Top 21 Apps Similar to POPO Korean Japanese

Learn Korean. Speak Korean 8.7.1
ATi Studios
Learn Korean with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the Korean language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core Korean words,formsentences, learn to speak Korean phrases and take partinconversations. Fun Korean lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Korean language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Korean language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofKorean grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’slanguagecourse you could barely translate a sentence or say“Hello!” to aforeigner. That’s the traditional way to learn alanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Korean phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Korean pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Korean words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Korean clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningKorean. Mondly teaches you Korean vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Korean. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreKoreanvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakKoreanclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Korean verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Korean is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Korean lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Read Korean game Hangul punch 1.5.8
I want to follow the Koreanstar'stweets!But , I can not understand ..Hangul characters .I can not read completely ...For such myself, I made​​!It's "Practice mode " to practice the basic Hangul characters onebyone.You will master the configuration of the Hangul characters bythismode!When you master the structure of a character , you will want tobeable to read the word !At that time, please challenge " bout mode" to play againsttherival!In the " bout mode " , the words of food relationshipwillappear.If you do not master reading of a word, you can not winthebout!Now, Let's master the Korean characters in boxing !Then, I become a follower of Korean star , I'll catchcompletelyup-to-date information !< How to Play >Hangul characters are displayed on the screen .Select a hangeul punch.If it is correct , punch will hit! Great!When wrong in the bout, counter will hit you!If you understand the structure of a character, then youcanpunch!Do your best!
Korean Vocab 2022.04
Korean vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounce.
Learn Korean Vocabulary Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Korean travel phrases, slang,businesslanguage...
Learn Korean Speak Language 3.9.5
Learn Korean, language learning, Hangul alphabet, grammar,speakwords & phrases
Learn Korean - 11,000 Words 7.2.6
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
FREE Korean by Nemo 1.4.0
Nemo Apps LLC
Nemo is designed to start you speaking the most usefulwordsinKorean immediately and confidently. With millions ofdownloadsfromaround the world, Nemo is now available for Androidphonesandtablets. ✓ Every Korean word is pronounced clearly inhighqualityaudio from a native speaker. ✓ All audio is downloadedtoyourdevice, and is available offline or in airplane mode. ✓Masteryouraccent with the Speech Studio. Simply record yourselfsayingaphrase and then hear your voice next to the teacher’s.Thentryagain. You’ll be AMAZED how quickly your foreign accentmeltsaway.✓ Nemo is not built around lessons at all. It is meant tobepickedup throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutestospare. ✓NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of Korean is required. Nemo targetsthewordsand phrases most often used in conversation. Forbeginners,we’veprepared “If You Only Learn 10 Things”, “If You OnlyLearn50Things”, and “If You Only Learn 100 Things” lists forafastintroduction to the essentials. Intermediate learnerscanprogressto a course of the highest frequency words neededfortravel andbusiness and begin to have conversations in Korean inamonth.Advanced students will benefit most from theSpeechStudiotechnology to correct their foreign accent. With Nemo,youcancustomize flashcards to exercise the language skill youwanttoimprove. When beginning a new topic, setup flashcardstopracticetranslation of Korean to English so you canbuildfamiliarity withnew words. Next, switch to translate EnglishtoKorean to trainyour recall and ability to speak. Tocompletemastery, switch tocards that specialize in fine-tuningyourlistening and perfectingyour pronunciation. Any card can bemarkedas a favorite, allowingyou to make your own custom deck ofcards tofocus on the words ofthe day. Turn on Review Mode to recapwhat youpracticed earlier inthe day to boost your memory retention.Diveinto what you want tolearn at any time. The phrasebook offersquickaccess to thevocabulary in the app through aKorean-Englishdictionaryinterface. Nemo also functions as atranslator. Simplyfind thewords you need in the search interfaceand play its audiothroughthe device speaker. ◆ Get off the beatenpath or findcomfort withtraveler phrases. ◆ Build your proficiencywith numbersand themost important verbs and sentence buildingblocks. Korean istheprimary language spoken in South Korea and thecities ofSeoul,Incheon, and Busan. It is normally written in Hangulscript.Inthis app, you can display Korean words in eitherHangul,Romancharacters, or both. Use your new skills to makefriends,impressold friends, bring smiles to children, get out ofjams,experiencenew things, talk confidently, and make your travelandculturalexperience more rich and fulfilling. Download this freeappnow!
