Top 10 Apps Similar to radio ondas de luz

NLRadio 4.2.0
Luister nu de meest populaire radiozendersvanNederland op uw mobiel!Voor meer opties in de App gebruik de Menu knop ombijvoorbeeldnaar de Help of Instellingen te gaan. Hier leest u ookover hoe delijst gesorteerd kan worden.Deze applicatie biedt een overzicht van de meest populaireradiozenders uit NL zoals Radio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Radio Veronica,Radio10, 3FM, Radio 538, JuizeFM, FunX, Classic FM, Pinguin Radio,SlamFM, BNR, 100% NL, Decibel, DeepFM, NLRADIO, QMusic, Radio 8FM,Puur NL, Arrow Classic Rock, FreshFM, Feel Good, RTV Oost,BEAM,Delta FM, Freeminded, Calista en vele anderen.Heeft u geen FM ontvanger in uw mobiel?Of zoekt u al tijden naar die ene thema zender van eenomroep?Of wilt u via de Chromecast radio luisteren?Installeer dan NLRadio en luister naar uw favorieteradiozender!Dit is GEEN applicatie die de FM zenders kan ontvangen,dezeapplicatie maakt gebruik van het internet - u heeft dus WIFIen/ofeen databundel nodig om gebruik te maken van dezeapplicatie.Lees de Help (menu->help) in de applicatie om meerinformatiete krijgen over het gebruik en het melden vaneventueleproblemen.De permissions die nodig zijn:- Internet:Dit is nodig om verbinding te kunnen maken met de radio zendersdiehun geluid aanbieden via internet.- Telefoon status:Dit is nodig om het afspelen automatisch te stoppen als uwordtgebeld.In de toekomst zullen er meer zenders toegevoegd worden.Deze applicatie is GRATIS! en bevat GEEN! advertenties.Mist u een station of heeft u zelf een radio station?Ga dan naar en voeg uw station gratis toeaande App!Listen now themostpopular radio stations in the Netherlands on your mobile!For more options in the app using the menu button for exampletogo. Visit the Help and Settings It also tells you about howthelist can be sorted.This application provides an overview of the most popularradiostations in NL as Radio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Radio Veronica,Radio 10,3FM, Radio 538, JuizeFM, FunX, Classic FM, Pinguin Radio,Slam FM ,BNR, 100% NL, Decibel, DeepFM, NLRADIO, QMusic, 8 FMRadio, PureNL, Arrow Classic Rock, FreshFM, Feel Good, RTV Oost,BEAM, DeltaFM, Free Minded, Calista and many others.Do not have FM receiver in your mobile?Or are you looking for ages for that one theme of abroadcastingstation?Whether you want to listen through the Chrome Cast radio?Install NLRadio and listen to your favorite radio station!This is NOT an application that can receive FM stations,thisapplication uses the internet - so you have WIFI and / ordatacollection needed to make this application use.Read the Help (menu> help) in the application togetinformation about the use and reporting any problemsmoreinformation.The permissions required are:- Internet:This is necessary to make the radio stations that offer theiraudiovia the Internet.- Phone status:This is necessary to stop if someone calls you.PlayingautomaticallyIn the future, more channels will be added.This application is FREE! and contains NO! ads.Are you missing a drive or do you own a radio station?Go to and add your station to free theApp!
Shortwave Radio Schedules 4.8.0
Schedules and frequencies for shortwave radio throughout the world.
