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鬼吹灯全集 1.1
Ming Shen
说《鬼吹灯》是奇书,一点儿也不为过,比咖啡更提神,上班有干劲,上课有精神;惊险创造了奇迹,幽默杀死了寂寞;体验中国式古墓探险,洞开一扇神秘的探索之门。  故事以一本家传的秘书残卷为引,讲述三位当代摸金校尉,为解开部族消失的千古之谜,利用风水秘术,解读天下大山大川的脉搏,寻找一处处失落在大地深处的龙楼宝殿。毕竟那些龙形虑藏、揭天拔地、倒海翻江的举动,都迵异庸俗,在离奇诡异的地下世界中,历史的神秘面纱正一层层地被揭开……  “人点烛,鬼吹灯”是传说中摸金派的不传之秘,意为进入古墓之中先在东南角点燃一支蜡烛才能开棺,如果蜡烛熄灭,须速速退出,不可取一物。相传这是祖师爷所定的一条活人与死人的契约,千年传承,不得破例。  有谚为证:发丘印,摸金符,搬山卸岭寻龙诀;人点蜡,鬼吹灯,勘舆倒斗觅星峰;水银癍,养明器,龙楼宝殿去无数;窨沉棺,青铜椁,八字不硬莫近前。-------------------”鬼吹灯全集“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:[email protected] "Ghost Blows" istheMasterpieces, a little too, more refreshing than coffee,motivatedto work, school spirit; thrilling created a miracle, humorkillingloneliness; to experience Chinese-style tomb adventure, wideopen一扇explore the mysterious door.The story of a well-known secretary Fragments of lead,aboutthree contemporary touch Jin Xiaowei, to unravel the mysteryof theeternal tribal disappear, use feng shui occult, interpret thepulseof the world's great mountains of Sichuan, looking lost in alandof deep everywhere Lung Lau at the palace. After consideringthosedragon-shaped reservoir, exposing pulling day, down theseafanjiang move, Dong differences are vulgar, in astrangeunderground world of bizarre historical layers of mysteryare beingopened ......"People light candles, Ghost Blows" is the legendary goldentouchto send secret does not pass, meaning among the first toenter thetomb at the southeast corner lit a candle before beingopened, ifthe candle goes out, must make haste to quit,undesirable one thing.Legend has it that this is the granddaddy ofthe living and the deadgiven a contract, the Millennium heritage,not an exception.There are saying as evidence: hair mound India, touch ofgoldcharacter, move mountains unloading Ridge Dragon tactic;peoplepoint wax, Ghost Blows, Kan Yu Mi Star-back bucket; MercuryBan,raising funerary objects, Lung Lau palace to numerous; cellarShencoffin, bronze coffin, near Mo character not hard.-------------------"Ghost Blows Complete Works" is built on a nine-stepexampleapplication application platform. Nine Steps is the nameShanghaiShanghai Science and Technology to create and maintaincontentapplication platform, the goal is to publish a variety ofbookcontent, is not limited to books already published orunpublishedbook content, the biggest beneficiaries of all thecontent you wantto publish books and have their own Andr Author ofbooks oidapplications, content collectors and editors. People donot need tobe an application by publishing institutions in ninesteps quicklypublish to mobile content readers to present their ownwork, thepublisher inserted directly through the in-app ad clickprofit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Androidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has manypowerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible andpersonalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creatingprofit model, soAndroid content creation and publishingapplications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simplesteps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills,there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books ontheirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On thetechnologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need tomaster anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing applicationspecified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and inthe e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cashincome for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be theoriginal author ofthe book, it can be released for free contentcollector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now enteredthejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use,thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hopethereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once theninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce thenine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when weenthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve itsown mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits throughtheapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine thefinalversion, will then inform the majority of authors andcontentpublishers.Visit view nine-stepreleasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co.,Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: [email protected]
盗墓笔记全集(套装1-8册) 1.0
  《盗墓笔记》是南派三叔所著的盗墓题材小说,首发于起点中文网。《盗墓笔记捌:大结局(上、下)》于2011年12月19日上市,至此《盗墓笔记》系列完结,共出版实体书九本。《盗墓笔记》大结局是千万粉丝期待5年之久的“结局”。《盗墓笔记》系列是南派三叔的代表作,其堪称近年来中国出版界的神作,长期占据国内各大图书销售排行榜榜首,获得百万读者狂热追捧,盛赞不断。南派三叔凭此作名满天下,跻身中国超级畅销书作家行列。《盗墓笔记》系列创造了出版界的一个神话,与《鬼吹灯》共同开启了中国通俗小说界的“盗墓时代”。作者简介  南派三叔,本名徐磊,浙江人,现居杭州。小说中的主人公,正是因为当年盗墓的爷爷入赘杭州,而在杭州开了一家小小的古董铺子,守护着那群长沙土夫子从古墓不知名怪物手中拼命抢出的战国帛书。小说中的主人公和作者是不是有什么联系呢……  《盗墓笔记(套装1-8册)(套装共9册)》(套装共9册):包括《盗墓笔记1七星鲁王宫》《盗墓笔记2秦岭神树》、《盗墓笔记3云顶天宫》、《盗墓笔记4蛇沼鬼城》、《盗墓笔记5谜海归巢》、《盗墓笔记6阴山古楼》、《盗墓笔记7邛笼石影》、《盗墓笔记.8大结局(上、下套装)》。   《盗墓笔记1七星鲁王宫》:  五十年前,一群长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)挖到一部战国帛书,残篇中记载了一座奇特的战国古墓的位置,但那群土夫子在地下碰上了诡异事件,几乎全部身亡。  五十年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在先人笔记中发现了这个秘密,他纠集了一批经验丰富的盗墓高手前去寻宝。但谁也没有想到,这个古墓中竟然有着这么多诡异的事物:七星疑棺、青眼狐尸、九头蛇柏……   《盗墓笔记2秦岭神树》:  朋友老痒出狱,给刚从西礁海底墓归来、在家赋闲没有几日的主人公——“我”带来一个惊人的消息:诡异的六角铃铛,古老的厍族,巨大的青铜树,遥远的秦岭腹地……“我”不由得跃跃欲试。  接下来,“我”和老痒二人孤身深入到神秘莫测的秦岭探险。但前方等待着他们的又是什么?——各种诡异事物接踵而来,哲罗鲑,黄泉瀑布,尸阵,麒麟竭,烛九阴……   这棵巨大的青铜树究竟是做什么用的?是一棵许愿树,还是一个少数民族的图腾?他们到底能不能找到真正的答案?   《盗墓笔记3云顶天宫》:  十年前,顺子的父亲带领一批神秘人进入茫茫的大雪山,闯入凶险莫名的地宫墓室,发现了数不胜数的金银财宝,但他们非但不能带着这些财宝离开,反而被困此地,几乎全部死于非命。十年后,“我们”和顺了一行人再次踏足云顶天宫,这更是一次直逼死亡的惊险大穿越:昆仑胎、墙串子、百足神龙等前所未见的怪异事物接替出现,藏尸阁、排道、火山口、门殿、殉葬渠等诡异恐怖之所带来超强的感官刺激……   《盗墓笔记4蛇沼鬼城》:  从云顶天宫顺利脱出之后,吴邪和苏醒后的三叔进行了一次长谈。吴邪了解到在二十年前海底古墓里发生的三叔没有透露的隐情。关于解连环的神秘死亡以及背后牵涉到战国帛书和老长沙的恩怨,也理出了端倪。就在吴邪认为事情接近真相的时候,两盘来自张起灵的录像带,又让事情重新进入了重重迷雾之中……   《盗墓笔记5谜海归巢》:  深入西王母的蛇沼鬼城之后,吴邪一行经过三天三夜极其紧张的搜索,终于在隐藏于密林中的神庙附近找到了进入西王母宫的入口。在入口的泥潭处,他发现三叔的队伍几乎全部离奇死去,但他并没找到三叔的尸体。他们继续涉险,进入西王母城庞大的地下体系,终于遇到文锦,得悉西沙的秘密,三叔鲜为人知的真正过去也浮出水面。事情并没有完结,路途的终极点就在前方,西王母古城到底承载的是怎样一个诡异的文明?浮雕上的巨蛇真的存在过吗?那个如影随形的“它”,究竟来自何方?他们最终看到的,是怎样的一个颠覆一切的秘密?   《盗墓笔记6阴山古楼》:  在十万大山的腹地,在广西巴乃,为了帮助闷油瓶找回记忆,吴邪与胖子再入险境,搜集西沙事件残存的蛛丝马迹。死而复生的考古队队员,充满奇怪气味的铁块,离奇暴毙的当事人……经由盘马老爹的口述,一切更加扑朔迷离。而噩梦只是刚刚开始,他们几入魔湖,发现了位于水下数百米的瑶族古寨,发现了隐藏其中的汉式大院,更发现了比古墓更令人胆寒的所在!惊悚的事件远不止此:铁人葬、雷王像、石中影、活人祭……他们九死一生,“它”的意图如此不可捉摸……这个被水淹没的千年瑶寨到底隐藏了怎样的大阴谋?随着麒麟文身与古寨的呼应,闷油瓶的身世前所未有地明朗起来……   《盗墓笔记7邛笼石影》:  回到北京,我们和老九门后人的约见正撞上拍卖会,由于误“点天灯”,我们不得不携拍卖的玉玺逃走。