河本準一の実践韓国語~イラっとくる韓国語講座~超効率学習 初 1.0.1
【OS 4.1以上の端末について】大変申し訳ありませんがOS4.1端末でのご利用は動作保障外とさせていただきます。●動作保障端末・Xperia arc SO-02C(Android2.3)/・GALAXY S Ⅱ(Android2.3)/・HTCEVOWiMAX(Android2.2)テレビ東京「イラっとくる韓国語講座」から学習アプリが登場!すでに大好評をいただいている「河本準一式韓国語の教科書」に続き今度は「会話習得」の決定版です!河本くんも企画・構想段階から全面参加!!韓国語を勉強したいけど、参考書の勉強が大変ですぐに挫折してしまう。せっかく参考書のセリフを覚えたのに、現実で使えるようなセリフではない。みなさんのこれまでのそんな経験や意見に鮮やかにお応えしたアプリです。最大の特徴は、「詳しく文章確認⇒会話の聞き取り⇒テストの3段階で、自分のレベルに合わせた学習が可能。」という点です。①例文も全て本当に使える韓国語で、イラ韓スタッフ一同の、豊富な韓国ロケや、旅行の経験に基づき、韓国に行ってゼッタイに必要な韓国語会話を完全網羅。「あの人が食べてるのと同じのをください。」などの本当に使える韓国語が400例文。食事、宿泊、移動・韓流スターに会う、という場面別で会話を収録しています。K‐POPスターのライブや、ファンミで楽しむための会話も満載。韓流ファンにもおススメです!②現在、韓国の日常会話でリアルに使われている会話(標準語)のみを確実に収録するため、複数の韓国人スタッフによる監修を実現。最近使わない表現や、文章でしか使わない言葉などは徹底排除。③各文章に、日本語訳や単語・文法の説明だけでなく、韓国語の真下に日本語の直訳(スラッシュ訳)を載せることで、どの単語がどんな意味なのかが視覚的に分かりやすくなる、効率良くラクに勉強できる学習アプリを実現しました!④リアルなスピードと、聞き取りやすいスピードの2段階の音声を全てプロのナレータの音声により収録!クリアな音声の韓国語が聞けスピーディーな学習が期待できます。さらにその文章を見ながらの学習も可能です。⑤ テストによる実力チェック。3段階の学習で、自分の実力に合わせた、効率的な学習が実現!テストで間違えたところがマイページに登録されるので、自分が覚えてない部分だけを効率的に復習できます。さらに勉強に息詰っても、丁寧な学習アドバイスも満載で、困りません!⑥さらに、学習をしっかりした人だけが聞ける、アプリ限定の「イラっとフレーズ」を収録!イラ韓制作スタッフ陣が実際に書き、河本くんが読み上げあげる、本物のイラ韓ワールドが炸裂します。学習の流れ1. まずは単語と文法を詳しくチェック!2.とにかく会話を何回も聞く。歌と同じで聞けば聞くだけ覚えます。さらに、会話を繰り返し聞くことで、番組非公開、秘蔵のイラっとカードを入手!3. 分からない文があったら、もう1度単語と文法を詳しくチェック4.会話をひたすら聞いた後はテストで力試し!間違えた文はマイページに保存されます。また、テストで満点を取っていくと、スペシャル画像も手に入るので、是非、全部集めましょう。(C)テレビ東京 (C)吉本興業About OS 4.1 ormoreterminals]I am sorry, but available in OS4.1 terminal will be made out oftheoperating security.● operation guarantee terminal· Xperia arc SO-02C (Android2.3) / · GALAXY S Ⅱ (Android2.3) / ·HTCEVO WiMAX (Android2.2)TV Tokyo learning app appeared from "Irattokuru KoreanCourse"!Now Following the "Kawamoto Junichi expressions Koreantextbook"that has already gotten very popular is the definitiveedition of"conversation learning"! Kawamoto-kun also fullparticipation fromthe planning and concept stage! ! I want to learnKorean, study ofthe reference book is become frustrated immediatelyvery. Muchtrouble I would have remembered the words of referencebooks, it isnot a dialogue, such as use in reality. Everyone so farIt is suchexperience and vividly to meet the app opinion of.The biggest feature, "in three stages of interviews ⇒ testofdetail sentence confirmation ⇒ conversation, can learn tobetailored to your level." Is that.① sentence in all really use Korean, of Ira Korean staff, richandSouth Korea location, based on the travel experience,absolutelyfully cover the Korean conversation necessary to go toSouth Korea."Take the same as eating that person is." Really can beused Korean400 sentences such as. Food, accommodation, meet inmovement andHallyu star, I have recorded a conversation in anotherscene that.Of and live K-POP Star, also conversation for you toenjoy in theFanmi packed. It is also recommended to Koreanfans!② now, for recording to ensure the only conversation thathasbeen used for real in everyday conversation of Korea(standardlanguage), realize the supervision of a plurality ofKorean staff.Recently expressions and you do not use, such as wordsthat do notuse only text thoroughly eliminated.③ Each sentence, not only the description of Japanesetranslationor words and grammar, it is possible to put the literaltranslationof the Japanese (slash translation) directly below theKorean, whichword What any sense is easily understandable visually, we haveachieved the learning app that you can study toefficientlyeasier! ④ The recording and realistic speed, by the voice of allthetwo-stage voice of intelligible Speed ​​Pro Narrator! I canexpectspeedy learning listen to Korean clear voice. Learning isalsopossible while watching the sentence further.⑤ The ability check by the test.3 at the stage of learning, tailored to your ability,efficientlearning is achieved! Since the place you make a mistakein thetest is registered to my page, you can review only theefficientpart that I do not remember.Even further Ikizuma~tsu to study, polite learning advice infull,is not troubled!