Top 10 Apps Similar to 曾国藩文集

有道词典(x86专版) 5.3.5
NetEase Corp
有道词典(x86专版),专门针对x86平台手机进行优化,是您随身携带的多语种互译词典。精简的中英本地词库让您随时随地享受本地查词的快捷;单词发音、网络释义和超千万句海量例句,无处不在的网络为您带来更加详尽的查询结果;国内领先的机器翻译系统,为您提供即时免费的全文翻译服务,无论您身在何方都能轻松摆脱语言鸿沟的困扰。有道手机词典Android版的主要功能包括:- 中、英、日、韩、法多语种查词- 中、英、日全文翻译- 精简的中英本地词库- 网络释义、例句- 单词英美真人发音- 中文百科- 快速查词- 单词本- 复习计划- 摄像头查词- 离线词库和英美真人语音库- 复制查词
有道词典HD 1.0.0
NetEase Corp
有道词典AndroidPad版,是特殊定制的多语种互译词典,更适合在AndroidPad设备上使用。其精炼的中英本地词库让您随时随地享受自由快捷的本地翻译;单词发音、网络释义和超过千万的海量例句,通过无处不在的网络为您带来更加详尽权威的查询结果;国内领先的机器翻译系统,为您提供即时免费的全文翻译服务,无论您身在何方都能轻松摆脱语言鸿沟的困扰;百科功能更让您轻松掌握相关知识:- 中、英、日、韩、法多语种查词- 中、英、日全文翻译- 精简的中英本地词库- 网络释义、例句- 单词发音- 中文百科
曾国藩家书 1.0
The Word: Bible Network for Ch 2.13.2
Join our community with your friends, family, brothers and sisters
東周列國志 1.0
明代嘉靖、隆慶年間,余邵魚(字畏齋)撰《列國志傳》,以武王伐紂的故事開篇,分節不分回,每節隨事立題。明末馮夢龍加以改編,凡余邵魚疏忽或遺漏的地方,都根據史書作了訂正,藝術上也有顯著的提高,改名為《新列國志》,共108回。清代乾隆年間,秣陵(今江蘇南京)蔡元放(名□,號七都夢夫、野云主人)又作了一番修改,并加了序、讀法、詳細的評語和簡要的注釋,改名為《東周列國志》,23卷,108回。第01回 周宣王聞謠輕殺 杜大夫化厲鳴冤詞曰:道德三皇五帝,功名夏后商周;英雄五霸鬧春秋,頃刻興亡過手!青史幾行名姓,北郊無數荒丘;前人田地后人收,說甚龍爭虎斗。話說周朝,自武王伐紂,即天子位,成康繼之,那都是守成令主。又有周公、召公、畢公、史佚等一班賢臣輔政,真個文修武偃,物阜民安。自武王八傳至于夷王,覲禮不明,諸侯漸漸強大。到九傳厲王,暴虐無道,為國人所殺。此乃千百年民變之始,又虧周召二公同心協力,立太子靖為王,是為宣王。那一朝天子,卻又英明有道,任用賢臣方叔、召虎、尹吉甫、申伯、仲山甫等,復修文、武、成、康之政,周室赫然中興。有詩為證:夷厲相仍政不綱,任賢圖治賴宣王。共和若沒中興主,周歷安能八百長!卻說宣王雖說勤政,也到不得武王丹書受戒,戶牖置銘;雖說中興,也到不得成康時教化大行,重譯獻雉。至三十九年,姜戎抗命,宣王御駕親征,敗績于千畝,車徒大損,思為再舉之計,又恐軍數不充,親自料民于太原。——那太原,即今固原州,正是鄰近戎狄之地。料民者,將本地戶口,按籍查閱,觀其人數之多少,車馬粟芻之饒乏,好做準備,征調出征。——太宰仲山甫進諫不聽。后人有詩云:犬彘何須辱劍銘?隋珠彈雀總堪傷!皇威褻盡無能報,在自將民料一場。再說宣王在太原料民回來,離鎬京不遠,催趲車輦,連夜進城。忽見市上小兒數十為群,拍手作歌,其聲如一。宣王乃停輦而聽之。歌曰:月將升,日將沒;糜弧箕胞,幾亡周國。Ming DynastyJiajing,Longqing years, Yu Shao fish (word fear vegetarian) essays"nationsChi Chuan", sub-section, regardless of back to story beginsinWuwangfazhou, each section with things up questions. Ming FengMengbe adapted to the place where I Shao fish or omissions, havebeenrevised according to the history books, art also hassignificantlyimproved, changed its name to "new nations Chi", atotal of 108times. Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty,, CAI Yuan Fang,Moling (nowNanjing) (name ", seven are dream husband, master ofwild cloud)and made some changes, and add a sequence, readingmethod, detailedreviews and brief notes, renamed "Zhou Zhi, 23, 108back.The 01 King Xuan of Zhou Wen Ballad light to kill Duda FuLi,Idealists        Words,saying:        MoralSovereignsand Five Emperors, fame summer after the Shang andZhou;        The heroHegemonsdowntown Spring and Autumn Period, the rise and fall ofapass-through instant!        Legacy of afewlines of canning, northern suburb of numerous hills;        Thedescendantsof previous field closed, said even Enter theDragon.        