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Airbrush Makeup Guide 1.2
All you want to know about airbrush makeup is here!
Airbrush Makeup 1.0
Expert Advice
"How to Make Makeup Look Airbrushed?When makeup artists want flawless foundation and facemakeuponmodels,they usually rely on airbrush guns.At home, it's not usually practical to have thattypeofequipment.That doesn't mean that you can't make your makeuplookairbrushed,though.Ensuring that your skin is smooth and clean before youstartprovidesthe perfect canvas,while a foundation that delivers enough coverage and amakeupspongethat allows you to seamlessly blend the makeup intoyourskin canmake you look airbrushed and flawless enough foramagazinecover.**Download It For Free***** Support Us By Rating Us 5 Stars****** Please contact us if you have any question! ***"
Airbrush Make-up Tutorial 1.4
Here you will discover step by step the techniques ofairbrushmake-up!
Makeup Contouring Videos 1.0
Makeup Contouring videos gives you ideas and tutorial of EasyMakeupContouring.
Make Up Videos 1.0
Sozia Moris
MakeUp Videos - Make upTutorialStepGuidesInstall this app for Daily Make Up Videos and Tutorials GuideThis is a simple and light weight MakeUp daily Videos app,basedonexperience and knowledge of famous industry professionals,youcanstep by step learn to perform different types offacemakeupfollowing easy Makeup Tutorials.There are different tips, tricks and insights with easytofollowMakeup Tutorials, you can follow these makeup tutorialsandgetvery good with professional touches, some of which are:- permanent makeup- cosmetics- bridal makeup- prom makeup- 80s makeup- best lips makeup- makeup for blue eyes- smokey eye makeup- beauty makeup tutorial- makeup artist- airbrush makeup- natural makeup and makeup ideas- foundation makeup tutorial- how to put on makeup- how to apply eye makeup- how to clean makeup brushes- Offline view.- Can zoom in and out the image.- New galleries will be added weekly!Very easy yet engaging content, specially the makeupvideosdailymake this app stand out, we are giving you easyandapproachablemakeup tutorials, which if you follow properlyandpractice, canmake you stand in line with the best makeupartistsaround.Makeup TipsTips for make upMake up tutorialsStep by step make up/makeup tipsMakeupMake upMake up LifestyleMake up ArtistsMake up step by Step tutorialsMakeup tutorials
Makeup Tutorial + easy step 1.68
pratama fx
**MakeUp image****Make up Tutorials**Install this app for Daily Make Up image and Tips:This is a simple and light weight MakeUp daily image app,basedonexperience and knowledge of famous industry professionals,youcanstep by step learn to perform different types offacemakeupfollowing easy Makeup Tutorials.There are different tips, tricks and insights with easytofollowMakeup Tutorials,<<<<<(X_x)>>>>>"""** <<<<<.cosmetics.>>>>>** <<<<<.best lips makeup.>>>>>** <<<<<.makeupforblueeyes.>>>>>** <<<<<.smokey eyemakeup.>>>>>**<<<<<.beautymakeuptutorial.>>>>>** <<<<<.makeup artist.>>>>>** <<<<<.airbrush makeup.>>>>>** <<<<<.natural makeupandmakeupideas.>>>>>**<<<<<.foundationmakeuptutorial.>>>>>** <<<<<.how toputonmakeup.>>>>>** <<<<<.how toapplyeyemakeup.>>>>>>** <<<<<.how tocleanmakeupbrushes.>>>>>** <<<<<.Can zoom in andouttheimage.>>>>>Very easy yet engaging content, specially the makeupimagedailymake this app stand out, we are giving you easyandapproachablemakeup tutorials,** <<<<<.Makeup Tips.>>>>>** <<<<<.Tips for make up.>>>>>** <<<<<.Make uptutorials.>>>>>** <<<<<.Step by stepmakeup/makeuptips.>>>>>** <<<<<.Makeup.>>>>>** <<<<<.Make upLifestyle.>>>>>** <<<<<.Make up Artists.>>>>>** <<<<<.Make up stepbySteptutorials.>>>>>** <<<<<.Makeup tutorials.>>>>>
Beautyful Nail Art 1.0
Weecap Studio
