Top 20 Apps Similar to Commemorative Coin Checker

Coin Collecting - My UK Coins 3.04
My UK Coins is a program for collectorsofUnited Kingdom coins. It contains a list of coins minted intheUnited Kingdom. It allows you to develop a list of all thecoinsyou have in your collection, linked to the list of all coinsmintedin each coin series, graphically depicting which coins you doanddon't have in each coin series. Multiple instances of the samecoinare shown with details for each coin in your collection. Youcancreate a list of desired coins you would like to add toyourcollection that includes coin grades, normal coin price,andmaximum price you are willing to pay for a coin. It also allowsyouto import and export your owned coins and desired coin lists.Thisfeature allows you to transfer your coin collecting informationtoanother phone or to save your coin collection off the phone toasafe place in case your phone fails completely. If yourdatabasegets corrupted by your phone or you change phones, you canrestoreyour database from a previously saved database that wasgood.Currently included are Decimal, Elizabeth II, George VI,EdwardVIII, George V, Edward VII, Victoria coins.Coming next in an update is William IV coins.Coming later are all other known coins. They will be added fromthemost recent to the oldest.This is a coin collecting program written by coin collectorstoorganize a coin collection and make personal coincollectinginformation available anywhere you see a coin or coincollection.If you enjoy this coin collecting application please letyourfriends know about it so they can have their coincollectinginformation quickly available. This program is free andthedevelopment costs are paid by you clicking on one oftheadvertisements on the top of the page.If you have a problem or suggestion for improvements that willmakecoin collecting easier, please email us by clicking on thebuttonlocated on the ‘About’ screen. Our goal is to improve yourcoincollecting experience.There are US (My US Coins) and Canadian (My CA Coins) versionsofthis program.Thanks for giving this a try and happy coin collecting.
U.S. Coin Checker 2.2
Marvin Mallon
Here is a means to determine the value of your United States coins.
Canada Coin Checker 3.1
Marvin Mallon
Canada Coin Checker shows the range of current values for morethan1000 coins.
Priceless Coins 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Here is a presentation of the twelvemostvaluable coins in the world. Each has sold for morethan$2,000,000. From a British 1343 Edward III Florin to aUnitedStates 1933 Saint-Gaudens gold Double Eagle, all of thesecoins areextremely rare, in extraordinary condition and commandtheseunusual prices.A 1794 U.S. Flowing Hair Dollar (only 140 are believed toexist)commanded an auction price of more than ten million dollarsinJanuary of 2013. More recently, a Brasher Doubloon changed handsina January 2014 auction for nearly five million dollars.Learn the history and view the twelve coins that have acombinedvalue of nearly $60,000,000.
Fine Art - Volume 1 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Twelve Impressionist artists and their famous paintingsareillustrated.
U.S. Classic Coins 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Check on the U.S. classic coins valued at over $1,000 each.
Priceless Paintings 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Twenty of the most valuable paintings in the world areillustratedand described
Canada Classic Coins 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Quickly identify your Canadian coins that have a value of $1,000ormore.
Fine Art - Volume 2 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Enjoy a collection of the works of eleven prominentRenaissanceartists.
U.S. Classic Stamps 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Read about the 185 U.S. stamps whose value equals or exceeds$1,000.
Fine Art - Volume 3 1.1
Marvin Mallon
View the works of twelve of the most prominent Baroque artists.
Coin Collection 3.5.0
Coin Collection helps users keep track of which U.S. coinstheyalready have
True Coin Value 1.5.0
BayBurner Apps
Coin collectors: Know what it is worth. BuyandSell Smarter. Find coin values based on recent auctionresults.Shows you the average value of your coin and the recentlyclosedauction prices for coins in your category. Know what itactuallysells for, not what dealers think it should sell for.
Fine Art - Volume 5
Marvin Mallon
Twelve Realist artists and their famous paintings are illustrated.
Fine Art - Volume 6 2.0
Marvin Mallon
Enjoy a collection of the works of twelve prominentSymbolistartists.
Fine Art - Volume 4 1.1
Marvin Mallon
Enjoy a collection of the works of twelve prominentRomanticartists.