Radio Muslim 1.0
Radio Muslim adalah aplikasiradiostreamingInternet dakwah Islam yang sesuai dengan Al-QurandanAs-Sunnah.Mengudara dari Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Sahabat muslim, pada saat ini walhamdulillah telah hadirdikotaYogyakarta melalui media internet sebuah radio bernamaRadioMuslimyang beralamat di Jalan C. Simanjutak No. 72Yogyakarta(KompleksMasjid al-Hasanah, didepan kampus MIPA SelatanUGM).Hadirnya radio ini melalui internet merupakan langkahawalbagikami yang nantinya insya Allah akan mendirikanradiopemancar,sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat,menambahilmu sertamemudahkan saudara-saudaraku dalam menimba ilmusyar’isesuai AlQur’an dan Sunnah dengan pemahaman generasisalafusshalih.Dan sekarang alhamdulillah, Radio Muslim sudahbisadidengarkanmelalui gelombang FM pada 107,8 FM di sekitarkawasanUGM.Radio Muslim Sahabat Muslim Sejati… MemurnikanAqidahMenebarkanSunnah…Radio Muslim dikelola oleh teman-teman dari mahasiswadanpemudamuslim di kota Yogyakarta yang tergabung dalamYayasanPendidikanIslam Al Atsari. Selain belajar di bangku kuliah,kamijuga belajarIlmu Agama Islam melalui kajian-kajian yang ada.Begitubanyaknyakajian ilmiah tentang Agama Islam ini terutama dikotaJogja,menumbuhkan keinginan kami untuk menyebarluaskanilmukepadasegenap sahabat muslim di mana pun berada.Kamimelihatsaudara-saudara kami; sahabat muslim yang berada jauhdarikotaJogja, di luar kota bahkan di luar negeri jumlahnyacukupbanyakdan mereka berminat sekali untuk bisamendengarkankajian-kajianIslam. Kami berterima kasih kepada sahabatmuslimsemua atasdorongan dan dukungan bagi kami untuk mendirikanRadio.BerkatTaufik dan Rahmat-Nya kemudian usaha rekan-rekan kruRadioMuslim-semoga Allah membalasnya dengan kebaikan- makaberdirilahRadioini.official website: http://radiomuslim.comFanpage : : RadioisstreamingInternet radio application in accordance with themessageof IslamAl-Quran and As-Sunnah. Broadcasts fromYogyakarta,Indonesia.Muslim companions, at the moment thanks our Allah hasapresencein the city of Yogyakarta via internet radio calledRadioMuslimslocated at Jalan C. Simanjutak No.. 72Yogyakarta(Masjidal-Hasanah Complex, in front of the campus ofSouth MIPAUGM).The presence of this radio via the internet is the firststepforus that will, God willing, will set up a radiotransmitter,which isexpected to provide benefits, increaseknowledge andfacilitate mybrothers studying Sharai in accordancewith theQur'an and theSunnah of the righteous ones understanding ofthegeneration .And now thank God, Muslims are able to listen to radio viatheFMon 107.8 FM waves around the area of ​​UGM.True Muslims Muslim Companion Radio ... PurifiedSunnahAqeedahcast ...Muslim radio managed by friends of students and youngMuslimsinthe city of Yogyakarta, which are members of theIslamicEducationFoundation of Al Atsari. In addition to studyingincollege, wealso studied Islamic Studies through existingstudies.So manyscientific studies about the Islamic religion,especially inthecity of Yogyakarta, foster our desire todisseminate knowledgetoall Muslim friends wherever they may be. Wesee ourbrothers;Muslim friends who are far away from the cityofYogyakarta, justoutside the city and even abroad quite a lotandthey are veryinterested to be able to listen to Islamic studies.Wethank allthe Muslim friends for the encouragement and supportforus toestablish radio. Thanks to the grace of His Taufik andthenattemptcolleagues Radio crew Muslim-may Allah reward himwithgoodnessthen this radio stand.official website: http://radiomuslim.comFanpage:
Radio Nicaragua 4.0.0
