Top 21 Games Similar to Play Tennis

Speedglue - Table Tennis 1.4.10
Speedglue is your table tennis video channel with more than20,000table tennis videos. We collect table tennis videos andorganizethem for you daily.No need to search for table tennis videos any more, justopenSpeedglue and enjoy the most amazing shots and matchhighlightsfrom your favorite players. Improve your game by watchingtopplayers.MOST RECENT TABLE TENNIS VIDEOSWatch highlights from competitions happening around the globe:ITTFWorld Tours, World Cups, World Championships, AsianChampionships,European Championships and more.MOST POPULAR TABLE TENNIS VIDEOSSee what others are watchingNATIONAL LEAGUESWatch highlights from Chinese Super League, GermanBundesliga,French Pro A, Russian Super League, European ChampionsLeague andmore.YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERSWatch Zhang Jike, Timo Boll, Ma Long, Joo Se Hyuk, Xu Xin andmanymore… each player has his own category with all hisvideos.Including table tennis legends like Jan Ove Waldner, JeanPhilippeGatien, Kong Linghui and more.EDUCATIONALA collection of educational videos that will help you improveyourtable tennis skills
Tennis Temple - Live scores 3000.311.00
Tennis live scores and results, draws, rankings, groupsandprediction game
Tennis Tour­n­a­m­ents 2015 1.4.2
Follow all tennis matches and tournamentsallover the world! Get it rightaway and be up to date with the latest news from thetennistournaments,check the latest tennis scores and work on your bettingstrategiesfor free.Use virtual currency to place your bets and follow your betslipsdirectlyfrom your smartphone! Results, Stats, Odds, Tournaments,LiveScore,Players, Bet, Predictions and much more.For every tournament on the world you can seetournamentscheduleincluding all masters, grand slam: Australian, US and FrenchOpen(RolandGarros), London UK Wimbledon.Men's and women's pro tennis live scores and results,rankings,playersand tournaments. All about tennis tour news, video, live scoredrawsandstats.Check out the latest most up-to-date and tennis matchresults.* REAL ODDS! REAL TENNIS MATCHES* VIRTUAL SPORTS BETTING* ALL WORLD TOURNAMENTS 2015* LIVE TENNIS SCORES and MATCHES IN PROGRESS* THE WIDEST VARIETY OF BETTING GAMES* SINGLE and MULTIPLE BETS* SINGLES and DOUBLES - MIXED* PLAYERS, MASTERS, GRAND SLAM TOUR and much moreThis sport app follow Davis Cup premier international team eventinmen'stennis. Full men's pro tennis calendar finals, draws androsteroftournament champions including series 1000 and 500250includingchallengers. Choose your tennis destinationMonte-CarloMonacoorRome Italy maybe Madrid Spain and Montreal Canada? Why notCincinnati USA or Shanghai China with Paris France - Be apartofit.Follow the best players, who will be first rank - betterrankingforNovakDjokovic, Roger Federer, Andy Murray, Kei Nishikori maybeRafaelNadal orTomas Berdych. Who is your favourite in tour champions-SerenaWilliams, Maria Sharapova or Ana Ivanovic?Learn how smart sports bettors wager on tennis - withoutlosingrealmoney! Results from tennis courts clay, grass or carpet itdoesn'tmatterwe have all sports information. Follow the progress of alltennischampionsgames in real time. Large selection of wagering options!Direct news of top stroke of the season. The best points infinalsin actionfor trophy.LIVESCORE SECTIONKnow the tennis scores – anytime, anywhere!TRACK YOUR BETSBe up-to-date with the latest score changes, schedule and yourbetslipstatus with push notifications.SPREAD THE WORDBrag with your winning bet slips, or complain when yourfavoritebigtennis player lose a match - on Facebook, Twitter, and allmajorsocialnetworks!EARN THROUGH REFERRALSInvite your Facebook friends to join the game, and get 5% oftheirfuturewinnings – FOREVER!IN-GAME LEADERBOARDCompete with your FB friends and other bettors, and prove who'sthebestof all! Tennis Tour 2015: Results, Stats, Odds, Tables, LiveScore,Teams,Bet...VIRTUAL COINSInstead betting with real money, place your bets using ourspecialvirtualcurrency! Don't hesitate, place that risky bet, there's no needforchasing!EARN MORE COINSPlay bet slips on a daily basis, share them on Facebook,andcomplete ourspecial offers to earn more virtual coins and climb to the topoftheleaderboard.BET AND WIN RESPECT!You have great skills of tennis and sports predictions and apassionforsportsbet, but don't want to spend money in betting shops?With“Tennistournaments” 2015 you can share your winning betting slipsonFacebookor any other social network and prove that you're a real expertingivingsports and tennis betting tips! After seeing that you got whatittakes,everyone will start asking you for sport tennis betting tips!Download Tennis app tournaments 2015, sports betting app,andbetwithout limits on all 2015/2016.Tennis tournaments 2015 is free to play, and includes a dailybonusso youwill never have to stop betting. While in app purchase isavailable,cashingout is not because this game provides as realistic as possibleafullysimulated sports betting experience while avoidingactualgambling.
