Top 13 Apps Similar to SPSS procesos básicos

SPSS Support 1.0
SPSS tips for essays, thesis: Cronbach's alpha, EFA,correlation,regression
Using SPSS Manual 16 statistic 1.0
Statistic Pro
Using SPSS Manual 16 statisticLearn Working with Multiple Data SourcesCopying and Pasting Information between Data setsSuppressing Multiple Data setsExamining Summary Statistics for Individual VariablesLevel of MeasurementSummary Measures for Categorical DataHistograms for ScaleVariablesCreating and Editing ChartsChart Creation BasicsUsing the Chart Builder GalleryDefining Variables and StatisticsAdding TextCreating the ChartSelecting Chart ElementsChanging Bar Colorsand more than showing hereThanks 4 download
Using SPSS Manual 14 1.0
Statistic Pro
Using SPSS Manual 14Creating and Editing ChartsUsing the ChartBuilderGalleryDefining Variables and StatisticsAdding TextCreating the ChartSelecting Chart ElementsEditing TextUsing TemplatesDefining ChartOptionsWorking with OutputUsing the ViewerUsing the Pivot Table EditorAccessingOutputDefinitionsPivoting TablesCreating andDisplaying LayersEditing TablesHiding Rows and ColumnsUsing Predefined FormatsCustomizing TableLook StylesChanging theDefault Table FormatsCustomizing the InitialDisplay SettingsDisplaying Variable and Value LabelsUsing Results inOtherApplicationsPasting Results asWord TablesExporting Results to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint,andExcelFiles
Statistics Calculator 2.9
GK Apps
Statistics calculator, statistical distributions andfrequencytable.
statistics helper 1.2.0
B. Piskernik
Decision tree for selection of statisical analysis + "how to"forSPSS & Cran R
SPSS 1.0.4
Established in 1996 with a motivetoimbibeIndian traditions, combining our heritage and culturealongwiththe modern world teaching in order to enable studentstodeveloptheir skill and become enlightened and laudable citizensofmodernIndia.The School is equipped with all modern amenities andtopclassfacilities in order to provide the community withbestpossibleeducational facilities, adding new dimensions in alltheareas ofteaching and learning.The institution thus emphasizes and facilitates the developmentofawell-integrated and balanced personality.Well ventilated classrooms, excellent science labs,well-equippedandup to date library, an Audio—Visual room, MusicRooms, Art andCraftroom, Dance Room, Drama room, Play- Pen,Botanical Garden,Basketball court , Skating rink are some part ofthe manyfacilitiesthat are provided to them.The school provides a scope for an all round development,thelatestteaching aids, the optimum teaching staff andanatmosphereconducive to learning are the hallmarks oftheschool.The school which first pulsated with the motto of‘LearningwithInnovation’, today is a landmark in the field ofeducation .Webelieve in imparting constructive and creativeeducation;gratifying amalgamation of knowledge , creativity andvalues,empowering our students .
StatsGuru for SPSS 22 1.0.0
Graham Fowler
Stats Guru is a tool to help socialscientistsdetermine the correct statistical test for their data.The toolthen provides a walk-through for each test, using SPSSVersion 22.StatsGuru for SPSS 22 now includes MANOVA walk-through andallwalk-throughs have been updated for the latest version ofSPSS.Interface has been re-designed and is much smootherandquicker.Stats Guru was produced by Dr Jon Catling and Graham Fowleratthe Department of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK.
Learn SPSS Manual 17 statistic 1.0
Statistic Pro
Learn SPSS Manual 17 statisticsamples contents inside our appOpening aData FileViewing ResultsCreating ChartsReading Data Basic Structure Statistics Data FilesEnteringNumericDataChanging Variable Type and FormatAdding Value Labels forNumeric VariablesSorting Dataand more contents Thanks for download
Statistics Manually 1.5.1
B. Piskernik
Statistics without statistical software? Formulas and tablesarefound here.
Statistics How To 1.0
Statistics for the rest of us! Step by step statistics help.