⑥ In addition, only the person who firmly learning can listentorecorded "Iratto phrase" app limit! Ira Korean writingproductionstaff team actually, Kawamoto kun'll read aloud, a realIra KoreaWorld will burst.Flow of learning1. First detail Check words and grammar!2. Anyway also hear many times the conversation. You rememberonlylisten To hear the same as the song. In addition, it ispossible tohear repeated conversation, Get program private, atreasured Irattocard!3. If there I do not know statement, detail check once againwordsand grammar4. The test of strength in the test after listening intently totheconversation! The wrong statement will be saved in My page.Inaddition, when the going got full marks in the test, becausethespecial image also enters the hand, by all means, let'sgatherall.(C) TV Tokyo (C) Yoshimoto Kogyo
Patchim Training:Learn Korean 3.3.3
You can learn Korean Language in 3 min a day!
SNU LEI – Hangeul 1.0.8
* Introduction to SNU Language Education Institute Do you wanttolearn Korean?
韓国語単語帳 2.0.0
The definitive vocabulary app for Korean learners! 3000wordsrecorded
Talk!Korean Words(translate) 1.1.5
Do you like Korean cultures such as Korean dramas or K-POP,Koreanfoods? Do you like PSY's songs(Gangnam style and gentleman)anddance? Don’t you want to know meanings of dialogues of dramasandlyrics of songs? You will be able to understand basic sentencesandwords if you learn vocabularies using “Talk! Talk! Korean WordBook- Basic”. And you will gain ability to listen and understandKoreandramas if you repeatedly listen to pronunciations of Koreannativetutors.Moreover, if you utilize the Comparison Function, you canpracticepronunciations similar to those of native speakersthroughcomparing yours with Korean tutors’ even if you don’t attendKoreanlanguage classes.The basis of all languages is vocabulary. If you properlystudymeanings and pronunciations of words, your Korean languageabilitywill gradually improve.[Features][1] Words needed for basic learning are contained. You willbeable to understand basic Korean sentences if you study usingthisApp.[2] Because all words are accompanied by example sentences, youcanraise your level of understanding through them.[3] You can fix your pronunciations comparing those of nativeKoreantutors with yours.[4] The learning process that runs Every day learning - Revision–Quiz will enhance learning efficiency and increaseyourconfidence.[5] You can check words you studied once more by using theFlashCard Function.[6] You can conduct a self-test on words you have learned so farandconfirm your scores by using the Quiz.[7] You can add words that you like or are difficult to memorizetothe Favorites list, and study conveniently at any timeyouwant.[8] It contains only integral functions with beautiful anduserfriendly UI so that anyone can easily use.[9] You can search and find words by using real-time searchinginthe words list.[10] You can search words by Hangul, English meaning andreading.Usethis instead of Korean dictionary.[Efficient ways to use this App][1] Select the word category and study meaningsandpronunciations of words.[2] Learn ways to use of words through example sentences.[3] Repeat pronunciations of native tutors and learnprecisepronunciations with ears.[4] Record your own voice by using the PronunciationComparisonFunction, and practice pronunciations comparing yourswithtutors’.[5] Add words that are difficult to remember or that you wanttostudy later again to the Favorites list.[6] Check if you remember words of previous categories well byusingthe Flash Card.[7] Conduct a self-test on words you have learned by using theQuizFunction.[8] Repeat words that you failed to remember through theincorrectanswers list that appears after the Quiz.If you study Korean language using this app, it is very usefulforyour travel to Seoul, Pusan(Busan) Korean.Try study Korean vocabulary at your free time such as in thetrainor lunch time.If you don't know how to translate Korean word to English ortotranslate English word to Korean without dictionary, thenjustsearch the word with the words list. You can find the word andtheexamples to know how the words used.