정진화테니스레슨 1.0
Jeongjinhwa YouTube playlists and sort by technology tennistennislessons and tennis enthusiasts have been making videos foreasyaccess.
Real Sociedad Tenis Magdalena 2.4.1
Situado en uno de los sitios más bellosdelmundo, la Real Sociedad de Tenis de La Magdalena es, sin lugaradudas, un club de referencia en Santander y en España.Fundado en 1906, El Tenis, como familiarmente se le conoce, hasidotestigo en las primeras décadas del pasado siglo XX del iniciodela vida social y deportiva santanderina. Profundamente ligado alaMonarquía Española, debe su fundación a la Familia Real, SS.MM.LosReyes D. Alfonso XIII, primer Presidente de Honor del Club ysuaugusta esposa Dª Victoria Eugenia, que sabiamente escogieronesterincón de España durante 17 años seguidos para pasar aquísusveraneos regios. Este hecho fue motivo suficiente para queunanimoso grupo de importantes miembros de la vidasocialsantanderina fundasen la Real Sociedad de Lawn Tennis deSantander,un Club en el que se van a celebrar gran parte delosacontecimientos sociales y deportivos de nuestra ciudad enelpasado siglo.Actualmente, el Club, cuya Presidencia de Honor recae en S.M. elReyD. Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón, cuenta con más de 8.600socios,de los que 1.700 componen el Club Juvenil del Camello. Tresson sussecciones deportivas principales, tenis, hockey hierba yhockeysobre patines. De ellas y de sus escuelas, en las que cercade unmillar de niños aprenden, compiten y se divierten, han salidoa lolargo de la centenaria historia del Club numerosos campeonesdeEspaña, olímpicos y seleccionados internacionales.Esteimportantísimo número de deportistas ha puesto siempre a pruebalacapacidad organizativa del Club, siendo una constantelacelebración de todo tipo de competiciones regionales, nacionaleseinternacionales, como se pudo demostrar en el año 2000, fecha enlaque nuestro club fue sede de la Semifinal de la Copa DavisentreEspaña y EE.UU., recordada como la mejor en la larga historiadeltenis Español.Esta web oficial es también una buena muestra de cómo unclubcentenario ha sabido siempre adaptarse rápidamente a losnuevostiempos que le han tocado vivir, siendo la Real Sociedad deTenisde La Magdalena, el primer club deportivo de España que obtuvoelcertificado de calidad otorgado por el prestigioso BureauVeritasQuality Internacional. Estamos seguros que este mediodecomunicación servirá para que nuestros socios y quienes nosvisitanconozcan mejor su historia y participen en la importanteactividadsocial y deportiva del Club.Located in one of themostbeautiful in the world, the Royal Society of Tennis of theMagdaleneis, without doubt, a reference club and Santander inSpain. Founded in 1906, The Tennis, as it is known colloquially,haswitnessed in the first decades of the twentieth century tothestart of social life and sports Santander. Deeply attached totheSpanish Monarchy, owes its foundation to the Royal Family,TheirMajesties Kings D. Alfonso XIII, first Honorary President oftheClub and his wife Mrs. Augusta Victoria Eugenia, who wiselychosethis corner of Spain for 17 years in a row to spend theirsummershere regal. This was reason enough for a spirited groupofprominent members of society Santander fundasen the RoyalSocietyof Lawn Tennis de Santander, a club which will hold most ofthesports and social events in our city last century. Currently, the Club, whose Honorary President is vested in SMD.King Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon, has more than 8,600members,of which 1700 make up the Camel Club Youth. Three sectionsare itsmajor sports, tennis, field hockey and ice hockey. Of themandtheir schools, in which