然而,随后交换到的消息,却令双方都大吃一惊!神秘失踪的考古队,闷油瓶非同寻常的身份,连续多年收到的录像带……所有的秘密,最后竟都指向同一处!为了得到这一切的答案,无邪和闷油瓶兵分两路,前往四川和广西。样式雷上的张家古楼究竟承载了怎样的过往?幕后操纵的势力难道另有其人?折损了老九门上代全部精英的墓穴吴邪将如何面对?嗜血的毛发、移动的铁衣、诡异的浮雕……谜题终结之前的最后一步,一切问题的答案,就在这道石壁后!   《盗墓笔记.8 大结局(上、下两册)》:  吴邪戴上了三叔的人皮面具,以三叔的身份整顿了三叔在长沙的产业,三叔手下盘口的马仔无不归顺。吴邪、潘子和小花等人兵分三路,从杭州、长沙和北京出发前往广西。在广西巴乃的村寨中,吴邪假扮的三叔再遇裘德考的队伍,并见到了一个肩膀融化垮塌的鬼影。他们发现,这个鬼影就是三十年前张家古楼考古队的队员,名叫张起灵!  鬼影是解开这一切秘密的钥匙吗?在鬼影的推动下,他们终于深入这苍茫诡异群山中的巨大秘密——在群山中有一群以食人为生的密洛陀,前往古楼密境的通道在它们的遏阻下凶险万分,波诡云谲!   吴邪和胖子终于进入了张家古楼,他们能救回闷油瓶吗?关于三十年前的那支考古队,他们又将有怎样的发现?   《盗墓笔记》大结局,终极悬念一次揭晓。
大漠苍狼全集 1.1
注意!鬼虫大図鑑 1.3.0
本アプリは、猛毒を持っている危険な生き物(約70種)を「鬼虫」と称して紹介。各鬼虫の詳細ページでは、体長、毒性、攻撃方法、などの基礎情報から、知る機会の少ない鬼虫の飼育方法や注意事項を掲載しています。また、俊敏性、攻撃性、飼育適性など鬼虫の性質を星印の五段階で表示しているため、どんな特徴を持った鬼虫であるか一目で分かります。そして、「フォトギャラリー」には、鬼虫の写真を自動再生で閲覧できる機能も搭載しており、実物を間近で見るのが難しい鬼虫を写真でじっくり楽しめます。■収録コンテンツ◆飼育のプロたちによる鬼虫に関する解説原産国や大きさなどの情報はもちろん、毒性、攻撃方法、およその寿命、食性、飼育する場合の餌、活動する時間帯、生活環境など鬼虫の生態情報を掲載。◆鬼虫の注意事項やノウハウの解説生物分類学上の分類解説から、性質や繁殖方法、危険性、咬まれた場合などの注意事項なども掲載。◆ 鬼虫の体について写真つきで掲載鬼虫の体の細かく解説、口や交換器官、足の数、関節まで写真付で掲載。■機能◆多彩な「検索機能」から探せる名前からの検索だけでなく、収録している鬼虫のデータを以下の5項目で検索可能。 ・ 名前で探す(50音順) ・ 英名で探す(アルファベット順) ・ 学名で探す(アルファベット順) ・ 種類で探す ・ キーワード検索 (インクリメンタルサーチ対応)◆「鬼虫について」で詳しく知る種類別の詳細解説、鬼虫の各詳細ページでの星印での見方を掲載。 ・鬼虫とは(生物学上の分類を解説) ・鬼虫の概要説明、鬼虫の体について ・詳細ページの五段階評価の見方◆気になる情報は「お気に入り機能」で再チェック気になる鬼虫の情報・写真をチェックしておくと、「お気に入り」ページから一目で再閲覧可能。※鬼虫データ、鬼虫について、鬼虫の体などの各メニューをお気に入りに追加する事が可能です。◆「フォトギャラリー」で全種類の鬼虫の写真を楽しむ全種の写真が閲覧可能なスライドビューアー機能を搭載。スライドの時間間隔やシャッフル再生、お気に入りの鬼虫の閲覧などが可能。【収録種】(一部抜粋)○クモ ジャイアント・ホワイトニー・タランチュラ アリゾナ・ブロンド・タランチュラ フラッグスタッフ・オレンジ・タランチュラ ニュー・リバー・ラストランプ・タランチュラ ペイソン・ブロンド・タランチュラ○ムカデ レッド・フェザーテール・センチピード ベトナム・センチピード アオズムカデ トビズムカデ セスジアカムカデ○サソリ アフガンダイオウサソリ ジャイアント・インディアン・フォレスト・スコーピオン シャイニー・バローウィング・スコーピオン アフリカン・ブラック・スコーピオン レッドクロウ・スコーピオン○ヤスデ アフリカン・ジャイアント・ブラック・ミリピード フロリダ・アイボリー・ミリピード タンザニア・レッドレッグド・ミリピード ジャイアント・ガーナ・チョコレート・ミリピード アンバー・バンデッド・ミリピード○その他 タンザニア・バンデッド・ウデムシ オオゲジ トゲザトウムシ アフリカマイマイ ギュリキマイマイThisapplication,introduce dangerous creatures that have a deadly poison(about 70species) referred to as a "demon worms".In the detail page of each demon worms, body length,toxicity,method of attack from basic information, such as,, and Askme for abreeding methods and precautions little demon worms ofopportunityto know.In addition, agility, aggression, because it is displayed inthefive stages of the nature of the breeding aptitude such asdemonworms Stars, you can see at a glance whether a demon wormsthathave any features.And, in the "Photo Gallery" is, ability to view photos ofthedemon worms in automatic playback also is equipped, youcanthoroughly enjoyed in the photo the difficult demon worms to seeupclose the real thing.■ recording content◆ The discussion of the demon worms by professionalsofbreedingInformation, such as country of origin and size, ofcourse,toxicity, method of attack, about life, food habits, foodwhenbreeding, time zone to work, published ecological informationofdemon worms and living environment.◆ commentary notes and know-how of the demon wormsFrom the classification commentary on the biologicaltaxonomy,nature and breeding methods, risk, also notes etc., suchas whenthat was bitten posted.◆ posted for the body of the demon worms with photosFinely commentary of the body of the demon worms, published inwithphotos mouth and replacement organs, number of legs, uptojoint.