Hangeul 101 - Korean Alphabet
******* News **************New SoundsMore Examples****************************Starting to learn Korean?This is the the most effective app for mastering Hangeul - LearntheKorean alphabet Hangeul ( Hangul ) with visual and verbalmnemonic.Learn alphabet and vocabulary words with romanization andaudiopronunciation. Practice and track your learning progress withoursmart quiz system.Features:- Total 40 letters from modern Korean* 24 Basic Consonants and Vowels* 16 Compound Consonants and Vowels- 140 Syllables with all syllables structure format- Korean keyboard tutor* 28 basic exercises- Free Audio Pronunciation* For Vowels, Consonants and word examples- Quiz System* Multiple Choices and Fill in the Blank- Pie Chart Graph to show your Quiz resultsIn-App Purchase :- 140 syllable audio- Ads removal- Full access to Korean Keyboard with 108 exercises of wordsandphrases- Quiz for Syllables and 3 random quiz using audio, romanizationorKorean.
韓国語の単語学習&テスト 2.1.3
基礎韓国語を易しくて面白く学習しよう。バスや電車の中でまたは休み時間に簡単に韓国語の学習が可能。韓流や韓国文化に関心のある方と外国語で韓国語を勉強する方に便利なアプリです。複数のテストモードがあり、ゲーム感覚で韓国語の単語、発音、フレーズ、ハングルの学習ができます。初めて韓国語を勉強してる方を向けて学習モード、テストモード、マイステ-タスモード、アラムの設定等の多様な機能を提供しています。テスト1. 単語リスニング2. 文章リスニング3. 意味の選び4. 単語の選び5. 単語書き込み6. 単語スピーキング7. 文章完成8. 文章・スピーキング[ハングル文字入力に関して]各スマートフォンのキーボードをハングル入力が可能に設定する必要があります。Let learninginterestingand kind and the basic Korean.In the train or bus or can learn Korean easily duringabreak.It is a useful app for those who want to study Korean in aforeignlanguage and those who are interested in Korean cultureandKorean.There is more than one test mode, you can learn Koreanwords,pronunciation, phrase, of Hangul a game.It offers a variety of functions such as setting Tasumodo,ofAram - learning mode, test mode, Maisute towards the person whohasbeen studying Korean for the first time.Test1. Listening word2. Sentence listening3 Select. MeaningSelection of 4. Word5. Word writing6. Speaking word7. Sentence Completion8. Text, speaking[Concerning Hangul input]Must be set can be Hangul keyboard input for each smartphone.
Korean Vocab Quiz ~ EXO ~
Learn Korean Vocabulary with songs byEXO!!You can learn over 300 Korean vocabulary with songs by EXO.(Songs are Growl, Wolf, Overdose etc...)Ten randomly generated questions presented each time.You can try not only English version but alsoJapaneseversion.Study at your leisure in your spare time!***ver 1.2 ***Add Romanization. This is not fully accurate. Please use it justforreference.