The words oftheZhou dynasty, from King Wu emperor bit, as Kang followed,areConservative so the Lord. Group another Duke, Zhaogong, BiGong,Shi Yi Xian Chen Colonial, really Man xiuwu Yan matter Fu MingAn.As for Yi from King Wu eight Chuan Wang, Kun Li isunknown,powerful princes gradually. To nine Chuan-Li Wang, tyrannyis noway, for the people killed. This is thousands of years ofcivilcommotion beginning loss week called two public work together,aprince Jing Wang, for Xuanwang. Which overturned the child,butwise and proper way, appointment Xian Chen Fang Shu, calledTiger,Yin Jifu, Shen Bo, Zhongshan Fu, rehabilitation Wen Wu,into,Culture and Sport and the political week room impressivelyZTE.There is a poem for the card:        Yi Li phaseisstill the government does not outline any Yin Tuzhi the LaiXuanWang.        Republican,weeklycalendar Security can not ZTE main eight hundred long!        Said KingXuanAlthough diligent, but also to not be Wu Wangdan bookordained,doors and windows set Ming; Although ZTE, not into Kangaccusinghim of enlightenment when, Finn offer pheasant. Tothirty-nineyears, Jiang Rong disobedience, Xuan Wang Yu Jia foreigncrusadesdefeat in acres of car only a great loss, thinking citemeter, thefear of the military is not sufficient, personally feedthe peoplein Taiyuan. - That Taiyuan, now the state of Guyuan, itis adjacentto Rong and Di. Feed people, local accounts, inspectionmembershipand watch how many of their number, traveling Su Chu Raolack ofgood prepare requisition expedition. - Taizai Zhongshan Fuplainspeaking not listen. The descendants of a poem:        The dog pigwhyinsult sword Ming? Sui Chu bomb bird worthy hurt!        Wong Weiobsceneat best incompetent, a material from China.        Say Xuan Wangintoo raw material China back, not far from Gao Jing reminderurgechariot, night city. To find that dozens of ShangXi children asagroup, clapping song sound like a. Xuan Wang is a chariot stopandlisten. Song said:        The monthwillrise, Japan will not; Mi arc to Kei cell, a few deathweeks.
TT读书 for pad 1.2.0
新增多部热门书籍供免费下载阅读新增标签功能,帮助您更好的管理读书所得不亚于纸质书的阅读体验,却比纸质书更轻更流畅更随心它还有:简单易用的批注功能:帮助读者更好的消化书中的精华,并保留自己思维的轨迹,供日后回味人性化的阅读体验:书签、高亮操作帮助您标注书中每一个重要内容根据您的喜好随意调整字体大小,方便浏览阅读是一种特殊的生活体验, 在这之中, 读者思考、对话、记录……每一秒都是思维的精华。而TT阅读所要做的,就是让您畅游书海,深刻感受书籍、更主要是您自己的思想魅力。关键字:读书、阅读、book、批注、笔记、图书、书签、羊皮卷、世界上最伟大的推销员、曾国藩家书、聪明的投资者、富兰克林、唤醒心中的巨人、第五项修炼、围城、人性的弱点、国富论、毛泽东
世界名人傳記 4.2
===============================================================================溫馨提示:1.軟件支持簡繁體自由切換閱讀:進入軟件後,點擊系統功能菜單鍵(Menu)---簡繁切換2.軟件支持多種便捷性閱讀功能:進入書本閱讀界面後,點擊中間區域,彈出菜單===============================================================================《世界名人傳記》囊括四大領域內的領袖級人物:1 經濟界人物:沈萬三、曾國藩、李嘉誠、喬布斯、巴菲特、和田一夫、比爾蓋茨...2 軍事將領 :希特勒、粟裕、賀龍、聶榮臻...3 文化名人 :巴金、瓊瑤、梁羽生、老舍、達·芬奇...4 政界人物 :孫中山、毛澤東、成吉思汗、拿破侖、丘吉爾...以上書籍需要您在軟件中免費下載,您想看什么就下載什么,十分方便!