Coin Collecting - My US Coins 4.14
My US Coins is a program for UScoincollecting. It contains a list of coins minted in theUnitedStates. It allows you to develop a list of all the coins youhavein your collection, linked to the list of all coins minted ineachcoin series, graphically depicting which coins you do anddon'thave in each coin series. Multiple instances of the same coinareshown with details for each coin in your collection. You cancreatea list of desired coins you would like to add to yourcollectionthat includes coin grades, normal coin price, and maximumprice youare willing to pay for a coin. It also allows you toimport andexport your owned coins and desired coin lists. Thisfeature allowsyou to transfer your coin collecting information toanother phoneor to save your coin collection off the phone to asafe place incase your phone fails completely. If your databasegets corruptedby your phone or you change phones, you can restoreyour databasefrom a previously saved database that was good.Currently included are all Colonial Coins, Post-ColonialCoins,Contract Coins, U.S. Federal Coins, Commemorative Coins, CoinSets,Private and Territorial Gold Coins, Private Tokens, Bullion,andAlaskan Tokens. Coin issues for Confederate, Hawaiian,PuertoRican, and Philippine Islands are also included.This is a coin collecting program written by coin collectorstoorganize a coin collection and make personal coincollectinginformation available anywhere you see a coin or coincollection.If you enjoy this coin collecting application please letyourfriends know about it so they can have their coincollectinginformation quickly available. This program is free andthedevelopment costs are paid by you clicking on one oftheadvertisements on the top of the page.If you have a problem or suggestion for improvements that willmakecoin collecting easier, please email us by clicking on‘EmailDeveloper’ located on the ‘About’ screen. Our goal is toimproveyour coin collecting experience.A Canadian version, My CA Coins, and a UK version, My UK Coins,areboth available.Thanks for giving this a try and happy coin collecting.
NGC Coin Details 1.0.1
NGC Coin Details helps coincollectorsverifyauthenticity and make more informed buying andsellingdecisions.This free app combines valuable information fromthe bestof NGC’scoin research tools, like the NGC Price GuidesandVarietyPlus®.Simply scan the barcode on any NGC-certified coin,ormanuallyenter its certification number, to verifyitsauthenticity.For NGC-certified US coins, you can access:Current market values from the NGC US Coin Price GuideVarietyPlus® attribution listingCoin specifications and imagesDetailed descriptions and analysisUpcoming auction informationNGC Coin Details stores more than 100 coins in yoursearchhistoryfor quick reference. It’s free, it’s easy to use, andyoucan take itwherever the hobby takes you.If you have any questions, suggestions, or come acrossanybugsplease email us at [email protected] Guaranty Corporation (NGC) is the world’sleadingandlargest third-party coin grading company. With acommitmenttoindependent, unbiased grading, NGC brings stabilityandliquidityto the marketplace by guaranteeing the authenticityofevery coinit certifies. The company offers product andserviceinnovations,educational resources and community tools tokeepcollectors anddealers across the world connectedandwell-informed.By installing this application you are confirming youracceptanceofthe End UserLicenseAgreement(
Coin Collecting - My CA Coins 3.03
My CA Coins is a program for Canadiancoincollecting. It contains a list of coins minted in Canada. Itallowsyou to develop a list of all the coins you have in yourcollection,linked to the list of all coins minted in each coinseries,graphically depicting which coins you do and don't have ineachcoin series. Multiple instances of the same coin are shownwithdetails for each coin in your collection. You can create a listofdesired coins you would like to add to your collectionthatincludes coin grades, normal coin price, and maximum price youarewilling to pay for a coin. It also allows you to import andexportyour owned coins and desired coin lists. This feature allowsyou totransfer your coin collecting information to another phone ortosave your coin collection off the phone to a safe place incaseyour phone fails completely. If your database gets corruptedbyyour phone or you change phones, you can restore your databasefroma previously saved database that was good.Currently included are French Coins, British Coins,PortugueseCoins, Spanish Coins, Lower Canada, Magdalen Island, NewBrunswick,Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, UpperCanada,Large Cent, Small Cent, Five Cent, Ten Cent, Twenty-fiveCent,Fifty Cent, Dollar, Two Dollar, Five Dollar, Ten Dollar,Sets,Commemoratives, Ottawa Sovereign Coins, Bullion, andTestTokens.This is a coin collecting program written by coin collectorstoorganize a coin collection and make personal coincollectinginformation available anywhere you see a coin or coincollection.If you enjoy this coin collecting application please letyourfriends know about it so they can have their coincollectinginformation quickly available. This program is free andthedevelopment costs are paid by you clicking on one oftheadvertisements on the top of the page.If you have a problem or suggestion for improvements that willmakecoin collecting easier, please email us by clicking on thebuttonlocated on the ‘About’ screen. Our goal is to improve yourcoincollecting experience.There is a US Coins version of this program and a UK Coinsversionis coming soon.Thanks for giving this a try and happy coin collecting.
English Coins and Tokens 3.0
Read "English Coins and Tokens: WithAChapteron Greek and Roman Coins" by Llewellynn FrederickWilliamJewittand Barclay V. Head!Once you install this app, you can read it by1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.