Cara Membuat 'Nail Art' Sendiri1. Manual print adalah melukis langsung di kuku danmerupakancarayang paling banyak digunakan saat ini. Peralatanyangdigunakanhanya kuas dan cat kuku.2. Air brush adalah teknik melukis lainnya secara manual,teknikinimenggunakan mesin kompresor kecil. Tetapisebaiknyabersihkanterlebih dahulu kutikula kuku atau kulit halusyang adadipinggiran kuku Anda. Bila ingin diberi motif, Andabisa menggunakan kuku palsu.Di bawah ini adalah beberapa langkah menuju kuku indahdancantikdengan nail art:1. Awalnya kuku dibersihkan dan oleskan base coatyangmengandungVitamin E untuk menghindari masalah kuku.2. Kemudian mengoleskan kutikula krim untukmemudahkandalammembersihkan kotoran-kotoran disekitar kuku.3. Setelah itu, kotoran kuku diambil dengan menggunakanalatkhusus.Kulit-kulit yang berlebih, kapalan, dan keringdibersihkansebelumlangkah selanjutnya.4. Kemudian jari-jari yang akan diolesi cat kukudipijatterlebihdahulu. Lalu dibilas dan disikat agar bersih dan catkukumelekatsempurna.5. Bila ingin memasang kuku palsu perludiperhatikanpenggunaannyauntuk menambah kesempurnaan. Sesuaikanpanjang kukupalsu, kemudiandikikir dan dirapikan. Kuku plastikditempelkan padakuku aslidengan lem khusus. Setelah kering, barupembuatangambardimulai.6. Pembuatan lukisan atau gambar dilakukan langsung diataskuku.Rata-rata pengerjaan untuk seluruh kuku memakan waktusatujam,dengan daya tahan sekitar tiga minggu untuk kukupalsu.Sedangkanpengecatan langsung pada kuku asli akan bertahanselamasatubulan.7. Anda dapat menyesuaikan panjang kuku sesuai denganselera.Sepertihalnya kuku asli, nail art ini bisa digunting. Andajugadapatmenambahkan lagi warna sesuai keinginan pada nailart.8. Jika menggunakan kuku sendiri, maka sebelum membuatmotifmaupunmenempelkan aksen dekoratif, tunggu sampai catkukudasarbenar-benar mengering.9. Saat membuat motif, sebaiknya menggunakan cat kuku yangsudahagaklama karena lebih kental dibadingkan dengan cat kukuyangmasihbaru.10. Agar lebih mudah dalam menggambar motif pada kuku,gunakantusukgigi untuk menggambar motif yang kecil ataupun cuttonbuduntukmenggambar motif yang lebih besar.Show MoreHow to Make a'NailArt'Alone1. Manual print is painted directly on the nail and isthemostwidely used today. Equipment used only brushesandnailpolish.2. Air brush painting technique is more manually, thistechniqueusesa small compressor machine. But it should becleanedbeforehandcuticle or smooth skin at the edges of yournails. Whenyou want tobe the motive, youcan use artificial nails.Below are a few steps to a beautiful and gorgeous nailswithnailart:1. Initially nails cleaned and apply a base coatthatcontainsVitamin E to avoid the problem nails.2. Then rub cuticle cream to ease in cleaning thedirtaroundnails.3. After that, the dirt nails taken using a special tool.Excessofthe skin, calluses and dry cleaned before the nextstep.4. Then fingers smeared nail polish massaged beforehand.Thenrinsedand scrubbed so clean and polish inherent perfect.5. If you want to install artificial nails to note the usertoaddperfection. Adjust the length of artificial nails, thenfiledandtrimmed. Plastic nails attached to the natural nail withaspecialglue. After drying, the new image creation begins.6. Preparation of paintings or drawings made directly on thenail.Onaverage workmanship for the entire nail takes an hour,withenduranceof about three weeks for false nails. Whilepaintingdirectly on thenatural nail will last for one month.7. You can adjust the length of the nail according to taste.Aswellas the natural nail, nail art can be cut. You can alsoaddmorecolor as you wish on nail art.8. When using the nail itself, then before making patternsorgluingdecorative accents, wait until the basic nailpolishdrycompletely.9. When creating a motif, we recommend using nail polishthat'sbeena while since thicker dibadingkan with nail polishisstillnew.10. To make it easier to draw the motif on the nail, useatoothpickto draw a small motif or swab bud to draw alargermotif.Show More