Korean Study Step1(Phone-Free) 4.1
■ Korean language study STEP 1 with"WritingPrincess"(For Smart Phone only.)■ Elementary Korean language education APP by enjoyablelearningwith writing.■ Korean language dictation learning is possible by writingwiththis APP.'Writing Princess STEP 1' is an innovative APP throughwhichpeople can learn Korean languageas if mother teach English words to young child by writingthosewords on the notebook.Not only visual factor(figures) and auditory factor(sounds)oftraditional APPs,but writing recognition system which is developed by ourselvesinthis APP make it possible for peopleto study without notebook or pens.Now, why don't you, young boys and girls, enjoy writing andstudywith 'Writing Princess STEP 1'?★ Korean language education APP which can do dictation!★ Maximizing the effectiveness of learning Korean language byusingthe concept that mother teachKorean words to young child by writing those words onthenotebook!★ Patent for writing recognition system!★ Appeared on TV program, MBC Power Magazine!< Characteristics of 'Writing Princess STEP 1' >▶ First stage - Phonics- Learning elementary Korean alphabet!- Korean language can be learned by writing initial sound(ㄱ~ㅎ)┃aneutral vowel (ㅏ~ㅖ)┃letter (가~하)┃as the order of makingeachalphabet.▶ Second stage - Dictation- Learning Korean by listening & writingmemorizedalphabet.- Korean language can be learned by writing andlisteningpronunciation of "Writing Princess"▶ "Writing Princess & Writing King" Characters'awesomevoice- Voice actors' awesome voice that can be heard only in'WritingPrincess STEP 1' APP.★ 'English Study STEP I with Writing Princess' is alsoreleasedfor studying English.★ "Korean study STEP II with Wiriting Princess" is alsobeingdeveloped for student.★ Please leave your opinions, and it will be consideredcarefullyfor further development.★ Maximum Supported Size :- 800*480px (WVGA) - For Smart Phone only.- 1024*600px (WSVGA) - For Galaxy Tab only.- 1280*720px (HD) - For Galaxy Tab only.- 1280*800px (WXGA-PHONE) - For Galaxy Tab only.★ tag :kids children alphabet study english education schoolSoftheavene-mail - [email protected] by - Softheaven
By excerpt of Korean elementary text of Asahi Press"beginnerExplore to Korean" It is the thing which was app.
韓国語必須単語6000_初級編 1.1
Jedain c&c
シリーズ App. 発売- 韓国ドラマ マニア、- 韓国への観光旅行を予定している方、- 韓国留学、または韓国企業への就職を目指す方、- 韓国語を学習したいと考えている全ての方に是非おすすめ!!▶─ 特徴 ─◀1) 外国人必須の基本的な単語で構成2) このアプリの全単語を暗記すれば、韓国人との基本的な会話が可能3) 韓国語能力試験(TOPIK), 世界韓国語認証試験(KLPT), 韓国語能力評価試験(KLAT),韓国語レベルテスト(KLT)の受験対策としての語彙学習4) 3段階のシリーズ構成により、レベル別単語学習が可能(初級編5) 『韓国語必須単語 6000』の内容を全て網羅▶─ 学習方法 ─◀1) 環境設定 > 希望の学習量と発音回数を選択2) 学習開始 > Start > ネイティブの発音を聞きながら単語学習3) 覚えた単語カードはゴミ箱アイコンを押して削除4) 今日覚えた単語カードをすべてゴミ箱に入れたら学習完了5) Reset > 最初から復習Release SeriesApp.<6,000 word selection National Language Institute>- Korean drama geek,- If you are planning a sightseeing trip to South Korea,- If you aim at studying Korean and Korean companies oremploymentin,Featured - Come to me all who I would like to learn Korean!▶ ─ ─ ◀ featureConsists of basic words of one foreigner required)2) If you memorize all the words of this app, and basicKoreanconversation can beVocabulary learning Korean Proficiency Test examination as ameasureof 3) (TOPIK), certification exam Korean World (KLPT),Koreanability evaluation test (KLAT), Korean level test(KLT)4) The series consists of three stages, possible iDrum(ed.Intermediate Cover all the contents of the "6000 Koreanwordsrequired" 5)▶ ─ ─ ◀ learningSelect the number of the desired amount of learningandpronunciation Preferences> 1)While listening to the pronunciation of word learning>Start>native started learning 2)word cards 3) deleted by pressing the trash caniconrememberedLearning completion I put all the cards in the trash todayremember4 words)First review from 5) Reset>
Learn Korean Phrasebook 4.0.1
Learn Korean the easy way FREE with over 400 essential wordsandphrases
Hangul (Korean Alphabet) 4.0
Hangul teaches you the history and structure of the Hangul,thenletsyou learn the Hangul at your own pace usingeasy-to-navigatelessons,quizzes, and flashcards. Our ReadingHangul lessons covereverythingyou need to learn to read Hangul andour Writing Hangullessonscombined with flashcards and animationsteach youeverything you needto write the Hangul as well. Features:★Reading and Writing Hangul ★Integrated lessons, quizzesandflashcards ★ History and Structure ofHangul ★ Hangul Animations★Complete Audio
PopPopping Korean 1.0.0
Application for foreigners to learn Korean in an easy and fastwaywith fun.