Learn SPSS Reference 15 1.0
Statistic Pro
Learn SPSS Reference 15Learn Creating and Editing ChartsUsing the ChartBuilderGalleryDefining Variables and StatisticsEditing TextUsing TemplatesDefining ChartOptionsUsing the Pivot Table EditorAccessingOutputDefinitionsPivoting TablesCreating andDisplaying LayersEditing TablesHiding Rows and ColumnsChangingDataDisplay FormatsDisplaying Variable and Value LabelsUsing Results inOtherApplicationsPasting Results as Word Table
AprenderSPSS 1.0
Elementos básicos delanálisisestadísticodescriptivo aplicados en SPSS al procesamientodeunaencuesta.Basicsofapplieddescriptive statistical analysis in SPSS to processasurvey.
Rubrik 3.0.0
Al realizar evaluaciones, losprofesionalesdela enseñanza tenemos que ser capaces deofrecercalificacionesjustas basadas en criterios preestablecidos.Confrecuencia, estoscriterios están escritos en incómodas tablasoimpresos en formatospoco manejables. En el caso de lasevaluacionesorales, no solotenemos que prestar atención a loscandidatos sinoque, además,tenemos que retener en nuestra memoriade trabajo unagran cantidadde información, lo que dificulta nuestralabor.¿Has pensado realizar exámenes orales medianteunaaplicaciónmóvil?Rubrik es una aplicación hecha por profesionales delaevaluaciónpara profesionales de la evaluación. Rubrik nace conelobjetivo defacilitar el trabajo de quienes evalúan a candidatosenpruebas deproducción oral.“No sabía que necesitaba una aplicación como ésta hasta quelaheusado por primera vez”, usuaria de Rubrik yexpertaenevaluación.Rubrik contiene escalas analíticas customizables,fácilesdemanejar, que pueden adaptarse también a la evaluacióndelaproducción escrita y que te permitirán olvidarte delasincómodastablas impresas tradicionales. Originalmente pensadaparalaevaluación de exámenes de idiomas, Rubrik es unaaplicaciónquehará tu trabajo más sencillo mediante una interfazintuitiva,muysencilla de manejar, basada en el sistema cover flowquehoyincorporan la mayoría de las aplicaciones móviles.¿Qué funcionalidades ofrece Rubrik?Podrás crear tus propias escalas analíticasparadiferentesniveles y categorías de análisis. Podrás cargarlosnombres de loscandidatos antes de las sesiones de evaluaciónparatrabajar sinnecesidad de conexión a internet. Rubrik tepermiteexportar losdatos generados en formato CSV (texto separadoporcomas),fácilmente editables mediante Excel, Word o SPSS.Podrásevaluarhasta 2 candidatos a la vez y tantos como quierasduranteunasesión de evaluación. Controla el tiempo que dura laprueba conelcronómetro que Rubrik incorpora y toma notas sobretuscandidatoscon el teclado virtual integrado.Evaluar exámenes orales nunca había sido tan sencilloeintuitivo.Descarga Rubrik ahora mismo y compruébalo.Inmakingassessments,teaching professionals need to be able to providefairratingsbased on pre-established criteria. Often these criteriaarewrittenin awkward or printed tables unwieldy formats. In thecaseof oralassessments, not only have to pay attention tothecandidates butalso, we must retain our working memory a lotofinformation, whichmakes our work.Have you thought about performing oral exams byamobileapplication?Rubrik is an application made by professionalsforprofessionalsassessment evaluation. Rubrik born with the aimtofacilitate thework of those who evaluate candidates in testsoforalproduction."I knew I needed an application like this until I usedforthefirst time" user of Rubrik and expert evaluation.Rubrik contains customizable, easy to handle, which canalsobeadapted to the evaluation of the written production andallowyouto forget the traditional printed tablesuncomfortableanalyticalscales. Originally intended for evaluatinglanguageexaminations,Rubrik is an application that will make yourjobeasier by a verysimple intuitive interface to manage, based onthecover flowsystem incorporating today most mobileapplications.What functionality offers Rubrik?You can create your own analytical scales for differentlevelsandcategories of analysis. You can load the names ofthecandidatesbefore the evaluation sessions to work withoutInternetconnection.Rubrik allows you to export the data generated,easilyeditableformat CSV (comma-separated text) using Excel, WordorSPSS. You canevaluate up to 2 candidates at a time and as manyasyou want duringa testing session. Controls the duration ofthetest with chronometerRubrik up and take notes on yourcandidateswith the integratedvirtual keyboard.Evaluate oral examinations had never been so simpleandintuitive.Rubrik Download now and see for yourself.