about one thousand children learn,competeand have fun, have gone over the century-old history of theClubmany champions of Spain, Olympic and international selected.Thisimportant number of athletes has always tested theorganizationalcapacity of the Club, being a constant celebration ofall kinds ofregional competitions, national and international, aswasdemonstrated in 2000, the date on which our club hosted theDavisCup semifinal between Spain and the U.S., remembered as thebest inthe long history of Spanish tennis. This official website is also a good example of how a club haseverknown centenary quickly adapt to changing times that havelived,being the Royal Society of Tennis of the Magdalena, the firstclubfrom Spain who won the certificate of quality awarded bytheprestigious Bureau Veritas Quality International. We are surethatthis media will help our partners and our visitors more awareoftheir history and the important part in social activitiesandsports club.
Tennis Score Keeper 1.10.4
Richard L
Keeps track of the score and statistics of your tennis matches.
Tennis Game 2.3
The King of racket sports, with millionsoffollowers worldwide sport. The first references tennis takeplacein France, named "Jeu de paume" because at first the ballwasstruck with the hand. Later they started using snowshoes.Theoriginal tennis was played on natural grass. It originatedinEurope in the late eighteenth century and spread at first bytheEnglish-speaking countries, especially among the upperclasses.Today tennis is universal, and is played in almost everycountry inthe world. Since 1926, with the creation of the firsttour, it is aprofessional sport. It is also an Olympic sport sincethe 1896Athens Olympics.For all fans of this great sport is dedicated thisapplicationthat will be available with gorgeous images to usewallpaper andshare them with anyone you like. also contains apuzzle game youhave to try to solve if you can.Occupies little memory on your device or tablet.Sometimes appears legal advertising.
to play tennis 0.1
To find people in any city in the world toplaytennis. You can filter to find players in the same city, sexandlevel. Also, a professional level is a showcase forsportsinstructors and teachers who want to offer theirservices.
iNfo Tenis 1.2
Grand Slam turnuvalarına tekuygulamaileerişebilirsiniz.-Avusturalya Açık-Roland Garros-Wimbledon-Amerika Açık-World Tour Final-Davis Cup-Fed CupATP, WTA, Uluslararası Tenis Federasyonu veTürkiyeTenisFederasyonu resmi sitelerine ulaşım.Tenis oyun kuralları,Kort bilgileri,Raket alırken nelere dikkat etmelisiniz tavsiyelerimiz,Temel vuruş bilgilerive daha fazlasıGörüşleriniz bizim için önemlidir. Sizlere dahagelişmişuygulamalarsunabilmek için değerlendirme veyorumlarınızıbekliyoruz.You canaccessapplicationswith a single Grand Slam tournament.-Avusturaly Open-Roland GarrosThe -Wimbledo-American Open-world Tour Final-Davis Cup-Fed CupATP, WTA, International Tennis Federation and TennisFederationofTurkey access to the official site.Tennis game rules,Court informationOur advice to pay attention when buying a racket,Basic shot infoand moreYour feedback is important to us. Be the assessment toprovidemoreadvanced applications and look forward to yourcomments.
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Daily sports predictions for all sports with great success rate
Tennis News & Live Scores 4.2.0
Tennis News App with Tennis Match and Tournament News, Scores&Results
Better Tennis: Be Great Player 44.0
Can you play tennis? Off course you can, but are you good atit?Learn here
Теннис все турниры 2022 онлайн 5.0.7
All tennis: US Open 2021, Roland Garros, Australian Open,Wimbledon!