■ FunctionThe Packages from colorful "search function" ◆Not only search from the name, the data of the demon worms thatarerecorded and can be searched by the following five items.· Name Find (in alphabetical order)· English name in the Find (in alphabetical order)- Scientific name in the Find (in alphabetical order)· Type in my searchKeyword Search (incremental search correspondence)◆ I learn more in the "About demon worms"By type of detailed commentary, posted a view of a star ineachdetail page of demon worms.The-demon worms (which explains the biologicalclassificationof)· Demon worms overview of, for the body of the demon worms· View of five rated Details pageInformation to be worried about ◆ re-checked in the"Favoritesfunction"If you check the information and photos of demon worms anxious,canbe re-viewed at a glance from the "Favorites" page.※ demon worms data, for the demon worms, it is possible to addeachmenu, such as the body of the demon worms to Favorites.I enjoy the photos of all types of demon worms in ◆"PhotoGallery"All species of photos equipped with a browsable slideviewerfunction.Slide of time interval and shuffle play, etc. can browseyourfavorite demon worms.[Recording species (excerpt)○ spiderGiant white knee tarantulaArizona blonde tarantulaFlagstaff Orange tarantulaNew River last ramp tarantulaPayson, blonde tarantula○ centipedeRed Feather tail CentipedeVietnam CentipedeAozumukadeTobizumukadeSesujiakamukade○ scorpionAfghan Emperor scorpionGiant Indian Forest ScorpionShiny Barrow Wing ScorpionAfrican Black ScorpionRed Crow Scorpion○ millipedeAfrican Giant Black MillipedeFlorida Ivory MillipedeTanzania Red Leg de MillipedeGiant Ghana Chocolate MillipedeAmber Banded-Millipede○ OtherTanzania-Banded-UdemushiOogejiThorns OpilionesAfrica snailKyu Ri Ki snail
Forgotten Books of the Bible 2 2.1.6
Featured on cnet|!Why get the several books that cost more than $20-30, onaverage,when you can get this app that offers much more?We are proud to introduce the new and improved versionofForgotten Books of the Bible. This new version includesmorefunctionality, easier to use, and now introducing, theContinuousUpdating Content (CUC). With CUC, our engineers will addmorefeatures to help with functionality and provide more content.Wehave collected more than 16 books banned from the bible, thatwillbe added very soon!.Now on sale from $3.99 to $1.99!!Features:Completely offline app, meaning you do not need theinternetconnection*No in-app advertisementsQuick responsive supportSocial SharingTop quality content that no one can compete withThe Bible is a growth. Many people do not understand that itisnot a book written by a single person, but it is a libraryofseveral books which were composed by various people invariouscountries. It is interesting to know how this library grewand uponwhat principle some books were accepted and somerejected.Of course we may take people's word for the reasons whycertainbooks were chosen, but it is always satisfactory to come toour ownconclusions by examining our own evidence.This is what this Forgotten Books of the Bible enables us todo.We can examine the