Top 15 Apps Similar to Learning Magic Tricks

Trik Sulap Sederhana 1.1
Berisi kumpulan sulap-sulap yang sangat mudah dipelajaridandipahami. Beberapa pesulap terkenal Indonesia pernahmemainkantrik-trik yang ada di dalam aplikasi ini.
Trick Sulap Lengkap 1.0
aplikasi bagaimana carayabelajartricksulapapplicationhowCarayalearn magic trick
50 Trik Sulap Pilihan 1.0
Dengan 50 trik sulap, kamu sudah bisa menjadi seorangpesulap!Kuasai trik-trik kerennya dan jadilah seorang pesulap yanghebat..
Trik Sulap Kartu 1.0
Kemajuan teknologi khususnyasemakinmeluasnyacakupan internet membuat kita semakin mudahmendapatkaninformasi.Salah satu yang paling terasa adalah semakinbanyakpenggunasmartphone, oleh karena itu kami membuat aplikasiTrikSulap Kartuagar dapat memberikan tambahan pengetahuan bagikitasemua.Isi dari aplikasi ini yaitu mengenai Kumpulan TrikSulapKartuSederhana Tapi Memukau.Catatan: Dalam membuat aplikasi ini, kami memperolehdatadariberbagai sumber yang ada di dunia maya.Technologicaladvances,especially the ever-expanding Internetcoverage to make usmoreeasily get information. One of the mostnoticeable is thegrowingnumber of smartphone users, therefore wemake Magic TricksCardapplication in order to provide additionalknowledge for all ofus.The contents of this application is the set of MagicTricksCardSimple But Riveting.Note: In making this application, we obtained datafromvarioussources that exist in cyberspace.
Qleedo+ 4.9
Qleedo+ provides a key to prayer for Jacobite &OrientalOrthodox Christians
Trik Sulap 1.0
Sulap adalah suatu permainanyangmempunyaikecepatan dan dibutuhkan keahlian tertentu. Sulapjugabisadipelajari dengan beberapa trik bisa kita jumpaidiinternet.olehkarena itu saya membuat aplikasi ini bertujuankepada parapemulayang ingin belajar tentang trik-trik sulap bisadidownloadaplikasiini. semoga bermanfaaat.Magic is a gamethathasthe speed and it takes a certain skill. Magic can alsobestudiedwith a few tricks we can find the internet. therefore Imadethisapplication is aimed at beginners who want to learnaboutmagictricks can be downloaded thisapplication.hopefullybermanfaaat.
Trik Sulap Sang Master 1.0
aplikasi ini berisi kumpulantrik-triksulapyang sering kali muncul dan di pertontonkan olehmaster sulapuntukmenghibur penonton, aplikasi ini akan membongkarrahasia dibaliktrik-trik tersebutThis applicationcontainsacollection of magic tricks that frequently arise andinpertontonkanby the master of magic to entertain the audience,thisapplicationwill reveal the secrets behind these tricks
Teknik Sulap 1.0
AttenTS Apps
Application tips and tricks Engineering Magic
Kumpulan Trik Sulap 1.0
Berdasarkan jumlah penontondantempatpertunjukkan, Seni sulap itu dapat dibagi menjadi 2kelompokbesar,yaitu :1. Sulap yang dapat ditonton dari jarak dekat (CloseUpMagic).Bentuk sulap jarak dekat ini yang tampak paling hidupdandapatdilakukan di mana saja. Pesulap yang memainkannyaseolah-olahtidakada batas atau jarak sudut pandang denganpenontonnya. Sulapyangdimainkan di sini adalah teknik sulap denganmenggunakanalat-alatyang sederhana seperti: sapu tangan, uangkertas maupunkoin,pensil, rokok, kartu, buku, kertas, dll;2. Sulap untuk konsumsi panggung (Stage/Parlor); Adalahsulappadaacara-acara tertentu atau acara-acara besar dan dilakukandipanggungatau di ruangan khusus. Sulap seperti ini mempunyaijumlahpenontonyang lebih banyak. Efek yang dihasilkan lebih besardariClose