Playing Tennis Psychology 1.2
"Tennis is mostly mental. Of course,youmusthave a lot of physical skill, but you can't play tenniswelland notbe a good thinker. You win or lose the match beforeyoueven go outthere." - Venus Williams.Ever wanted to know the best tennis psychology tips ever?Getyourtennis racket and your tennis shoes now. It'sallaboutpsychology.Playing Tennis Psychology is a simple app that provideslittleknowntips and advices about tennis and how to play bettertenniswithtennis psychology. Beginners, average tennis playersorproplayerrs, this app is for everyone. If you want towintenniscompetitions or simply have fun and win tennis games, itisaninformational app that gives you advices you need tomakeyourtennis sessions better. So do you want to be anawesometennisplayer?As we spend lot of time playing matches and sets, wedon'tspendenough time learning what can make you easily wintennisgames:tennis psychology. This is the app you need, looking towinor justto learn, in order to play a better tennis. Maybe it isthefirststep for you to take actions if you don't play enough. Ifyouare afrequent tennis player you will love these tips.Remember your last tennis? How difficult was it? This isforyou.This very light app provides you cool tips and advices togoandstart playing now. After that you'll understand why youshouldorshouldn't slow down the game in certain situations."The will to win means nothing if you haven’t the will toprepare."–Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner"Later, I discovered there was a lot of work to beinggoodintennis." - Arthur Ashe."When you do something best in life, you don't really wanttogivethat up - and for me it's tennis." – Roger Federer.★ Features✓ Very light app✓ Fast and smooth✓ Battery life saver✓ Minimal impact on phone performance✓ Simple to use and straight forward, no brainer✓ Never miss awesome free games. Discover new games for free.✓ Made with love and sweat★ Feel free to contact us:✓ If you have questions or suggestions about the app.Feedbackiswelcome.✓ If you want to see your advice featured, feel freetoemailus.✓ If you want to say hello :)Note: This app requires Internet connection to work andmayuseoccasionally integrated banners' advertisement to supporttheappcreation.
Tennis Partners v0.1.29 BETA
Find friends to play #Tennis!
ATVP - Tennis Ranking 1.1.2
Get your tennis matches history in oneplace.Evaluate your performance against your friends. Createtennisrankings
Babolat 2.1.7
Babolat VS
Discover the new tennis app from Babolat. The app that letsyoutaketennis with you wherever you go. Track your owninformation,getexclusive offers, and follow pro players' results,all in oneplace.Join your digital tennis club in a new socialnetwork, thatis 100%dedicated to tennis. MY TENNIS LIFE: Track yourtennisactivity andget easy access to all your information includingyourpractices,your matches, your gear, your favorite store andmore.Your tennislife, all in one place. THE DIGITAL TENNIS CLUB:Enterthe digitaltennis community, where you, your friends andyourfavorite playerscan post, share and like the latesttennispictures and news. THENEWSROOM: Join the newsroom and get alltheinformation and latestresults of your favorite pro tennisplayers,all in one place.EXCLUSIVITY AND POINTS: The This is thefirst appbuilt around yourlove for tennis. Get access to exclusivecontent,receive specialoffers and earn points for everything you doon andoff the court aswe reward your passion for tennis. KNOW YOURGAME:Link your Babolatapp to a connected racquet and discoveracomplete overview of yourtennis performance. Get detailedstatsabout your game. From yourserve speed to your forehand spin,youknow it all!
Live Tennis 1.1
With Live Tennis app you will never missatennis match.The best coverage of many popular tennis competitionsincludingfiltering by player name.Stay tuned with live tennis scores for all tour and grandslamevents as well as complete rankings for the WTA andATPtours.
Davis Cup
Official app of the Davis Cup - The World Cup of Tennis.
Tennis Score 1.95
Robot Moose
A few taps on your screen, nothing too fancy. * Tiebreakscoringon/off (last set separate) * Ad/Deuce scoring on/off * Serveorder,side changes * Super-simple operation!
Tennis Zone 🎾 - Wimbledon Li 2.6
Tenis Zone
The official TenisZoneTW app is here!