books of the Scriptures which we have intheauthorized version, and then in this book we can readthosescriptures which have been eliminated by various councils inorderto make up our standard Bible.It is safe to say that a comparison of the accepted bookswiththose rejected may be relied upon, for those books whichwereaccepted are far superior in value to the others.These others which are included in the Forgotten Books of theBiblecomprise all kinds of stories, tales and myths.This version includes:The Gospel of the Birth of MaryThe ProtevangelionThe First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus ChristThomas's Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus ChristThe Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of EdessaThe Gospel of Nicodemus, Formerly Called the Acts ofPontiusPilateThe Apostles’ Creed+The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the LaodiceansThe Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca'stoPaulThe Acts of Paul and TheclaThe First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians(added11.14.2012)The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians(added11.21.2012)The General Epistle of Barnabas (added 11.28.2012)Epistle to Ephesians , and Epistle to Magnesians(added12.28.2012)Epistle of Ignatius to Trallians (1.4.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to Romans (1.10.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians (1.21.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnæans (1.28.2013)Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp (2.5.2013)Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians (2.12.2013)The Shepherd of Hermas (2.19.2013)The Second Book of Hermas ((2.26.2013)More updates to come...Highspeed internet recommended for the installationprocess.Average downloading time is 1-5 minutes depending on theconnectionspeed. For installation help, please contact support.Note: Volume 4 will be added soon. Until then, please enjoy700pages of content.PLEASE CONTACT SUPPORT IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS! We are heretohelp in every way possibleFor solutions, check out:
盗墓笔记 全本 1.0
Ming Shen
50年前由长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)出土的战国帛书,记载了一个奇特战国古墓的位置,50年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在他的笔记中发现这个秘密,纠集了一批经验丰富的盗墓贼前去寻宝,谁也没有想到,这个古墓竟然有着这么多诡异的事情:七星疑棺,青眼狐尸,九头蛇柏。这神秘的墓主人到底是谁,他们到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?故事悬念重重,情节跌荡,值得一看。作者:南派三叔===================本应用是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:[email protected] States 50yearsago unearthed in Changsha soil Teacher (grave robbers)silkmanuscripts, records a peculiar location of the WarringStatestombs, 50 years later, the grandson of a soil Master found inhisnotes the secret, gathered a group of experienced The richgraverobbers go treasure hunting, no one thought that this tombturnedout to have so many strange things: Seven suspected coffin,blueeyes fox corpse, Hydra Bo. This mysterious tomb of who, in theendthey can not find the real coffin? Unconventional heavy suspenseofthe story, the plot, worth a visit.Author: Southern Pine Uncle===================This application is an instance of the application built