Top 10 Apps Similar to Traffic Monsoon Money Maker

Traffic Monsoon for Android 0.2
Use this app to log in to yourTrafficMonsoonwebsite account, watch ads and check your balance/progress.You can also sign up to Traffic Monsoon for free usingthisapp.Once you've created your account, use Payza to buy adpacksandmonitor the progress of your daily income.++ Download the free earnings calculator from the app toseewhatyour income* with Traffic Monsoon could look like ++What is Traffic Monsoon?TrafficMonsoon is a specialized advertising andrevenuesharingcompany that allows international participationofindividuals andgroups. Our services provide highqualityadvertising targeted forpeople seeking for a way to earnmoneyonline along with completeaccount privacy, top levelonlinesecurity, efficient accountmanagement, and a dedicatedsupportteam.The company's traffic generation resources are capableofsendingyour website several thousands of visitors quickly. Allourmembershave equal opportunity to benefit from anattractiverevenue sharingplan on a long-term basis. There is trulyno riskto our revenuesharing plan, because the quality ofadvertisingservices you'repaying for out-weigh the price. You'llreallynotice the differencewith TrafficMonsoon in results, andprofitsharing.Traffic Monsoon aspires to go beyond the standards setbyothers,and progress forward to raise the bar of excellence.Itbelievesthat true prosperity & success can be accomplishedasitscommunity shares its goals, and focuses on efforts tobringtheseservices into the hands of those who need them most.* This app and website should not be regarded as anofferorsolicitation to conduct investment business orprovidefinancialadvice. The information expressed is availablethrough thewebsiteand is not my own. Any outcome is theresponsibility oftheaffiliate. Always carry out your own checks andonly put inwhatyou can safely afford. Always read the FAQs andTerms&Conditions.
TrafficMonsoon Browser - Earn 1.0
يمكنك الربح من خلال :1) مشاهدة الإعلانات اليومية2) شراء باقات إعلانية بقيمة 50دولار و التي تعود بفائدة55دولار3) السحب فوري على : بايبال/ بايزا/ سوليد تراست بايWhat is TrafficMonsoon?TrafficMonsoon is a specialised advertising and revenuesharingcompany that allows international participation ofindividuals andgroups. Their services provide high qualityadvertising targetedfor people seeking for a way to earn moneyonline along withcomplete account privacy, top level onlinesecurity, efficientaccount management, and a dedicated supportteam.Who can benefit from that business?This business is built in a way to satisfy every online worker.Bothadvertisers and free members can find satisfactionwithTrafficMonsoon.You can use TrafficMonsoon as an:- Advertising platform to get new customers and signups toyourbusiness.- Income source by participating to the revenuesharingsystem.- Income source as being an affiliate marketer andbringreferrals.What services do TrafficMonsoon offer?TrafficMonsoon is an hybrid advertising website. The fourmainfeatures on this website are the Traffic Exchange, theRevenueSharing, the Cash Links and the Affiliate Program.Traffic ExchangeYou can visit websites to earn advertising credits and showyourwebsite to other members.Revenue SharingTrafficMonsoon offers up to 110% cashback on youradvertisingpackage purchases.Cash LinksEarn $0.001 to $0.02 for every cash link you visit.Affiliate ProgramEarn 10% commissions on every referral purchase.Earn 100% commissions per referral cash link click.Get more details about how to earn money with TrafficMonsooninthe 'How to Earn Money' page.If you are ready to take your business to another level,downloadthe app and register. I will then be informed of yourjoiningapplication and i will then add you to our network ofrevenuesharers and affiliates.
Traffic-Monsoon 3
This app will give you direct accesstoTrafficMonsoon site and allows you to register for free andgetvisitors inyour traffic exchange.Think of Traffic Monsoon as a traffic exchange mixedwithapaid-to-click site.But instead of rental referrals, we have adpacks thatgiveadservice + sharing positions that share up to $55 .. Youmustclickat least 10 ads in the traffic exchange to qualifyforreferralclick earnings & sharing each day.. Qualifying lasts24hours,just like needing to qualify for referral clicks&rentalearnings on a paid-to-click.Some have wondered--- can earning on a paid-to-clicksitebeprofitable? If so, how?More referrals will be more money for you.10 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 30 days =$30fromyour referral clicks10 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 365 days =$365fromyour referral clicks500 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 30 days=$1,500from your referral clicks500 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 365 days=$18,250from your referral clicks1000 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 30 days=$3,000from your referral clicks1000 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 365 days=$36,500from your referral clicksThis is not a guarantee of income, but an example of whatyoucanearn by referring new members to Traffic Monsoon who clickoncashlinks.There are really 4 opportunities to earn withtrafficmonsoon.-- paid to click-- using ad services to generate leads to make money inyourprimarybusiness-- revenue sharing-- direct sales commissionsEach one can be your main focus, or all of them.Naturally,themore you utilize all 4 of these ways to earn money,the moreyou'llearn.You'll receive 10% commissions from all yourreferralpurchases,except for cash link purchases. There's nocommissionsfrom cashlink purchases, because all the money fromthose purchasesaredivided up to be rewarded to clickers and thesponsor oftheclicker.