This is the most simple, fast and clear app for listening alltheradio stations from Nicaragua. We have one of the mostcompletestations list for Nicaragua and we are sure you will findthestations you are looking for. This app is easy to use andreallyfast, it won't drain your battery like other apps and youwill loveit! If you like the app give us a 5 star rating ★★★★★ sowe cancontinue improving the app for you! Thank you! If you can'tfindyour favorite station, email us to [email protected] will include it on the database. MAIN FEATURES: - List ofradiosby region - Media Controls on lock screen - Make your ownfavoritestations list - Really powerful search bar, you will findwhat youare looking for! - Volume Control. - Real User Support. -Englishand Spanish support. - Our Nicaragua TV app is coming soon!SOME OFTHE INCLUDED STATIONS ARE: - Nueva Radio YA - Futura -LaPrimerísima - La Buení­sima - Advent Stereo - Radio Tigre - OndadeLuz - Radio Oxígeno (Boaco) - Stereo Apante - Stereo Digital -LaPachanguera - La Picosa - Bautista - Maranatha - Radio Hosanna-Radio Nicaragua - Radio Kiss Me (León) - Radio Segovia(NuevaSegovia) - Radio ABC (Estelí) - Radio Monumental (Jinote -RadioMix Zona - Radio Única (Bluefield) - Dinámica - Joya FM-Tropicalida - La Marka - Suprema - Mi Preferida - Radio Alfa-Radio Stereo Lite - Sendas FM (Matagalpa) - Radio Corporación-Radio Ometepe - Radio La Sandinoga) - Radio Jinotega -OcotalStereo - Global FM - La Sabrosita - Radio Hosanna - RadioLibertad- Radio Mix Zona - Radio Única (Bluefield) - La Pachanguera-Romántica - Radio María - Radio Pirata - and many more! GetRadioNicaragua now and enjoy listening all the free Nicaraguaradios!
Radios de Nicaragua 4.1.3
All Nicaragua radios, easy to use. Install now.
Web Rádio Onda Sonora FM 1.4.6
A ONDA SONORA WEB RÁDIO nada mais é do queumarádio (como uma FM), porém, transmitidaonlinevia streaming diretamente de um SERVIDOR. O diferencial maior é a maior interação entre o ouvinte eolocutor/Onda Sonora fm possui locutores distribuídos em todooterritório nacional e até alguns que residem fora do país.Todoseles transmitem seus respectivos programas através de seupróprioestúdio, formando uma grande rede de comunicaçãointerestadual e,também, cultural. A grande variedade de localização de nossos locutores faz comquetenhamos uma grande variedade de sotaques, gírias, dentreoutros,agradam assim cada ouvinte de cada região.A ideia de se criar uma rádio onde todos pudessem se divertirecurtir uma som de qualidade, se originou quando Casé”e“Reginaldo  ( Dj Naldinho)” resolveu botar pra frenteoprojeto que ainda tinha poucos ouvintes. Assim se originavamaisuma grande “WebRádio” !A rádio Onda Sonora fixa o formato jovem em sua gradedeprogramação, promoções independentes eprogramasdiversificados. Além de estar entre as melhores rádios web do Brasil, a OndaSonoraé considerada a MAIS ORGANIZADA em forma deprogramaçãoMúsical. Sua página  no Facebook e Twitter trás semprebrincadeiras,notícias da rádio e do mundo POP.Hoje estamos em crescimento contínuo e formamos umaverdadeirafamília, todos com um mesmo objetivo, levar até você omelhor dacultura MUSICAL. Em nossa caminhada, já se passaram muitos problemas masestamoscada vez mais aumentando nosso espaço na rede, criando umagrandeestrutura para se tornar uma das maiores webrádios doBrasil!Tá com a gente nessa? Contamos com a sua ajuda, participaçãoeapoio! Cada um que nos divulga e crítica, terá como recompensa,umbaita som rolando todos os dias e com muita coisa boa, vindotodosos dias! Let’s Go Music galera!Direcão Onda Sonora Fm - Web Rádio - SpA SOUND WAVE WEB RADIOisnothing more than a radio (as a FM), however, transmittedonlinevia streaming directly from a SERVER.The biggest difference is the greater interaction betweenthelistener and the speaker / Sound Wave FM has speakersdistributedthroughout the country and even some who reside outsidethecountry. They