onthenine-step application platform. The nine step is to nameapplicantto create and maintain the contents of the applicationplatform,the goal is to publish a variety of book content, notlimited toreading materials have been published or unpublished bookcontent,the biggest beneficiaries of all you want to publish a bookcontentand has its own Andr author of the oid booksapplication,collectors and editors. People do not need publishersto quickly inthe nine-step release an application to present theirown work tothe mobile content readers, publishers earnings inserteddirectlythrough the application of ad clicks.Nine step is to publish content books Andr oidapplicationtemplates, e-books can be published, and has manypowerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible andpersonalizedsettings shortcut creation process and direct profitmodel, soAndroid the contents of the application to create andpublisheveryone can complete simple tasks. Nine simple steps,completeAndr oid application without programming skills, there arethingsyou can post!The content author or publisher to self-publish the bookthroughsimple operation steps. The author does not have to be theAndroidtechnology developers, do not need to master anydevelopmenttechnology. Published e-book applicationspre-implantation ofspecified advertising banner (AdMob), readinge-books and click onthe ad banners, we will bring in cash for theauthor or publisher.The publisher is the original author of thebooks can alsodistribute free books content collection.The nine steps still in development, has entered thetestingphase of the primary version, for internal use only,thisapplication is the phase of the test product, and hope thatreadersvaluable comments and suggestions. Once the nine steps toenter thebeta stage, we will announce the release site of thenine-stepexamples of application, to welcome you all to publishtheir ownworks, and owned their own mobile application products andforfinancial gain by applying the product directly. Identifiedthenine steps of the final version will then inform the majorityofauthors and content publishers.The visit view the nine-stepreleasestate.© 2010-2011 Shanghai from the Shanghai Science and TechnologyCo.,Ltd. All rights reserved http://www.mingsh.comFeedback: [email protected]
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藏海花全集 2.0
南派三叔继《盗墓笔记》之后又一力作,盗墓笔记8大结局之后5年的故事。一部独属”闷油瓶”的传奇。吴邪五年的平静生活,因金万堂的突然造访而被打断。金万堂竟然知道从张家古楼里带出的月光石上的蝎子图案与幼年闷油瓶有关。为追寻线索,吴邪前往尼泊尔,又辗转到了西藏墨脱。在墨脱,各种与闷油瓶有关的线索纷至沓来!这是一段全新的旅程,吴邪与胖子循着闷油瓶的脚步进入雪山腹地,这一次,吴邪能解开一切谜团吗?South Pine UncleFollowingthe "Tomb Notes" masterpiece after another, five yearsafter thestory of the Tomb Notes 8 finale. A sole case the "stuffylecythus"legendary. Wu evil calm life of five years, to beinterrupted by thesurprise visit of the Jin Wantang. The JinwanTang turned on theScorpion pattern with juvenile know themoonstones LidaiZhangjiashan Kurau the stuffy lecythus of. Tosearch for leads, Wuevil to Nepal, was removed to Motuo. Medog,various stuffy lecythusclue after another! This is a whole newjourney, Miss evil and fatfollow stuffy the lecythus the footstepsinto the snow-cappedmountains hinterland, this time, Wu evil canunlock all themysteries?