TM Calculator 1.0
Traffic Monsoon Calculatoruseful application for investorscalculate the exact time of the reinvestmentlet your money is not wasted
»» How much is a Bonus Ad Point worth?Each bonus ad point will deliver $0.0005 (3100 = $1.55) worthof'bonus ads' to your account asap! As each ad is delivered toyouraccount, your BAP balance is reduced by thecorrespondingamount.Important: You must interact with the ads that are sent toyouwithin 18hours, or they will be recycled (sent to somebodyelse),and you will thereby forfeit the Bonus Ad Points consumed asthatad was presented to you.»» How do I earn Bonus Ad Points for free?View "BAP" ads from your Paid Ads page. You'll receive 16* 25BAPadseach server day until you have viewed 100 BAP ads in total. Andfromthen on you'll receive 8x 25 BAP ads each server day.»» How do I earn bonus ad points?In addition to the free ways to earn Bonus Ad Points asmentionedabove. You can also earn Bonus Ad Points by purchasingadvertisingwith us.»» Every $1.00 of Bulk Advertising you purchase will add3100(worth $1.55 in cash) BAP to your account.»» PAYMENT PROCESSOR ACCEPTED: PayPal, Payza,SolidTrustPay,Neteller, Bank Wire, Western Union, Perfect Money,BitCoin.»» Minimum to Withdraw: $2.»» Bonus Ad Points (BAP) are essentially your earningpotentialwhen it comes to receiving paid Bulk Ads. If you have 1000BAP,then you will receive paid bonus ads totalling $0.50 inclickvalue, as soon as possible. As each ad is delivered toyouraccount, the corresponding amount of BAP is deductedinstantly.Irrelevant of whether you interact (and get paid) withthe ad ornot.»» Also note that if you have 1000 BAP, then yourearningpotential is limited / capped to receiving ads no greaterthan$0.50 in value... So if you only have 1000 BAP, and there is a$1paid ad in circulation, you will not be elegible to receive itasthat would require 2000 BAP to receive that ad...Thereforemaintianing a big BAP balance is key to receiving thehighest valueads.»» BAP Groups / Levels:In addition to random + targeted paid ads in circulation, thereisgenerally a daily ad issue where you are most likely to receivethehighest value ads for the amount of BAP you have. To earn moreinthe daily ad issues, climb the BAP groupings below:100 to 16001600 to 64006400 to 1200012000 to 2400024k to 48k48k to 96k96k to 180k180k to 360k360k to 720k720k to 1.5m1.5m to 3m3m to 6m6m and up»» HERE you can see how much approx. every user earns daily.( )You can join and start clicking for free, or speed the processtoearn GOOD MONEY investing.If you invest $20, you will earn approx. $2 daily.If you invest $100, you will earn approx. $15 daily.If you invest $500, you will earn approx. $35 daily.If you invest $2000, you will earn approx. $140 daily.»» RESUME: HOW IT WORKS: (image)If you are interested, please register and send me an emailto:[email protected] and iwillexplain you better how it works, cashouts, what is better foryou,etc.Enjoy!
TrafficMoonSoon | Earn Money 1.1
PC VERSION: Money with TrafficMoonSoon1) Register2) In "my account" section, there will appear the availableads,you can click all of them once a day. You can get up to $1dailyjust from own clicks.3) You can cashout when you reach a minimum of $2 to thepaymentprocessors: Paypal, Payza, SolidTrustPay.4) If you are a investor, you can get an Ad Pack for $50.Withthis Pack, you get $55 after some days + Clicks for your yourpage+ banner credits for your page.You can cashout at any time, having a minimum of $2 to one ofthepayment processors: Paypal, Payza, SolidTrustPay.If you have any question, contact me.This app wasn't created by someone of TrafficMoonSoon LLC.