曾国藩 下卷 黑雨 1.0
Ming Shen
曾国藩是中国近代史上最显赫和最有争议的人物,其生前毁誉参半,既有“中兴第一名臣”的美称,又有“卖国贼”的恶名。曾国藩率湘军镇压了太平天国,被清廷称为“同治中兴”第一功臣;又于1861年创办了中国最早的洋务军工企业安庆内军械所,成为洋务派的重要代表人物。辛亥革命以后,一些革命党人称他“开就地正法之先河”,并在“天津教案”中杀人割地,是遗臭万年的汉奸。著名革命家章太炎对曾国藩的评价最为客观,称曾国藩“誉之则为圣相,谳之则为元凶。”。《曾国藩三部曲》包括《血祭》、《黑雨》和《野焚》,讲述了曾国藩重要的人生部分。作者唐浩明被誉为当今海内外研究曾国藩的第一人。---------------”曾国藩下卷黑雨“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:[email protected] is themodernhistory of China's most prominent and most controversialfigure,whose lifetime mixed, both "ZTE first minister" of the name,and"traitor" notoriety. Zeng rate suppression of the Taiping army,bythe court called "Tongzhi Restoration" first hero; alsofoundedChina's first military enterprises Westernization Anqingordnancein 1861, has become an important representative ofWesternization.After the Revolution, some of the revolutionaryparty called him"on summary execution of precedent," and in the"Tianjin Massacre"in the murder cede territory, is notorietytraitor. Famousrevolutionaries Zhangtaiyan most objectiveassessment for Zeng,Zeng said, "was the reputation of the Holyphase, rendered theculprit was.." "Zeng trilogy" including "bloodsacrifice", "BlackRain" and "wild burning," Tseng tells animportant part oflife.Tang Haoming known as the first person of today's home andTseng'sresearch.---------------"Zeng lower volume Black" is based on the nine-stepapplicationplatform application instance. Nine Steps is the nameShanghaiShanghai Science and Technology to create and maintaincontentapplication platform, the goal is to publish a variety ofbookcontent, is not limited to books already published orunpublishedbook content, the biggest beneficiaries of all thecontent you wantto publish books and have their own Andr Author ofbooks oidapplications, content collectors and editors. People donot need tobe an application by publishing institutions in ninesteps quicklypublish to mobile content readers to present their ownwork, thepublisher inserted directly through the in-app ad clickprofit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Androidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has manypowerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible andpersonalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creatingprofit model, soAndroid content creation and publishingapplications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simplesteps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills,there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books ontheirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On thetechnologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need tomaster anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing applicationspecified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and inthe e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cashincome for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be theoriginal author ofthe book, it can be released for free contentcollector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now enteredthejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use,thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hopethereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once theninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce thenine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when weenthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve itsown mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits throughtheapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine thefinalversion, will then inform the majority of authors andcontentpublishers.Visit view nine-stepreleasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co.,Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: [email protected]
TaoteChing Chinese & English 6.0
The Tao Te Ching original text with translation by modernChineseand English translation. The Tao Te Ching, Daodejing or DaoDe Jing(道德經: 道 dào "way"; 德 dé "virtue"; 經 jīng "classic" or"text"), alsosimply referred to as the Laozi, is a Chinese classictext.According to tradition, it was written around 6th century BCby thesage Laozi (or Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), a record-keeper at theZhoudynasty court, by whose name the text is known in China. Thetext'strue authorship and date of composition or compilation arestilldebated,[3] although the oldest excavated text dates back tothelate 4th century BC. The text is fundamental to bothphilosophicaland religious Taoism (Daojia, Chinese: 道家, Pinyin:Dàojiā; Daojiao,Chinese: 道教, Pinyin: Dàojiào) and stronglyinfluenced otherschools, such as Legalism, Confucianism and ChineseBuddhism, whichwhen first introduced into China was largelyinterpreted throughthe use of Daoist words and concepts. ManyChinese artists,including poets, painters, calligraphers, and evengardeners haveused the Daodejing as a source of inspiration. Itsinfluence hasalso spread widely outside East Asia, and is amongstthe mosttranslated works in world literature. The Wade–Gilesromanization"Tao Te Ching" dates back to early Englishtransliterations in thelate 19th century; its influence can be seenin words and phrasesthat have become well-established in English."Daodejing" is thepinyin romanization.
歌德文集 V1.01.01
文学巨匠歌德的经典作品集Goethe'sclassicliterarygiants Portfolio