Top 7 Apps Similar to Referendum

Referandum 2017 1.0.3
Yes No Is it a referendum on the Constitutional Amendment?
2017 Anayasa Maddeleri Değişik 1.5
The referendum will be Rated Articles, and ReviewsApplicationPreference Survey
Referandum 1.0.3
Uygulama sayesinde tarafsız birşekildeoyunuzukullanabilirsiniz. Referandumun sonucu hep berabertahminedelim.Ayrıca kullandığınız oyunuzu veyauygulamamızıarkadaşlarınızlapaylaşabilirsiniz.Oylamaya ait detaylar an ve an güncelleniyor, Grafiküstündeherhangibir dilime bastığınızda o dilimdeki o ana kadarverilen oysayısınıgörebilirsiniz. Örneğin Evet diliminebastığınızda verilenEvetoylarını görürsünüz.Evet ve Hayır oyu verdiğinizde özel şarkılar çalar.Uygulama içinde 4 farklı şekildeReferandumoylamasıyapılmaktadır.* Genel Oylama* Günlük Oylama* Haftalık Oylama* Aylık OylamaBir kere Genel oy, her gece Günlük Oy, her Pazartesi haftalıkoy,herAy başından aylık oy verebilirsiniz.Günlük oylar her gün gece, Haftalık oylar haftanınsongünününgecesinde ve Aylık oylar ise ayın songünündesıfırlanır.Geçmişte yapılan Günlük, Haftalık ve Aylık oylamalarasağköşedekimenüden ulaşabilirsiniz.Oy grafiklerinin olduğu sayfalarda oyları yenilemek içinüsttenaşağıdoğru çekin.#2017ref hashtagı ile Twitter'dan gönderdiğiniztweetleruygulamamıziçinde gözükecek.* Uygulamanın ilk açılışı biraz uzun sürebilir.Through theapplicationyoucan use your vote in an impartial manner. Let usestimate theresultsof the referendum altogether. You can alsoshare with yourfriendsour game or app you're using.Details of the voting moment and an updating, you can seethatthenumber of votes that the graphics on the zone until youpressanyzone. For example, you will see the yes vote Yes When youpressthezone.When you vote Yes and No special song player.Applications are made in 4 different ways referendum vote.* Overall Rating* Daily Rating* Weekly Rankings* Monthly RankingsOnce suffrage every night Voting Day, Every Monday weeklyvote,youcan vote every month at the beginning of the month.Daily ballot at night every day, weekly and monthly nightofvotesVotes in the last day of the week will be reset on thelastday ofthe month.In the past it made daily, weekly and can be accessed fromthemenuon the right corner of the monthly poll.Vote on pages that pull down from the top of the chartsvotetorenew.# 2017ref hashtag with tweets appear in our application yousentonTwitter.* The first opening of the application may takealittlelonger.
Referandum 2017 (Oy Ver!) 1.0
Tiawy Studios
16 Nisan 2017 tarihinde yapılacakolanAnayasadeğişikliğinde senin tercihin ne olacak?.Constitutionalamendmentswhich will be held on April 16, 2017 Whatwill you choose?.
Voto Caribe 2016 RA 1.0
“El Voto Caribe promovido por elgobernadordelAtlántico, Eduardo Verano de la Rosa, fue una consultapopularafavor de la constitución de la Región Caribe comounaentidadterritorial de derecho público, con autonomía, paraquepromueva undesarrollo económico y social en nuestroterritorio,dentro delEstado y la Constitución colombiana”.Luego de la visible campaña ¡Región Caribe Ya!, el 14 demarzode2010 los costeños dijeron Sí a la regionalización a travésdelvotopopular pronunciándose en las urnas, con 2 millones 502mil726votos.En esencia, el propósito fue y es lograr unaRegióncompetitiva,con estructura propia y autonomía para decidirsobre sudesarrolloarmónico, tal como lo visionó la Constitución del91, ensusartículos 306 y 307.El Voto Caribe: ¡Por el poder de nuestra región!, cumple6años,por lo que este viernes 18 de marzo de 2016 losgobernadoresde laRegión Caribe se unen en la Gobernación delBolívar, aconmemoraresta fecha histórica y a seguir trabajando porlaautonomía eintegración regional."The VowCaribbeanpromotedby the governor of the Atlantic, Eduardo Veranode laRosa, was areferendum in favor of the establishment oftheCaribbean region as aterritorial entity of public lawwithautonomy, to promote economicand social development inourterritory within the state and theColombian Constitution. "After the visible campaign Ya !, the Caribbean RegionMarch14,2010 costeños said yes to regionalization through thepopularvotein answer at the polls, with 2 million 502 thousand726votes.In essence, the purpose was and is to achieve acompetitiveregionwith its own structure and autonomy to decide ontheirharmoniousdevelopment, as envisioned by the Constitution of91, inArticles 306and 307.Caribbean Vote: By the power of our region !, is 6 years,sothisFriday March 18, 2016 the governors of the Caribbeanregionjoin inthe Governorate of Bolivar, to commemorate thishistoricdate andcontinue working for autonomy andregionalintegration.
Referandumda Evet 1.0
Millet, anayasa yapma hakkını ya doğrudanyadatemsilcileri aracılığıyla kullanır. Fakat Millet,egemenliğinsahibiolmasından kaynaklanan bu hakkını hiçbirzamankullanamamıştır.Bugüne dek, Osmanlı dönemi dâhil, beşanayasamızolmuştur. Hemenhemen tamamı, olağanüstü koşullarda vedarbesüreçlerindehazırlanmış ve yürürlüğe konmuştur. Ülkemizde,hemyapılış şekli hemde içerikleri itibariyle en çok tartışılanyasalmetinler,anayasalardır. Millet, tekmil bir anayasa inşaedemesede,‘Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi’ olaraktanımlananmodelle,anayasada en anlamlı ve en derinliklideğişiklikyapılmıştır.Nations willusetheconstitutional right to either directly orthroughtheirrepresentatives. But guys, this right could not be useddue tothedominance of having no time. To date, including theOttomanperiod,we now have five constitutions. Almost all preparedinexceptionalcircumstances and blow process and put into effect.Inour country,as well as The conduct legal texts as themostcontroversialcontent, it is constitutional. Nations, also can'tbuild tekmilconstitution, "Presidential System ofGovernmentdescribed as'model is made of the most meaningful andprofoundchanges in theconstitution.
UK Poll 2016 2.7
UK Poll 2016 is a voting platform that gives users the chancetopublicly express their opinion regarding the EU referendumthattakes place in June 23. Apart from that, the app informs theuseron news and articles and about the referendum throughitscontinuous and dynamic news-feed. You can share UK Poll 2016thoughSocial Media platforms as well as through e-mail. UK Poll2016features: - Participation in voting that is conducted throughtheapplication
- View of the voting intention of theBritishreferendum
- Access to the latest news regarding theBritishreferendum
- Ability to use Social Media sharingcapabilities,(Facebook, Twitter) as well as sharing by e-mail Thisis not anofficial poll. The app may be used by anyone owning asmartphone,regardless of age and/or location. We may not be heldresponsiblefor any republications of the voting intentions. 
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