UpMagic. Pada umumnya menggunakan alat-alat sulap yangcukupbesar agarjelas terlihat oleh penonton. Dan denganmenggunakanperalatan danteknologi canggih, maka pesulap dapatmenampilkanilusi yang besardan hebat.Sejarah SingkatMemang sulit untuk mengetahui kapan sulap pertamakaliada.Tetapi, ada benda peninggalan sejarah yang berasal darizamanMesirkuno, yaitu lembaran papyrus yang berisi tentanghal-halyangberkaitan dengan sulap. Di lembaran tersebut tertulispadasekitar2700 tahun SM, yang menceritakan suatu kisah yangterjadipadasekitar 2600 tahun sebelum Masehi. Seseorang bernamaDedy,seorangpesulap Mesir di panggil untuk menghibur Raja Cheops.Disitu diamenunjukkan sebuah trick yang sangat mengagumkan,yaitudenganmemotong kepala seekor hewan dan mengembalikannyadalamkeadaanhidup.Pada abad ke 18 sulap menjadi suatu pertunjukanyangsangatpopular. Isaac Fawkes merupakan seorang yangberjasadalammembangkitkan minat dan memopulerkan sulap di Inggris.Diabermainpada suatu Pekan raya yang besar dan menarik kumpulanbanyakoranguntuk melihat trick -tricknya yang menakjubkan, banyakyangpercayabahwa prinsip dari alat-alatnya yang spektakulertersebuttelahmelampaui zamannya pada saat itu. Salah satu darisulapnyayangajaib adalah sebuah pohon apel yang tumbuh danmekarbahkanmenghasilkan buah dalam waktu hanya kurang dari satumenit.Diamenjadi sangat terkenal dan menjadi kayarayahinggakematiannya.Giuseppe Pinetti (1750 -1800), lahir diItalia,merupakanseseorang yang berpengaruh dalam sejarahsulap.Diinspirasikan olehkesuksesan Isaac Fawkes, diajugamempertunjukkan sulap yang ajaibdan menakjubkan. Di mana puniatampil selalu memperoleh kesuksesanyang luar biasa. Bahkankarenaketenarannya ia sering dimintatampil untuk keluargakerajaan.John Henry Anderson (1814 -1874) adalah pesulapdariSkotlandia,sering disebut sebagai ?The Wizard of the North?Diasangat suksesmenembus seluruh Eropa, Amerika dan Australia.Bahkanlebih dahuludari Harry Houdini, pesulap yang paling terkenaldalampublikasi.Anderson dikenal dengan alat-alatnya yang sangatbesar,yang banyakterbuat dari perak solid. Dia sempat menjadi kayayangpadaakhirnya kehilangan kekayaannya setelah beberapa theatretempatiamelakukan pertunjukan habis terbakar danmenjadikandiabangkrut.Sejak saat itu masyarakat telah mengenal sulapsebagaisuatubentuk seni pertunjukan. Kepopuleran dunia sulapberlanjuthinggake abad berikutnya bahkan banyak bermunculanpesulap–pesulaphebatyang mempertunjukkan keahliannya di hadapanpenonton yangyanglebih banyak jumlahnya. Pada masa tersebutsebelumadanyapertunjukan film dan televisi, sulap merupakan salahsatubentukpertunjukan hidup yang sangat populer danmembangkitkanantusiasmasyarakat di mana pun mereka mengadakanpertunjukan.Based on thenumberofspectators and the performances, magic art that can bedividedintotwo major groups, namely:1. Magic can be watched from a short distance (CloseUpMagic).This form of magic melee that looked the most lively andcanbedone anywhere. Magician who play as if there are noboundariesordistances viewpoints with the audience. Magic that isplayedhereis the magic technique by using simple toolssuchas:handkerchiefs, paper money and coins, pencils,cigarettes,cards,books, papers, etc;2. Magic to the consumption stage (Stage / Parlor); Ismagicatcertain events or big events and performed on stage or inaspecialroom. Such magic has a number greater audience.Theresultingeffect is greater than