transmit their programs through their ownstudio,forming a large network of interstate communication andalsocultural.The wide variety of location of our announcers causes us tohavea wide variety of accents, slang, among others, so pleaseeachlistener of each region.The idea of ​​creating a radio where everyone can have funandenjoy quality sound, originated when Casé "and" Reginaldo(DjNaldinho) "decided to put forward the project that still hadfewlisteners. So if most originated a great "Webradio"!The radio station Onda Sonora fixed the young format initsprogram schedule, independent promotions anddiversifiedprograms.And is one of the best web radio stations in Brazil, Sound Waveisconsidered the most organized in the form of musicprogramming.His Facebook page and Twitter back always play, radio andPOPworld news.Today we are continuously growing and form a true family, allwiththe same goal, bringing you the best MUSICAL culture.In our walk, it's been a lot of problems but we areincreasinglyraising our space on the network, creating a largestructure tobecome one of the largest webradios of Brazil!Okay with us this? We count on your help, participation andsupport!Each of which discloses in and critical, will reward onehellrolling sound every day and a lot of good, come every day!Let's GoMusic guys!Directorate Sound Wave Fm - Web Radio - Sp 1.22
Andre Behr
THE OFFICIAL TRANCE.FM APP v1.22 !!Finally the official Radio app is available forandroidphones.Listen to our 5 trance channels in super high audio quality upto320 kbps.Enjoy the music from the number one trance radio station intheworld.UPDATE v1.22:New AIR version.New Flex Version.New OpenSSL Version.
SDR Touch - Live radio via USB 2.74
The most popular Software Defined Radio app for Android
Nederland Radio 2.0
Nederland Radio is an application that letsyoulisten Live and over Streaming to the more then 145 radiostationsin Nedherlands. For each station you will find moreinformationslike City from where they broadcast, the main FM or AMFrequency andthe website of the station. You can listen to radiostations whiledoing something else with your mobile. With alltypes of connections(3G, WiFi ...) stay listening where ever youare.The Application is available in English and Dutch.
Antalya Olay Radyo MiniRadyo
Radyomuz 1995 yılında kurulmuş olupbugündeyayınlarını ilk günkü heyecanla sürdürmektedirRadyomuz Antalya merkez ve ilçelerine yayınlarını fm :93,50frekansından 1 KW verici gücüyle ulaştırmaktadır aynı adresinden internet yayını aracılığıylatümdünyaya kesintisiz ulaşmaktadır.Yayınlarımız 24 saat canlıdır. Yayınlarımızdayayınlamışolduğumuz şarkılar her kesime hitap etektedirGün içerisinde hareketli pop ve pop slov şarkılar yanı sıraakşamsaatlerinden itibaren thm , tsm, fantazi,pop slov vearabeskde dahilolmak üzere her tür müziğe gün içerisinde yervermekteyizAdres: Muratpaşa Mah. 571 Sk. Hbc İş Mrk. No:8Kat:3Daire:20Telefon: + 90 242 243 43 19Fax: + 90 242 248 48 87E-Posta: [email protected] : http://www.olayradyo.comOur radio wasestablishedin 1995 and today continues the excitement of the firstday ofpublicationOur radio FM broadcasts to the center of Antalya anditsdistricts: 93.50 with a frequency of 1 kW transmitter powerisdelivered at also broadcast via the internettoreach the whole world is seamless.It is our 24-hour live broadcast. That we have inourpublications publish songs appeal to every segment is skirtDuring the day, moving as well as pop and pop songs fromtheevening slove THMs, TSM, fantasy, pop and arabeskd includingsloveduring the day where we are supplying all kinds of musicAddress: Konyaalti Mah. 571 Sk. HBc Business Cnt. No: 8 Floor:3Department: 20Phone: + 90 242 243 43 19Fax: + 90 242 248 48 87E-mail: I [email protected]: My