) Learning and having fun at the same timeAchieve great results and have fun doing so: your progresswillboost your MOTIVATION, which is key to any learning plan.To learn Italian, download MosaLingua now - you won'tregretit!
Learn and play Italian words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
Aprende Italiano hablando 1.13
Fasoft LTD
"Aprende Italiano hablando" esunamodernaaplicación que sirve para una efectiva y eficazcomunicaciónen elidioma italiano. Está destinada tanto para losprincipiantescomopara los que quieran enriquecer su vocabulario.Los creadoressecentraron en la destreza lingüística más importante,es decir,lahabilidad de sostener conversaciones fluidas en elidiomaitaliano.Un innovador método de comunicación empleado enlaaplicación,permite eliminar rápido la barrera lingüística,yexpresarse confluidez en las situaciones cotidianas.La aplicación está destinada, sobre todo, paralaspersonasinteresadas en dominar de una manera activa elidiomaitaliano.Todas las palabras, expresiones y diálogos hansidograbados porlectores profesionales de italiano. Una lógicadivisiónen 127temas y categorías, junto con una búsquedarápida,permiteencontrar enseguida cada palabra o expresiónnecesitada.La aplicación muy bien puede servir como un traductorquehabla,durante los viajes al extranjero. Gracias a ella,tecomunicaráscon facilidad en todas las situaciones típicas,porejemplo en unatienda, en un banco, en un hotel, en unaeropuerto...Sin problemascomprarás un billete en la taquilla,harás un pedidoen unrestaurante, preguntarás por el camino oacordarás unacita.La aplicación es una excelente propuesta para las personasqueseestán preparando para los exámenes orales del idioma italiano,oqueviajan al extranjero con fines turísticos, paratrabajaroestudiar.Las características más importantes:- grabaciones con la participación de italianos nativos- 127 grupos temáticos y categorías- prácticas charlas, conversaciones y diálogos- diccionario italiano-español, español-italiano- aprendizaje de la pronunciación correcta- creación de diálogos y escenas de situaciones- innovador sistema de la memorización de las expresiones- búsqueda rápida de palabras y expresiones- escritura fonética simplificada- ejemplos del uso de palabras en las frases- curso de conversaciones del idioma italiano- reproductor integrado de palabras y expresionesUna aplicación, gracias a la cual, rápido ysinesfuerzo,empezarás a hablar en italiano. Incluso si antesnoconocías ni unapalabra en este idioma. Aquí no hayningunosejercicios nigramática aburrida. El innovador método“EasyTalk”,empleado en laaplicación, es tan fácil y rápido, que yadespués deunos minutoshablarás en italiano. GARANTIZAMOS.La versión gratuita de la aplicación contiene 800palabrasyexpresiones. En cambio, en la versión completaestándisponiblesmás de 4000 palabras, expresiones y frases."Learn Italiantalking"isa modern application that serves for effectiveandefficientcommunication in Italian. It is intended forbothbeginners andthose who want to enrich their vocabulary.Thecreators focused onthe most important language skills, ietheability to holdconversations in fluent Italian. Aninnovativemethod ofcommunication used in the application, fastereliminatesthelanguage barrier, and fluent in everyday situations.The application is designed especially for thoseinterestedinactively mastering a language Italian. All words,phrasesanddialogues have been recorded by professional readers ofItalian.Alogical division in 127 subjects and categories, alongwith aquicksearch, you find every word or expressionimmediatelyneeded.The application may well serve as a translatorspeakingduringforeign travel. With it, you will communicate withease inalltypical situations, such as in a store, a bank, ahotel,airport... No problems will buy a ticket at the box office,youwill makean order in a restaurant, ask for the road orrememberanappointment.The application is an excellent proposition for thosewhoarepreparing for the oral examination of the Italianlanguage,ortraveling abroad for tourism, for work or study.The most important features:- Recordings involving native Italians- 127 clusters and categories- Practical lectures, discussions and dialogues- Dictionary Italian-Spanish, Spanish-Italian- Learning the correct pronunciation- Creating situations dialogues and scenes- Innovative system for memorizing the expressions- Quick search for words and expressions- Simplified phonetic writing- Examples of the use of words in sentences- Course of Italian language conversations- Integrated player of words and expressionsAn application, thanks to which, quickly andeffortlessly,beginto speak Italian. Even if we do not know a wordin English.Herethere are no dull exercises or grammar. Theinnovativemethod"EasyTalk" as used in the application, it is soeasy andfast, andafter a few minutes you will speak inItalian.GUARANTEE.The free version of the application contains 800wordsandexpressions. In contrast, in the full version areavailablemorethan 4000 words, phrases and sentences.
Tutti Dizionario Italiano
Type a word and Search all Italian dictionaries simultaneously.
Learn Italian Phrasebook 4.0.0
Learn Italian the easy way with this FREE phrasebook. 300+usefulphrases
Nemo Italian 1.5.0
Nemo Apps LLC
Speak the most useful words in Italian immediately and confidently
Prononciation français 1.0
You can practise your French listening,Frenchpronunciation and French vocabulary. It's a great app forimprovingyour skills when you have a spare minute. It is verysimple andintuitive to use. Click the language button to speak andthe micbutton to check your pronunciation. Easy! Best of all, thisapp isfree!To Install Speak Button - Text To SpeechOn your device --Settings --> Language & Input --> Text-To-Speechoutput--> Google Text-To-Speech Engine --> Install VoiceData
Learn Italian for Beginners 18.0
Zeemish Labs
- Learn Italian for Beginners in 31 Days - 100% Offline.