AdsKite 7.94
Are you a Business/Marketing manager looking for costefficientadvertising to increase your business & market reach?Do youknow outdoor and indoor advertising is the most effectivesolution?you can reach 1000s of people everydaywith bery highimpact. Do youwant to rent/buy the advertising medias from our hugecollection ofbillboards, transit vehicles, digital/electronicsmedia,stationary/gift articles, bills/tickets,phamplet/brochuresdistribution ,balloon advertising. Do you want tofind 100s ofvendors to find an efficient pricing. Adskite helpsyour businessgrow very high by helping you to advertise yourproducts throughmany media types. Adskite has 1000s of advertisingmedia listedlike billboards, transit vehicles, digital/electronicsmedia,stationary/gift articles, bills/tickets,phamplet/brochuresdistribution ,balloon advertising,printingservices, designingservices across India. As abusiness/customer/marketing manager,you can search your advertisingmedia (billboards & others asmentioned above) for your favoritelocations and rent them at anaffordable price. In adskite as abusiness/customer - search/reviewmedia (billboard & others asmentioned above) as per yourlocation & visitors & pricing -book/rent/buy media(billboard & others as mentioned above) -pay an advance amountto book the media (billboard & others asmentioned above) -communicate with vendors via emails & sms -you can send bulksms to your customers to advertise your productlistings ,available offers & discounts (ex: billboards etc asabove) -advertising through bulk sms you can get more customers&business in market
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100 make money ways and work from home ideas.
Quick PDF Scanner FREE
Whether you're sending receipts toyouremployer from the field or saving a magazine article forlater,Quick PDF Scanner will help you scan and digitize yourpaperdocuments with ease.The latest Quick PDF Scanner introduces a completelyoverhauledinterface, much faster image processing to make capturingyourdocuments swifter than ever and intelligent real-timeedgedetection.KEY ADVANTAGES • Flexible and modern user interface to suit your needs • Real-time tracking of your document frame providing thequickestand most accurate edge detection available forAndroid • Advanced camera configuration and full customization oftheresulting PDF file • Optical Character Recognition for swift photo to textconversionsin 49 languagesADVANCED SCANNING - Portable document scanning with awiderange of advanced camera features. • Streamlined interface to make faster scans • Real-time tracking of your document frame • Batch scanning for multipage documents • Ability to readjust scanned pages with new zoom andcroplevels • Custom scene and focus modes • Image capture in portrait and landscape orientation • Configurable color effects including white balance andexposurecompensation along with custom contrast in brightenthresholdmodeINTELLIGENT IMPORT OF EXTERNAL IMAGES - Import images andaddthem to your PDF documents. • Advanced integration with File Commander for easierimageimporting • Save scanned documents as images • Supports BMP, GIF, PNG, WEBP, and JPEG image formats • Work with external/internal device storage and create PDFsfromexisting image files • Import from connected cloud storage accounts such asDropbox,Google Drive and morePDF EXPORT AND CONFIGURATION - Configure your PDFs to getthebest possible accuracy and quality • Multi-page Optical Character Recognition (OCR) foreasydocument digitization • Automatic Backup and Restore to a connected GoogleDriveaccount • Custom page size - from the commonly used A4 and letterformatsto any user-defined size • Cover page creator - for a document to be shown as a thumbnailinthe documents list • Delete, add, copy, and move pages in custom documents • Save individual pages as images • Specify page formats, margins, quality, and resolution • Advanced PDF configuration can be applied to the wholedocumentor just a single pageEASY PDF MANAGEMENT AND SHARING - Browse, manage, store,andshare your created PDFs. • Print to networked and cloud-connected printers • Favorites and Recent folders for easy access tocreatedPDFs • Sort documents by their name, number of pages, and timeofcreation • Search by document name • Share via email, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, social networks,andcloud storage accounts** This version of Quick PDF Scanner lets you create your first10scans FREE! *** Add-ons for Xperia camera
Get Paid To Clicks 1.0
Pison Group
This application will direct you into listofPTCCara cari dollar tanpa modal1. click iklan untuk dibayar (PTC) bayarannya cuma$0.001/iklan?ga mslh, pakai bot (otomatis) tinggal jalanin, tunggusi robot ygklik iklan kita ngopi2 :)list PTC , robot dan pluginnya downloaddisniclickersinfo.blogspot.comkeygennya masing2 user beda2, jd bs request lgsng via bbm, waatauemail2. banyak waktu luang sekalian belajar ngetik dgn ketikcaptha.masih dibayar lagi.. daftar disini pasang shortlink? misalnya kt share link tapi linknyaktperpendek, ttp dapet duit? ya dapet lah.. daftar trading tanpa modal.. (free $123 dari FBS)daftar disini ttp bs kt tarik ke rek lokal ktsemua link diatas cuma butuh kemauan, kerja keras, belajardannanya2 klo ga ngerti, mudah2an sy bs respon cepet :) kloenggasabar silahkan googling sndri..wa 085781350100