Close Up Magic. In general,usingthe toolsof magic large enough to be clearly seen by theaudience.And byusing advanced equipment and technology, themagician candisplaythe great big illusion.A brief HistoryIt is difficult to know when the first magic there.However,thereare historical relics dating back to ancient Egypt,thepapyrus sheetcontaining about things related to magic. Inthesheet written inabout 2700 BC, which tells a story thathappenedat about 2600 yearsbefore Christ. Someone named Dedy, anEgyptianmagician in the callto entertain King Cheops. There heshowed avery impressive trick, isto cut the head of an animal andreturnalive.In the 18th century magic into a show that is verypopular.IsaacFawkes was an instrumental in arousing interestandpopularize magicin England. He played at a fairgrounds bigandexciting collectionof many people to see an amazingtrick-tricknya, many believe thatthe principle of the tools thathavebeen beyond his timespectacular at that time. One of themagicthat magic is an appletree that grows and blooms evenproducefruit in just less than oneminute. He became very famousandbecome rich until his death.Giuseppe Pinetti (1750 -1800), was born in Italy,isaninfluential person in the history of magic. Inspired bythesuccessof Isaac Fawkes, he also demonstrated a miraculousandamazingmagic. Wherever he appears always get tremendoussuccess.Even ashis fame he was often asked to perform for theroyalfamily.John Henry Anderson (1814 -1874) was a magician ofScotland,oftenreferred to as? The Wizard of the North? He wasverysuccessfulthrough the rest of Europe, America and Australia.Evenahead ofHarry Houdini, the most famous magician inthepublication. Andersonis known for his tools are very large,muchis made of solid silver.He had become rich in the end losthisfortune after some theaterwhere he performed burned down andmakehim bankrupt.Since then people have to know magic as a form ofperformanceart.World popularity of magic continued until into thenextcentury evenmany emerging-magician great magician whodemonstratedhis skills infront of the audience who were morenumerous. In theperiod prior totheir movies and television shows,magic is a formof liveperformances were very popular and generatepublicenthusiasmwherever they are performing.
Belajar Sulap 1.0
Belajar Sulap merupakan aplikasiyangmenyajikan berbagai trik dalam bermain sulap.SelamatMencoba.Learning Magic isanapplication that presents a variety of magic tricks in play.Goodluck.
Simple Magic Tricks 1.0.4
Have you dreamed of becoming amagician?Dreamed of being the life of the party, demonstrating yoursuperabilities at evening gatherings? Dreamed of impressingyourfriends, making them say “wow”? Dreamed of entertaininganddelighting children, awakening in them an active interest,justlike real magicians do? Dreamed of being seen by the public asthemysterious genius, surpassing the bounds of possibility?Of course! But you don’t want to spend years training. And youdon’tknow any illusionists who could teach you their tricks andsecretsand open to you the fun and mysterious world ofmagic.If that’s true, then our app is designed just for you. We offeryouimpressive, effective and simple-to-do magic trickswithexplanations and step-by-step instructions. Now you caneasilyimpress, wow and stun your friends, acquaintances and thepublic.Nothing is simpler than a magic trick–if you knowit’ssecret!
Urdu Magic Sekhiye 1
Book Shop
Learn Magic Tricks in urdu. Amazingstreetmagictricks to learn
Magic Tricks Secrets 2.0
learning magic tricks. learningmagictricks.learning magic tricks.This application contains information about varioussecretinlearning magic tricks. Simple magic can we play todrawtheattention of the people around us, Among others by usingcardsorcoins as well as numbers.In making this application, we hope we can all playmagicandentertain people or our brother. Going forward, wewillalwaysupdate this information. We wish all the friendsalwaysinstall theapplication so that we always have the support ofall ofthem indeveloping this application. Thank you very muchwell.Magic is an art show that interest most people in theworld,Becausein the presentation of magic can the make theaudiencewonder willbe the secret behind the presentation. Magic isacombination of avariety of existing art, such as dance, music,finearts, etc. andan application of a combination ofexistingdisciplines. For examplephysical sciences, biologicalsciences,chemistry, psychology, andothers. Magic Art is not a skillthatsmells occult or supernatural,Because any magic tricks canbeexplained. Merely Magic play the"Cunning" hand, themanipulation,the work of a gear / equipment oreffects Arising froma chemicalreaction and who have been trainedas possible by amagician beforeshown to others. Therefore, magiccan be learned byeveryone, aslong as the person wants to practicetoo well.=> How to Conduct Hypnotize on Chicken and Birds=> How to Rip Off With Easy Phonebook=> Spoon Bending (Bending Spoon)=> Hypnotize Crab=> Secret Magic Predict Envelope=> Technics Hypnotize Rabbits and marmots=> Coin Magic Trick Penetrating Glasses=> Tricks Hypnotize lizard, chameleon and toad=> Magic Tricks How to Get No. hp=> Floating Card Magic Tricks
Trik - Trik Sulap 1.0
Sulap merupakan suatu senipertunjukanyangdiminati sebagian besar masyarakat di dunia,karenapadapenyajiannya sulap dapat membuat heran penontonnya akanrahasiadibalik penyajiannya. Sulap merupakan suatu gabungandariberbagaiseni yang ada, misalnya seni tari, seni musik, senirupa,dll danmerupakan penerapan dari gabungan berbagai disiplinilmuyang ada.Misalnya ilmu fisika, ilmu biologi, ilmu kimia,ilmupsikologi, danlain-lain. Seni Sulap bukanlah suatuketerampilanyang berbauklenik atau supranatural, karena setiap triksulapdapatdijelaskan. Sulap semata-mata hanyalahpermainan"kelihaian"tangan, manipulasi, hasil kerja dari suatuperlengkapan/peralatanataupun efek yang timbul dari suatu reaksikimia dan yangtelahdilatih sebaik mungkin oleh seorang pesulapsebelumdipertunjukkankepada orang lain. Oleh sebab itu sulapdapatdipelajari oleh semuaorang, asalkan orang tersebut mauberlatihpula dengan baik.Sayang sekali sampai sekarang masih saja ada orangyangmenyamakansulap dengan sihir/mistik. Sulap dianggap sebagaisatukekuatansupranatural karena disesatkan oleh beberapa Pesulapyanghanyamemikirkan popularitas dan uang saja. Pesulap yangsejatitidak akanmembiarkan orang lain berpikir terlalu jauhbahwapesulap mempunyaikekuatan sihir.
Hidden Magic Eye Gallery 1.02
Hidden Magic Eye Gallery is nowGoogleChromecast enabled!With Google's Chromecast device, you can now enjoy Hidden MagicEyeGallery on your big screen TV with friends and family aroundyou!To view on TV, you must own Chromecast. Tap ontheChromecast icon in the app and select the device to castto.Magical moments awaits you!Learning to use your MAGIC EYE is a bit like learning how toridea bicycle. Once you master it, it gets easier and easier. Trytolearn to use your MAGIC EYE in a quite time and place. It isverydifficult for most people to first experience deep visionwhilepreoccupied in the distracting daily life. While others mayteachyou, or watch as you try, you're likely to feel foolish andsufferfrom performance anxiety. Even though Hidden Magic EyeGallery isextreme fun at work and other social situations, thoseare not oftenthe best place to learn. If you fail to get it in afew minutes,wait, break, and try again another time. For mostpeople, it is areal effort to figure out how to use the MAGIC EYE.But almost allwill say it is worth it.In all the images in Hidden Magic Eye Gallery, you will notearepeating pattern. In order to see the Hidden Magic item,twothings must happen. You must get one eye to look at one pointinthe image while the other eye looks at the same point on thenextpattern. Secondly, you must hold your eyes in the positionlongenough for the marvellous structures in your brain bag todecodethe image information that has been coded by Hidden MagicEyeGallery.There are two methods of viewing our awesome images. Crossingyoureyes and diverging your eyes. Crossing your eyes occurs whenyouaim your eyes at a point between your eyes and an image.Divergingyour eyes occurs when your eyes are aimed at a pointbeyond theimage.Before you start, please remember to not over do youreyes!Straining will not help and could cause you to feeluncomfortable.The key is to relax and let the image come toyou.